<h2><ahref="#"class="tooltip"title="These settings change the visual style of the entire site.">SiteAppearanceSettings</a></h2>
<h2><ahref="#"class="tooltip"title="These settings change how torrents are searched for, grouped, displayed, and downloaded.">TorrentSettings</a></h2>
<h2><ahref="#"class="tooltip"title="These settings change how interactions with other users are formatted, grouped, and displayed.">CommunitySettings</a></h2>
<h2><ahref="#"class="tooltip"title="These settings change the format and types of notifications you receive.">NotificationSettings</a></h2>
<h2><ahref="#"class="tooltip"title="These settings alter the appearance of your profile and posts.">PersonalSettings</a></h2>
<h2><ahref="#"class="tooltip"title="These settings allow you to display or hide different categories of information from your profile.">ParanoiaSettings</a></h2>
<h2><ahref="#"class="tooltip"title="These settings control your login and access details for <?=SITE_NAME?>, the site's IRC network, and the tracker.">AccessSettings</a></h2>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Providing a link to an externally-hosted stylesheet will override your default stylesheet selection."><strong>ExternalstylesheetURL</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip_interactive"title="<a href="http://opendyslexic.org" target="_blank">Click here</a> to read about OpenDyslexic, a CC-BY 3.0 licensed font designed for users with dyslexia."data-title-plain="Go to http://opendyslexic.org to read about OpenDyslexic, a CC-BY 3.0 licensed font designed for users with dyslexia."><strong>OpenDyslexic</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Use styled tooltips instead of the browser's default when hovering elements with extra information (such as this one)."><strong>Styledtooltips</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="This is a staff-only feature to bypass the "Show stats" button for seeding, leeching, snatched, and downloaded stats on profile pages."><strong>Profilestats</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="This option allows you to choose whether the default torrent search menu will be basic (fewer options) or advanced (more options)."><strong>Defaultsearchtype</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Enabling torrent grouping will place multiple formats of the same torrent group together beneath a common header."><strong>Torrentgrouping</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="In torrent search results and on artist pages, "open" will expand torrent groups by default, and "closed" will collapse torrent groups by default."><strong>Torrentgroupdisplay</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="On artist pages, "open" will expand release type sections by default, and "closed" will collapse release type sections by default."><strong>Releasetypedisplay(artistpages)</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Any selected release type will be collapsed by default on artist pages."><strong>Releasetypedisplay(artistpages)</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Enabling the snatched torrents indicator will display "Snatched!" next to torrents you've snatched."><strong>Snatchedtorrentsindicator</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Enabling cover artwork for torrents will show cover artwork next to torrent information. Enabling additional cover artwork will display all additional cover artwork as well."><strong>Coverart(torrents)</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="This option allows you to change the number of album covers to display within a single collage page."><strong>Coverart(collages)</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Displaying filter controls will show torrent filtering options in the torrent search menu by default. Displaying filters for official tags will list clickable filters for official tags in the torrent search menu by default."><strong>Torrentsearchfilters</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Autocomplete will try to predict the word or phrase that you're typing. Selecting "Everywhere" will enable autocomplete on artist and tag fields across the site. Selecting "Searches only" will enable autocomplete in searches."><strong>Autocompletion</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="This option allows you to enable or disable "up" and "down" voting links on artist pages, collages, and snatched lists."><strong>Votinglinks</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Some ISPs block the downloading of torrent files. Enable this option if you wish to download torrent files with a ".txt" file extension."><strong>Textfiledownloads</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="This option allows you to set the desired number of displayed posts per page within forum threads."><strong>Postsperpage(forums)</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Emoticons are small images which replace traditional text-based "smileys" like :) or :("><strong>Emoticons</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip_interactive"title="<?=SITE_NAME?> has very flexible <a href="wiki.php?action=article&amp;id=1063">mature content policies</a> for all community areas. Choosing to display mature content will allow you to click-through to view any content posted beneath <code>[mature]</code> tags. If you choose not to display mature content, all content tagged with <code>[mature]</code> tags will be hidden from you."data-title-plain="<?=SITE_NAME?> has very flexible mature content policies for all community areas. Choosing to display mature content will allow you to click-through to view any content posted beneath [mature] tags. If you choose not to display mature content, all content tagged with [mature] tags will be hidden from you."><strong>Maturecontent(forums,comments,profiles)</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="This option allows you to disable all avatars, show all avatars (with a placeholder for users without avatars), show all avatars <em>or</em> an identicon set (for users without avatars), or replace all avatars with an identicon set of your choosing."data-title-plain="This option allows you to disable all avatars, show all avatars (with a placeholder for users without avatars), show all avatars or an identicon set (for users without avatars), or replace all avatars with an identicon set of your choosing."><strong>Avatardisplay(posts)</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="As you add text to a post or reply, this text is automatically saved. If you stop and return to your post at a later time (e.g. accidentally clicking a link and then pressing the "Back" button in your browser), the text will remain. This option allows you to disable this feature."><strong>Auto-savereplytext</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Enabling this will automatically subscribe you to any thread you post in."><strong>Automaticthreadsubscriptions</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Enabling this will send you a PM alert before your uploads are deleted for being unseeded."><strong>Unseededtorrentalerts</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip_interactive"title="Please link to an avatar which follows the <a href="rules.php">site rules</a>. The avatar width should be 150 pixels and will be resized if necessary."data-title-plain="Please link to an avatar which follows the site rules. The avatar width should be 150 pixels and will be resized if necessary."><strong>AvatarURL</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip_interactive"title="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Special Rank #2. Thanks for donating. Your normal avatar will "flip" to this one when someone runs their mouse over the image. Please link to an avatar which follows the <a href="rules.php">site rules</a>. The avatar width should be 150 pixels and will be resized if necessary."data-title-plain="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Special Rank #2. Thanks for donating. Your normal avatar will "flip" to this one when someone runs their mouse over the image. Please link to an avatar which follows the site rules. The avatar width should be 150 pixels and will be resized if necessary."><strong>SecondavatarURL</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Donor Rank #3. Thanks for donating. Text you enter in this field will appear when someone mouses over your avatar. All text should follow site rules. 200 character limit."><strong>Avatarmouseovertext</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Donor Rank #2. Thanks for donating. Text you enter in this field will appear when someone mouses over your donor icon. All text should follow site rules. 200 character limit."><strong>Donoriconmouseovertext</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Donor Rank #4. Thanks for donating. Links you enter in this field will be accessible when your donor icon is clicked. All links should follow site rules."><strong>Donoriconlink</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Donor Rank #5. Thanks for donating. Please link to an icon which you'd like to replace your default donor icon with. Icons must be 15 pixels wide by 13 pixels tall. Icons of any other size will be automatically resized."><strong>CustomdonoriconURL</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Donor Rank #5. Thanks for donating. You may select a prefix and suffix which will be used in the Donor Forum you now have access to."><strong>Donorforumhonorific</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip_interactive"title="This is used to display <a href="http://www.last.fm/">Last.fm</a> information on your profile. Entering your Last.fm username will allow others to see your Last.fm account."data-title-plain="This is used to display Last.fm information on your profile. Entering your Last.fm username will allow others to see your Last.fm account."><strong>Last.fmusername</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="You can customize your profile information with text and BBCode. Entering a title will label your profile information section. Unlock additional profile info boxes via Donor Ranks."><strong>Profiletitle1</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="You can customize your profile information with text and BBCode. Entering a title will label your profile information section. Unlock additional profile info boxes via Donor Ranks."><strong>Profileinfo1</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Donor Rank #2. Thanks for donating. You can customize your profile information with text and BBCode. Entering a title will label your profile information section."><strong>Profiletitle2</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Donor Rank #2. Thanks for donating. You can customize your profile information with text and BBCode. Entering a title will label your profile information section."><strong>Profileinfo2</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Donor Rank #3. Thanks for donating. You can customize your profile information with text and BBCode. Entering a title will label your profile information section."><strong>Profiletitle3</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Donor Rank #3. Thanks for donating. You can customize your profile information with text and BBCode. Entering a title will label your profile information section."><strong>Profileinfo3</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Donor Rank #4. Thanks for donating. You can customize your profile information with text and BBCode. Entering a title will label your profile information section."><strong>Profiletitle4</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Donor Rank #4. Thanks for donating. You can customize your profile information with text and BBCode. Entering a title will label your profile information section."><strong>Profileinfo4</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Donor Rank #5. Thanks for donating. You can customize your profile information with text and BBCode. Entering a title will label your profile information section."><strong>Profiletitle5</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="Congratulations! You've unlocked this option by reaching Donor Rank #5. Thanks for donating. You can customize your profile information with text and BBCode. Entering a title will label your profile information section."><strong>Profileinfo5</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="These settings control the display of your uploaded data amount, downloaded data amount, and ratio."><strong>Statistics</strong></td>
<label><inputtype="checkbox"name="p_requestsfilled_count"onchange="AlterParanoia();"<?=$RequestsFilledCountChecked?> /> Show count</label>
<label><inputtype="checkbox"name="p_requestsfilled_bounty"onchange="AlterParanoia();"<?=$RequestsFilledBountyChecked?> /> Show bounty</label>
<label><inputtype="checkbox"name="p_requestsfilled_list"onchange="AlterParanoia();"<?=$RequestsFilledListChecked?> /> Show list</label>
<label><inputtype="checkbox"name="p_requestsvoted_count"onchange="AlterParanoia();"<?=$RequestsVotedCountChecked?> /> Show count</label>
<label><inputtype="checkbox"name="p_requestsvoted_bounty"onchange="AlterParanoia();"<?=$RequestsVotedBountyChecked?> /> Show bounty</label>
<label><inputtype="checkbox"name="p_requestsvoted_list"onchange="AlterParanoia();"<?=$RequestsVotedListChecked?> /> Show list</label>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="This option allows other users to subscribe to your torrent uploads."><strong>Torrents(uploadsubscriptions)</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="This option controls the display of the artists you have added to torrent groups on the site. This number includes artists added via the torrent upload form, as well as artists added via the "Add artists" box on torrent group pages."><strong>Artistsadded</strong></td>
<label><inputtype="checkbox"name="p_artistsadded"<?=checked(!in_array('artistsadded',$Paranoia))?> /> Show count</label>
<tdclass="label tooltip_interactive"title="For information about the function of your passkey, please <a href="<?=site_url()?>wiki.php?action=article&amp;name=Passkey">read this wiki article</a>."data-title-plain="For information about the function of your passkey, please read the "Passkey" wiki article."><strong>Resetpasskey</strong></td>
<tdclass="label tooltip"title="This is the email address you want associated with your <?=SITE_NAME?> account. It will be used if you forget your password or if an alert needs to be sent to you."><strong>Emailaddress</strong></td>