2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ?
//Function used for pagination of peer/snatch/download lists on details.php
function js_pages ( $Action , $TorrentID , $NumResults , $CurrentPage ) {
$NumPages = ceil ( $NumResults / 100 );
$PageLinks = array ();
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= $NumPages ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $i == $CurrentPage ) {
$PageLinks [] = $i ;
} else {
$PageLinks [] = '<a href="#" onclick="' . $Action . '(' . $TorrentID . ', ' . $i . ')">' . $i . '</a>' ;
return implode ( ' | ' , $PageLinks );
2012-02-23 08:00:18 +00:00
// This gets used in a few places
$ArtistTypes = array ( 1 => 'Main' , 2 => 'Guest' , 3 => 'Remixer' , 4 => 'Composer' , 5 => 'Conductor' , 6 => 'DJ/Compiler' , 7 => 'Producer' );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'action' ])) {
switch ( $_REQUEST [ 'action' ]){
case 'edit' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/edit.php' );
break ;
case 'editgroup' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/editgroup.php' );
break ;
case 'editgroupid' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/editgroupid.php' );
break ;
case 'takeedit' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/takeedit.php' );
break ;
case 'newgroup' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/takenewgroup.php' );
break ;
case 'peerlist' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/peerlist.php' );
break ;
case 'snatchlist' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/snatchlist.php' );
break ;
case 'downloadlist' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/downloadlist.php' );
break ;
case 'redownload' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/redownload.php' );
break ;
case 'revert' :
case 'takegroupedit' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/takegroupedit.php' );
break ;
case 'nonwikiedit' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/nonwikiedit.php' );
break ;
case 'rename' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/rename.php' );
break ;
case 'merge' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/merge.php' );
break ;
case 'add_alias' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/add_alias.php' );
break ;
case 'delete_alias' :
enforce_login ();
authorize ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/delete_alias.php' );
break ;
case 'history' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/history.php' );
break ;
case 'delete' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/delete.php' );
break ;
case 'takedelete' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/takedelete.php' );
break ;
case 'masspm' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/masspm.php' );
break ;
case 'reseed' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/reseed.php' );
break ;
case 'takemasspm' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/takemasspm.php' );
break ;
case 'vote_tag' :
enforce_login ();
authorize ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/vote_tag.php' );
break ;
case 'add_tag' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/add_tag.php' );
break ;
case 'delete_tag' :
enforce_login ();
authorize ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/delete_tag.php' );
break ;
case 'notify' :
enforce_login ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/notify.php' );
break ;
case 'manage_artists' :
enforce_login ();
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/manage_artists.php' );
break ;
case 'notify_clear' :
enforce_login ();
authorize ();
if ( ! check_perms ( 'site_torrents_notify' )) {
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM users_notify_filters WHERE UserID=' $LoggedUser[ID] ' " );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM users_notify_torrents WHERE UserID=' $LoggedUser[ID] ' AND UnRead='0' " );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'notifications_new_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
header ( 'Location: torrents.php?action=notify' );
break ;
case 'notify_cleargroup' :
enforce_login ();
authorize ();
if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'filterid' ]) || ! is_number ( $_GET [ 'filterid' ])) {
error ( 0 );
if ( ! check_perms ( 'site_torrents_notify' )) {
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM users_notify_filters WHERE UserID=' $LoggedUser[ID] ' " );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM users_notify_torrents WHERE UserID=' $LoggedUser[ID] ' AND FilterID=' $_GET[filterid] ' AND UnRead='0' " );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'notifications_new_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
header ( 'Location: torrents.php?action=notify' );
break ;
case 'notify_clearitem' :
enforce_login ();
authorize ();
if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'torrentid' ]) || ! is_number ( $_GET [ 'torrentid' ])) {
error ( 0 );
if ( ! check_perms ( 'site_torrents_notify' )) {
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM users_notify_filters WHERE UserID=' $LoggedUser[ID] ' " );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM users_notify_torrents WHERE UserID=' $LoggedUser[ID] ' AND TorrentID=' $_GET[torrentid] ' " );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'notifications_new_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
break ;
case 'download' :
2011-10-27 08:00:15 +00:00
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/download.php' );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
break ;
2011-10-27 08:00:15 +00:00
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
case 'reply' :
enforce_login ();
authorize ();
2012-04-11 08:00:22 +00:00
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ 'groupid' ]) || ! is_number ( $_POST [ 'groupid' ]) || $_POST [ 'body' ] === '' || ! isset ( $_POST [ 'body' ])) {
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
error ( 0 );
if ( $LoggedUser [ 'DisablePosting' ]) {
error ( 'Your posting rights have been removed.' );
$GroupID = $_POST [ 'groupid' ];
if ( ! $GroupID ) { error ( 404 ); }
$DB -> query ( " SELECT CEIL((SELECT COUNT(ID)+1 FROM torrents_comments AS tc WHERE tc.GroupID=' " . db_string ( $GroupID ) . " ')/ " . TORRENT_COMMENTS_PER_PAGE . " ) AS Pages " );
list ( $Pages ) = $DB -> next_record ();
$DB -> query ( " INSERT INTO torrents_comments (GroupID,AuthorID,AddedTime,Body) VALUES (
'".db_string($GroupID)."' , '".db_string($LoggedUser[' ID '])."' , '".sqltime()."' , '".db_string($_POST[' body '])."' ) " );
$PostID = $DB -> inserted_id ();
$Cache -> begin_transaction ( 'torrent_comments_' . $GroupID . '_catalogue_' . $CatalogueID );
$Post = array (
'ID' => $PostID ,
'AuthorID' => $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ],
'AddedTime' => sqltime (),
'Body' => $_POST [ 'body' ],
'EditedUserID' => 0 ,
'EditedTime' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ,
'Username' => ''
$Cache -> insert ( '' , $Post );
$Cache -> commit_transaction ( 0 );
$Cache -> increment ( 'torrent_comments_' . $GroupID );
header ( 'Location: torrents.php?id=' . $GroupID . '&page=' . $Pages );
break ;
case 'get_post' :
enforce_login ();
if ( ! $_GET [ 'post' ] || ! is_number ( $_GET [ 'post' ])) { error ( 0 ); }
$DB -> query ( " SELECT Body FROM torrents_comments WHERE ID=' " . db_string ( $_GET [ 'post' ]) . " ' " );
list ( $Body ) = $DB -> next_record ( MYSQLI_NUM );
echo trim ( $Body );
break ;
case 'takeedit_post' :
enforce_login ();
authorize ();
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_text.php' ); // Text formatting class
$Text = new TEXT ;
// Quick SQL injection check
if ( ! $_POST [ 'post' ] || ! is_number ( $_POST [ 'post' ])) { error ( 0 ); }
// Mainly
$DB -> query ( " SELECT
tc . Body ,
tc . AuthorID ,
tc . GroupID ,
tc . AddedTime
FROM torrents_comments AS tc
WHERE tc . ID = '".db_string($_POST[' post '])."' " );
list ( $OldBody , $AuthorID , $GroupID , $AddedTime ) = $DB -> next_record ();
2012-02-04 08:00:25 +00:00
$DB -> query ( " SELECT ceil(COUNT(ID) / " . TORRENT_COMMENTS_PER_PAGE . " ) AS Page FROM torrents_comments WHERE GroupID = $GroupID AND ID <= $_POST[post] " );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
list ( $Page ) = $DB -> next_record ();
if ( $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ] != $AuthorID && ! check_perms ( 'site_moderate_forums' )) { error ( 404 ); }
if ( $DB -> record_count () == 0 ) { error ( 404 ); }
// Perform the update
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE torrents_comments SET
Body = '".db_string($_POST[' body '])."' ,
EditedUserID = '".db_string($LoggedUser[' ID '])."' ,
EditedTime = '".sqltime()."'
WHERE ID = '".db_string($_POST[' post '])."' " );
// Update the cache
$Cache -> begin_transaction ( 'torrent_comments_' . $GroupID . '_catalogue_' . $CatalogueID );
$Cache -> update_row ( $_POST [ 'key' ], array (
'ID' => $_POST [ 'post' ],
'AuthorID' => $AuthorID ,
'AddedTime' => $AddedTime ,
'Body' => $_POST [ 'body' ],
'EditedUserID' => db_string ( $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]),
'EditedTime' => sqltime (),
'Username' => $LoggedUser [ 'Username' ]
$Cache -> commit_transaction ( 0 );
$DB -> query ( " INSERT INTO comments_edits (Page, PostID, EditUser, EditTime, Body)
VALUES ( 'torrents' , " .db_string( $_POST['post'] ). " , " .db_string( $LoggedUser['ID'] ). " , '".sqltime()."' , '".db_string($OldBody)."' ) " );
// This gets sent to the browser, which echoes it in place of the old body
echo $Text -> full_format ( $_POST [ 'body' ]);
break ;
case 'delete_post' :
enforce_login ();
authorize ();
// Quick SQL injection check
if ( ! $_GET [ 'postid' ] || ! is_number ( $_GET [ 'postid' ])) { error ( 0 ); }
// Make sure they are moderators
if ( ! check_perms ( 'site_moderate_forums' )) { error ( 403 ); }
// Get topicid, forumid, number of pages
2012-05-18 13:35:17 +00:00
$DB -> query ( " SELECT
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
GroupID ,
2012-05-18 13:35:17 +00:00
CEIL ( SUM ( IF ( tc . ID <= " . $_GET['postid'] . " , 1 , 0 )) / " .TORRENT_COMMENTS_PER_PAGE. " ) AS Page
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
FROM torrents_comments AS tc
2012-05-18 13:35:17 +00:00
WHERE tc . GroupID = ( SELECT GroupID FROM torrents_comments WHERE ID = " . $_GET['postid'] . " )
GROUP BY tc . GroupID " );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
list ( $GroupID , $Pages , $Page ) = $DB -> next_record ();
// $Pages = number of pages in the thread
// $Page = which page the post is on
// These are set for cache clearing.
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM torrents_comments WHERE ID=' " . db_string ( $_GET [ 'postid' ]) . " ' " );
//We need to clear all subsequential catalogues as they've all been bumped with the absence of this post
2012-02-04 08:00:25 +00:00
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
for ( $i = $ThisCatalogue ; $i <= $LastCatalogue ; $i ++ ) {
2011-04-29 13:49:03 +00:00
$Cache -> delete ( 'torrent_comments_' . $GroupID . '_catalogue_' . $i );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
// Delete thread info cache (eg. number of pages)
2011-04-29 13:49:03 +00:00
$Cache -> delete ( 'torrent_comments_' . $GroupID );
2012-02-04 08:00:25 +00:00
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
break ;
case 'regen_filelist' :
if ( check_perms ( 'users_mod' ) && ! empty ( $_GET [ 'torrentid' ]) && is_number ( $_GET [ 'torrentid' ])) {
$TorrentID = $_GET [ 'torrentid' ];
$DB -> query ( " SELECT tg.ID,
tf . File
FROM torrents_files AS tf
JOIN torrents AS t ON t . ID = tf . TorrentID
JOIN torrents_group AS tg ON tg . ID = t . GroupID
WHERE tf . TorrentID = " . $TorrentID );
if ( $DB -> record_count () > 0 ) {
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_torrent.php' );
list ( $GroupID , $Contents ) = $DB -> next_record ( MYSQLI_NUM , false );
$Contents = unserialize ( base64_decode ( $Contents ));
$Tor = new TORRENT ( $Contents , true );
list ( $TotalSize , $FileList ) = $Tor -> file_list ();
foreach ( $FileList as $File ) {
list ( $Size , $Name ) = $File ;
$TmpFileList [] = $Name . '{{{' . $Size . '}}}' ; // Name {{{Size}}}
2012-05-18 13:35:17 +00:00
$FilePath = $Tor -> Val [ 'info' ] -> Val [ 'files' ] ? make_utf8 ( $Tor -> Val [ 'info' ] -> Val [ 'name' ]) : " " ;
$FileString = make_utf8 ( implode ( '|||' , $TmpFileList ));
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE torrents SET Size = " . $TotalSize . " , FilePath = ' " . db_string ( $FilePath ) . " ', FileList = ' " . db_string ( $FileString ) . " ' WHERE ID = " . $TorrentID );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'torrents_details_' . $GroupID );
header ( 'Location: torrents.php?torrentid=' . $TorrentID );
die ();
} else {
error ( 403 );
break ;
case 'fix_group' :
2012-04-11 08:00:22 +00:00
if (( check_perms ( 'users_mod' ) || check_perms ( 'torrents_fix_ghosts' )) && authorize () && ! empty ( $_GET [ 'groupid' ]) && is_number ( $_GET [ 'groupid' ])) {
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$DB -> query ( " SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM torrents WHERE GroupID = " . $_GET [ 'groupid' ]);
list ( $Count ) = $DB -> next_record ();
if ( $Count == 0 ) {
delete_group ( $_GET [ 'groupid' ]);
} else {
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'artistid' ]) && is_number ( $_GET [ 'artistid' ])) {
header ( 'Location: artist.php?id=' . $_GET [ 'artistid' ]);
} else {
header ( 'Location: torrents.php?id=' . $_GET [ 'groupid' ]);
} else {
error ( 403 );
break ;
default :
enforce_login ();
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'id' ])) {
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/details.php' );
} elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ 'torrentid' ]) && is_number ( $_GET [ 'torrentid' ])) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT GroupID FROM torrents WHERE ID= " . $_GET [ 'torrentid' ]);
list ( $GroupID ) = $DB -> next_record ();
if ( $GroupID ) {
header ( " Location: torrents.php?id= " . $GroupID . " &torrentid= " . $_GET [ 'torrentid' ]);
} else {
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/browse2.php' );
break ;
} else {
enforce_login ();
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'id' ])) {
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/details.php' );
} elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ 'torrentid' ]) && is_number ( $_GET [ 'torrentid' ])) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT GroupID FROM torrents WHERE ID= " . $_GET [ 'torrentid' ]);
list ( $GroupID ) = $DB -> next_record ();
if ( $GroupID ) {
header ( " Location: torrents.php?id= " . $GroupID . " &torrentid= " . $_GET [ 'torrentid' ] . " #torrent " . $_GET [ 'torrentid' ]);
} else {
header ( " Location: log.php?search=Torrent+ " . $_GET [ 'torrentid' ]);
} elseif ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'type' ])) {
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/user.php' );
} elseif ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'groupname' ]) && ! empty ( $_GET [ 'forward' ])) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT ID FROM torrents_group WHERE Name LIKE ' " . db_string ( $_GET [ 'groupname' ]) . " ' " );
list ( $GroupID ) = $DB -> next_record ();
if ( $GroupID ) {
header ( " Location: torrents.php?id= " . $GroupID );
} else {
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/browse2.php' );
} else {
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/torrents/browse2.php' );