2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
function ChangeCategory ( catid ) {
if ( catid == 1 ) {
$ ( '#split_releasetype' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#split_artist' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#split_year' ) . show ( ) ;
} else if ( catid == 4 || catid == 6 ) {
$ ( '#split_releasetype' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#split_year' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#split_artist' ) . hide ( ) ;
} else {
$ ( '#split_releasetype' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#split_artist' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#split_year' ) . hide ( ) ;
function ArtistManager ( ) {
var GroupID = window . location . search . match ( /[?&]id=(\d+)/ ) ;
if ( typeof GroupID == 'undefined' ) {
return ;
} else {
GroupID = GroupID [ 1 ] ;
var ArtistList ;
if ( ! ( ArtistList = $ ( '#artist_list' ) . raw ( ) ) ) {
return false ;
} else if ( $ ( '#artistmanager' ) . raw ( ) ) {
$ ( '#artistmanager' ) . toggle ( ) ;
$ ( '#artist_list' ) . toggle ( ) ;
} else {
MainArtistCount = 0 ;
var elArtistManager = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
elArtistManager . id = 'artistmanager' ;
var elArtistList = ArtistList . cloneNode ( true ) ;
elArtistList . id = 'artistmanager_list' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < elArtistList . children . length ; i ++ ) {
switch ( elArtistList . children [ i ] . className ) {
case 'artist_main' :
importance = 1 ;
break ;
case 'artists_with' :
importance = 2 ;
break ;
case 'artists_remix' :
importance = 3 ;
break ;
case 'artists_composers' :
importance = 4 ;
break ;
case 'artists_conductors' :
importance = 5 ;
break ;
case 'artists_dj' :
importance = 6 ;
break ;
2012-02-19 08:00:19 +00:00
case 'artists_producer' :
importance = 7 ;
break ;
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
if ( elArtistList . children [ i ] . children [ 0 ] . tagName . toUpperCase ( ) == 'A' ) {
var ArtistID = elArtistList . children [ i ] . children [ 0 ] . href . match ( /[?&]id=(\d+)/ ) [ 1 ] ;
var elBox = document . createElement ( 'input' ) ;
elBox . type = 'checkbox' ;
elBox . id = 'artistmanager_box' + ( i - importance + 1 ) ;
elBox . name = 'artistmanager_box' ;
2012-02-23 08:00:18 +00:00
elBox . value = importance + ';' + ArtistID ;
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
elBox . onclick = function ( e ) { SelectArtist ( e , this ) ; } ;
elArtistList . children [ i ] . insertBefore ( elBox , elArtistList . children [ i ] . children [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( importance == 1 || importance == 4 || importance == 6 ) {
MainArtistCount ++ ;
elArtistManager . appendChild ( elArtistList ) ;
var elArtistForm = document . createElement ( 'form' ) ;
elArtistForm . id = 'artistmanager_form' ;
elArtistForm . method = 'post' ;
var elGroupID = document . createElement ( 'input' ) ;
elGroupID . type = 'hidden' ;
elGroupID . name = 'groupid' ;
elGroupID . value = GroupID ;
elArtistForm . appendChild ( elGroupID ) ;
var elAction = document . createElement ( 'input' ) ;
elAction . type = 'hidden' ;
elAction . name = 'manager_action' ;
elAction . id = 'manager_action' ;
elAction . value = 'manage' ;
elArtistForm . appendChild ( elAction ) ;
var elAction = document . createElement ( 'input' ) ;
elAction . type = 'hidden' ;
elAction . name = 'action' ;
elAction . value = 'manage_artists' ;
elArtistForm . appendChild ( elAction ) ;
var elAuth = document . createElement ( 'input' ) ;
elAuth . type = 'hidden' ;
elAuth . name = 'auth' ;
elAuth . value = authkey ;
elArtistForm . appendChild ( elAuth ) ;
var elSelection = document . createElement ( 'input' ) ;
elSelection . type = 'hidden' ;
elSelection . id = 'artists_selection' ;
elSelection . name = 'artists' ;
elArtistForm . appendChild ( elSelection ) ;
var elSubmitDiv = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
var elImportance = document . createElement ( 'select' ) ;
elImportance . name = 'importance' ;
elImportance . id = 'artists_importance' ;
var elOpt = document . createElement ( 'option' ) ;
elOpt . value = 1 ;
elOpt . innerHTML = 'Main artist' ;
elImportance . appendChild ( elOpt ) ;
elOpt = document . createElement ( 'option' ) ;
elOpt . value = 2 ;
elOpt . innerHTML = 'Guest artist' ;
elImportance . appendChild ( elOpt ) ;
elOpt = document . createElement ( 'option' ) ;
elOpt . value = 4 ;
elOpt . innerHTML = 'Composer' ;
elImportance . appendChild ( elOpt ) ;
elOpt = document . createElement ( 'option' ) ;
elOpt . value = 5 ;
elOpt . innerHTML = 'Conductor' ;
elImportance . appendChild ( elOpt ) ;
elOpt = document . createElement ( 'option' ) ;
elOpt . value = 6 ;
elOpt . innerHTML = 'DJ / Compiler' ;
elImportance . appendChild ( elOpt ) ;
elOpt = document . createElement ( 'option' ) ;
elOpt . value = 3 ;
elOpt . innerHTML = 'Remixer' ;
elImportance . appendChild ( elOpt ) ;
2012-02-19 08:00:19 +00:00
elOpt = document . createElement ( 'option' ) ;
elOpt . value = 7 ;
elOpt . innerHTML = 'Producer' ;
elImportance . appendChild ( elOpt ) ;
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
elSubmitDiv . appendChild ( elImportance ) ;
elSubmitDiv . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( ' ' ) ) ;
elSubmitDiv . className = 'body' ;
var elSubmit = document . createElement ( 'input' ) ;
elSubmit . type = 'button' ;
elSubmit . value = 'Update' ;
elSubmit . onclick = ArtistManagerSubmit ;
elSubmitDiv . appendChild ( elSubmit ) ;
elSubmitDiv . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( ' ' ) ) ;
var elDelButton = document . createElement ( 'input' ) ;
elDelButton . type = 'button' ;
elDelButton . value = 'Delete' ;
elDelButton . onclick = ArtistManagerDelete ;
elSubmitDiv . appendChild ( elDelButton ) ;
elArtistForm . appendChild ( elSubmitDiv ) ;
elArtistManager . appendChild ( elArtistForm ) ;
ArtistList . parentNode . appendChild ( elArtistManager ) ;
$ ( '#artist_list' ) . hide ( ) ;
function SelectArtist ( e , obj ) {
if ( window . event ) {
e = window . event ;
EndBox = Number ( obj . id . substr ( 17 ) ) ;
if ( ! e . shiftKey || typeof StartBox == 'undefined' ) {
StartBox = Number ( obj . id . substr ( 17 ) ) ;
Dir = ( EndBox > StartBox ? 1 : - 1 ) ;
var checked = obj . checked ;
for ( var i = StartBox ; i != EndBox ; i += Dir ) {
var key , importance = obj . value . substr ( 0 , 1 ) , id = obj . value . substr ( 2 ) ;
$ ( '#artistmanager_box' + i ) . raw ( ) . checked = checked ;
StartBox = Number ( obj . id . substr ( 17 ) ) ;
function ArtistManagerSubmit ( ) {
var Selection = new Array ( ) ;
var MainSelectionCount = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 , boxes = $ ( '[name="artistmanager_box"]' ) ; boxes . raw ( i ) ; i ++ ) {
if ( boxes . raw ( i ) . checked ) {
2012-02-23 08:00:18 +00:00
Selection . push ( boxes . raw ( i ) . value ) ;
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
if ( boxes . raw ( i ) . value . substr ( 0 , 1 ) == '1' ) {
MainSelectionCount ++ ;
if ( Selection . length == 0 || ( $ ( '#manager_action' ) . raw ( ) . value == 'delete' && ! confirm ( 'Are you sure you want to delete ' + Selection . length + ' artists from this group?' ) ) ) {
return ;
$ ( '#artists_selection' ) . raw ( ) . value = Selection . join ( ',' ) ;
if ( ( ( $ ( '#artists_importance' ) . raw ( ) . value != 1 && $ ( '#artists_importance' ) . raw ( ) . value != 4 && $ ( '#artists_importance' ) . raw ( ) . value != 6 ) || $ ( '#manager_action' ) . raw ( ) . value == 'delete' ) && MainSelectionCount == MainArtistCount ) {
if ( ! $ ( '.error_message' ) . raw ( ) ) {
error _message ( 'All groups need to have at least one main artist, composer, or DJ.' ) ;
$ ( '.error_message' ) . raw ( ) . scrollIntoView ( ) ;
return ;
$ ( '#artistmanager_form' ) . raw ( ) . submit ( ) ;
function ArtistManagerDelete ( ) {
$ ( '#manager_action' ) . raw ( ) . value = 'delete' ;
ArtistManagerSubmit ( ) ;
$ ( '#manager_action' ) . raw ( ) . value = 'manage' ;
2012-02-05 08:00:20 +00:00
function Vote ( amount , requestid ) {
if ( typeof amount == 'undefined' ) {
amount = parseInt ( $ ( '#amount' ) . raw ( ) . value ) ;
if ( amount == 0 ) {
amount = 20 * 1024 * 1024 ;
var index ;
var votecount ;
if ( ! requestid ) {
requestid = $ ( '#requestid' ) . raw ( ) . value ;
votecount = $ ( '#votecount' ) . raw ( ) ;
index = false ;
} else {
votecount = $ ( '#vote_count_' + requestid ) . raw ( ) ;
bounty = $ ( '#bounty_' + requestid ) . raw ( ) ;
index = true ;
ajax . get ( 'requests.php?action=takevote&id=' + requestid + '&auth=' + $ ( '#auth' ) . raw ( ) . value + '&amount=' + amount , function ( response ) {
if ( response == 'bankrupt' ) {
error _message ( "You do not have sufficient upload credit to add " + get _size ( amount ) + " to this request" ) ;
return ;
} else if ( response == 'dupesuccess' ) {
//No increment
} else if ( response == 'success' ) {
votecount . innerHTML = ( parseInt ( votecount . innerHTML ) ) + 1 ;
if ( $ ( '#total_bounty' ) . results ( ) > 0 ) {
totalBounty = parseInt ( $ ( '#total_bounty' ) . raw ( ) . value ) ;
totalBounty += ( amount * ( 1 - $ ( '#request_tax' ) . raw ( ) . value ) ) ;
$ ( '#total_bounty' ) . raw ( ) . value = totalBounty ;
$ ( '#formatted_bounty' ) . raw ( ) . innerHTML = get _size ( totalBounty ) ;
save _message ( "Your vote of " + get _size ( amount ) + ", adding a " + get _size ( amount * ( 1 - $ ( '#request_tax' ) . raw ( ) . value ) ) + " bounty, has been added" ) ;
$ ( '#button' ) . raw ( ) . disabled = true ;
} else {
save _message ( "Your vote of " + get _size ( amount ) + " has been added" ) ;
) ;
2012-10-27 08:00:09 +00:00
2012-10-28 08:00:19 +00:00
var voteLock = false ;
2012-10-27 08:00:09 +00:00
function DownVoteGroup ( groupid , authkey ) {
2012-10-28 08:00:19 +00:00
if ( voteLock ) {
return ;
voteLock = true ;
2012-10-27 08:00:09 +00:00
ajax . get ( 'ajax.php?action=votefavorite&do=vote&groupid=' + groupid + '&vote=down' + '&auth=' + authkey , function ( response ) {
if ( response == 'noaction' ) {
//No increment
} else if ( response == 'success' ) {
$ ( '#totalvotes' ) . raw ( ) . innerHTML = ( parseInt ( $ ( '#totalvotes' ) . raw ( ) . innerHTML ) ) + 1 ;
) ;
$ ( '#vote_message' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#unvote_message' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#upvoted' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#downvoted' ) . show ( ) ;
2012-10-28 08:00:19 +00:00
voteLock = false ;
2012-10-27 08:00:09 +00:00
function UpVoteGroup ( groupid , authkey ) {
2012-10-28 08:00:19 +00:00
if ( voteLock ) {
return ;
voteLock = true ;
2012-10-27 08:00:09 +00:00
ajax . get ( 'ajax.php?action=votefavorite&do=vote&groupid=' + groupid + '&vote=up' + '&auth=' + authkey , function ( response ) {
if ( response == 'noaction' ) {
//No increment
} else if ( response == 'success' ) {
// Increment both the upvote count and the total votes count
$ ( '#upvotes' ) . raw ( ) . innerHTML = ( parseInt ( $ ( '#upvotes' ) . raw ( ) . innerHTML ) ) + 1 ;
$ ( '#totalvotes' ) . raw ( ) . innerHTML = ( parseInt ( $ ( '#totalvotes' ) . raw ( ) . innerHTML ) ) + 1 ;
) ;
$ ( '#vote_message' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#unvote_message' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#upvoted' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#downvoted' ) . hide ( ) ;
2012-10-28 08:00:19 +00:00
voteLock = false ;
2012-10-27 08:00:09 +00:00
function UnvoteGroup ( groupid , authkey ) {
2012-10-28 08:00:19 +00:00
if ( voteLock ) {
return ;
voteLock = true ;
2012-10-27 08:00:09 +00:00
ajax . get ( 'ajax.php?action=votefavorite&do=unvote&groupid=' + groupid + '&auth=' + authkey , function ( response ) {
if ( response == 'noaction' ) {
//No increment
} else if ( response == 'success-down' ) {
$ ( '#totalvotes' ) . raw ( ) . innerHTML = ( parseInt ( $ ( '#totalvotes' ) . raw ( ) . innerHTML ) ) - 1 ;
} else if ( response == 'success-up' ) {
$ ( '#totalvotes' ) . raw ( ) . innerHTML = ( parseInt ( $ ( '#totalvotes' ) . raw ( ) . innerHTML ) ) - 1 ;
$ ( '#upvotes' ) . raw ( ) . innerHTML = ( parseInt ( $ ( '#upvotes' ) . raw ( ) . innerHTML ) ) - 1 ;
) ;
$ ( '#vote_message' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#unvote_message' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#upvoted' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#downvoted' ) . hide ( ) ;
2012-10-28 08:00:19 +00:00
voteLock = false ;
2012-02-05 08:00:20 +00:00