2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$Val = new VALIDATE;
2012-02-07 08:00:20 +00:00
function AddTorrent($CollageID, $GroupID) {
global $Cache, $LoggedUser, $DB;
$DB->query("SELECT MAX(Sort) FROM collages_torrents WHERE CollageID='$CollageID'");
list($Sort) = $DB->next_record();
$DB->query("SELECT GroupID FROM collages_torrents WHERE CollageID='$CollageID' AND GroupID='$GroupID'");
if($DB->record_count() == 0) {
$DB->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO collages_torrents
(CollageID, GroupID, UserID, Sort, AddedOn)
('$CollageID', '$GroupID', '$LoggedUser[ID]', '$Sort', NOW())");
$DB->query("UPDATE collages SET NumTorrents=NumTorrents+1 WHERE ID='$CollageID'");
$DB->query("SELECT UserID FROM users_collage_subs WHERE CollageID=$CollageID");
while (list($CacheUserID) = $DB->next_record()) {
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$CollageID = $_POST['collageid'];
if(!is_number($CollageID)) { error(404); }
$DB->query("SELECT UserID, CategoryID, Locked, NumTorrents, MaxGroups, MaxGroupsPerUser FROM collages WHERE ID='$CollageID'");
list($UserID, $CategoryID, $Locked, $NumTorrents, $MaxGroups, $MaxGroupsPerUser) = $DB->next_record();
if($CategoryID == 0 && $UserID!=$LoggedUser['ID'] && !check_perms('site_collages_delete')) { error(403); }
if($Locked) { error(403); }
if($MaxGroups>0 && $NumTorrents>=$MaxGroups) { error(403); }
if($MaxGroupsPerUser>0) {
$DB->query("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM collages_torrents WHERE CollageID='$CollageID' AND UserID='$LoggedUser[ID]'");
if($DB->record_count()>=$MaxGroupsPerUser) {
2012-02-07 08:00:20 +00:00
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'add_torrent') {
$URLRegex = '/^https?:\/\/(www\.|ssl\.)?'.NONSSL_SITE_URL.'\/torrents\.php\?(page=[0-9]+&)?id=([0-9]+)/i';
$Val->SetFields('url', '1','regex','The URL must be a link to a torrent on the site.',array('regex'=>$URLRegex));
$Err = $Val->ValidateForm($_POST);
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
2012-02-07 08:00:20 +00:00
if($Err) {
header('Location: collages.php?id='.$CollageID);
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
2012-02-07 08:00:20 +00:00
$URL = $_POST['url'];
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
2012-02-07 08:00:20 +00:00
// Get torrent ID
$URLRegex = '/torrents\.php\?(page=[0-9]+&)?id=([0-9]+)/i';
preg_match($URLRegex, $URL, $Matches);
if(!$TorrentID || (int)$TorrentID == 0) { error(404); }
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
2012-02-07 08:00:20 +00:00
$DB->query("SELECT ID FROM torrents_group WHERE ID='$TorrentID'");
list($GroupID) = $DB->next_record();
if(!$GroupID) {
error('The torrent was not found in the database.');
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
2012-02-07 08:00:20 +00:00
AddTorrent($CollageID, $GroupID);
} else {
$URLRegex = '/^https?:\/\/(www\.|ssl\.)?'.NONSSL_SITE_URL.'\/torrents\.php\?(page=[0-9]+&)?id=([0-9]+)/i';
2011-10-27 08:00:15 +00:00
2012-02-07 08:00:20 +00:00
$URLs = explode("\n",$_REQUEST['urls']);
$GroupIDs = array();
$Err = '';
foreach ($URLs as $URL) {
$URL = trim($URL);
if ($URL == '') { continue; }
$Matches = array();
if (preg_match($URLRegex, $URL, $Matches)) {
$GroupIDs[] = $Matches[3];
$GroupID = $Matches[3];
} else {
$Err = "One of the entered URLs ($URL) does not correspond to a torrent on the site.";
$DB->query("SELECT ID FROM torrents_group WHERE ID='$GroupID'");
if(!$DB->record_count()) {
$Err = "One of the entered URLs ($URL) does not correspond to a torrent on the site.";
2011-10-27 08:00:15 +00:00
2012-02-07 08:00:20 +00:00
if($Err) {
header('Location: collages.php?id='.$CollageID);
foreach ($GroupIDs as $GroupID) {
AddTorrent($CollageID, $GroupID);
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
header('Location: collages.php?id='.$CollageID);