2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ?
* This page is used for viewing reports in every viewpoint except auto .
* It doesn ' t AJAX grab a new report when you resolve each one , use auto
* for that ( reports . php ) . If you wanted to add a new view , you ' d simply
* add to the case statement ( s ) below and add an entry to views . php to
* explain it .
* Any changes made to this page within the foreach () should probably be
* replicated on the auto page ( reports . php ) .
if ( ! check_perms ( 'admin_reports' )){
error ( 403 );
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_text.php' );
$Text = NEW TEXT ;
define ( 'REPORTS_PER_PAGE' , '10' );
list ( $Page , $Limit ) = page_limit ( REPORTS_PER_PAGE );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'view' ])){
$View = $_GET [ 'view' ];
} else {
error ( 404 );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'id' ])) {
if ( ! is_number ( $_GET [ 'id' ]) && $View != " type " ) {
error ( 404 );
} else {
$ID = db_string ( $_GET [ 'id' ]);
} else {
$ID = '' ;
$Order = " ORDER BY r.ReportedTime ASC " ;
if ( ! $ID ) {
switch ( $View ) {
case " resolved " :
$Title = " All the old smelly reports " ;
$Where = " WHERE r.Status = 'Resolved' " ;
$Order = " ORDER BY r.LastChangeTime DESC " ;
break ;
case " unauto " :
$Title = " New reports, not auto assigned! " ;
$Where = " WHERE r.Status = 'New' " ;
break ;
default :
error ( 404 );
break ;
} else {
switch ( $View ) {
case " staff " :
$DB -> query ( " SELECT Username FROM users_main WHERE ID= " . $ID );
list ( $Username ) = $DB -> next_record ();
if ( $Username ) {
$Title = $Username . " 's in progress reports " ;
} else {
$Title = $ID . " 's in progress reports " ;
$Where = " WHERE r.Status = 'InProgress' AND r.ResolverID = " . $ID ;
break ;
case " resolver " :
$DB -> query ( " SELECT Username FROM users_main WHERE ID= " . $ID );
list ( $Username ) = $DB -> next_record ();
if ( $Username ) {
$Title = $Username . " 's in resolved reports " ;
} else {
$Title = $ID . " 's in resolved reports " ;
$Where = " WHERE r.Status = 'Resolved' AND r.ResolverID = " . $ID ;
$Order = " ORDER BY r.LastChangeTime DESC " ;
break ;
case " group " :
$Title = " Non resolved reports for the group " . $ID ;
$Where = " WHERE r.Status != 'Resolved' AND tg.ID = " . $ID ;
break ;
case " torrent " :
$Title = " All reports for the torrent " . $ID ;
$Where = " WHERE r.TorrentID = " . $ID ;
break ;
case " report " :
$Title = " Seeing resolution of report " . $ID ;
$Where = " WHERE r.ID = " . $ID ;
break ;
case " reporter " :
$DB -> query ( " SELECT Username FROM users_main WHERE ID= " . $ID );
list ( $Username ) = $DB -> next_record ();
if ( $Username ) {
$Title = " All torrents reported by " . $Username ;
} else {
$Title = " All torrents reported by user " . $ID ;
$Where = " WHERE r.ReporterID = " . $ID ;
$Order = " ORDER BY r.ReportedTime DESC " ;
break ;
case " uploader " :
$DB -> query ( " SELECT Username FROM users_main WHERE ID= " . $ID );
list ( $Username ) = $DB -> next_record ();
if ( $Username ) {
$Title = " All reports for torrents uploaded by " . $Username ;
} else {
$Title = " All reports for torrents uploaded by user " . $ID ;
$Where = " WHERE r.Status != 'Resolved' AND t.UserID = " . $ID ;
break ;
case " type " :
$Title = " All New reports for the chosen type " ;
$Where = " WHERE r.Status = 'New' AND r.Type = ' " . $ID . " ' " ;
break ;
break ;
default :
error ( 404 );
break ;
r . ID ,
r . ReporterID ,
reporter . Username ,
r . TorrentID ,
r . Type ,
r . UserComment ,
r . ResolverID ,
resolver . Username ,
r . Status ,
r . ReportedTime ,
r . LastChangeTime ,
r . ModComment ,
r . Track ,
r . Image ,
r . ExtraID ,
r . Link ,
r . LogMessage ,
tg . Name ,
tg . ID ,
CASE COUNT ( ta . GroupID )
WHEN 1 THEN aa . ArtistID
ELSE '0'
END AS ArtistID ,
CASE COUNT ( ta . GroupID )
WHEN 1 THEN aa . Name
ELSE 'Various Artists'
END AS ArtistName ,
tg . Year ,
tg . CategoryID ,
t . Time ,
t . Remastered ,
t . RemasterTitle ,
t . RemasterYear ,
t . Media ,
t . Format ,
t . Encoding ,
t . Size ,
t . HasCue ,
t . HasLog ,
t . LogScore ,
t . UserID AS UploaderID ,
uploader . Username
FROM reportsv2 AS r
LEFT JOIN torrents AS t ON t . ID = r . TorrentID
LEFT JOIN torrents_group AS tg ON tg . ID = t . GroupID
LEFT JOIN torrents_artists AS ta ON ta . GroupID = tg . ID AND ta . Importance = '1'
LEFT JOIN artists_alias AS aa ON aa . AliasID = ta . AliasID
LEFT JOIN users_main AS resolver ON resolver . ID = r . ResolverID
LEFT JOIN users_main AS reporter ON reporter . ID = r . ReporterID
LEFT JOIN users_main AS uploader ON uploader . ID = t . UserID "
. $Where . "
. $Order . "
LIMIT " . $Limit );
$Reports = $DB -> to_array ();
$DB -> query ( 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()' );
list ( $Results ) = $DB -> next_record ();
$PageLinks = get_pages ( $Page , $Results , REPORTS_PER_PAGE , 11 );
show_header ( 'Reports V2!' , 'reportsv2,bbcode' );
2012-08-19 08:00:19 +00:00
< div class = " header " >
< h2 >< ? = $Title ?> </h2>
< ? include ( 'header.php' ); ?>
</ div >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< div class = " buttonbox thin center " >
< ? if ( $View != " resolved " ) { ?>
< span title = " Resolves *all* checked reports with their respective resolutions " >< input type = " button " onclick = " MultiResolve(); " value = " Multi-Resolve " /></ span >
< span title = " Assigns all of the reports on the page to you! " >< input type = " button " onclick = " Grab(); " value = " Grab All " /></ span >
< ? } ?>
< ? if ( $View == " staff " && $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ] == $ID ) { ?> | <span title="Un-In Progress all the reports currently displayed"><input type="button" onclick="GiveBack();" value="Give back all" /></span><? } ?>
</ div >
< br />
< div class = " linkbox " >
< ? = $PageLinks ?>
</ div >
< div id = " all_reports " style = " width: 80%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto " >
< ?
if ( count ( $Reports ) == 0 ) {
< div >
2012-09-01 08:00:24 +00:00
< table class = " layout " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< tr >
< td class = 'center' >
< strong > No new reports ! \o /</ strong >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ div >
< ?
} else {
foreach ( $Reports as $Report ) {
list ( $ReportID , $ReporterID , $ReporterName , $TorrentID , $Type , $UserComment , $ResolverID , $ResolverName , $Status , $ReportedTime , $LastChangeTime ,
$ModComment , $Tracks , $Images , $ExtraIDs , $Links , $LogMessage , $GroupName , $GroupID , $ArtistID , $ArtistName , $Year , $CategoryID , $Time , $Remastered , $RemasterTitle ,
$RemasterYear , $Media , $Format , $Encoding , $Size , $HasCue , $HasLog , $LogScore , $UploaderID , $UploaderName ) = display_array ( $Report , array ( " ModComment " ));
if ( ! $GroupID && $Status != " Resolved " ) {
//Torrent already deleted
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE reportsv2 SET
Status = 'Resolved' ,
LastChangeTime = '".sqltime()."' ,
ModComment = 'Report already dealt with (Torrent deleted)'
WHERE ID = " . $ReportID );
$Cache -> decrement ( 'num_torrent_reportsv2' );
2012-09-01 08:00:24 +00:00
< div id = " report<?= $ReportID ?> " >
< table class = " layout " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< tr >
2012-09-01 08:00:24 +00:00
< td class = " center " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< a href = " reportsv2.php?view=report&id=<?= $ReportID ?> " > Report < ? = $ReportID ?> </a> for torrent <?=$TorrentID?> (deleted) has been automatically resolved. <input type="button" value="Hide" onclick="ClearReport(<?=$ReportID?>);" />
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ div >
< ?
} else {
if ( ! $CategoryID ) {
//Torrent was deleted
} else {
if ( array_key_exists ( $Type , $Types [ $CategoryID ])) {
$ReportType = $Types [ $CategoryID ][ $Type ];
} else if ( array_key_exists ( $Type , $Types [ 'master' ])) {
$ReportType = $Types [ 'master' ][ $Type ];
} else {
//There was a type but it wasn't an option!
$Type = 'other' ;
$ReportType = $Types [ 'master' ][ 'other' ];
if ( $ArtistID == 0 && empty ( $ArtistName )) {
2012-06-16 08:00:18 +00:00
$RawName = $GroupName . ( $Year ? " ( $Year ) " : " " ) . ( $Format || $Encoding || $Media ? " [ $Format / $Encoding / $Media ] " : " " ) . ( $Remastered ? " < $RemasterTitle - $RemasterYear > " : " " ) . ( $HasCue ? " (Cue) " : '' ) . ( $HasLog ? " (Log: $LogScore %) " : " " ) . " ( " . number_format ( $Size / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2 ) . " MB) " ;
$LinkName = " <a href='torrents.php?id= $GroupID '> $GroupName " . ( $Year ? " ( $Year ) " : " " ) . " </a> <a href='torrents.php?torrentid= $TorrentID '> " . ( $Format || $Encoding || $Media ? " [ $Format / $Encoding / $Media ] " : " " ) . ( $Remastered ? " < $RemasterTitle - $RemasterYear > " : " " ) . " </a> " . ( $HasCue ? " (Cue) " : '' ) . ( $HasLog ? " <a href='torrents.php?action=viewlog&torrentid= $TorrentID &groupid= $GroupID '>(Log: $LogScore %)</a> " : " " ) . " ( " . number_format ( $Size / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2 ) . " MB) " ;
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$BBName = " [url=torrents.php?id= $GroupID ] $GroupName " . ( $Year ? " ( $Year ) " : " " ) . " [/url] [url=torrents.php?torrentid= $TorrentID ][ $Format / $Encoding / $Media ] " . ( $Remastered ? " < $RemasterTitle - $RemasterYear > " : " " ) . " [/url] " . ( $HasCue ? " (Cue) " : '' ) . ( $HasLog ? " [url=torrents.php?action=viewlog&torrentid= $TorrentID &groupid= $GroupID '](Log: $LogScore %)[/url] " : " " ) . " ( " . number_format ( $Size / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2 ) . " MB) " ;
} elseif ( $ArtistID == 0 && $ArtistName == 'Various Artists' ) {
$RawName = " Various Artists - $GroupName " . ( $Year ? " ( $Year ) " : " " ) . " [ $Format / $Encoding / $Media ] " . ( $Remastered ? " < $RemasterTitle - $RemasterYear > " : " " ) . ( $HasCue ? " (Cue) " : '' ) . ( $HasLog ? " (Log: $LogScore %) " : " " ) . " ( " . number_format ( $Size / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2 ) . " MB) " ;
$LinkName = " Various Artists - <a href='torrents.php?id= $GroupID '> $GroupName " . ( $Year ? " ( $Year ) " : " " ) . " </a> <a href='torrents.php?torrentid= $TorrentID '> [ $Format / $Encoding / $Media ] " . ( $Remastered ? " < $RemasterTitle - $RemasterYear > " : " " ) . " </a> " . ( $HasCue ? " (Cue) " : '' ) . ( $HasLog ? " <a href='torrents.php?action=viewlog&torrentid= $TorrentID &groupid= $GroupID '>(Log: $LogScore %)</a> " : " " ) . " ( " . number_format ( $Size / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2 ) . " MB) " ;
$BBName = " Various Artists - [url=torrents.php?id= $GroupID ] $GroupName " . ( $Year ? " ( $Year ) " : " " ) . " [/url] [url=torrents.php?torrentid= $TorrentID ][ $Format / $Encoding / $Media ] " . ( $Remastered ? " < $RemasterTitle - $RemasterYear > " : " " ) . " [/url] " . ( $HasCue ? " (Cue) " : '' ) . ( $HasLog ? " [url=torrents.php?action=viewlog&torrentid= $TorrentID &groupid= $GroupID '](Log: $LogScore %)[/url] " : " " ) . " ( " . number_format ( $Size / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2 ) . " MB) " ;
} else {
$RawName = " $ArtistName - $GroupName " . ( $Year ? " ( $Year ) " : " " ) . " [ $Format / $Encoding / $Media ] " . ( $Remastered ? " < $RemasterTitle - $RemasterYear > " : " " ) . ( $HasCue ? " (Cue) " : '' ) . ( $HasLog ? " (Log: $LogScore %) " : " " ) . " ( " . number_format ( $Size / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2 ) . " MB) " ;
$LinkName = " <a href='artist.php?id= $ArtistID '> $ArtistName </a> - <a href='torrents.php?id= $GroupID '> $GroupName " . ( $Year ? " ( $Year ) " : " " ) . " </a> <a href='torrents.php?torrentid= $TorrentID '> [ $Format / $Encoding / $Media ] " . ( $Remastered ? " < $RemasterTitle - $RemasterYear > " : " " ) . " </a> " . ( $HasCue ? " (Cue) " : '' ) . ( $HasLog ? " <a href='torrents.php?action=viewlog&torrentid= $TorrentID &groupid= $GroupID '>(Log: $LogScore %)</a> " : " " ) . " ( " . number_format ( $Size / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2 ) . " MB) " ;
$BBName = " [url=artist.php?id= $ArtistID ] " . $ArtistName . " [/url] - [url=torrents.php?id= $GroupID ] $GroupName " . ( $Year ? " ( $Year ) " : " " ) . " [/url] [url=torrents.php?torrentid= $TorrentID ][ $Format / $Encoding / $Media ] " . ( $Remastered ? " < $RemasterTitle - $RemasterYear > " : " " ) . " [/url] " . ( $HasCue ? " (Cue) " : '' ) . ( $HasLog ? " [url=torrents.php?action=viewlog&torrentid= $TorrentID &groupid= $GroupID '](Log: $LogScore %)[/url] " : " " ) . " ( " . number_format ( $Size / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2 ) . " MB) " ;
< div id = " report<?= $ReportID ?> " >
2012-09-15 08:00:25 +00:00
< form class = " manage_form " name = " report " id = " reportform_<?= $ReportID ?> " action = " reports.php " method = " post " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ?
* Some of these are for takeresolve , namely the ones that aren ' t inputs , some for the javascript .
< div >
< input type = " hidden " name = " auth " value = " <?= $LoggedUser['AuthKey'] ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " id = " newreportid " name = " newreportid " value = " <?= $ReportID ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " id = " reportid<?= $ReportID ?> " name = " reportid " value = " <?= $ReportID ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " id = " torrentid<?= $ReportID ?> " name = " torrentid " value = " <?= $TorrentID ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " id = " uploader<?= $ReportID ?> " name = " uploader " value = " <?= $UploaderName ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " id = " uploaderid<?= $ReportID ?> " name = " uploaderid " value = " <?= $UploaderID ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " id = " reporterid<?= $ReportID ?> " name = " reporterid " value = " <?= $ReporterID ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " id = " report_reason<?= $ReportID ?> " name = " report_reason " value = " <?= $UserComment ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " id = " raw_name<?= $ReportID ?> " name = " raw_name " value = " <?= $RawName ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " id = " type<?= $ReportID ?> " name = " type " value = " <?= $Type ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " id = " categoryid<?= $ReportID ?> " name = " categoryid " value = " <?= $CategoryID ?> " />
</ div >
2012-09-01 08:00:24 +00:00
< table class = " layout " cellpadding = " 5 " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< tr >
< td class = " label " >< a href = " reportsv2.php?view=report&id=<?= $ReportID ?> " > Reported </ a > Torrent :</ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >
< ? if ( ! $GroupID ) { ?>
< a href = " log.php?search=Torrent+<?= $TorrentID ?> " >< ? = $TorrentID ?> </a> (Deleted)
< ? } else { ?>
< ? = $LinkName ?>
< a href = " torrents.php?action=download&id=<?= $TorrentID ?>&authkey=<?= $LoggedUser['AuthKey'] ?>&torrent_pass=<?= $LoggedUser['torrent_pass'] ?> " title = " Download " > [ DL ] </ a >
uploaded by < a href = " user.php?id=<?= $UploaderID ?> " >< ? = $UploaderName ?> </a> <?=time_diff($Time)?>
< br />
2012-03-08 08:00:24 +00:00
< ? if ( $ReporterName == " " ) { $ReporterName = " System " ; } ?>
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< div style = " text-align: right; " > was reported by < a href = " user.php?id=<?= $ReporterID ?> " >< ? = $ReporterName ?> </a> <?=time_diff($ReportedTime)?> for the reason: <strong><?=$ReportType['title']?></strong></div>
< ? if ( $Status != 'Resolved' ) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT r.ID
FROM reportsv2 AS r
LEFT JOIN torrents AS t ON t . ID = r . TorrentID
WHERE r . Status != 'Resolved'
AND t . GroupID = $GroupID " );
$GroupOthers = ( $DB -> record_count () - 1 );
if ( $GroupOthers > 0 ) { ?>
< div style = " text-align: right; " >
< a href = " reportsv2.php?view=group&id=<?= $GroupID ?> " > There < ? = (( $GroupOthers > 1 ) ? " are $GroupOthers other reports " : " is 1 other report " ) ?> for torrent(s) in this group</a>
</ div >
< ? }
$DB -> query ( " SELECT t.UserID
FROM reportsv2 AS r
JOIN torrents AS t ON t . ID = r . TorrentID
WHERE r . Status != 'Resolved'
AND t . UserID = $UploaderID " );
$UploaderOthers = ( $DB -> record_count () - 1 );
if ( $UploaderOthers > 0 ) { ?>
< div style = " text-align: right; " >
< a href = " reportsv2.php?view=uploader&id=<?= $UploaderID ?> " > There < ? = (( $UploaderOthers > 1 ) ? " are $UploaderOthers other reports " : " is 1 other report " ) ?> for torrent(s) uploaded by this user</a>
</ div >
< ? }
$DB -> query ( " SELECT DISTINCT req.ID,
req . FillerID ,
um . Username ,
req . TimeFilled
FROM requests AS req
LEFT JOIN torrents AS t ON t . ID = req . TorrentID
LEFT JOIN reportsv2 AS rep ON rep . TorrentID = t . ID
JOIN users_main AS um ON um . ID = req . FillerID
WHERE rep . Status != 'Resolved'
AND req . TimeFilled > '2010-03-04 02:31:49'
AND req . TorrentID = $TorrentID " );
$Requests = ( $DB -> record_count ());
if ( $Requests > 0 ) {
while ( list ( $RequestID , $FillerID , $FillerName , $FilledTime ) = $DB -> next_record ()) {
< div style = " text-align: right; " >
< a href = " user.php?id=<?= $FillerID ?> " >< ? = $FillerName ?> </a> used this torrent to fill <a href="requests.php?action=view&id=<?=$RequestID?>">this request</a> <?=time_diff($FilledTime)?>
</ div >
< ? }
</ td >
</ tr >
< ? if ( $Tracks ) { ?>
< tr >
< td class = " label " > Relevant Tracks :</ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >
< ? = str_replace ( " " , " , " , $Tracks ) ?>
</ td >
</ tr >
< ? }
if ( $Links ) {
< tr >
< td class = " label " > Relevant Links :</ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >
< ?
$Links = explode ( " " , $Links );
foreach ( $Links as $Link ) {
2011-08-31 08:00:08 +00:00
if ( $local_url = $Text -> local_url ( $Link )) {
$Link = $local_url ;
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< a href = " <?= $Link ?> " >< ? = $Link ?> </a>
< ?
</ td >
</ tr >
< ?
if ( $ExtraIDs ) {
< tr >
< td class = " label " > Relevant Other Torrents :</ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >
< ?
$First = true ;
$Extras = explode ( " " , $ExtraIDs );
foreach ( $Extras as $ExtraID ) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT
tg . Name ,
tg . ID ,
CASE COUNT ( ta . GroupID )
WHEN 1 THEN aa . ArtistID
ELSE '0'
END AS ArtistID ,
CASE COUNT ( ta . GroupID )
WHEN 1 THEN aa . Name
ELSE 'Various Artists'
END AS ArtistName ,
tg . Year ,
t . Time ,
t . Remastered ,
t . RemasterTitle ,
t . RemasterYear ,
t . Media ,
t . Format ,
t . Encoding ,
t . Size ,
t . HasCue ,
t . HasLog ,
t . LogScore ,
t . UserID AS UploaderID ,
uploader . Username
FROM torrents AS t
LEFT JOIN torrents_group AS tg ON tg . ID = t . GroupID
LEFT JOIN torrents_artists AS ta ON ta . GroupID = tg . ID AND ta . Importance = '1'
LEFT JOIN artists_alias AS aa ON aa . AliasID = ta . AliasID
LEFT JOIN users_main AS uploader ON uploader . ID = t . UserID
WHERE t . ID = '$ExtraID'
GROUP BY tg . ID " );
list ( $ExtraGroupName , $ExtraGroupID , $ExtraArtistID , $ExtraArtistName , $ExtraYear , $ExtraTime , $ExtraRemastered , $ExtraRemasterTitle ,
$ExtraRemasterYear , $ExtraMedia , $ExtraFormat , $ExtraEncoding , $ExtraSize , $ExtraHasCue , $ExtraHasLog , $ExtraLogScore , $ExtraUploaderID , $ExtraUploaderName ) = display_array ( $DB -> next_record ());
if ( $ExtraGroupName ) {
if ( $ArtistID == 0 && empty ( $ArtistName )) {
$ExtraLinkName = " <a href='torrents.php?id= $ExtraGroupID '> $ExtraGroupName " . ( $ExtraYear ? " ( $ExtraYear ) " : " " ) . " </a> <a href='torrents.php?torrentid= $ExtraID '> [ $ExtraFormat / $ExtraEncoding / $ExtraMedia ] " . ( $ExtraRemastered ? " < $ExtraRemasterTitle - $ExtraRemasterYear > " : " " ) . " </a> " . ( $ExtraHasCue == '1' ? " (Cue) " : '' ) . ( $ExtraHasLog == '1' ? " <a href='torrents.php?action=viewlog&torrentid= $ExtraID &groupid= $ExtraGroupID '>(Log: $ExtraLogScore %)</a> " : " " ) . " ( " . number_format ( $ExtraSize / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2 ) . " MB) " ;
} elseif ( $ArtistID == 0 && $ArtistName == 'Various Artists' ) {
$ExtraLinkName = " Various Artists - <a href='torrents.php?id= $ExtraGroupID '> $ExtraGroupName " . ( $ExtraYear ? " ( $ExtraYear ) " : " " ) . " </a> <a href='torrents.php?torrentid= $ExtraID '> [ $ExtraFormat / $ExtraEncoding / $ExtraMedia ] " . ( $ExtraRemastered ? " < $ExtraRemasterTitle - $ExtraRemasterYear > " : " " ) . " </a> " . ( $ExtraHasCue == '1' ? " (Cue) " : '' ) . ( $ExtraHasLog == '1' ? " <a href='torrents.php?action=viewlog&torrentid= $ExtraID &groupid= $ExtraGroupID '>(Log: $ExtraLogScore %)</a> " : " " ) . " ( " . number_format ( $ExtraSize / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2 ) . " MB) " ;
} else {
$ExtraLinkName = " <a href='artist.php?id= $ExtraArtistID '> $ExtraArtistName </a> - <a href='torrents.php?id= $ExtraGroupID '> $ExtraGroupName " . ( $ExtraYear ? " ( $ExtraYear ) " : " " ) . " </a> <a href='torrents.php?torrentid= $ExtraID '> [ $ExtraFormat / $ExtraEncoding / $ExtraMedia ] " . ( $ExtraRemastered ? " < $ExtraRemasterTitle - $ExtraRemasterYear > " : " " ) . " </a> " . ( $ExtraHasCue == '1' ? " (Cue) " : '' ) . ( $ExtraHasLog == '1' ? " <a href='torrents.php?action=viewlog&torrentid= $ExtraID &groupid= $ExtraGroupID '>(Log: $ExtraLogScore %)</a> " : " " ) . " ( " . number_format ( $ExtraSize / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2 ) . " MB) " ;
< ? = ( $First ? " " : " <br /> " ) ?>
< ? = $ExtraLinkName ?>
< a href = " torrents.php?action=download&id=<?= $ExtraID ?>&authkey=<?= $LoggedUser['AuthKey'] ?>&torrent_pass=<?= $LoggedUser['torrent_pass'] ?> " title = " Download " > [ DL ] </ a >
uploaded by < a href = " user.php?id=<?= $ExtraUploaderID ?> " >< ? = $ExtraUploaderName ?> </a> <?=time_diff($ExtraTime)?> [<a href="#" onclick="Switch(<?=$ReportID?>, <?=$TorrentID?>, <?=$ExtraID?>); return false;">Switch</a>]
< ?
$First = false ;
</ td >
</ tr >
< ?
if ( $Images ) {
< tr >
< td class = " label " > Relevant Images :</ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >
< ?
$Images = explode ( " " , $Images );
foreach ( $Images as $Image ) {
< img style = " max-width: 200px; " onclick = " lightbox.init(this,200); " src = " <?= $Image ?> " alt = " <?= $Image ?> " />
< ?
</ td >
</ tr >
< ?
< tr >
< td class = " label " > User Comment :</ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >< ? = $Text -> full_format ( $UserComment ) ?> </td>
</ tr >
< ?
if ( $Status == " InProgress " ) {
< tr >
< td class = " label " > In Progress by :</ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >
< a href = " user.php?id=<?= $ResolverID ?> " >< ? = $ResolverName ?> </a>
</ td >
</ tr >
< ? }
if ( $Status != " Resolved " ) {
< tr >
< td class = " label " > Report Comment :</ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >
< input type = " text " name = " comment " id = " comment<?= $ReportID ?> " size = " 45 " value = " <?= $ModComment ?> " />
< input type = " button " value = " Update now " onclick = " UpdateComment(<?= $ReportID ?>) " />
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td class = " label " >
< a href = " javascript:Load('<?= $ReportID ?>') " > Resolve </ a >
</ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >
< select name = " resolve_type " id = " resolve_type<?= $ReportID ?> " onchange = " ChangeResolve(<?= $ReportID ?>) " >
< ?
$TypeList = $Types [ 'master' ] + $Types [ $CategoryID ];
$Priorities = array ();
foreach ( $TypeList as $Key => $Value ) {
$Priorities [ $Key ] = $Value [ 'priority' ];
array_multisort ( $Priorities , SORT_ASC , $TypeList );
foreach ( $TypeList as $Type => $Data ) {
< option value = " <?= $Type ?> " >< ? = $Data [ 'title' ] ?> </option>
< ? } ?>
</ select >
< span id = " options<?= $ReportID ?> " >
< ? if ( check_perms ( 'users_mod' )) { ?>
< span title = " Delete Torrent? " >
< strong > Delete </ strong >
< input type = " checkbox " name = " delete " id = " delete<?= $ReportID ?> " >
</ span >
< ? } ?>
< span title = " Warning length in weeks " >
< strong > Warning </ strong >
< select name = " warning " id = " warning<?= $ReportID ?> " >
< ?
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 9 ; $i ++ ) {
< option value = " <?= $i ?> " >< ? = $i ?> </option>
< ?
</ select >
</ span >
< span title = " Remove upload privileges? " >
< strong > Upload </ strong >
< input type = " checkbox " name = " upload " id = " upload<?= $ReportID ?> " >
</ span >
& nbsp ; & nbsp ;
< span title = " Update resolve type " >
< input type = " button " name = " update_resolve " id = " update_resolve<?= $ReportID ?> " value = " Update now " onclick = " UpdateResolve(<?= $ReportID ?>) " />
</ span >
</ span >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td class = " label " >
< select name = " pm_type " id = " pm_type<?= $ReportID ?> " >
< option value = " Uploader " > Uploader </ option >
< option value = " Reporter " > Reporter </ option >
</ select >:
</ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >
< span title = " Uploader: Appended to the regular message unless using send now. Reporter: Must be used with send now " >
< textarea name = " uploader_pm " id = " uploader_pm<?= $ReportID ?> " cols = " 50 " rows = " 1 " ></ textarea >
</ span >
< input type = " button " value = " Send Now " onclick = " SendPM(<?= $ReportID ?>) " />
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td class = " label " >< strong > Extra </ strong > Log Message :</ td >
< td >
< input type = " text " name = " log_message " id = " log_message<?= $ReportID ?> " size = " 40 " < ? if ( $ExtraIDs ) {
$Extras = explode ( " " , $ExtraIDs );
$Value = " " ;
foreach ( $Extras as $ExtraID ) {
$Value .= 'http://' . NONSSL_SITE_URL . '/torrents.php?torrentid=' . $ExtraID . ' ' ;
echo 'value="' . trim ( $Value ) . '"' ;
} ?> />
</ td >
< td class = " label " >< strong > Extra </ strong > Staff Notes :</ td >
< td >
< input type = " text " name = " admin_message " id = " admin_message<?= $ReportID ?> " size = " 40 " />
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td colspan = " 4 " style = " text-align: center; " >
< input type = " button " value = " Invalid Report " onclick = " Dismiss(<?= $ReportID ?>); " />
< input type = " button " value = " Report resolved manually " onclick = " ManualResolve(<?= $ReportID ?>); " />
< ? if ( $Status == " InProgress " && $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ] == $ResolverID ) { ?>
| < input type = " button " value = " Give back " onclick = " GiveBack(<?= $ReportID ?>); " />
< ? } else { ?>
| < input id = " grab<?= $ReportID ?> " type = " button " value = " Grab! " onclick = " Grab(<?= $ReportID ?>); " />
< ? } ?>
| Multi - Resolve < input type = " checkbox " name = " multi " id = " multi<?= $ReportID ?> " checked = " checked " >
| < input type = " button " id = " submit_<?= $ReportID ?> " value = " Submit " onclick = " TakeResolve(<?= $ReportID ?>); " />
</ td >
</ tr >
< ?
} else {
< tr >
< td class = " label " > Resolver </ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >
< a href = " user.php?id=<?= $ResolverID ?> " >< ? = $ResolverName ?> </a>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td class = " label " > Resolve Time </ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >
< ? = time_diff ( $LastChangeTime ) ?>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td class = " label " > Report Comments </ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >
< ? = $ModComment ?>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td class = " label " > Log Message </ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >
< ? = $LogMessage ?>
</ td >
</ tr >
< ? if ( $GroupID ) { ?>
< tr >
< td colspan = " 4 " style = " text-align: center; " >
< input id = " grab<?= $ReportID ?> " type = " button " value = " Grab! " onclick = " Grab(<?= $ReportID ?>); " />
</ td >
</ tr >
< ? }
</ table >
</ form >
< br />
</ div >
< script type = " text/javascript " > Load ( '<?=$ReportID?>' ); </ script >
< ?
</ div >
< div class = " linkbox " >
< ? = $PageLinks ?>
</ div >
< ?
show_footer ();