$DB->query("DELETE FROM users_history_emails WHERE UserID='$UserID'");
$DB->query("INSERT INTO users_history_emails (UserID, Email, Time, IP) VALUES ('$UserID','$Username@".SITE_URL."','0000-00-00 00:00:00','')");
$DB->query("INSERT INTO users_history_emails (UserID, Email, Time, IP) VALUES ('$UserID','$Username@".SITE_URL."','0000-00-00 00:00:00','".$Cur['IP']."')");
$DB->query("UPDATE users_main SET Email='$Username@".SITE_URL."' WHERE ID='$UserID'");
$DB->query("DELETE FROM users_sessions WHERE UserID='$UserID'");
$Logs=$DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT TorrentID FROM torrents_logs_new JOIN torrents ON ID = TorrentID WHERE Log LIKE 'EAC extraction logfile%' AND UserID = ".$UserID." AND Score = ".$TargetScore." AND (Adjusted = '0' OR Adjusted = '')");
$Results[]="The original uploader has chosen to allow this log to be deducted one point for using EAC v0.95., -1 point [1]";
$DB->query("UPDATE torrents SET LogScore = ".$Logs095." WHERE ID = ".$TorrentID);
$DB->query("UPDATE torrents_logs_new SET Score = ".$Logs095.", Details = '".$Details."' WHERE TorrentID = ".$TorrentID);
$EditSummary[]='EAC v0.95 logs rescored to '.$Logs095;
send_pm($UserID,0,db_string('You have received a warning'),db_string("You have been [url=http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/wiki.php?action=article&id=218]warned for $WarnLength week(s)[/url] by $LoggedUser[Username]. The reason given was: $WarnReason"));
send_pm($UserID,0,db_string('Your warning has been extended'),db_string("Your warning has been extended by $ExtendWarning week(s) by $LoggedUser[Username]. The reason given was: $WarnReason"));
send_pm($UserID,0,db_string('Your avatar privileges have been disabled'),db_string("Your avatar privileges have been disabled. The reason given was: $UserReason. If you would like to discuss this please join ".BOT_DISABLED_CHAN." on our IRC network. Instructions can be found [url=http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/wiki.php?action=article&name=IRC+-+How+to+join]here[/url]."));
send_pm($UserID,0,db_string('Your leeching privileges have been disabled'),db_string("Your leeching privileges have been disabled. The reason given was: $UserReason. If you would like to discuss this please join ".BOT_DISABLED_CHAN." on our IRC network. Instructions can be found [url=http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/wiki.php?action=article&name=IRC+-+How+to+join]here[/url]."));
send_pm($UserID,0,db_string('Your invite privileges have been disabled'),db_string("Your invite privileges have been disabled. The reason given was: $UserReason. If you would like to discuss this please join ".BOT_DISABLED_CHAN." on our IRC network. Instructions can be found [url=http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/wiki.php?action=article&name=IRC+-+How+to+join]here[/url]."));
send_pm($UserID,0,db_string('Your forum posting privileges have been disabled'),db_string("Your forum posting privileges have been disabled. The reason given was: $UserReason. If you would like to discuss this please join ".BOT_DISABLED_CHAN." on our IRC network. Instructions can be found [url=http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/wiki.php?action=article&name=IRC+-+How+to+join]here[/url]."));
send_pm($UserID,0,db_string('Your forum privileges have been disabled'),db_string("Your forum privileges have been disabled. The reason given was: $UserReason. If you would like to discuss this please join ".BOT_DISABLED_CHAN." on our IRC network. Instructions can be found [url=http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/wiki.php?action=article&name=IRC+-+How+to+join]here[/url]."));
send_pm($UserID,0,db_string('Your tagging privileges have been disabled'),db_string("Your tagging privileges have been disabled. The reason given was: $UserReason. If you would like to discuss this please join ".BOT_DISABLED_CHAN." on our IRC network. Instructions can be found [url=http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/wiki.php?action=article&name=IRC+-+How+to+join]here[/url]."));
send_pm($UserID,0,db_string('Your upload privileges have been disabled'),db_string("Your upload privileges have been disabled. The reason given was: $UserReason. If you would like to discuss this please join ".BOT_DISABLED_CHAN." on our IRC network. Instructions can be found [url=http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/wiki.php?action=article&name=IRC+-+How+to+join]here[/url]."));
send_pm($UserID,0,db_string('Your site editing privileges have been disabled'),db_string("Your site editing privileges have been disabled. The reason given was: $UserReason. If you would like to discuss this please join ".BOT_DISABLED_CHAN." on our IRC network. Instructions can be found [url=http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/wiki.php?action=article&name=IRC+-+How+to+join]here[/url]."));
send_pm($UserID,0,db_string('Your PM privileges have been disabled'),db_string("Your PM privileges have been disabled. The reason given was: $UserReason. If you would like to discuss this please join ".BOT_DISABLED_CHAN." on our IRC network. Instructions can be found [url=http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/wiki.php?action=article&name=IRC+-+How+to+join]here[/url]."));
send_pm($UserID,0,db_string('Your IRC privileges have been disabled'),db_string("Your IRC privileges have been disabled. The reason given was: $UserReason. If you would like to discuss this please join ".BOT_DISABLED_CHAN." on our IRC network. Instructions can be found [url=http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/wiki.php?action=article&name=IRC+-+How+to+join]here[/url]. This loss of privileges does not affect the ability to join and talk to staff in #what.cd-disabled."));
send_pm($UserID,0,db_string('Your request privileges have been disabled'),db_string("Your request privileges have been disabled. The reason given was: $UserReason. If you would like to discuss this please join ".BOT_DISABLED_CHAN." on our IRC network. Instructions can be found [url=http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/wiki.php?action=article&name=IRC+-+How+to+join]here[/url]. This loss of privileges does not affect the ability to join and talk to staff in #what.cd-disabled."));
$EditSummary[]="hacked email sent to ".$HackedEmail;
send_email($HackedEmail,"Your ".SITE_NAME." account.","Your ".SITE_NAME." account appears to have been compromised. As a security measure we have disabled your account. To resolve this please visit us on IRC.
$DB->query("UPDATE users_main AS um JOIN users_info AS ui ON um.ID=ui.UserID SET um.Uploaded = 0, um.Downloaded = 0, ui.AdminComment = CONCAT('".sqltime()." - Stats merged into http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/user.php?id=".$UserID." (".$Cur['Username'].") by ".$LoggedUser['Username']."\n\n', ui.AdminComment) WHERE ID = ".$MergeID);