2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ?
authorize ();
'new' if the user is creating a new thread
It will be accompanied with :
$_POST [ 'forum' ]
$_POST [ 'title' ]
$_POST [ 'body' ]
and optionally include :
$_POST [ 'question' ]
$_POST [ 'answers' ]
the latter of which is an array
if ( isset ( $LoggedUser [ 'PostsPerPage' ])) {
$PerPage = $LoggedUser [ 'PostsPerPage' ];
} else {
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'thread' ]) && ! is_number ( $_POST [ 'thread' ])) {
error ( 0 );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'forum' ]) && ! is_number ( $_POST [ 'forum' ])) {
error ( 0 );
//If you're not sending anything, go back
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'body' ]) || empty ( $_POST [ 'title' ])) {
header ( 'Location: ' . $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_REFERER' ]);
die ();
$Body = $_POST [ 'body' ];
if ( $LoggedUser [ 'DisablePosting' ]) {
error ( 'Your posting rights have been removed' );
2012-10-11 08:00:15 +00:00
$Title = Format :: cut_string ( trim ( $_POST [ 'title' ]), 150 , 1 , 0 );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$ForumID = $_POST [ 'forum' ];
if ( ! isset ( $Forums [ $ForumID ])) { error ( 404 ); }
2011-10-11 08:00:15 +00:00
if ( ! check_forumperm ( $ForumID , 'Write' ) || ! check_forumperm ( $ForumID , 'Create' )) {
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
error ( 403 );
$DB -> query ( " INSERT INTO forums_topics
( Title , AuthorID , ForumID , LastPostTime , LastPostAuthorID )
( '".db_string($Title)."' , '".$LoggedUser[' ID ']."' , '$ForumID' , '".sqltime()."' , '".$LoggedUser[' ID ']."' ) " );
$TopicID = $DB -> inserted_id ();
$DB -> query ( " INSERT INTO forums_posts
( TopicID , AuthorID , AddedTime , Body )
( '$TopicID' , '".$LoggedUser[' ID ']."' , '".sqltime()."' , '".db_string($Body)."' ) " );
$PostID = $DB -> inserted_id ();
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE forums SET
NumPosts = NumPosts + 1 ,
NumTopics = NumTopics + 1 ,
LastPostID = '$PostID' ,
LastPostAuthorID = '".$LoggedUser[' ID ']."' ,
LastPostTopicID = '$TopicID' ,
LastPostTime = '".sqltime()."'
WHERE ID = '$ForumID' " );
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE forums_topics SET
NumPosts = NumPosts + 1 ,
LastPostID = '$PostID' ,
LastPostAuthorID = '".$LoggedUser[' ID ']."' ,
LastPostTime = '".sqltime()."'
WHERE ID = '$TopicID' " );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'subscribe' ])) {
$DB -> query ( " INSERT INTO users_subscriptions VALUES ( $LoggedUser[ID] , $TopicID ) " );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'subscriptions_user_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
2012-09-12 08:00:27 +00:00
//auto subscribe
2013-01-12 08:00:39 +00:00
$DB -> query ( " SELECT UserID FROM subscribed_forums WHERE ForumID = ' $ForumID ' AND UserID <> ' $LoggedUser[ID] ' " );
2013-01-13 08:00:32 +00:00
if ( $DB -> record_count () > 0 ) {
$Users = $DB -> to_array ( false , MYSQLI_BOTH , false );
foreach ( $Users as $User ) {
$SubscriberID = $User [ 'UserID' ];
$DB -> query ( " INSERT INTO users_subscriptions VALUES ( $SubscriberID , $TopicID ) " );
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'subscriptions_user_' . $SubscriberID );
2012-09-12 08:00:27 +00:00
2013-01-12 08:00:39 +00:00
2012-09-12 08:00:27 +00:00
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'question' ]) || empty ( $_POST [ 'answers' ]) || ! check_perms ( 'forums_polls_create' )) {
$NoPoll = 1 ;
} else {
$NoPoll = 0 ;
$Question = trim ( $_POST [ 'question' ]);
$Answers = array ();
$Votes = array ();
//This can cause polls to have answer ids of 1 3 4 if the second box is empty
foreach ( $_POST [ 'answers' ] as $i => $Answer ) {
if ( $Answer == '' ) { continue ; }
$Answers [ $i + 1 ] = $Answer ;
$Votes [ $i + 1 ] = 0 ;
if ( count ( $Answers ) < 2 ) {
error ( 'You cannot create a poll with only one answer.' );
} else if ( count ( $Answers ) > 25 ) {
error ( 'You cannot create a poll with greater than 25 answers' );
$DB -> query ( 'INSERT INTO forums_polls (TopicID, Question, Answers) VALUES (\'' . $TopicID . '\',\'' . db_string ( $Question ) . '\',\'' . db_string ( serialize ( $Answers )) . '\')' );
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'polls_' . $TopicID , array ( $Question , $Answers , $Votes , '0000-00-00 00:00:00' , '0' ), 0 );
if ( $ForumID == STAFF_FORUM ) {
2012-08-24 08:00:15 +00:00
send_irc ( " PRIVMSG " . ADMIN_CHAN . " :!mod Poll created by " . $LoggedUser [ 'Username' ] . " : ' " . $Question . " ' https:// " . SSL_SITE_URL . " /forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid= " . $TopicID );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
//if cache exists modify it, if not, then it will be correct when selected next, and we can skip this block
if ( $Forum = $Cache -> get_value ( 'forums_' . $ForumID )) {
list ( $Forum ,,, $Stickies ) = $Forum ;
//Remove the last thread from the index
2011-05-12 10:24:03 +00:00
if ( count ( $Forum ) == TOPICS_PER_PAGE && $Stickies < TOPICS_PER_PAGE ) {
array_pop ( $Forum );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
if ( $Stickies > 0 ) {
$Part1 = array_slice ( $Forum , 0 , $Stickies , true ); //Stikys
2011-05-12 10:24:03 +00:00
$Part3 = array_slice ( $Forum , $Stickies , TOPICS_PER_PAGE - $Stickies - 1 , true ); //Rest of page
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
} else {
$Part1 = array ();
$Part3 = $Forum ;
$Part2 = array ( $TopicID => array (
'ID' => $TopicID ,
'Title' => $Title ,
'AuthorID' => $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ],
'IsLocked' => 0 ,
'IsSticky' => 0 ,
'NumPosts' => 1 ,
'LastPostID' => $PostID ,
'LastPostTime' => sqltime (),
'LastPostAuthorID' => $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ],
'NoPoll' => $NoPoll
)); //Bumped
$Forum = $Part1 + $Part2 + $Part3 ;
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'forums_' . $ForumID , array ( $Forum , '' , 0 , $Stickies ), 0 );
//Update the forum root
$Cache -> begin_transaction ( 'forums_list' );
$Cache -> update_row ( $ForumID , array (
'NumPosts' => '+1' ,
'NumTopics' => '+1' ,
'LastPostID' => $PostID ,
'LastPostAuthorID' => $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ],
'LastPostTopicID' => $TopicID ,
'LastPostTime' => sqltime (),
'Title' => $Title ,
'IsLocked' => 0 ,
'IsSticky' => 0
$Cache -> commit_transaction ( 0 );
} else {
//If there's no cache, we have no data, and if there's no data
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'forums_list' );
$Cache -> begin_transaction ( 'thread_' . $TopicID . '_catalogue_0' );
$Post = array (
'ID' => $PostID ,
'AuthorID' => $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ],
'AddedTime' => sqltime (),
'Body' => $Body ,
'EditedUserID' => 0 ,
'EditedTime' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ,
$Cache -> insert ( '' , $Post );
$Cache -> commit_transaction ( 0 );
$Cache -> begin_transaction ( 'thread_' . $TopicID . '_info' );
$Cache -> update_row ( false , array ( 'Posts' => '+1' , 'LastPostAuthorID' => $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]));
$Cache -> commit_transaction ( 0 );
header ( 'Location: forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=' . $TopicID );
die ();