2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ?
/*-- Script Start Class --------------------------------*/
/* This isnt really a class but a way to tie other */
/* classes and functions used all over the site to the */
/* page currently being displayed. */
/* The code that includes the main php files and */
/* generates the page are at the bottom. */
require 'config.php' ; //The config contains all site wide configuration information
//Deal with dumbasses
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'info_hash' ]) && isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'peer_id' ])) { die ( 'd14:failure reason40:Invalid .torrent, try downloading again.e' ); }
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_proxies.php' );
if ( ! empty ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' ]) && proxyCheck ( $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ])) {
$SSL = ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_PORT' ]) && $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_PORT' ] == 443 );
if ( ! isset ( $argv ) && ! empty ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ])) { //Skip this block if running from cli or if the browser is old and shitty
if ( ! $SSL && $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] == 'www.' . NONSSL_SITE_URL ) { header ( 'Location: http://' . NONSSL_SITE_URL . $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ]); die (); }
if ( $SSL && $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] == 'www.' . NONSSL_SITE_URL ) { header ( 'Location: https://' . SSL_SITE_URL . $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ]); die (); }
if ( ! $SSL && $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] == SSL_SITE_URL ) { header ( 'Location: https://' . SSL_SITE_URL . $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ]); die (); }
if ( $SSL && $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] == NONSSL_SITE_URL ) { header ( 'Location: https://' . SSL_SITE_URL . $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ]); die (); }
if ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] == 'www.m.' . NONSSL_SITE_URL ) { header ( 'Location: http://m.' . NONSSL_SITE_URL . $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ]); die (); }
$ScriptStartTime = microtime ( true ); //To track how long a page takes to create
ob_start (); //Start a buffer, mainly in case there is a mysql error
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_debug.php' ); //Require the debug class
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_mysql.php' ); //Require the database wrapper
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_cache.php' ); //Require the caching class
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_encrypt.php' ); //Require the encryption class
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_useragent.php' ); //Require the useragent class
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_time.php' ); //Require the time class
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_search.php' ); //Require the searching class
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_paranoia.php' ); //Require the paranoia check_paranoia function
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/regex.php' );
$Debug = new DEBUG ;
$Debug -> handle_errors ();
2011-04-13 15:36:33 +00:00
$Debug -> set_flag ( 'Debug constructed' );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$DB = new DB_MYSQL ;
$Cache = new CACHE ;
$Enc = new CRYPT ;
$UA = new USER_AGENT ;
//Begin browser identification
$Browser = $UA -> browser ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ]);
$OperatingSystem = $UA -> operating_system ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ]);
//$Mobile = $UA->mobile($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$Mobile = in_array ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ], array ( 'm.' . NONSSL_SITE_URL , 'm.' . NONSSL_SITE_URL ));
$Debug -> set_flag ( 'start user handling' );
// Get permissions
list ( $Classes , $ClassLevels ) = $Cache -> get_value ( 'classes' );
if ( ! $Classes || ! $ClassLevels ) {
$DB -> query ( 'SELECT ID, Name, Level FROM permissions ORDER BY Level' );
$Classes = $DB -> to_array ( 'ID' );
$ClassLevels = $DB -> to_array ( 'Level' );
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'classes' , array ( $Classes , $ClassLevels ), 0 );
$Debug -> set_flag ( 'Loaded permissions' );
//-- Load user information ----------------------------------------------------------
// User info is broken up into many sections
// Heavy - Things that the site never has to look at if the user isn't logged in (as opposed to things like the class, donor status, etc)
// Light - Things that appear in format_user
// Stats - Uploaded and downloaded - can be updated by a script if you want super speed
// Session data - Information about the specific session
// Enabled - if the user's enabled or not
// Permissions
if ( isset ( $_COOKIE [ 'session' ])) { $LoginCookie = $Enc -> decrypt ( $_COOKIE [ 'session' ]); }
if ( isset ( $LoginCookie )) {
list ( $SessionID , $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]) = explode ( " |~| " , $Enc -> decrypt ( $LoginCookie ));
$LoggedUser [ 'ID' ] = ( int ) $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ];
$UserID = $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]; //TODO: UserID should not be LoggedUser
if ( ! $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ] || ! $SessionID ) {
logout ();
$UserSessions = $Cache -> get_value ( 'users_sessions_' . $UserID );
if ( ! is_array ( $UserSessions )) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT
SessionID ,
Browser ,
OperatingSystem ,
IP ,
FROM users_sessions
WHERE UserID = '$UserID'
ORDER BY LastUpdate DESC " );
$UserSessions = $DB -> to_array ( 'SessionID' , MYSQLI_ASSOC );
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'users_sessions_' . $UserID , $UserSessions , 0 );
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $SessionID , $UserSessions )) {
logout ();
// Check if user is enabled
$Enabled = $Cache -> get_value ( 'enabled_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
if ( $Enabled === false ) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT Enabled FROM users_main WHERE ID=' $LoggedUser[ID] ' " );
list ( $Enabled ) = $DB -> next_record ();
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'enabled_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ], $Enabled , 0 );
if ( $Enabled == 2 ) {
logout ();
// Up/Down stats
$UserStats = $Cache -> get_value ( 'user_stats_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
if ( ! is_array ( $UserStats )) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT Uploaded AS BytesUploaded, Downloaded AS BytesDownloaded, RequiredRatio FROM users_main WHERE ID=' $LoggedUser[ID] ' " );
$UserStats = $DB -> next_record ( MYSQLI_ASSOC );
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'user_stats_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ], $UserStats , 3600 );
// Get info such as username
$LightInfo = user_info ( $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
$HeavyInfo = user_heavy_info ( $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
// Get user permissions
$Permissions = get_permissions ( $LightInfo [ 'PermissionID' ]);
// Create LoggedUser array
$LoggedUser = array_merge ( $HeavyInfo , $LightInfo , $Permissions , $UserStats );
$LoggedUser [ 'RSS_Auth' ] = md5 ( $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ] . RSS_HASH . $LoggedUser [ 'torrent_pass' ]);
//$LoggedUser['RatioWatch'] as a bool to disable things for users on Ratio Watch
$LoggedUser [ 'RatioWatch' ] = (
$LoggedUser [ 'RatioWatchEnds' ] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' &&
time () < strtotime ( $LoggedUser [ 'RatioWatchEnds' ]) &&
( $LoggedUser [ 'BytesDownloaded' ] * $LoggedUser [ 'RequiredRatio' ]) > $LoggedUser [ 'BytesUploaded' ]
// Manage 'special' inherited permissions
if ( $LoggedUser [ 'Artist' ]) {
$ArtistPerms = get_permissions ( ARTIST );
} else {
$ArtistPerms [ 'Permissions' ] = array ();
if ( $LoggedUser [ 'Donor' ]) {
$DonorPerms = get_permissions ( DONOR );
} else {
$DonorPerms [ 'Permissions' ] = array ();
if ( is_array ( $LoggedUser [ 'CustomPermissions' ])) {
$CustomPerms = $LoggedUser [ 'CustomPermissions' ];
} else {
$CustomPerms = array ();
//Load in the permissions
$LoggedUser [ 'Permissions' ] = array_merge ( $LoggedUser [ 'Permissions' ], $DonorPerms [ 'Permissions' ], $ArtistPerms [ 'Permissions' ], $CustomPerms );
//Change necessary triggers in external components
$Cache -> CanClear = check_perms ( 'admin_clear_cache' );
// Because we <3 our staff
if ( check_perms ( 'site_disable_ip_history' )) { $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ] = '' ; }
// Update LastUpdate every 10 minutes
if ( strtotime ( $UserSessions [ $SessionID ][ 'LastUpdate' ]) + 600 < time ()) {
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE users_main SET LastAccess=' " . sqltime () . " ' WHERE ID=' $LoggedUser[ID] ' " );
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE users_sessions SET IP=' " . $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ] . " ', Browser=' " . $Browser . " ', OperatingSystem=' " . $OperatingSystem . " ', LastUpdate=' " . sqltime () . " ' WHERE UserID=' $LoggedUser[ID] ' AND SessionID=' " . db_string ( $SessionID ) . " ' " );
$Cache -> begin_transaction ( 'users_sessions_' . $UserID );
$Cache -> delete_row ( $SessionID );
$Cache -> insert_front ( $SessionID , array (
'SessionID' => $SessionID ,
'Browser' => $Browser ,
'OperatingSystem' => $OperatingSystem ,
'LastUpdate' => sqltime ()
$Cache -> commit_transaction ( 0 );
// Notifications
if ( isset ( $LoggedUser [ 'Permissions' ][ 'site_torrents_notify' ])) {
$LoggedUser [ 'Notify' ] = $Cache -> get_value ( 'notify_filters_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
if ( ! is_array ( $LoggedUser [ 'Notify' ])) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT ID, Label FROM users_notify_filters WHERE UserID=' $LoggedUser[ID] ' " );
$LoggedUser [ 'Notify' ] = $DB -> to_array ( 'ID' );
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'notify_filters_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ], $LoggedUser [ 'Notify' ], 2592000 );
// We've never had to disable the wiki privs of anyone.
if ( $LoggedUser [ 'DisableWiki' ]) {
unset ( $LoggedUser [ 'Permissions' ][ 'site_edit_wiki' ]);
// IP changed
2011-05-12 10:24:03 +00:00
if ( $LoggedUser [ 'IP' ] != $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ] && ! check_perms ( 'site_disable_ip_history' )) {
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
if ( site_ban_ip ( $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ])) {
error ( 'Your IP has been banned.' );
2011-05-12 10:24:03 +00:00
$CurIP = db_string ( $LoggedUser [ 'IP' ]);
$NewIP = db_string ( $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ]);
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE users_history_ips SET
EndTime = '".sqltime()."'
AND UserID = '$LoggedUser[ID]'
AND IP = '$CurIP' " );
$DB -> query ( " INSERT IGNORE INTO users_history_ips
( UserID , IP , StartTime ) VALUES
( '$LoggedUser[ID]' , '$NewIP' , '".sqltime()."' ) " );
$ipcc = geoip ( $NewIP );
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE users_main SET IP=' $NewIP ', ipcc=' " . $ipcc . " ' WHERE ID=' $LoggedUser[ID] ' " );
$Cache -> begin_transaction ( 'user_info_heavy_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
$Cache -> update_row ( false , array ( 'IP' => $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ]));
$Cache -> commit_transaction ( 0 );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
// Get stylesheets
$Stylesheets = $Cache -> get_value ( 'stylesheets' );
if ( ! is_array ( $Stylesheets )) {
$DB -> query ( 'SELECT ID, LOWER(REPLACE(Name," ","_")) AS Name, Name AS ProperName FROM stylesheets' );
$Stylesheets = $DB -> to_array ( 'ID' , MYSQLI_BOTH );
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'stylesheets' , $Stylesheets , 600 );
//A9 TODO: Clean up this messy solution
$LoggedUser [ 'StyleName' ] = $Stylesheets [ $LoggedUser [ 'StyleID' ]][ 'Name' ];
if ( empty ( $LoggedUser [ 'Username' ])) {
logout (); // Ghost
$Debug -> set_flag ( 'end user handling' );
$Debug -> set_flag ( 'start function definitions' );
// Get cached user info, is used for the user loading the page and usernames all over the site
function user_info ( $UserID ) {
global $DB , $Cache ;
$UserInfo = $Cache -> get_value ( 'user_info_' . $UserID );
// the !isset($UserInfo['Paranoia']) can be removed after a transition period
if ( empty ( $UserInfo ) || empty ( $UserInfo [ 'ID' ]) || ! isset ( $UserInfo [ 'Paranoia' ])) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT
m . ID ,
m . Username ,
m . PermissionID ,
m . Paranoia ,
i . Artist ,
i . Donor ,
i . Warned ,
i . Avatar ,
m . Enabled ,
m . Title ,
i . CatchupTime ,
m . Visible
FROM users_main AS m
INNER JOIN users_info AS i ON i . UserID = m . ID
WHERE m . ID = '$UserID' " );
if ( $DB -> record_count () == 0 ) { // Deleted user, maybe?
$UserInfo = array ( 'ID' => '' , 'Username' => '' , 'PermissionID' => 0 , 'Artist' => false , 'Donor' => false , 'Warned' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00' , 'Avatar' => '' , 'Enabled' => 0 , 'Title' => '' , 'CatchupTime' => 0 , 'Visible' => '1' );
} else {
$UserInfo = $DB -> next_record ( MYSQLI_ASSOC , array ( 'Paranoia' , 'Title' ));
$UserInfo [ 'CatchupTime' ] = strtotime ( $UserInfo [ 'CatchupTime' ]);
$UserInfo [ 'Paranoia' ] = unserialize ( $UserInfo [ 'Paranoia' ]);
if ( $UserInfo [ 'Paranoia' ] === false ) {
$UserInfo [ 'Paranoia' ] = array ();
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'user_info_' . $UserID , $UserInfo , 2592000 );
if ( strtotime ( $UserInfo [ 'Warned' ]) < time ()) {
$UserInfo [ 'Warned' ] = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ;
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'user_info_' . $UserID , $UserInfo , 2592000 );
// Image proxy
if ( check_perms ( 'site_proxy_images' ) && ! empty ( $UserInfo [ 'Avatar' ])) {
$UserInfo [ 'Avatar' ] = 'http://' . SITE_URL . '/image.php?c=1&avatar=' . $UserID . '&i=' . urlencode ( $UserInfo [ 'Avatar' ]);
return $UserInfo ;
// Only used for current user
function user_heavy_info ( $UserID ) {
global $DB , $Cache ;
$HeavyInfo = $Cache -> get_value ( 'user_info_heavy_' . $UserID );
if ( empty ( $HeavyInfo )) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT
m . Invites ,
m . torrent_pass ,
m . IP ,
m . CustomPermissions ,
i . AuthKey ,
i . RatioWatchEnds ,
i . RatioWatchDownload ,
i . StyleID ,
i . StyleURL ,
i . DisableInvites ,
i . DisablePosting ,
i . DisableUpload ,
i . DisableWiki ,
i . DisableAvatar ,
i . DisablePM ,
i . DisableRequests ,
i . SiteOptions ,
i . DownloadAlt ,
2011-05-15 12:06:04 +00:00
i . LastReadNews ,
i . RestrictedForums
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
FROM users_main AS m
INNER JOIN users_info AS i ON i . UserID = m . ID
WHERE m . ID = '$UserID' " );
$HeavyInfo = $DB -> next_record ( MYSQLI_ASSOC , array ( 'CustomPermissions' , 'SiteOptions' ));
if ( ! empty ( $HeavyInfo [ 'CustomPermissions' ])) {
$HeavyInfo [ 'CustomPermissions' ] = unserialize ( $HeavyInfo [ 'CustomPermissions' ]);
2011-05-15 12:06:04 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $HeavyInfo [ 'RestrictedForums' ])) {
$HeavyInfo [ 'CustomForums' ] = array_fill_keys ( explode ( ',' , $HeavyInfo [ 'RestrictedForums' ]), 0 );
} else {
$HeavyInfo [ 'CustomForums' ] = null ;
unset ( $HeavyInfo [ 'RestrictedForums' ]);
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $HeavyInfo [ 'SiteOptions' ])) {
$HeavyInfo [ 'SiteOptions' ] = unserialize ( $HeavyInfo [ 'SiteOptions' ]);
$HeavyInfo = array_merge ( $HeavyInfo , $HeavyInfo [ 'SiteOptions' ]);
unset ( $HeavyInfo [ 'SiteOptions' ]);
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'user_info_heavy_' . $UserID , $HeavyInfo , 0 );
return $HeavyInfo ;
function get_permissions ( $PermissionID ) {
global $DB , $Cache ;
$Permission = $Cache -> get_value ( 'perm_' . $PermissionID );
if ( empty ( $Permission )) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT p.Level AS Class, p.Values as Permissions FROM permissions AS p WHERE ID=' $PermissionID ' " );
$Permission = $DB -> next_record ( MYSQLI_ASSOC , array ( 'Permissions' ));
$Permission [ 'Permissions' ] = unserialize ( $Permission [ 'Permissions' ]);
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'perm_' . $PermissionID , $Permission , 2592000 );
return $Permission ;
function site_ban_ip ( $IP ) {
global $DB , $Cache ;
$IP = ip2unsigned ( $IP );
$IPBans = $Cache -> get_value ( 'ip_bans' );
if ( ! is_array ( $IPBans )) {
2011-05-29 08:00:05 +00:00
$DB -> query ( " SELECT ID, FromIP, ToIP FROM ip_bans " );
$IPBans = $DB -> to_array ( 0 , MYSQLI_NUM );
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'ip_bans' , $IPBans , 0 );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
foreach ( $IPBans as $Index => $IPBan ) {
list ( $ID , $FromIP , $ToIP ) = $IPBan ;
if ( $IP >= $FromIP && $IP <= $ToIP ) {
return true ;
return false ;
function ip2unsigned ( $IP ) {
return sprintf ( " %u " , ip2long ( $IP ));
// Geolocate an IP address. Two functions - a database one, and a dns one.
function geoip ( $IP ) {
static $IPs = array ();
if ( isset ( $IPs [ $IP ])) {
return $IPs [ $IP ];
$Long = ip2unsigned ( $IP );
2011-05-01 08:00:05 +00:00
if ( ! $Long || $Long == 2130706433 ) { // No need to check cc for
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
return false ;
global $DB ;
2011-05-01 08:00:05 +00:00
$DB -> query ( " SELECT EndIP,Code FROM geoip_country WHERE $Long >= StartIP ORDER BY StartIP DESC LIMIT 1 " );
if (( ! list ( $EndIP , $Country ) = $DB -> next_record ()) || $EndIP < $Long ) {
$Country = '?' ;
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$IPs [ $IP ] = $Country ;
return $Country ;
function old_geoip ( $IP ) {
static $Countries = array ();
if ( empty ( $Countries [ $IP ])) {
$Country = 0 ;
// Reverse IP, so becomes
$ReverseIP = implode ( '.' , array_reverse ( explode ( '.' , $IP )));
$TestHost = $ReverseIP . '.country.netop.org' ;
$Return = dns_get_record ( $TestHost , DNS_TXT );
if ( ! empty ( $Return )) {
$Country = $Return [ 0 ][ 'txt' ];
if ( ! $Country ) {
$Return = gethostbyaddr ( $IP );
$Return = explode ( '.' , $Return );
$Return = array_pop ( $Return );
if ( strlen ( $Return ) == 2 && ! is_number ( $Return )) {
$Country = strtoupper ( $Return );
} else {
$Country = '?' ;
if ( $Country == 'UK' ) { $Country = 'GB' ; }
$Countries [ $IP ] = $Country ;
return $Countries [ $IP ];
function gethostbyip ( $ip )
$testar = explode ( '.' , $ip );
if ( count ( $testar ) != 4 ) {
return $ip ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 4 ; ++ $i ) {
if ( ! is_numeric ( $testar [ $i ])) {
return $ip ;
$host = `host -W 1 $ip` ;
return (( $host ? end ( explode ( ' ' , $host )) : $ip ));
function get_host ( $IP ) {
static $ID = 0 ;
++ $ID ;
return '<span id="host_' . $ID . '">Resolving host...<script type="text/javascript">ajax.get(\'tools.php?action=get_host&ip=' . $IP . '\',function(host){$(\'#host_' . $ID . '\').raw().innerHTML=host;});</script></span>' ;
function get_cc ( $IP ) {
static $ID = 0 ;
++ $ID ;
return '<span id="cc_' . $ID . '">Resolving CC...<script type="text/javascript">ajax.get(\'tools.php?action=get_cc&ip=' . $IP . '\',function(cc){$(\'#cc_' . $ID . '\').raw().innerHTML=cc;});</script></span>' ;
2011-04-29 13:49:03 +00:00
function display_ip ( $IP ) {
$Line = display_str ( $IP ) . ' (' . get_cc ( $IP ) . ') ' ;
$Line .= '[<a href="user.php?action=search&ip_history=on&ip=' . display_str ( $IP ) . '&matchtype=strict" title="Search">S</a>]' ;
return $Line ;
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
function logout () {
global $SessionID , $LoggedUser , $DB , $Cache ;
setcookie ( 'session' , '' , time () - 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 , '/' , '' , false );
setcookie ( 'keeplogged' , '' , time () - 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 , '/' , '' , false );
setcookie ( 'session' , '' , time () - 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 , '/' , '' , false );
if ( $SessionID ) {
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM users_sessions WHERE UserID=' $LoggedUser[ID] ' AND SessionID=' " . db_string ( $SessionID ) . " ' " );
$Cache -> begin_transaction ( 'users_sessions_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
$Cache -> delete_row ( $SessionID );
$Cache -> commit_transaction ( 0 );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'user_info_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'user_stats_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'user_info_heavy_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
header ( 'Location: login.php' );
die ();
function enforce_login () {
global $SessionID , $LoggedUser ;
if ( ! $SessionID || ! $LoggedUser ) {
setcookie ( 'redirect' , $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ], time () + 60 * 30 , '/' , '' , false );
logout ();
// Make sure $_GET['auth'] is the same as the user's authorization key
// Should be used for any user action that relies solely on GET.
function authorize () {
global $LoggedUser ;
if ( empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'auth' ]) || $_REQUEST [ 'auth' ] != $LoggedUser [ 'AuthKey' ]) {
send_irc ( " PRIVMSG " . LAB_CHAN . " : " . $LoggedUser [ 'Username' ] . " just failed authorize on " . $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ] . " coming from " . $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_REFERER' ]);
error ( 'Invalid authorization key. Go back, refresh, and try again.' );
return false ;
return true ;
// This function is to include the header file on a page.
// $JSIncludes is a comma separated list of js files to be inclides on
// ex: 'somefile,somdire/somefile'
function show_header ( $PageTitle = '' , $JSIncludes = '' ) {
global $Document , $Cache , $DB , $LoggedUser , $Mobile ;
if ( $PageTitle != '' ) { $PageTitle .= ' :: ' ; }
$PageTitle .= SITE_NAME ;
if ( ! is_array ( $LoggedUser )) {
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/design/publicheader.php' );
} else {
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/design/privateheader.php' );
/*-- show_footer function ------------------------------------------------*/
/* This function is to include the footer file on a page. */
/* $Options is an optional array that you can pass information to the */
/* header through as well as setup certain limitations */
/* Here is a list of parameters that work in the $Options array: */
/* ['disclaimer'] = [boolean] Displays the disclaimer in the footer */
/* Default is false */
function show_footer ( $Options = array ()) {
global $ScriptStartTime , $LoggedUser , $Cache , $DB , $SessionID , $UserSessions , $Debug , $Time ;
if ( ! is_array ( $LoggedUser )) { require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/design/publicfooter.php' ); }
else { require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/design/privatefooter.php' ); }
function cut_string ( $Str , $Length , $Hard = 0 , $ShowDots = 1 ) {
if ( strlen ( $Str ) > $Length ) {
if ( $Hard == 0 ) {
// Not hard, cut at closest word
$CutDesc = substr ( $Str , 0 , $Length );
$DescArr = explode ( ' ' , $CutDesc );
$DescArr = array_slice ( $DescArr , 0 , count ( $DescArr ) - 1 );
$CutDesc = implode ( $DescArr , ' ' );
if ( $ShowDots == 1 ) { $CutDesc .= '...' ; }
} else {
$CutDesc = substr ( $Str , 0 , $Length );
if ( $ShowDots == 1 ) { $CutDesc .= '...' ; }
return $CutDesc ;
} else {
return $Str ;
function get_ratio_color ( $Ratio ) {
if ( $Ratio < 0.1 ) { return 'r00' ; }
if ( $Ratio < 0.2 ) { return 'r01' ; }
if ( $Ratio < 0.3 ) { return 'r02' ; }
if ( $Ratio < 0.4 ) { return 'r03' ; }
if ( $Ratio < 0.5 ) { return 'r04' ; }
if ( $Ratio < 0.6 ) { return 'r05' ; }
if ( $Ratio < 0.7 ) { return 'r06' ; }
if ( $Ratio < 0.8 ) { return 'r07' ; }
if ( $Ratio < 0.9 ) { return 'r08' ; }
if ( $Ratio < 1 ) { return 'r09' ; }
if ( $Ratio < 2 ) { return 'r10' ; }
if ( $Ratio < 5 ) { return 'r20' ; }
return 'r50' ;
function ratio ( $Dividend , $Divisor , $Color = true ) {
if ( $Divisor == 0 && $Dividend == 0 ) {
return '--' ;
} elseif ( $Divisor == 0 ) {
return '<span class="r99">∞</span>' ;
$Ratio = number_format ( max ( $Dividend / $Divisor - 0.005 , 0 ), 2 ); //Subtract .005 to floor to 2 decimals
if ( $Color ) {
$Class = get_ratio_color ( $Ratio );
if ( $Class ) {
$Ratio = '<span class="' . $Class . '">' . $Ratio . '</span>' ;
return $Ratio ;
function get_url ( $Exclude = false ) {
if ( $Exclude !== false ) {
$QueryItems = array ();
parse_str ( $_SERVER [ 'QUERY_STRING' ], $QueryItems );
foreach ( $QueryItems AS $Key => $Val ) {
if ( ! in_array ( strtolower ( $Key ), $Exclude )) {
$Query [ $Key ] = $Val ;
if ( empty ( $Query )) {
return ;
return display_str ( http_build_query ( $Query ));
} else {
return display_str ( $_SERVER [ 'QUERY_STRING' ]);
* Finds what page we ' re on and gives it to us , as well as the LIMIT clause for SQL
* Takes in $_GET [ 'page' ] as an additional input
* @ param $PerPage Results to show per page
* @ param $DefaultResult Optional , which result ' s page we want if no page is specified
* If this parameter is not specified , we will default to page 1
* @ return array ( int , string ) What page we are on , and what to use in the LIMIT section of a query
* i . e . " SELECT [...] LIMIT $Limit ; "
function page_limit ( $PerPage , $DefaultResult = 1 ) {
if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'page' ])) {
$Page = ceil ( $DefaultResult / $PerPage );
if ( $Page == 0 ) $Page = 1 ;
$Limit = $PerPage ;
} else {
if ( ! is_number ( $_GET [ 'page' ])) {
error ( 0 );
$Page = $_GET [ 'page' ];
if ( $Page == 0 ) { $Page = 1 ; }
$Limit = $PerPage * $_GET [ 'page' ] - $PerPage . ', ' . $PerPage ;
return array ( $Page , $Limit );
// For data stored in memcached catalogues (giant arrays), eg. forum threads
function catalogue_limit ( $Page , $PerPage , $CatalogueSize = 500 ) {
$CatalogueID = floor (( $PerPage * $Page - $PerPage ) / $CatalogueSize );;
$CatalogueLimit = ( $CatalogueID * $CatalogueSize ) . ', ' . $CatalogueSize ;
return array ( $CatalogueID , $CatalogueLimit );
function catalogue_select ( $Catalogue , $Page , $PerPage , $CatalogueSize = 500 ) {
return array_slice ( $Catalogue ,(( $PerPage * $Page - $PerPage ) % $CatalogueSize ), $PerPage , true );
function get_pages ( $StartPage , $TotalRecords , $ItemsPerPage , $ShowPages = 11 , $Anchor = '' ) {
global $Document , $Method , $Mobile ;
$Location = $Document . '.php' ;
/*-- Get pages ---------------------------------------------------------------//
This function returns a page list , given certain information about the pages .
Explanation of arguments :
* $StartPage : The current record the page you ' re on starts with .
eg . if you ' re on page 2 of a forum thread with 25 posts per page , $StartPage is 25.
If you ' re on page 1 , $StartPage is 0.
* $TotalRecords : The total number of records in the result set .
eg . if you ' re on a forum thread with 152 posts , $TotalRecords is 152.
* $ItemsPerPage : Self - explanatory . The number of records shown on each page
eg . if there are 25 posts per forum page , $ItemsPerPage is 25.
$ShowPages : The number of page links that are shown .
eg . If there are 20 pages that exist , but $ShowPages is only 11 , only 11 links will be shown .
$StartPage = ceil ( $StartPage );
if ( $StartPage == 0 ) { $StartPage = 1 ; }
$TotalPages = 0 ;
if ( $TotalRecords > 0 ) {
if ( $StartPage > ceil ( $TotalRecords / $ItemsPerPage )) { $StartPage = ceil ( $TotalRecords / $ItemsPerPage ); }
$ShowPages -- ;
$TotalPages = ceil ( $TotalRecords / $ItemsPerPage );
if ( $TotalPages > $ShowPages ) {
$StartPosition = $StartPage - round ( $ShowPages / 2 );
if ( $StartPosition <= 0 ) {
$StartPosition = 1 ;
} else {
if ( $StartPosition >= ( $TotalPages - $ShowPages )) {
$StartPosition = $TotalPages - $ShowPages ;
$StopPage = $ShowPages + $StartPosition ;
} else {
$StopPage = $TotalPages ;
$StartPosition = 1 ;
if ( $StartPosition < 1 ) { $StartPosition = 1 ; }
$QueryString = get_url ( array ( 'page' , 'post' ));
if ( $QueryString != '' ) { $QueryString = '&' . $QueryString ; }
$Pages = '' ;
if ( $StartPage > 1 ) {
$Pages .= '<a href="' . $Location . '?page=1' . $QueryString . $Anchor . '"><strong><< First</strong></a> ' ;
$Pages .= '<a href="' . $Location . '?page=' . ( $StartPage - 1 ) . $QueryString . $Anchor . '" class="pager_prev"><strong>< Prev</strong></a> | ' ;
//End change
if ( ! $Mobile ) {
for ( $i = $StartPosition ; $i <= $StopPage ; $i ++ ) {
//if ($i!=$StartPage) { $Pages.='<a href="'.$Location.'?page='.$i.$QueryString.'">'; }
if ( $i != $StartPage ) { $Pages .= '<a href="' . $Location . '?page=' . $i . $QueryString . $Anchor . '">' ; }
$Pages .= " <strong> " ;
if ( $i * $ItemsPerPage > $TotalRecords ) {
$Pages .= ((( $i - 1 ) * $ItemsPerPage ) + 1 ) . '-' . ( $TotalRecords );
} else {
$Pages .= ((( $i - 1 ) * $ItemsPerPage ) + 1 ) . '-' . ( $i * $ItemsPerPage );
$Pages .= " </strong> " ;
if ( $i != $StartPage ) { $Pages .= '</a>' ; }
if ( $i < $StopPage ) { $Pages .= " | " ; }
} else {
$Pages .= $StartPage ;
if ( $StartPage < $TotalPages ) {
$Pages .= ' | <a href="' . $Location . '?page=' . ( $StartPage + 1 ) . $QueryString . $Anchor . '" class="pager_next"><strong>Next ></strong></a> ' ;
$Pages .= '<a href="' . $Location . '?page=' . $TotalPages . $QueryString . $Anchor . '"><strong> Last >></strong></a>' ;
if ( $TotalPages > 1 ) { return $Pages ; }
function send_email ( $To , $Subject , $Body , $From = 'noreply' , $ContentType = 'text/plain' ) {
$Headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . " \r \n " ;
$Headers .= 'Content-type: ' . $ContentType . '; charset=iso-8859-1' . " \r \n " ;
$Headers .= 'From: ' . SITE_NAME . ' <' . $From . '@' . NONSSL_SITE_URL . '>' . " \r \n " ;
$Headers .= 'Reply-To: ' . $From . '@' . NONSSL_SITE_URL . " \r \n " ;
$Headers .= 'X-Mailer: Project Gazelle' . " \r \n " ;
$Headers .= 'Message-Id: <' . make_secret () . '@' . NONSSL_SITE_URL . " > \r \n " ;
$Headers .= 'X-Priority: 3' . " \r \n " ;
mail ( $To , $Subject , $Body , $Headers , " -f " . $From . " @ " . NONSSL_SITE_URL );
function get_size ( $Size , $Levels = 2 ) {
$Units = array ( ' B' , ' KB' , ' MB' , ' GB' , ' TB' , ' PB' , ' EB' , ' ZB' , ' YB' );
$Size = ( double ) $Size ;
for ( $Steps = 0 ; abs ( $Size ) >= 1024 ; $Size /= 1024 , $Steps ++ ) {}
if ( func_num_args () == 1 && $Steps >= 4 ) {
$Levels ++ ;
return number_format ( $Size , $Levels ) . $Units [ $Steps ];
2011-04-29 13:49:03 +00:00
function get_bytes ( $Size ) {
list ( $Value , $Unit ) = sscanf ( $Size , " %f%s " );
$Unit = ltrim ( $Unit );
if ( empty ( $Unit )) {
return $Value ? round ( $Value ) : 0 ;
switch ( strtolower ( $Unit [ 0 ])) {
case 'k' : return round ( $Value * 1024 );
case 'm' : return round ( $Value * 1048576 );
case 'g' : return round ( $Value * 1073741824 );
case 't' : return round ( $Value * 1099511627776 );
default : return 0 ;
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
function human_format ( $Number ) {
$Steps = 0 ;
while ( $Number >= 1000 ) {
$Steps ++ ;
$Number = $Number / 1000 ;
switch ( $Steps ) {
case 0 : return round ( $Number ); break ;
case 1 : return round ( $Number , 2 ) . 'k' ; break ;
case 2 : return round ( $Number , 2 ) . 'M' ; break ;
case 3 : return round ( $Number , 2 ) . 'G' ; break ;
case 4 : return round ( $Number , 2 ) . 'T' ; break ;
case 5 : return round ( $Number , 2 ) . 'P' ; break ;
default :
return round ( $Number , 2 ) . 'E + ' . $Steps * 3 ;
function is_number ( $Str ) {
$Return = true ;
if ( $Str < 0 ) { $Return = false ; }
// We're converting input to a int, then string and comparing to original
$Return = ( $Str == strval ( intval ( $Str )) ? true : false );
return $Return ;
function file_string ( $EscapeStr ) {
return str_replace ( array ( '"' , '*' , '/' , ':' , '<' , '>' , '?' , '\\' , '|' ), '' , $EscapeStr );
// This is preferable to htmlspecialchars because it doesn't screw up upon a double escape
function display_str ( $Str ) {
if ( $Str === NULL || $Str === FALSE || is_array ( $Str )) {
return '' ;
if ( $Str != '' && ! is_number ( $Str )) {
$Str = make_utf8 ( $Str );
$Str = mb_convert_encoding ( $Str , " HTML-ENTITIES " , " UTF-8 " );
$Str = preg_replace ( " /&(?![A-Za-z] { 0,4} \ w { 2,3};|#[0-9] { 2,5};)/m " , " & " , $Str );
$Replace = array (
" ' " , '"' , " < " , " > " ,
'€' , '‚' , 'ƒ' , '„' , '…' , '†' , '‡' , 'ˆ' , '‰' , 'Š' , '‹' , 'Œ' , 'Ž' , '‘' , '’' , '“' , '”' , '•' , '–' , '—' , '˜' , '™' , 'š' , '›' , 'œ' , 'ž' , 'Ÿ'
$With = array (
''' , '"' , '<' , '>' ,
'€' , '‚' , 'ƒ' , '„' , '…' , '†' , '‡' , 'ˆ' , '‰' , 'Š' , '‹' , 'Œ' , 'Ž' , '‘' , '’' , '“' , '”' , '•' , '–' , '—' , '˜' , '™' , 'š' , '›' , 'œ' , 'ž' , 'Ÿ'
$Str = str_replace ( $Replace , $With , $Str );
return $Str ;
function make_utf8 ( $Str ) {
if ( $Str != " " ) {
if ( is_utf8 ( $Str )) { $Encoding = " UTF-8 " ; }
if ( empty ( $Encoding )) { $Encoding = mb_detect_encoding ( $Str , 'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1' ); }
if ( empty ( $Encoding )) { $Encoding = " ISO-8859-1 " ; }
if ( $Encoding == " UTF-8 " ) { return $Str ; }
else { return @ mb_convert_encoding ( $Str , " UTF-8 " , $Encoding ); }
function is_utf8 ( $Str ) {
return preg_match ( ' %^ ( ? :
[ \x09\x0A\x0D\x20 - \x7E ] // ASCII
| [ \xC2 - \xDF ][ \x80 - \xBF ] // non-overlong 2-byte
| \xE0 [ \xA0 - \xBF ][ \x80 - \xBF ] // excluding overlongs
| [ \xE1 - \xEC\xEE\xEF ][ \x80 - \xBF ]{ 2 } // straight 3-byte
| \xED [ \x80 - \x9F ][ \x80 - \xBF ] // excluding surrogates
| \xF0 [ \x90 - \xBF ][ \x80 - \xBF ]{ 2 } // planes 1-3
| [ \xF1 - \xF3 ][ \x80 - \xBF ]{ 3 } // planes 4-15
| \xF4 [ \x80 - \x8F ][ \x80 - \xBF ]{ 2 } // plane 16
) * $ % xs ' , $Str
// Escape an entire array for output
// $Escape is either true, false, or a list of array keys to not escape
function display_array ( $Array , $Escape = array ()) {
foreach ( $Array as $Key => $Val ) {
if (( ! is_array ( $Escape ) && $Escape == true ) || ! in_array ( $Key , $Escape )) {
$Array [ $Key ] = display_str ( $Val );
return $Array ;
// Gets a tag ready for database input and display
function sanitize_tag ( $str ) {
$str = strtolower ( $str );
$str = preg_replace ( '/[^a-z0-9.]/' , '' , $str );
$str = htmlspecialchars ( $str );
$str = db_string ( trim ( $str ));
return $str ;
// Generate a random string
function make_secret ( $Length = 32 ) {
$Secret = '' ;
$Chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $Length ; $i ++ ) {
$Rand = mt_rand ( 0 , strlen ( $Chars ) - 1 );
$Secret .= substr ( $Chars , $Rand , 1 );
return str_shuffle ( $Secret );
//TODO: Read and add this one
function make_secret ( $Length = 32 ) {
$Secret = '' ;
$Chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' ;
$CharLen = strlen ( $Chars ) - 1 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $Length ; ++ $i ) {
$Secret .= $Chars [ mt_rand ( 0 , $CharLen )];
return $Secret ;
// Password hashes, feel free to make your own algorithm here
function make_hash ( $Str , $Secret ) {
return sha1 ( md5 ( $Secret ) . $Str . sha1 ( $Secret ) . SITE_SALT );
Returns a username string for display
$Class and $Title can be omitted for an abbreviated version
$IsDonor , $IsWarned and $IsEnabled can be omitted for a * very * abbreviated version
function format_username ( $UserID , $Username , $IsDonor = false , $IsWarned = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' , $IsEnabled = true , $Class = false , $Title = false ) {
if ( $UserID == 0 ) {
return 'System' ;
} elseif ( $Username == '' ) {
return " Unknown [ $UserID ] " ;
$str = '<a href="user.php?id=' . $UserID . '">' . $Username . '</a>' ;
$str .= ( $IsDonor ) ? '<a href="donate.php"><img src="' . STATIC_SERVER . 'common/symbols/donor.png" alt="Donor" title="Donor" /></a>' : '' ;
$str .= ( $IsWarned != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ) ? '<img src="' . STATIC_SERVER . 'common/symbols/warned.png" alt="Warned" title="Warned" />' : '' ;
$str .= ( ! $IsEnabled ) ? '<img src="' . STATIC_SERVER . 'common/symbols/disabled.png" alt="Banned" title="Be good, and you won\'t end up like this user" />' : '' ;
$str .= ( $Class ) ? ' (' . make_class_string ( $Class ) . ')' : '' ;
$str .= ( $Title ) ? ' (' . $Title . ')' : '' ;
return $str ;
function make_class_string ( $ClassID ) {
global $Classes ;
return $Classes [ $ClassID ][ 'Name' ];
// Write a message to the system log
function write_log ( $Message ) {
global $DB , $Time ;
$DB -> query ( 'INSERT INTO log (Message, Time) VALUES (\'' . db_string ( $Message ) . '\', \'' . sqltime () . '\')' );
// Send a message to an IRC bot listening on SOCKET_LISTEN_PORT
function send_irc ( $Raw ) {
$Raw = str_replace ( array ( " \n " , " \r " ), '' , $Raw );
fwrite ( $IRCSocket , $Raw );
fclose ( $IRCSocket );
function delete_torrent ( $ID , $GroupID = 0 ) {
global $DB , $Cache , $LoggedUser ;
if ( ! $GroupID ) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT GroupID, UserID FROM torrents WHERE ID=' $ID ' " );
list ( $GroupID , $UploaderID ) = $DB -> next_record ();
if ( empty ( $UserID )) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT UserID FROM torrents WHERE ID=' $ID ' " );
list ( $UserID ) = $DB -> next_record ();
$RecentUploads = $Cache -> get_value ( 'recent_uploads_' . $UserID );
if ( is_array ( $RecentUploads )) {
foreach ( $RecentUploads as $Key => $Recent ) {
if ( $Recent [ 'ID' ] == $GroupID ) {
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'recent_uploads_' . $UserID );
$DB -> query ( " SELECT info_hash FROM torrents WHERE ID = " . $ID );
list ( $InfoHash ) = $DB -> next_record ( MYSQLI_BOTH , false );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM torrents WHERE ID = " . $ID );
update_tracker ( 'delete_torrent' , array ( 'info_hash' => rawurlencode ( $InfoHash ), 'id' => $ID ));
$Cache -> decrement ( 'stats_torrent_count' );
$DB -> query ( " SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM torrents WHERE GroupID=' $GroupID ' AND flags <> 1 " );
list ( $Count ) = $DB -> next_record ();
if ( $Count == 0 ) {
delete_group ( $GroupID );
} else {
update_hash ( $GroupID );
$DB -> query ( " SELECT ArtistID
FROM torrents_artists
WHERE GroupID = " . $GroupID );
$ArtistIDs = $DB -> collect ( 'ArtistID' );
foreach ( $ArtistIDs as $ArtistID ) {
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'artist_' . $ArtistID );
// Torrent notifications
$DB -> query ( " SELECT UserID FROM users_notify_torrents WHERE TorrentID=' $ID ' " );
while ( list ( $UserID ) = $DB -> next_record ()) {
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'notifications_new_' . $UserID );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM users_notify_torrents WHERE TorrentID=' $ID ' " );
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE reportsv2 SET
Status = 'Resolved' ,
LastChangeTime = '".sqltime()."' ,
ModComment = 'Report already dealt with (Torrent deleted)'
WHERE TorrentID = " . $ID );
$Reports = $DB -> affected_rows ();
if ( $Reports ) {
$Cache -> decrement ( 'num_torrent_reportsv2' , $Reports );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM torrents_files WHERE TorrentID=' $ID ' " );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM torrents_bad_tags WHERE TorrentID = " . $ID );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM torrents_bad_folders WHERE TorrentID = " . $ID );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM torrents_bad_files WHERE TorrentID = " . $ID );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'torrent_download_' . $ID );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'torrent_group_' . $GroupID );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'torrents_details_' . $GroupID );
function delete_group ( $GroupID ) {
global $DB , $Cache ;
write_log ( " Group " . $GroupID . " automatically deleted (No torrents have this group). " );
//Never call this unless you're certain the group is no longer used by any torrents
$DB -> query ( " SELECT CategoryID FROM torrents_group WHERE ID=' $GroupID ' " );
list ( $Category ) = $DB -> next_record ();
if ( $Category == 1 ) {
$Cache -> decrement ( 'stats_album_count' );
$Cache -> decrement ( 'stats_group_count' );
// Collages
$DB -> query ( " SELECT CollageID FROM collages_torrents WHERE GroupID=' $GroupID ' " );
if ( $DB -> record_count () > 0 ) {
$CollageIDs = $DB -> collect ( 'CollageID' );
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE collages SET NumTorrents=NumTorrents-1 WHERE ID IN ( " . implode ( ', ' , $CollageIDs ) . " ) " );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM collages_torrents WHERE GroupID=' $GroupID ' " );
foreach ( $CollageIDs as $CollageID ) {
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'collage_' . $CollageID );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'torrent_collages_' . $GroupID );
//Collect the artist IDs and then wipe the torrents_artist entry
$DB -> query ( " SELECT ArtistID FROM torrents_artists WHERE GroupID = " . $GroupID );
$Artists = $DB -> collect ( 'ArtistID' );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM torrents_artists WHERE GroupID=' $GroupID ' " );
foreach ( $Artists as $ArtistID ) {
if ( empty ( $ArtistID )) { continue ; }
//Get a count of how many groups or requests use the artist ID
$DB -> query ( " SELECT COUNT(ag.ArtistID)
FROM artists_group as ag
LEFT JOIN requests_artists AS ra ON ag . ArtistID = ra . ArtistID
AND ag . ArtistID = '$ArtistID' " );
list ( $ReqCount ) = $DB -> next_record ();
$DB -> query ( " SELECT COUNT(ag.ArtistID)
FROM artists_group as ag
LEFT JOIN torrents_artists AS ta ON ag . ArtistID = ta . ArtistID
AND ag . ArtistID = '$ArtistID' " );
list ( $GroupCount ) = $DB -> next_record ();
if (( $ReqCount + $GroupCount ) == 0 ) {
//The only group to use this artist
delete_artist ( $ArtistID );
} else {
//Not the only group, still need to clear cache
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'artist_' . $ArtistID );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM torrents_group WHERE ID=' $GroupID ' " );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM torrents_tags WHERE GroupID=' $GroupID ' " );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM torrents_tags_votes WHERE GroupID=' $GroupID ' " );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM torrents_comments WHERE GroupID=' $GroupID ' " );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM bookmarks_torrents WHERE GroupID=' $GroupID ' " );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM wiki_torrents WHERE PageID=' $GroupID ' " );
$DB -> query ( " REPLACE INTO sphinx_delta (ID,Time) VALUES (' $GroupID ',UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) " ); // Tells Sphinx that the group is removed
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'torrents_details_' . $GroupID );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'torrent_group_' . $GroupID );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'groups_artists_' . $GroupID );
function delete_artist ( $ArtistID ) {
global $DB , $LoggedUser , $Cache ;
$DB -> query ( " SELECT Name FROM artists_group WHERE ArtistID = " . $ArtistID );
list ( $Name ) = $DB -> next_record ();
// Delete requests
$DB -> query ( " SELECT RequestID FROM requests_artists WHERE ArtistID= " . $ArtistID . " AND ArtistID != 0 " );
$Requests = $DB -> to_array ();
foreach ( $Requests AS $Request ) {
list ( $RequestID ) = $Request ;
$DB -> query ( 'DELETE FROM requests WHERE ID=' . $RequestID );
$DB -> query ( 'DELETE FROM requests_votes WHERE RequestID=' . $RequestID );
$DB -> query ( 'DELETE FROM requests_tags WHERE RequestID=' . $RequestID );
$DB -> query ( 'DELETE FROM requests_artists WHERE RequestID=' . $RequestID );
// Delete artist
$DB -> query ( 'DELETE FROM artists_group WHERE ArtistID=' . $ArtistID );
$DB -> query ( 'DELETE FROM artists_alias WHERE ArtistID=' . $ArtistID );
$Cache -> decrement ( 'stats_artist_count' );
// Delete wiki revisions
$DB -> query ( 'DELETE FROM wiki_artists WHERE PageID=' . $ArtistID );
// Delete tags
$DB -> query ( 'DELETE FROM artists_tags WHERE ArtistID=' . $ArtistID );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'artist_' . $ArtistID );
// Record in log
if ( ! empty ( $LoggedUser [ 'Username' ])) {
$Username = $LoggedUser [ 'Username' ];
} else {
$Username = 'System' ;
write_log ( 'Artist ' . $ArtistID . ' (' . $Name . ') was deleted by ' . $Username );
function warn_user ( $UserID , $Duration , $Reason ) {
global $LoggedUser , $DB , $Cache , $Time ;
$DB -> query ( " SELECT Warned FROM users_info WHERE UserID= " . $UserID . " AND Warned <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00' " );
if ( $DB -> record_count () > 0 ) {
//User was already warned, appending new warning to old.
list ( $OldDate ) = $DB -> next_record ();
$NewExpDate = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , strtotime ( $OldDate ) + $Duration );
send_pm ( $UserID , 0 , db_string ( " You have received multiple warnings. " ), db_string ( " When you received your latest warning (Set to expire on " . date ( " Y-m-d " , ( time () + $Duration )) . " ), you already had a different warning (Set to expire on " . date ( " Y-m-d " , strtotime ( $OldDate )) . " ). \n \n Due to this collision, your warning status will now expire at " . $NewExpDate . " . " ));
$AdminComment = date ( " Y-m-d " ) . ' - Warning (Clash) extended to expire at ' . $NewExpDate . ' by ' . $LoggedUser [ 'Username' ] . " \n Reason: $Reason\n " ;
$DB -> query ( ' UPDATE users_info SET
Warned = \ '' . db_string ( $NewExpDate ) . ' \ ' ,
WarnedTimes = WarnedTimes + 1 ,
AdminComment = CONCAT ( \ '' . db_string ( $AdminComment ) . ' \ ' , AdminComment )
WHERE UserID = \ '' . db_string ( $UserID ) . '\'' );
} else {
//Not changing, user was not already warned
$WarnTime = time_plus ( $Duration );
$Cache -> begin_transaction ( 'user_info_' . $UserID );
$Cache -> update_row ( false , array ( 'Warned' => $WarnTime ));
$Cache -> commit_transaction ( 0 );
$AdminComment = " \n " . date ( " Y-m-d " ) . ' - Warned until ' . $WarnTime . ' by ' . $LoggedUser [ 'Username' ] . " \n Reason: $Reason\n " ;
$DB -> query ( ' UPDATE users_info SET
Warned = \ '' . db_string ( $WarnTime ) . ' \ ' ,
WarnedTimes = WarnedTimes + 1 ,
AdminComment = CONCAT ( \ '' . db_string ( $AdminComment ) . ' \ ' , AdminComment )
WHERE UserID = \ '' . db_string ( $UserID ) . '\'' );
/*-- update_hash function ------------------------------------------------*/
/* This function is to update the cache and sphinx delta index to keep */
/* everything up to date */
/*-- TODO ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Add in tag sorting based on positive negative votes algo */
function update_hash ( $GroupID ) {
global $DB , $SpecialChars , $Cache ;
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE torrents_group SET TagList=(SELECT REPLACE(GROUP_CONCAT(tags.Name SEPARATOR ' '),'.','_')
FROM torrents_tags AS t
INNER JOIN tags ON tags . ID = t . TagID
WHERE t . GroupID = '$GroupID'
GROUP BY t . GroupID )
WHERE ID = '$GroupID' " );
$DB -> query ( " REPLACE INTO sphinx_delta (ID, GroupName, TagList, Year, CategoryID, Time, ReleaseType, CatalogueNumber, Size, Snatched, Seeders, Leechers, LogScore, Scene, HasLog, HasCue, FreeTorrent, Media, Format, Encoding, RemasterTitle, FileList)
g . ID AS ID ,
g . Name AS GroupName ,
g . TagList ,
g . Year ,
g . CategoryID ,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP ( g . Time ) AS Time ,
g . ReleaseType ,
g . CatalogueNumber ,
MAX ( CEIL ( t . Size / 1024 )) AS Size ,
SUM ( t . Snatched ) AS Snatched ,
SUM ( t . Seeders ) AS Seeders ,
SUM ( t . Leechers ) AS Leechers ,
MAX ( t . LogScore ) AS LogScore ,
MAX ( t . Scene ) AS Scene ,
MAX ( t . HasLog ) AS HasLog ,
MAX ( t . HasCue ) AS HasCue ,
2011-05-13 08:00:07 +00:00
BIT_OR ( t . FreeTorrent - 1 ) AS FreeTorrent ,
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
GROUP_CONCAT ( DISTINCT t . Encoding SEPARATOR ' ' ) AS Encoding ,
GROUP_CONCAT ( DISTINCT t . RemasterTitle SEPARATOR ' ' ) AS RemasterTitle ,
GROUP_CONCAT ( REPLACE ( REPLACE ( REPLACE ( FileList , '|||' , '\n ' ), '_' , ' ' ), '.' , ' ' ) SEPARATOR '\n ' ) AS FileList
FROM torrents AS t
JOIN torrents_group AS g ON g . ID = t . GroupID
WHERE g . ID = $GroupID
GROUP BY g . ID " );
$DB -> query ( " INSERT INTO sphinx_delta
( ID , ArtistName )
GroupID ,
GROUP_CONCAT ( aa . Name separator ' ' )
FROM torrents_artists AS ta
JOIN artists_alias AS aa ON aa . AliasID = ta . AliasID
JOIN torrents_group AS tg ON tg . ID = ta . GroupID
WHERE ta . GroupID = $GroupID AND ta . Importance = '1'
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ArtistName = values ( ArtistName ) " );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'torrents_details_' . $GroupID );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'torrent_group_' . $GroupID );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'groups_artists_' . $GroupID );
// this function sends a PM to the userid $ToID and from the userid $FromID, sets date to now
// this function no longer uses db_string() so you will need to escape strings before using this function!
// set userid to 0 for a PM from 'system'
// if $ConvID is not set, it auto increments it, ie. starting a new conversation
function send_pm ( $ToID , $FromID , $Subject , $Body , $ConvID = '' ) {
global $DB , $Cache , $Time ;
if ( $ToID == 0 ) {
// Don't allow users to send messages to the system
return ;
if ( $ConvID == '' ) {
$DB -> query ( " INSERT INTO pm_conversations(Subject) VALUES (' " . $Subject . " ') " );
$ConvID = $DB -> inserted_id ();
$DB -> query ( " INSERT INTO pm_conversations_users
( UserID , ConvID , InInbox , InSentbox , SentDate , ReceivedDate , UnRead ) VALUES
( '$ToID' , '$ConvID' , '1' , '0' , '".sqltime()."' , '".sqltime()."' , '1' ) " );
if ( $FromID != 0 ) {
$DB -> query ( " INSERT INTO pm_conversations_users
( UserID , ConvID , InInbox , InSentbox , SentDate , ReceivedDate , UnRead ) VALUES
( '$FromID' , '$ConvID' , '0' , '1' , '".sqltime()."' , '".sqltime()."' , '0' ) " );
$ToID = array ( $ToID );
} else {
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE pm_conversations_users SET
InInbox = '1' ,
UnRead = '1' ,
ReceivedDate = '".sqltime()."'
WHERE UserID IN ( " .implode(',', $ToID ). " )
AND ConvID = '$ConvID' " );
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE pm_conversations_users SET
InSentbox = '1' ,
SentDate = '".sqltime()."'
WHERE UserID = '$FromID'
AND ConvID = '$ConvID' " );
$DB -> query ( " INSERT INTO pm_messages
( SenderID , ConvID , SentDate , Body ) VALUES
( '$FromID' , '$ConvID' , '".sqltime()."' , '".$Body."' ) " );
// Clear the caches of the inbox and sentbox
//$DB->query("SELECT UnRead from pm_conversations_users WHERE ConvID='$ConvID' AND UserID='$ToID'");
foreach ( $ToID as $ID ) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT COUNT(ConvID) FROM pm_conversations_users WHERE UnRead = '1' and UserID=' $ID ' AND InInbox = '1' " );
list ( $UnRead ) = $DB -> next_record ();
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'inbox_new_' . $ID , $UnRead );
//if ($UnRead == 0) {
// $Cache->increment('inbox_new_'.$ToID);
return $ConvID ;
//Create thread function, things should already be escaped when sent here.
//Almost all the code is stolen straight from the forums and tailored for new posts only
function create_thread ( $ForumID , $AuthorID , $Title , $PostBody ) {
global $DB , $Cache , $Time ;
if ( ! $ForumID || ! $AuthorID || ! is_number ( $AuthorID ) || ! $Title || ! $PostBody ) {
return - 1 ;
$DB -> query ( " SELECT Username FROM users_main WHERE ID= " . $AuthorID );
if ( $DB -> record_count () < 1 ) {
return - 2 ;
list ( $AuthorName ) = $DB -> next_record ();
$ThreadInfo = array ();
$ThreadInfo [ 'IsLocked' ] = 0 ;
$ThreadInfo [ 'IsSticky' ] = 0 ;
$DB -> query ( " INSERT INTO forums_topics
( Title , AuthorID , ForumID , LastPostTime , LastPostAuthorID )
( '".$Title."' , '".$AuthorID."' , '$ForumID' , '".sqltime()."' , '".$AuthorID."' ) " );
$TopicID = $DB -> inserted_id ();
$Posts = 1 ;
$DB -> query ( " INSERT INTO forums_posts
( TopicID , AuthorID , AddedTime , Body )
( '$TopicID' , '".$AuthorID."' , '".sqltime()."' , '".$PostBody."' ) " );
$PostID = $DB -> inserted_id ();
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE forums SET
NumPosts = NumPosts + 1 ,
NumTopics = NumTopics + 1 ,
LastPostID = '$PostID' ,
LastPostAuthorID = '".$AuthorID."' ,
LastPostTopicID = '$TopicID' ,
LastPostTime = '".sqltime()."'
WHERE ID = '$ForumID' " );
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE forums_topics SET
NumPosts = NumPosts + 1 ,
LastPostID = '$PostID' ,
LastPostAuthorID = '".$AuthorID."' ,
LastPostTime = '".sqltime()."'
WHERE ID = '$TopicID' " );
// Bump this topic to head of the cache
2011-05-12 10:24:03 +00:00
list ( $Forum ,,, $Stickies ) = $Cache -> get_value ( 'forums_' . $ForumID );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $Forum )) {
2011-05-12 10:24:03 +00:00
if ( count ( $Forum ) == TOPICS_PER_PAGE && $Stickies < TOPICS_PER_PAGE ) {
array_pop ( $Forum );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$DB -> query ( " SELECT f.IsLocked, f.IsSticky, f.NumPosts FROM forums_topics AS f WHERE f.ID =' $TopicID ' " );
list ( $IsLocked , $IsSticky , $NumPosts ) = $DB -> next_record ();
$Part1 = array_slice ( $Forum , 0 , $Stickies , true ); //Stickys
$Part2 = array (
$TopicID => array (
'ID' => $TopicID ,
'Title' => $Title ,
'AuthorID' => $AuthorID ,
'AuthorUsername' => $AuthorName ,
'IsLocked' => $IsLocked ,
'IsSticky' => $IsSticky ,
'NumPosts' => $NumPosts ,
'LastPostID' => $PostID ,
'LastPostTime' => sqltime (),
'LastPostAuthorID' => $AuthorID ,
'LastPostUsername' => $AuthorName
); //Bumped thread
$Part3 = array_slice ( $Forum , $Stickies , TOPICS_PER_PAGE , true ); //Rest of page
2011-05-12 10:24:03 +00:00
if ( $Stickies > 0 ) {
$Part1 = array_slice ( $Forum , 0 , $Stickies , true ); //Stickies
$Part3 = array_slice ( $Forum , $Stickies , TOPICS_PER_PAGE - $Stickies - 1 , true ); //Rest of page
} else {
$Part1 = array ();
$Part3 = $Forum ;
if ( is_null ( $Part1 )) { $Part1 = array (); }
if ( is_null ( $Part3 )) { $Part3 = array (); }
$Forum = $Part1 + $Part2 + $Part3 ;
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'forums_' . $ForumID , array ( $Forum , '' , 0 , $Stickies ), 0 );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
//Update the forum root
$Cache -> begin_transaction ( 'forums_list' );
$UpdateArray = array (
'NumPosts' => '+1' ,
'LastPostID' => $PostID ,
'LastPostAuthorID' => $AuthorID ,
'Username' => $AuthorName ,
'LastPostTopicID' => $TopicID ,
'LastPostTime' => sqltime (),
'Title' => $Title ,
'IsLocked' => $ThreadInfo [ 'IsLocked' ],
'IsSticky' => $ThreadInfo [ 'IsSticky' ]
$UpdateArray [ 'NumTopics' ] = '+1' ;
$Cache -> update_row ( $ForumID , $UpdateArray );
$Cache -> commit_transaction ( 0 );
$CatalogueID = floor (( POSTS_PER_PAGE * ceil ( $Posts / POSTS_PER_PAGE ) - POSTS_PER_PAGE ) / THREAD_CATALOGUE );
$Cache -> begin_transaction ( 'thread_' . $TopicID . '_catalogue_' . $CatalogueID );
$Post = array (
'ID' => $PostID ,
'AuthorID' => $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ],
'AddedTime' => sqltime (),
'Body' => $PostBody ,
'EditedUserID' => 0 ,
'EditedTime' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ,
'Username' => ''
$Cache -> insert ( '' , $Post );
$Cache -> commit_transaction ( 0 );
$Cache -> begin_transaction ( 'thread_' . $TopicID . '_info' );
$Cache -> update_row ( false , array ( 'Posts' => '+1' , 'LastPostAuthorID' => $AuthorID ));
$Cache -> commit_transaction ( 0 );
return $TopicID ;
// Check to see if a user has the permission to perform an action
function check_perms ( $PermissionName , $MinClass = 0 ) {
global $LoggedUser ;
return ( isset ( $LoggedUser [ 'Permissions' ][ $PermissionName ]) && $LoggedUser [ 'Permissions' ][ $PermissionName ] && $LoggedUser [ 'Class' ] >= $MinClass ) ? true : false ;
function get_artists ( $GroupIDs , $Escape = array ()) {
global $Cache , $DB ;
$Results = array ();
$DBs = array ();
foreach ( $GroupIDs as $GroupID ) {
2011-05-23 08:00:07 +00:00
$Artists = $Cache -> get_value ( 'groups_artists_' . $GroupID , true );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
if ( is_array ( $Artists )) {
$Results [ $GroupID ] = $Artists ;
} else {
$DBs [] = $GroupID ;
if ( count ( $DBs ) > 0 ) {
$IDs = implode ( ',' , $DBs );
if ( empty ( $IDs )) {
$IDs = " null " ;
$DB -> query ( " SELECT ta.GroupID,
ta . ArtistID ,
aa . Name ,
ta . Importance ,
ta . AliasID
FROM torrents_artists AS ta
JOIN artists_alias AS aa ON ta . AliasID = aa . AliasID
WHERE ta . GroupID IN ( $IDs )
ORDER BY ta . GroupID ASC ,
ta . Importance ASC ,
aa . Name ASC ; " );
while ( list ( $GroupID , $ArtistID , $ArtistName , $ArtistImportance , $AliasID ) = $DB -> next_record ( MYSQLI_BOTH , false )) {
$Results [ $GroupID ][ $ArtistImportance ][] = array ( 'id' => $ArtistID , 'name' => $ArtistName , 'aliasid' => $AliasID );
$New [ $GroupID ][ $ArtistImportance ][] = array ( 'id' => $ArtistID , 'name' => $ArtistName , 'aliasid' => $AliasID );
foreach ( $DBs as $GroupID ) {
if ( isset ( $New [ $GroupID ])) {
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'groups_artists_' . $GroupID , $New [ $GroupID ]);
else {
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'groups_artists_' . $GroupID , array ());
return $Results ;
* Convenience class for when you just need one group
* @ param $GroupID
* @ return unknown_type
function get_artist ( $GroupID ) {
$Results = get_artists ( array ( $GroupID ));
return $Results [ $GroupID ];
function display_artists ( $Artists , $MakeLink = true , $IncludeHyphen = true ) {
if ( ! empty ( $Artists )) {
switch ( count ( $Artists [ 1 ])) {
case 0 :
return '' ;
case 1 :
$link = display_artist ( $Artists [ 1 ][ 0 ], $MakeLink );
break ;
case 2 :
$link = display_artist ( $Artists [ 1 ][ 0 ], $MakeLink ) . ' ' . ( $MakeLink ? '&' : '&' ) . ' ' . display_artist ( $Artists [ 1 ][ 1 ], $MakeLink );
break ;
default :
$link = 'Various Artists' ;
if ( ! empty ( $Artists [ 2 ]) && ( count ( $Artists [ 1 ]) < 3 )) {
switch ( count ( $Artists [ 2 ])) {
case 1 :
$link .= ' with ' . display_artist ( $Artists [ 2 ][ 0 ], $MakeLink );
break ;
case 2 :
$link .= ' with ' . display_artist ( $Artists [ 2 ][ 0 ], $MakeLink ) . ' ' . ( $MakeLink ? '&' : '&' ) . ' ' . display_artist ( $Artists [ 2 ][ 1 ], $MakeLink );
break ;
return $link . ( $IncludeHyphen ? ' - ' : '' );
} else {
return '' ;
function display_artist ( $Artist , $MakeLink = true ) {
if ( $MakeLink ) {
return '<a href="artist.php?id=' . $Artist [ 'id' ] . '">' . display_str ( $Artist [ 'name' ]) . '</a>' ;
} else {
return display_str ( $Artist [ 'name' ]);
// Function to get data and torrents for an array of GroupIDs.
// In places where the output from this is merged with sphinx filters, it will be in a different order.
function get_groups ( $GroupIDs , $Return = true , $GetArtists = true ) {
global $DB , $Cache ;
$Found = array_flip ( $GroupIDs );
$NotFound = array_flip ( $GroupIDs );
foreach ( $GroupIDs as $GroupID ) {
2011-05-23 08:00:07 +00:00
$Data = $Cache -> get_value ( 'torrent_group_' . $GroupID , true );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $Data )) {
unset ( $NotFound [ $GroupID ]);
$Found [ $GroupID ] = $Data ;
$IDs = implode ( ',' , array_flip ( $NotFound ));
Changing any of these attributes returned will cause very large , very dramatic site - wide chaos .
Do not change what is returned or the order thereof without updating :
torrents , artists , collages , bookmarks , better , the front page ,
and anywhere else the get_groups function is used .
if ( count ( $NotFound ) > 0 ) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT g.ID, g.Name, g.Year, g.RecordLabel, g.CatalogueNumber, g.TagList, g.ReleaseType FROM torrents_group AS g WHERE g.ID IN ( $IDs ) " );
while ( $Group = $DB -> next_record ( MYSQLI_ASSOC , true )) {
unset ( $NotFound [ $Group [ 'ID' ]]);
$Found [ $Group [ 'ID' ]] = $Group ;
$Found [ $Group [ 'ID' ]][ 'Torrents' ] = array ();
$Found [ $Group [ 'ID' ]][ 'Artists' ] = array ();
$DB -> query ( " SELECT
ID , GroupID , Media , Format , Encoding , RemasterYear , Remastered , RemasterTitle , RemasterRecordLabel , RemasterCatalogueNumber , Scene , HasLog , HasCue , LogScore , FileCount , FreeTorrent , Size , Leechers , Seeders , Snatched , Time , ID AS HasFile
FROM torrents AS t WHERE GroupID IN ( $IDs ) ORDER BY GroupID , RemasterYear , RemasterTitle , RemasterRecordLabel , RemasterCatalogueNumber , Format , Encoding " );
while ( $Torrent = $DB -> next_record ( MYSQLI_ASSOC , true )) {
$Found [ $Torrent [ 'GroupID' ]][ 'Torrents' ][ $Torrent [ 'ID' ]] = $Torrent ;
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'torrent_group_' . $Torrent [ 'GroupID' ], $Found [ $Torrent [ 'GroupID' ]], 0 );
if ( $GetArtists ) {
$Artists = get_artists ( $GroupIDs );
} else {
$Artists = array ();
if ( $Return ) { // If we're interested in the data, and not just caching it
foreach ( $Artists as $GroupID => $Data ) {
if ( array_key_exists ( 1 , $Data )) {
$Found [ $GroupID ][ 'Artists' ] = $Data [ 1 ]; // Only use main artists
$Matches = array ( 'matches' => $Found , 'notfound' => array_flip ( $NotFound ));
return $Matches ;
//Function to get data from an array of $RequestIDs.
//In places where the output from this is merged with sphinx filters, it will be in a different order.
function get_requests ( $RequestIDs , $Return = true ) {
global $DB , $Cache ;
$Found = array_flip ( $RequestIDs );
$NotFound = array_flip ( $RequestIDs );
foreach ( $RequestIDs as $RequestID ) {
$Data = $Cache -> get_value ( 'request_' . $RequestID );
if ( ! empty ( $Data )) {
unset ( $NotFound [ $RequestID ]);
$Found [ $RequestID ] = $Data ;
$IDs = implode ( ',' , array_flip ( $NotFound ));
Don ' t change without ensuring you change everything else that uses get_requests ()
if ( count ( $NotFound ) > 0 ) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT
r . ID AS ID ,
r . UserID ,
u . Username ,
r . TimeAdded ,
r . LastVote ,
r . CategoryID ,
r . Title ,
r . Year ,
r . Image ,
r . Description ,
r . CatalogueNumber ,
r . ReleaseType ,
r . BitrateList ,
r . FormatList ,
r . MediaList ,
r . LogCue ,
r . FillerID ,
filler . Username ,
r . TorrentID ,
r . TimeFilled
FROM requests AS r
LEFT JOIN users_main AS u ON u . ID = r . UserID
LEFT JOIN users_main AS filler ON filler . ID = FillerID AND FillerID != 0
WHERE r . ID IN ( " . $IDs . " )
$Requests = $DB -> to_array ();
foreach ( $Requests as $Request ) {
unset ( $NotFound [ $Request [ 'ID' ]]);
$Request [ 'Tags' ] = get_request_tags ( $Request [ 'ID' ]);
$Found [ $Request [ 'ID' ]] = $Request ;
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'request_' . $Request [ 'ID' ], $Request , 0 );
if ( $Return ) { // If we're interested in the data, and not just caching it
$Matches = array ( 'matches' => $Found , 'notfound' => array_flip ( $NotFound ));
return $Matches ;
function update_sphinx_requests ( $RequestID ) {
global $DB , $Cache ;
$DB -> query ( " REPLACE INTO sphinx_requests_delta (
ID , UserID , TimeAdded , LastVote , CategoryID , Title ,
Year , ReleaseType , CatalogueNumber , BitrateList ,
FormatList , MediaList , LogCue , FillerID , TorrentID ,
TimeFilled , Visible , Votes , Bounty )
ID , r . UserID , UNIX_TIMESTAMP ( TimeAdded ) AS TimeAdded ,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP ( LastVote ) AS LastVote , CategoryID ,
Title , Year , ReleaseType , CatalogueNumber , BitrateList ,
FormatList , MediaList , LogCue , FillerID , TorrentID ,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP ( TimeFilled ) AS TimeFilled , Visible ,
COUNT ( rv . UserID ) AS Votes , SUM ( rv . Bounty ) >> 10 AS Bounty
FROM requests AS r LEFT JOIN requests_votes AS rv ON rv . RequestID = r . ID
2011-04-13 15:36:33 +00:00
wHERE ID = " . $RequestID . "
GROUP BY r . ID " );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE sphinx_requests_delta
SET ArtistList = ( SELECT
FROM requests_artists AS ra
JOIN artists_alias AS aa ON aa . AliasID = ra . AliasID
WHERE ra . RequestID = " . $RequestID . "
WHERE ID = " . $RequestID );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'requests_' . $RequestID );
function get_tags ( $TagNames ) {
global $Cache , $DB ;
$TagIDs = array ();
foreach ( $TagNames as $Index => $TagName ) {
$Tag = $Cache -> get_value ( 'tag_id_' . $TagName );
if ( is_array ( $Tag )) {
unset ( $TagNames [ $Index ]);
$TagIDs [ $Tag [ 'ID' ]] = $Tag [ 'Name' ];
if ( count ( $TagNames ) > 0 ) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT ID, Name FROM tags WHERE Name IN (' " . implode ( " ', ' " , $TagNames ) . " ') " );
$SQLTagIDs = $DB -> to_array ();
foreach ( $SQLTagIDs as $Tag ) {
$TagIDs [ $Tag [ 'ID' ]] = $Tag [ 'Name' ];
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'tag_id_' . $Tag [ 'Name' ], $Tag , 0 );
return ( $TagIDs );
function torrent_info ( $Data ) {
$Info = array ();
if ( ! empty ( $Data [ 'Format' ])) { $Info [] = $Data [ 'Format' ]; }
if ( ! empty ( $Data [ 'Encoding' ])) { $Info [] = $Data [ 'Encoding' ]; }
if ( ! empty ( $Data [ 'HasLog' ])) {
$Str = 'Log' ;
if ( ! empty ( $Data [ 'LogScore' ])) {
$Str .= ' (' . $Data [ 'LogScore' ] . '%)' ;
$Info [] = $Str ;
if ( ! empty ( $Data [ 'HasCue' ])) { $Info [] = 'Cue' ; }
if ( ! empty ( $Data [ 'Media' ])) { $Info [] = $Data [ 'Media' ]; }
if ( ! empty ( $Data [ 'Scene' ])) { $Info [] = 'Scene' ; }
2011-04-13 15:36:33 +00:00
if ( $Data [ 'FreeTorrent' ] == '1' ) { $Info [] = '<strong>Freeleech!</strong>' ; }
if ( $Data [ 'FreeTorrent' ] == '2' ) { $Info [] = '<strong>Neutral Leech!</strong>' ; }
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
return implode ( ' / ' , $Info );
// Echo data sent in a form, typically a text area
function form ( $Index , $Return = false ) {
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ $Index ])) {
if ( $Return ) {
return display_str ( $_GET [ $Index ]);
} else {
echo display_str ( $_GET [ $Index ]);
// Check/select tickboxes and <select>s
function selected ( $Name , $Value , $Attribute = 'selected' , $Array = array ()) {
if ( ! empty ( $Array )) {
if ( isset ( $Array [ $Name ]) && $Array [ $Name ] !== '' ) {
if ( $Array [ $Name ] == $Value ) {
echo ' ' . $Attribute . '="' . $Attribute . '"' ;
} else {
if ( isset ( $_GET [ $Name ]) && $_GET [ $Name ] !== '' ) {
if ( $_GET [ $Name ] == $Value ) {
echo ' ' . $Attribute . '="' . $Attribute . '"' ;
function error ( $Error , $Ajax = false ) {
global $Debug ;
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/error/index.php' );
$Debug -> profile ();
die ();
* @ param BanReason 0 - Unknown , 1 - Manual , 2 - Ratio , 3 - Inactive , 4 - Unused .
function disable_users ( $UserIDs , $AdminComment , $BanReason = 1 ) {
global $Cache , $DB ;
if ( ! is_array ( $UserIDs )) {
$UserIDs = array ( $UserIDs );
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE users_info AS i JOIN users_main AS m ON m.ID=i.UserID
SET m . Enabled = '2' ,
m . can_leech = '0' ,
i . AdminComment = CONCAT ( '".sqltime()." - ".($AdminComment ? $AdminComment : ' Disabled by system ')."\n\n' , i . AdminComment ),
i . BanDate = '".sqltime()."' ,
i . BanReason = '".$BanReason."' ,
i . RatioWatchDownload = '0' ,
i . RatioWatchEnds = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
WHERE m . ID IN ( " .implode(',', $UserIDs ). " ) " );
$Cache -> decrement ( 'stats_user_count' , $DB -> affected_rows ());
foreach ( $UserIDs as $UserID ) {
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'enabled_' . $UserID , 2 , 2592000 );
$Cache -> begin_transaction ( 'user_info_' . $UserID );
$Cache -> update_row ( false , array ( 'Enabled' => 2 ));
$Cache -> commit_transaction ( 0 );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'enabled_' . $UserID );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'user_info_' . $UserID );
2011-04-13 15:36:33 +00:00
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'user_info_heavy_' . $UserID );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'user_stats_' . $UserID );
$DB -> query ( " SELECT SessionID FROM users_sessions WHERE UserID=' $UserID ' " );
while ( list ( $SessionID ) = $DB -> next_record ()) {
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'session_' . $UserID . '_' . $SessionID );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'users_sessions_' . $UserID );
$DB -> query ( " DELETE FROM users_sessions WHERE UserID=' $UserID ' " );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$DB -> query ( " SELECT torrent_pass FROM users_main WHERE ID in ( " . implode ( " , " , $UserIDs ) . " ) " );
$PassKeys = $DB -> collect ( 'torrent_pass' );
$Concat = " " ;
foreach ( $PassKeys as $PassKey ) {
if ( strlen ( $Concat ) > 4000 ) {
update_tracker ( 'remove_users' , array ( 'passkeys' => $Concat ));
$Concat = $PassKey ;
} else {
$Concat .= $PassKey ;
update_tracker ( 'remove_users' , array ( 'passkeys' => $Concat ));
* Send a GET request over a socket directly to the tracker
* For example , update_tracker ( 'change_passkey' , array ( 'oldpasskey' => OLD_PASSKEY , 'newpasskey' => NEW_PASSKEY )) will send the request :
* GET / tracker_32_char_secret_code / update ? action = change_passkey & oldpasskey = OLD_PASSKEY & newpasskey = NEW_PASSKEY HTTP / 1.1
* @ param $Action The action to send
* @ param $Updates An associative array of key -> value pairs to send to the tracker
function update_tracker ( $Action , $Updates ) {
//Build request
$Get = '/update?action=' . $Action ;
foreach ( $Updates as $Key => $Value ) {
$Get .= '&' . $Key . '=' . $Value ;
send_irc ( 'PRIVMSG #tracker :' . $Get );
$Path = TRACKER_SECRET . $Get ;
$Return = " " ;
$Attempts = 0 ;
while ( $Return != " success " && $Attempts < 3 ) {
// Send update
$File = fsockopen ( TRACKER_HOST , TRACKER_PORT , $ErrorNum , $ErrorString );
if ( $File ) {
$Header = 'GET /' . $Path . ' HTTP/1.1\r\n' ;
if ( fwrite ( $File , $Header ) === false ) {
$Attempts ++ ;
$Err = " Failed to fwrite() " ;
sleep ( 3 );
continue ;
} else {
$Attempts ++ ;
$Err = " Failed to fsockopen() - " . $ErrorNum . " - " . $ErrorString ;
sleep ( 6 );
continue ;
// Check for response.
$ResHeader = '' ;
do {
$ResHeader .= fread ( $File , 1 );
} while ( ! ends_with ( $ResHeader , " \r \n \r \n " ));
$Response = '' ;
while ( $Line = fgets ( $File )) {
$Response .= $Line ;
$Return = chop ( $Response );
$Attempts ++ ;
if ( $Return != " success " ) {
2011-05-12 10:24:03 +00:00
send_irc ( " PRIVMSG #tracker :Failed to update ocelot: " . $Err . " : " . $Get );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
return ( $Return == " success " );
function ends_with ( $Haystack , $Needle ) {
return strrpos ( $Haystack , $Needle ) === strlen ( $Haystack ) - strlen ( $Needle );
/** This ends_with is slightly slower when the string is found , but a lot faster when it isn ' t .
function ends_with ( $Haystack , $Needle ) {
return substr ( $Haystack , strlen ( $Needle ) * - 1 ) == $Needle ;
function starts_with ( $Haystack , $Needle ) {
return strpos ( $Haystack , $Needle ) === 0 ;
2011-05-25 08:00:08 +00:00
* Variant of in_array () with trailing wildcard support
* @ param string $Needle , array $Haystack
* @ return true if ( substring of ) $Needle exists in $Haystack
function in_array_partial ( $Needle , $Haystack ) {
static $Searches = array ();
if ( array_key_exists ( $Needle , $Searches )) {
return $Searches [ $Needle ];
foreach ( $Haystack as $String ) {
if ( substr ( $String , - 1 ) == '*' ) {
if ( ! strncmp ( $Needle , $String , strlen ( $String ) - 1 )) {
$Searches [ $Needle ] = true ;
return true ;
} elseif ( ! strcmp ( $Needle , $String )) {
$Searches [ $Needle ] = true ;
return true ;
$Searches [ $Needle ] = false ;
return false ;
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$Debug -> set_flag ( 'ending function definitions' );
//Include /sections/*/index.php
$Document = basename ( parse_url ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' ], PHP_URL_PATH ), '.php' );
if ( ! preg_match ( '/^[a-z0-9]+$/i' , $Document )) { error ( 404 ); }
require ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/' . $Document . '/index.php' );
$Debug -> set_flag ( 'completed module execution' );
/* Required in the absence of session_start () for providing that pages will change
upon hit rather than being browser cache ' d for changing content . */
header ( 'Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0' );
header ( 'Pragma: no-cache' );
//Flush to user
ob_end_flush ();
$Debug -> set_flag ( 'set headers and send to user' );
//Attribute profiling
$Debug -> profile ();