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|--------------- Zip class -----------------------------------------------|
This class provides a convenient way for us to generate and serve zip
archives to our end users, both from physical files, cached
or already parsed data (torrent files). It's all done on the fly, due to
the high probability that a filesystem stored archive will never be
downloaded twice.
Utilizes gzcompress, based upon RFC 1950
//------------- How it works --------------//
Basic concept is construct archive, add files, and serve on the fly.
//------------- How to use it --------------//
* First, construct the archive:
$Zip = new ZIP('FileName');
Adds the headers so that add_file can stream and we don't need to create a massive buffer.
open_stream(); was integrated into the constructor to conform with Object-Oriented Standards.
A simple shortcut function for raising the basic PHP limits, time and memory for larger archives.
* Then, add files and begin streaming to the user to avoid memory buffering:
$Zip->add_file(file_get_contents("data/file.txt"), "File.txt");
Adds the contents of data/file.txt into File.txt in the archive root.
$Zip->add_file($TorrentData, "Bookmarks/Artist - Album [2008].torrent");
Adds the parsed torrent to the archive in the Bookmarks folder (created simply by placing it in the path).
* Then, close the archive to the user:
This collects everything put together thus far in the archive, and streams it to the user in the form of Test7.zip
//------ Explanation of basic functions ------//
add_file(Contents, Internal Path)
Adds the contents to the archive, where it will be extracted to Internal Path.
Collect and stream to the user.
//------------- Detailed example -------------//
$Zip = new ZIP('FileName');
$Name = 'Ubuntu-8.10';
$Zip->add_file($TorrentData, 'Torrents/'.file_string($Name).'.torrent');
$Zip->add_file(file_get_contents('zip.php'), 'zip.php');
//---------- Development reference -----------//
http://www.pkware.com/documents/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT - ZIP spec (this class)
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt - ZLIB compression spec (gzcompress function)
http://www.fileformat.info/tool/hexdump.htm - Useful for analyzing ZIP files
if (!extension_loaded('zlib')) {
error('Zlib Extension not loaded.');
//Handles timestamps
function dostime($TimeStamp = 0) {
if(!is_number($TimeStamp)) { // Assume that $TimeStamp is SQL timestamp
if($TimeStamp == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { return 'Never'; }
$TimeStamp = strtotime($TimeStamp);
$Date = ($TimeStamp == 0) ? getdate() : getdate($TimeStamp);
$Hex = dechex((($Date['year'] - 1980) << 25) | ($Date['mon'] << 21) | ($Date['mday'] << 16) | ($Date['hours'] << 11) | ($Date['minutes'] << 5) | ($Date['seconds'] >> 1));
eval("\$Return = \"\x$Hex[6]$Hex[7]\x$Hex[4]$Hex[5]\x$Hex[2]$Hex[3]\x$Hex[0]$Hex[1]\";");
return $Return;
class ZIP {
public $ArchiveSize = 0; //Total size
public $ArchiveFiles = 0; // Total files
private $Structure = ''; // Structure saved to memory
private $FileOffset = 0; // Offset to write data
private $Data = ''; //An idea
public function __construct ($ArchiveName='Archive') {
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); //Stream download
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".urlencode($ArchiveName).".zip\""); //Name the archive
public static function unlimit () {
set_time_limit(3600); //Limit 1 hour
ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M'); // Because the buffers can get extremely large
public function add_file ($FileData, $ArchivePath, $TimeStamp = 0) {
/* File header */
$this->Data = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"; // PK signature
$this->Data .= "\x14\x00"; // Version requirements
$this->Data .= "\x00\x00"; // Bit flag
$this->Data .= "\x08\x00"; // Compression
//$this->Data .= dostime($TimeStamp); //Last modified
$this->Data .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00";
$DataLength = strlen($FileData); // Saved as varibale to avoid wasting CPU calculating it multiple times.
$CRC32 = crc32($FileData); // Ditto.
$ZipData = gzcompress($FileData); // Ditto.
$ZipData = substr ($ZipData, 2,(strlen($ZipData) - 6)); // Checksum resolution
$ZipLength = strlen($ZipData); //Ditto.
$this->Data .= pack("V",$CRC32); // CRC-32
$this->Data .= pack("V",$ZipLength); // Compressed filesize
$this->Data .= pack("V",$DataLength); // Uncompressed filesize
$this->Data .= pack("v",strlen($ArchivePath)); // Pathname length
$this->Data .="\x00\x00"; // Extra field length (0'd so we can ignore this)
$this->Data .= $ArchivePath; // Filename & Exta Field (length set to 0 so ignored)
/* END file header */
/* File data */
$this->Data .= $ZipData; // File data
/* END file data */
/* Data descriptor
Not needed (only needed when 3rd bitflag is set), causes problems with OS X archive utility
$this->Data .= pack("V",$CRC32); // CRC-32
$this->Data .= pack("V",$ZipLength); // Compressed filesize
$this->Data .= pack("V",$DataLength); // Uncompressed filesize
END data descriptor */
$FileDataLength = strlen($this->Data);
$this->ArchiveSize = $this->ArchiveSize + $FileDataLength; // All we really need is the size
$CurrentOffset = $this->ArchiveSize; // Update offsets
echo $this->Data; // Get this out to reduce our memory consumption
/* Central Directory Structure */
$CDS = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"; // CDS signature
$CDS .="\x00\x00"; // Constructor version
$CDS .="\x14\x00"; // Version requirements
$CDS .="\x00\x00"; // Bit flag
$CDS .="\x08\x00"; // Compression
$CDS .="\x00\x00\x00\x00"; // Last modified
$CDS .= pack("V",$CRC32); // CRC-32
$CDS .= pack("V",$ZipLength); // Compressed filesize
$CDS .= pack("V",$DataLength); // Uncompressed filesize
$CDS .= pack("v",strlen($ArchivePath)); // Pathname length
$CDS .="\x00\x00"; // Extra field length (0'd so we can ignore this)
$CDS .="\x00\x00"; // File comment length (no comment, 0'd)
$CDS .="\x00\x00"; // Disk number start (0 seems valid)
$CDS .="\x00\x00"; // Internal file attributes (again with the 0's)
$CDS .="\x20\x00\x00\x00"; // External file attributes
$CDS .= pack("V", $this->FileOffset ); // Offsets
$CDS .= $ArchivePath; // Filename & Exta Field (length set to 0 so ignored)
/* END central Directory Structure */
$this->FileOffset = $CurrentOffset; // Update offsets
$this->Structure .= $CDS; // Append to structure
$this->ArchiveFiles++; // Increment file count
public function close_stream() {
echo $this->Structure; // Structure Root
echo "\x50\x4b\x05\x06"; // End of central directory signature
echo "\x00\x00"; // This disk
echo "\x00\x00"; // CDS start
echo pack("v", $this->ArchiveFiles); // Handle the numebr of entries
echo pack("v", $this->ArchiveFiles); // Ditto
echo pack("V", strlen($this->Structure)); //Size
echo pack("V", $this->ArchiveSize); // Offset
echo "\x00\x00"; // No comment, close it off