2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ?
//Include the header
2012-10-11 08:00:15 +00:00
View :: show_header ( 'Ratio Requirements' );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< div class = " thin " >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
< div class = " header " >
< h2 class = " center " > Ratio Rules </ h2 >
</ div >
< div class = " box pad rule_summary " >
< br />
< strong > Ratio System Overview :</ strong >< br />
< ul >
2013-10-17 08:00:50 +00:00
< li > Your < strong > ratio </ strong > is calculated by dividing the amount of data you & apos ; ve uploaded by the amount of data you & apos ; ve downloaded . You can view your ratio in the site header or in the & quot ; stats & quot ; section of your user profile .
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
</ li >
< li > To maintain < strong > leeching privileges </ strong > , your ratio must remain above a minimum value . This minimum value is your < strong > required ratio </ strong >.</ li >
< li > If your ratio falls below your required ratio , you will be given two weeks to raise your ratio back above your required ratio . During this period , you are on < strong > ratio watch </ strong >.
</ li >
2013-06-13 08:01:05 +00:00
< li > If you fail to raise your ratio above your required ratio in the allotted time , your leeching privileges will be revoked . You will be unable to download more data . Your account will remain enabled .
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
</ li >
</ ul >
< br />
< br />
< strong > Required Ratio Overview :</ strong >< br />
< ul >
2013-10-17 08:00:50 +00:00
< li > Your required ratio represents the minimum ratio you must maintain to avoid ratio watch . You can view your required ratio in the site header after the word & quot ; required & quot ; or in the & quot ; stats & quot ; section of your user profile .
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
</ li >
2013-10-17 08:00:50 +00:00
< li > Your required ratio is unique ; each person & apos ; s required ratio is calculated for their account specifically .</ li >
< li > Your required ratio is calculated using ( 1 ) the total amount of data you & apos ; ve downloaded and ( 2 ) the total number of torrents you & apos ; re seeding . The seeding total is not limited to snatched torrents ( completed downloads ) & #8202;— the total includes, but is not limited to, your uploaded torrents.
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
</ li >
2013-10-17 08:00:50 +00:00
< li > The required ratio system lowers your required ratio when you seed a greater number of torrents . The more torrents you seed , the lower your required ratio will be . The lower your required ratio is , the less likely it is that you & apos ; ll enter ratio watch .
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
</ li >
</ ul >
< br />
< br />
2012-09-23 08:00:25 +00:00
2013-05-25 08:01:03 +00:00
< div style = " text-align: center; " >< strong > Required Ratio Table </ strong >< br />< br />
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
< table class = " ratio_table " >
< tr class = " colhead " >
2013-08-28 23:08:41 +00:00
< td class = " tooltip " title = " These units are actually in base 2, not base 10. For example, there are 1,024 MB in 1 GB. " > Amount Downloaded </ span ></ td >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
< td > Required Ratio ( 0 % seeded ) </ td >
< td > Required Ratio ( 100 % seeded ) </ td >
</ tr >
2013-04-30 18:18:07 +00:00
< tr class = " row<?=( $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] < 5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) ? 'a' : 'b' ?> " >
< td > 0 & ndash ; 5 GB </ td >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
< td > 0.00 </ td >
< td > 0.00 </ td >
</ tr >
2013-04-30 18:18:07 +00:00
< tr class = " row<?=( $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] >= 5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 && $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] < 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) ? 'a' : 'b' ?> " >
< td > 5 & ndash ; 10 GB </ td >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
< td > 0.15 </ td >
< td > 0.00 </ td >
</ tr >
2013-04-30 18:18:07 +00:00
< tr class = " row<?=( $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] >= 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 && $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] < 20 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) ? 'a' : 'b' ?> " >
< td > 10 & ndash ; 20 GB </ td >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
< td > 0.20 </ td >
< td > 0.00 </ td >
</ tr >
2013-04-30 18:18:07 +00:00
< tr class = " row<?=( $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] >= 20 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 && $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] < 30 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) ? 'a' : 'b' ?> " >
< td > 20 & ndash ; 30 GB </ td >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
< td > 0.30 </ td >
< td > 0.05 </ td >
</ tr >
2013-04-30 18:18:07 +00:00
< tr class = " row<?=( $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] >= 30 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 && $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] < 40 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) ? 'a' : 'b' ?> " >
< td > 30 & ndash ; 40 GB </ td >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
< td > 0.40 </ td >
< td > 0.10 </ td >
</ tr >
2013-04-30 18:18:07 +00:00
< tr class = " row<?=( $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] >= 40 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 && $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] < 50 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) ? 'a' : 'b' ?> " >
< td > 40 & ndash ; 50 GB </ td >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
< td > 0.50 </ td >
< td > 0.20 </ td >
</ tr >
2013-04-30 18:18:07 +00:00
< tr class = " row<?=( $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] >= 50 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 && $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] < 60 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) ? 'a' : 'b' ?> " >
< td > 50 & ndash ; 60 GB </ td >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
< td > 0.60 </ td >
< td > 0.30 </ td >
</ tr >
2013-04-30 18:18:07 +00:00
< tr class = " row<?=( $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] >= 60 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 && $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] < 80 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) ? 'a' : 'b' ?> " >
< td > 60 & ndash ; 80 GB </ td >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
< td > 0.60 </ td >
< td > 0.40 </ td >
</ tr >
2013-04-30 18:18:07 +00:00
< tr class = " row<?=( $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] >= 80 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 && $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] < 100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) ? 'a' : 'b' ?> " >
< td > 80 & ndash ; 100 GB </ td >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
< td > 0.60 </ td >
< td > 0.50 </ td >
</ tr >
2013-04-30 18:18:07 +00:00
< tr class = " row<?=( $LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'] >= 100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) ? 'a' : 'b' ?> " >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
< td > 100 + GB </ td >
< td > 0.60 </ td >
< td > 0.60 </ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ div >
< br />
< br />
< strong > Required Ratio Calculation :</ strong >< br />
< ul >
< li >< strong > 1 : Determine the maximum and minimum possible values of your required ratio .</ strong > Using the table above , determine your amount downloaded bracket from the first column .
Next , locate the values in the adjacent columns . The second column lists the maximum required ratio for each bracket , and the third column lists the minimum required ratio for each
bracket . The maximum and minimum required ratios are also referred to as the < strong > 0 % seeded </ strong > and < strong > 100 % seeded </ strong > required ratios , respectively .
</ li >
< li >< strong > 2 : Determine the actual required ratio .</ strong > Your actual required ratio will be a number that falls between the maximum and minimum required ratio values determined in the
2013-10-01 23:08:42 +00:00
previous step . To determine your actual required ratio , the system first uses the maximum required ratio ( 0 % seeded ) and multiplies it by the value [ 1 & minus ; ( < var > seeding </ var > / < var > snatched </ var > )] . Formatted
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
differently , the calculation performed by the system looks like this :
2013-10-01 23:08:42 +00:00
< br />
< br />
< div style = " text-align: center; " >
< img style = " vertical-align: middle; " src = " static/blank.gif "
onload = " if (this.src.substr(this.src.length - 9, this.src.length) == 'blank.gif') { this.src = 'https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=tx&chf=bg,s,FFFFFF00&chl=%5Ctextrm%7B%28maximum+required+ratio%29+%2A+%281-%5Cfrac%7Bseeding%7D%7Bsnatched%7D%29%7D&chco=' + hexify(getComputedStyle(this.parentNode, null).color); } " />
</ div >
< br />
< br />
< ul >
< li > In this formula , < var > snatched </ var > is the number of non - deleted unique snatches you have made . If you snatch a torrent twice , it only counts once . If a snatched torrent is
deleted from the site , it is not counted at all .
</ li >
2013-10-17 08:00:50 +00:00
< li > In this formula , < var > seeding </ var > is the average number of torrents you & apos ; ve seeded over a 72 hour period within the last week . If you & apos ; ve seeded a torrent for less than
2013-10-01 23:08:42 +00:00
72 hours within the last week , it will not raise your seeding total . Please note that while it is possible to seed more torrents than you have snatched , the system effectively caps the
value at 100 % of your snatched amount .
</ li >
</ ul >
</ li >
< li >< strong > 3 : Round , if necessary .</ strong > The value determined in the previous step is rounded up to your minimum required ratio ( 100 % seeded ) if necessary . This step is required because
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
most amount downloaded brackets have a minimum required ratio ( 100 % seeded ) greater than zero , and the value returned by the above calculation is zero when seeding equals snatched .
</ li >
</ ul >
< br />
< br />
< strong > Required Ratio Details :</ strong >< br />
< ul >
< li > If you stop seeding for one week , your required ratio will become the maximum required ratio ( 0 % seeded ) for your amount downloaded bracket . Once you have resumed seeding for a 72 hour
period , your required ratio will decrease according to the above calculations .
</ li >
2013-10-17 08:00:50 +00:00
< li > If your download total is less than 5 GB , you won & apos ; t be eligible for ratio watch , and you will not need a required ratio . In this circumstance , your required ratio will be zero
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
regardless of your seeding percentage .
</ li >
< li > If your download total is less than 20 GB and you are seeding a number of torrents equal to 100 % of your snatches , your required ratio will be zero .</ li >
< li > As your download total increases , your minimum ( 100 % seeded ) and maximum ( 0 % seeded ) required ratios taper together . After you have downloaded 100 GB , those values become equal to each
other . This means that users with download totals greater than or equal to 100 GB have a minimum required ratio ( 100 % seeded ) of 0.60 from that point forward .
</ li >
</ ul >
< br />
< br />
< strong > Required Ratio Example :</ strong >< br />
< ul >
2013-10-17 08:00:50 +00:00
< li > In this example , Rippy has downloaded 25 GB . Rippy falls into the 20 & ndash ; 30 GB amount downloaded bracket in the table above . Rippy & apos ; s maximum required ratio ( 0 % seeded ) is 0.30 , and his minimum required ratio ( 100 % seeded ) is 0.05 .
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
</ li >
< li > In this example , Rippy has snatched 90 torrents , and is currently seeding 45 torrents .</ li >
2013-10-17 08:00:50 +00:00
< li > To calculate Rippy & apos ; s actual required ratio , we take his maximum required ratio ( 0 % seeded ), which is 0.30 , and multiply it by [ 1 & minus ; ( < var > seeding </ var > / < var > snatched </ var > )] ( which is 0.50 ) . Written out :
< samp > 0.30 * [ 1 & minus ; ( 45 / 90 )] = 0.15 </ samp >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
</ li >
< li > The resulting required ratio is 0.15 , which falls between the maximum required ratio of 0.30 and the minimum required ratio of 0.05 for his amount downloaded bracket .</ li >
2013-10-17 08:00:50 +00:00
< li > If Rippy & apos ; s on - site required ratio was listed as a value greater than the calculated value , this would be because he hadn & apos ; t seeded those 45 torrents for a 72 hour period in the
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
last week . In this case , the system would not be counting all 45 torrents as seeded .
</ li >
</ ul >
< br />
< br />
< strong > Ratio Watch Overview :</ strong >< br />
< ul >
< li > Everyone gets to download their first 5 GB before ratio watch eligibility begins .</ li >
2013-10-17 08:00:50 +00:00
< li > If you & apos ; ve downloaded more than 5 GB and your ratio does not meet or surpass your required ratio , you will be put on ratio watch and have < strong > two weeks </ strong > to raise your
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
ratio above your required ratio .
</ li >
< li > If you download 10 GB while on ratio watch , your leeching privileges will automatically be disabled .</ li >
< li > If you fail to leave ratio watch within a two week period , you will lose leeching privileges . After losing leeching privileges , you will be unable to download more data . Your account
will remain enabled .
</ li >
< li > The ratio watch system is automated and cannot be interrupted by staff .</ li >
</ ul >
< br />
< br />
< strong > Leaving Ratio Watch :</ strong >< br />
< ul >
< li > To leave ratio watch , you must either raise your ratio by uploading more , or lower your required ratio by seeding more . Your ratio must be equal to or above your required ratio in
order for ratio watch to end .
</ li >
< li > If you fail to improve your ratio by the time ratio watch expires and lose leeching privileges , your required ratio will be temporarily set to the maximum possible requirement ( as if 0 % of snatched torrents were being seeded ) .
</ li >
< li > After losing leeching privileges , in order to adjust the required ratio so that it reflects the actual number of torrents being seeded , you must seed for a combined 72 hours within a weeklong period . After 72
hours of seeding occur , the required ratio will update to reflect your current seeding total , just as it would for a leech - enabled user .
</ li >
< li > Leeching privileges will be restored once your ratio has become greater than or equal to your required ratio .</ li >
</ ul >
< br />
< br />
2013-09-20 08:00:56 +00:00
</ div >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
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2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
</ div >
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00
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2012-12-07 08:00:19 +00:00
View :: show_footer ();
2013-04-17 08:00:58 +00:00