Add relay-spam-filter.js
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs');
// Configuration
const config = {
fastReplyThreshold: 3, // 3 seconds
maxRepliesPerMinute: 50,
maxRepliesPerHour: 400,
recentEventWindow: 3600, // 1 hour in seconds
contentSimilarityThreshold: 0.8,
relayUrl: "",
// Periodic cleanup intervals
cleanupInterval: 300, // 5 minutes
statsRetentionPeriod: 86400, // 24 hours
// Enhanced reputation system
reputationConfig: {
initialScore: 100,
goodEventBonus: 1,
spamPenalty: -15, // Base penalty
recoveryRate: 3, // Base recovery rate
minScore: -100, // Absolute minimum
maxScore: 1000,
trustThreshold: 50,
blockThreshold: -50, // Start blocking at this point
blockRecoveryThreshold: -25, // Must recover to this to post again
// Progressive penalties
penaltyScaling: {
0: -15, // Normal penalty above 0 reputation
"-25": -20, // Harsher penalty below -25
"-50": -25 // Even harsher below -50
// Recovery scaling
recoveryScaling: {
0: 3, // Normal recovery above 0
"-25": 2, // Slower recovery below -25
"-50": 1 // Very slow recovery below -50
// Kind-specific limits
kindSpecificLimits: {
0: { // Profile updates
maxPerHour: 10
3: { // Contacts
maxPerHour: 5
1: { // Regular posts
maxPerMinute: 30,
maxPerHour: 200
// New user limits
newPubkeyReplyThreshold: 60,
newPubkeyMaxPostsIn5Min: 10,
allowedKinds: [3, 5, 10001, 10002, 30311, 10050],
bypassAllChecksKinds: [38383],
// In-memory stores with cleanup
const recentEvents = [];
const authorStats = new Map();
const authorReputation = new Map();
const newPubkeyPostCount = new Map();
function log(message) {
console.error(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] ${message}`);
function getAuthorReputation(pubkey) {
if (!authorReputation.has(pubkey)) {
authorReputation.set(pubkey, {
score: config.reputationConfig.initialScore,
return authorReputation.get(pubkey);
function updateReputation(pubkey, isSpam) {
const reputation = getAuthorReputation(pubkey);
const hoursSinceLastUpdate = ( - reputation.lastUpdate) / (1000 * 60 * 60);
// Get appropriate recovery rate based on current score
let recoveryRate = config.reputationConfig.recoveryRate;
for (const [threshold, rate] of Object.entries(config.reputationConfig.recoveryScaling)
.sort((a, b) => Number(b[0]) - Number(a[0]))) {
if (reputation.score <= Number(threshold)) {
recoveryRate = rate;
// Apply scaled recovery
reputation.score = Math.min(
reputation.score + (hoursSinceLastUpdate * recoveryRate)
if (isSpam) {
// Get appropriate penalty based on current score
let penalty = config.reputationConfig.spamPenalty;
for (const [threshold, pen] of Object.entries(config.reputationConfig.penaltyScaling)
.sort((a, b) => Number(b[0]) - Number(a[0]))) {
if (reputation.score <= Number(threshold)) {
penalty = pen;
reputation.score += penalty;
} else {
reputation.score += config.reputationConfig.goodEventBonus;
reputation.score = Math.max(
Math.min(config.reputationConfig.maxScore, reputation.score)
reputation.lastUpdate =;
return reputation.score;
function canUserPost(pubkey) {
const reputation = getAuthorReputation(pubkey);
// If below block threshold, check if they've recovered enough
if (reputation.score <= config.reputationConfig.blockThreshold) {
if (reputation.score < config.reputationConfig.blockRecoveryThreshold) {
log(`User ${pubkey} blocked from posting: reputation (${reputation.score.toFixed(2)}) below recovery threshold`);
return false;
return true;
function getKindSpecificLimits(kind) {
return config.kindSpecificLimits[kind] || {
maxPerMinute: config.maxRepliesPerMinute,
maxPerHour: config.maxRepliesPerHour
function updateAuthorStats(pubkey, timestamp, kind) {
if (config.bypassAllChecksKinds.includes(kind)) return;
const now =;
if (!authorStats.has(pubkey)) {
authorStats.set(pubkey, {
lastReply: now,
repliesLastMinute: 0,
repliesLastHour: 0,
lastReset: now,
kinds: new Map()
const stats = authorStats.get(pubkey);
const timeSinceLastReset = now - stats.lastReset;
// Reset counters if needed
if (timeSinceLastReset >= 3600000) { // 1 hour
stats.repliesLastHour = 0;
stats.repliesLastMinute = 0;
stats.lastReset = now;
} else if (timeSinceLastReset >= 60000) { // 1 minute
stats.repliesLastMinute = 0;
// Update kind-specific counters
if (!stats.kinds.has(kind)) {
stats.kinds.set(kind, { hourly: 0, lastReset: now });
const kindStats = stats.kinds.get(kind);
if (now - kindStats.lastReset >= 3600000) {
kindStats.hourly = 0;
kindStats.lastReset = now;
stats.lastReply = now;
function isRateLimitExceeded(pubkey, kind) {
const stats = authorStats.get(pubkey);
if (!stats) return false;
const kindLimits = getKindSpecificLimits(kind);
const kindStats = stats.kinds.get(kind);
// Consider reputation in rate limiting
const reputation = getAuthorReputation(pubkey);
const reputationMultiplier = Math.max(0.5, Math.min(2, reputation.score / 100));
const adjustedMinuteLimit = kindLimits.maxPerMinute * reputationMultiplier;
const adjustedHourLimit = kindLimits.maxPerHour * reputationMultiplier;
const exceeded =
stats.repliesLastMinute > adjustedMinuteLimit ||
stats.repliesLastHour > adjustedHourLimit ||
(kindStats && kindStats.hourly > kindLimits.maxPerHour);
if (exceeded) {
log(`Rate limit exceeded for ${pubkey} (reputation: ${reputation.score.toFixed(2)})`);
return exceeded;
function isFastReply(event, recentEvents) {
const replyTo = event.tags.find(tag => tag[0] === 'e');
if (replyTo) {
const originalEvent = recentEvents.find(e => === replyTo[1]);
if (originalEvent && event.created_at - originalEvent.created_at <= config.fastReplyThreshold) {
log(`Fast reply detected: ${event.created_at - originalEvent.created_at} seconds`);
return true;
return false;
function calculateSimilarity(str1, str2) {
const len1 = str1.length;
const len2 = str2.length;
const maxLength = Math.max(len1, len2);
if (maxLength === 0) return 1.0;
return (maxLength - levenshteinDistance(str1, str2)) / maxLength;
function levenshteinDistance(str1, str2) {
const m = str1.length;
const n = str2.length;
const dp = Array.from({ length: m + 1 }, () => Array(n + 1).fill(0));
for (let i = 0; i <= m; i++) dp[i][0] = i;
for (let j = 0; j <= n; j++) dp[0][j] = j;
for (let i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
for (let j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
if (str1[i - 1] === str2[j - 1]) {
dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1];
} else {
dp[i][j] = Math.min(
dp[i - 1][j - 1],
dp[i - 1][j],
dp[i][j - 1]
) + 1;
return dp[m][n];
function isContentCopy(event, recentEvents) {
if (config.allowedKinds.includes(event.kind)) {
log(`Skipping content copy check for allowed kind ${event.kind}`);
return false;
for (const recentEvent of recentEvents) {
if (recentEvent.pubkey !== event.pubkey) {
const similarity = calculateSimilarity(recentEvent.content, event.content);
if (similarity >= config.contentSimilarityThreshold) {
log(`Content copy detected: ${similarity.toFixed(2)} similarity with event ${}`);
return true;
return false;
function isBotBehavior(event) {
const isBotLike = event.content.endsWith(config.relayUrl);
if (isBotLike) {
log(`Bot behavior detected: content ends with relay URL`);
return isBotLike;
function isNewPubkeySpam(event) {
const isNewPubkey = !authorStats.has(event.pubkey);
if (isNewPubkey) {
const replyTo = event.tags.find(tag => tag[0] === 'e');
if (replyTo) {
const originalEvent = recentEvents.find(e => === replyTo[1]);
if (originalEvent && event.created_at - originalEvent.created_at <= config.newPubkeyReplyThreshold) {
log(`New pubkey replied to recent event within ${config.newPubkeyReplyThreshold} seconds`);
return true;
return false;
function isRapidNewPubkeyPosting(event) {
if (authorStats.has(event.pubkey)) {
return false;
const now = Math.floor( / 1000);
const count = newPubkeyPostCount.get(event.pubkey) || 0;
newPubkeyPostCount.set(event.pubkey, count + 1);
if (count >= config.newPubkeyMaxPostsIn5Min && now - event.created_at <= 300) {
log(`Rapid new pubkey posting detected: ${count} posts in 5 minutes`);
return true;
if (now - event.created_at > 300) {
return false;
function isSpam(event, recentEvents) {
const pubkey = event.pubkey;
log(`Checking event ${} from pubkey ${pubkey} (kind: ${event.kind})`);
if (config.bypassAllChecksKinds.includes(event.kind)) {
log(`Bypassing all checks for kind ${event.kind}`);
return false;
if (isRateLimitExceeded(pubkey, event.kind)) {
log(`Rate limit exceeded for pubkey ${pubkey}`);
return true;
if (isNewPubkeySpam(event)) {
log(`New pubkey spam detected`);
return true;
if (isRapidNewPubkeyPosting(event)) {
log(`Rapid-fire posting from new pubkey detected`);
return true;
if (isFastReply(event, recentEvents)) {
log(`Fast reply detected`);
return true;
if (isContentCopy(event, recentEvents)) {
log(`Content copy detected`);
return true;
if (isBotBehavior(event)) {
log(`Bot behavior detected`);
return true;
log(`Event ${} passed all spam checks`);
return false;
function periodicCleanup() {
const now =;
// Clean up old events
while (recentEvents.length > 0 &&
(now - recentEvents[recentEvents.length - 1].created_at * 1000) > config.recentEventWindow * 1000) {
// Clean up old author stats
for (const [pubkey, stats] of authorStats.entries()) {
if (now - stats.lastReply > config.statsRetentionPeriod * 1000) {
// Clean up old reputation data
for (const [pubkey, rep] of authorReputation.entries()) {
if (now - rep.lastUpdate > config.statsRetentionPeriod * 1000) {
// Clean up newPubkeyPostCount
for (const [pubkey, timestamp] of newPubkeyPostCount.entries()) {
if (now - timestamp > 300000) { // 5 minutes
const rl = require('readline').createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
terminal: false
// Set up periodic cleanup
setInterval(periodicCleanup, config.cleanupInterval * 1000);
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let req;
try {req = JSON.parse(line);
} catch (error) {
log(`Error parsing JSON: ${error.message}`);
if (req.type !== 'new') {
log("unexpected request type");
let res = { id: };
// Check if user is allowed to post before any other processing
if (!canUserPost(req.event.pubkey)) {
res.action = 'reject';
res.msg = 'rejected: reputation too low to post';
log(`Rejected event ${}: reputation too low`);
// Update recent events
recentEvents.sort((a, b) => b.created_at - a.created_at);
// Process event
updateAuthorStats(req.event.pubkey, req.event.created_at, req.event.kind);
const isSpamEvent = isSpam(req.event, recentEvents);
const reputationScore = updateReputation(req.event.pubkey, isSpamEvent);
if (isSpamEvent) {
res.action = 'reject';
res.msg = 'rejected: spam or bot-like behavior detected';
log(`Rejected event ${}: ${res.msg} (reputation: ${reputationScore.toFixed(2)})`);
} else {
res.action = 'accept';
log(`Accepted event ${} (reputation: ${reputationScore.toFixed(2)})`);
log("Strfry filter started with config: " + JSON.stringify(config, null, 2));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user