2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ?
2012-07-21 08:00:14 +00:00
ini_set ( 'max_execution_time' , 600 );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
//~~~~~~~~~~~ Main collage page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~//
function compare ( $X , $Y ){
return ( $Y [ 'count' ] - $X [ 'count' ]);
2011-08-09 21:03:28 +00:00
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/sections/bookmarks/functions.php' ); // has_bookmarked()
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_text.php' ); // Text formatting class
2012-06-18 08:00:14 +00:00
include ( SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_image_tools.php' );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$Text = new TEXT ;
$CollageID = $_GET [ 'id' ];
if ( ! is_number ( $CollageID )) { error ( 0 ); }
2011-10-27 08:00:15 +00:00
$TokenTorrents = $Cache -> get_value ( 'users_tokens_' . $UserID );
if ( empty ( $TokenTorrents )) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT TorrentID FROM users_freeleeches WHERE UserID= $UserID AND Expired=FALSE " );
$TokenTorrents = $DB -> collect ( 'TorrentID' );
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'users_tokens_' . $UserID , $TokenTorrents );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$Data = $Cache -> get_value ( 'collage_' . $CollageID );
if ( $Data ) {
$Data = unserialize ( $Data );
list ( $K , list ( $Name , $Description , $CollageDataList , $TorrentList , $CommentList , $Deleted , $CollageCategoryID , $CreatorID )) = each ( $Data );
} else {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT Name, Description, UserID, Deleted, CategoryID, Locked, MaxGroups, MaxGroupsPerUser FROM collages WHERE ID=' $CollageID ' " );
if ( $DB -> record_count () > 0 ) {
list ( $Name , $Description , $CreatorID , $Deleted , $CollageCategoryID , $Locked , $MaxGroups , $MaxGroupsPerUser ) = $DB -> next_record ();
$TorrentList = '' ;
$CollageList = '' ;
} else {
$Deleted = '1' ;
if ( $Deleted == '1' ) {
header ( 'Location: log.php?search=Collage+' . $CollageID );
die ();
if ( $CollageCategoryID == 0 && ! check_perms ( 'site_collages_delete' )) {
if ( ! check_perms ( 'site_collages_personal' ) || $CreatorID != $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]) {
$Locked = true ;
2011-10-27 08:00:15 +00:00
//Handle subscriptions
if (( $CollageSubscriptions = $Cache -> get_value ( 'collage_subs_user_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ])) === FALSE ) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT CollageID FROM users_collage_subs WHERE UserID = ' $LoggedUser[ID] ' " );
$CollageSubscriptions = $DB -> collect ( 0 );
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'collage_subs_user_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ], $CollageSubscriptions , 0 );
if ( empty ( $CollageSubscriptions )) {
$CollageSubscriptions = array ();
if ( in_array ( $CollageID , $CollageSubscriptions )) {
$Cache -> delete_value ( 'collage_subs_user_new_' . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]);
$DB -> query ( " UPDATE users_collage_subs SET LastVisit=NOW() WHERE UserID = " . $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ] . " AND CollageID= $CollageID " );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
// Build the data for the collage and the torrent list
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
if ( ! is_array ( $TorrentList )) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT ct.GroupID,
tg . WikiImage ,
tg . CategoryID ,
um . ID ,
um . Username
FROM collages_torrents AS ct
JOIN torrents_group AS tg ON tg . ID = ct . GroupID
LEFT JOIN users_main AS um ON um . ID = ct . UserID
WHERE ct . CollageID = '$CollageID'
ORDER BY ct . Sort " );
$GroupIDs = $DB -> collect ( 'GroupID' );
$CollageDataList = $DB -> to_array ( 'GroupID' , MYSQLI_ASSOC );
if ( count ( $GroupIDs ) > 0 ) {
$TorrentList = get_groups ( $GroupIDs );
$TorrentList = $TorrentList [ 'matches' ];
} else {
$TorrentList = array ();
// Loop through the result set, building up $Collage and $TorrentTable
// Then we print them.
$Collage = array ();
$TorrentTable = '' ;
$NumGroups = 0 ;
$NumGroupsByUser = 0 ;
$Artists = array ();
$Tags = array ();
$Users = array ();
$Number = 0 ;
foreach ( $TorrentList as $GroupID => $Group ) {
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
list ( $GroupID , $GroupName , $GroupYear , $GroupRecordLabel , $GroupCatalogueNumber , $TagList , $ReleaseType , $GroupVanityHouse , $Torrents , $GroupArtists , $ExtendedArtists ) = array_values ( $Group );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
list ( $GroupID2 , $Image , $GroupCategoryID , $UserID , $Username ) = array_values ( $CollageDataList [ $GroupID ]);
// Handle stats and stuff
$Number ++ ;
$NumGroups ++ ;
if ( $UserID == $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]) {
$NumGroupsByUser ++ ;
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $ExtendedArtists [ 1 ]) || ! empty ( $ExtendedArtists [ 4 ]) || ! empty ( $ExtendedArtists [ 5 ]) || ! empty ( $ExtendedArtists [ 6 ])) {
$CountArtists = array_merge (( array ) $ExtendedArtists [ 1 ], ( array ) $ExtendedArtists [ 4 ], ( array ) $ExtendedArtists [ 5 ], ( array ) $ExtendedArtists [ 6 ]);
} else {
$CountArtists = $GroupArtists ;
if ( $CountArtists ) {
foreach ( $CountArtists as $Artist ) {
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
if ( ! isset ( $Artists [ $Artist [ 'id' ]])) {
$Artists [ $Artist [ 'id' ]] = array ( 'name' => $Artist [ 'name' ], 'count' => 1 );
} else {
$Artists [ $Artist [ 'id' ]][ 'count' ] ++ ;
if ( $Username ) {
if ( ! isset ( $Users [ $UserID ])) {
$Users [ $UserID ] = array ( 'name' => $Username , 'count' => 1 );
} else {
$Users [ $UserID ][ 'count' ] ++ ;
$TagList = explode ( ' ' , str_replace ( '_' , '.' , $TagList ));
$TorrentTags = array ();
foreach ( $TagList as $Tag ) {
if ( ! isset ( $Tags [ $Tag ])) {
$Tags [ $Tag ] = array ( 'name' => $Tag , 'count' => 1 );
} else {
$Tags [ $Tag ][ 'count' ] ++ ;
$TorrentTags [] = '<a href="torrents.php?taglist=' . $Tag . '">' . $Tag . '</a>' ;
$PrimaryTag = $TagList [ 0 ];
$TorrentTags = implode ( ', ' , $TorrentTags );
$TorrentTags = '<br /><div class="tags">' . $TorrentTags . '</div>' ;
$DisplayName = $Number . ' - ' ;
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $ExtendedArtists [ 1 ]) || ! empty ( $ExtendedArtists [ 4 ]) || ! empty ( $ExtendedArtists [ 5 ]) || ! empty ( $ExtendedArtists [ 6 ])) {
unset ( $ExtendedArtists [ 2 ]);
unset ( $ExtendedArtists [ 3 ]);
$DisplayName .= display_artists ( $ExtendedArtists );
} elseif ( count ( $GroupArtists ) > 0 ) {
$DisplayName .= display_artists ( array ( '1' => $GroupArtists ));
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$DisplayName .= '<a href="torrents.php?id=' . $GroupID . '" title="View Torrent">' . $GroupName . '</a>' ;
if ( $GroupYear > 0 ) { $DisplayName = $DisplayName . ' [' . $GroupYear . ']' ;}
2011-08-09 21:03:28 +00:00
if ( $GroupVanityHouse ) { $DisplayName .= ' [<abbr title="This is a vanity house release">VH</abbr>]' ; }
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
// Start an output buffer, so we can store this output in $TorrentTable
ob_start ();
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
if ( count ( $Torrents ) > 1 || $GroupCategoryID == 1 ) {
2011-07-05 08:00:07 +00:00
// Grouped torrents
$ShowGroups = ! ( ! empty ( $LoggedUser [ 'TorrentGrouping' ]) && $LoggedUser [ 'TorrentGrouping' ] == 1 );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< tr class = " group discog " id = " group_<?= $GroupID ?> " >
< td class = " center " >
2011-07-05 08:00:07 +00:00
< div title = " View " id = " showimg_<?= $GroupID ?> " class = " <?=( $ShowGroups ? 'hide' : 'show')?>_torrents " >
2011-09-04 08:00:07 +00:00
< a href = " # " class = " show_torrents_link " onclick = " toggle_group(<?= $GroupID ?>, this, event) " title = " Collapse this group " ></ a >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
</ div >
</ td >
< td class = " center " >
< div title = " <?=ucfirst(str_replace('_',' ', $PrimaryTag ))?> " class = " cats_<?=strtolower(str_replace(array('-',' '),array('',''), $Categories[$GroupCategoryID-1] ))?> tags_<?=str_replace('.','_', $PrimaryTag )?> " ></ div >
</ td >
< td colspan = " 5 " >
< strong >< ? = $DisplayName ?> </strong>
< ? = $TorrentTags ?>
</ td >
</ tr >
< ?
$LastRemasterYear = '-' ;
$LastRemasterTitle = '' ;
$LastRemasterRecordLabel = '' ;
$LastRemasterCatalogueNumber = '' ;
2011-09-04 08:00:07 +00:00
$LastMedia = '' ;
$EditionID = 0 ;
2011-09-05 08:00:07 +00:00
unset ( $FirstUnknown );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
foreach ( $Torrents as $TorrentID => $Torrent ) {
2011-09-05 08:00:07 +00:00
if ( $Torrent [ 'Remastered' ] && ! $Torrent [ 'RemasterYear' ]) {
$FirstUnknown = ! isset ( $FirstUnknown );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
2011-10-29 08:00:15 +00:00
if ( in_array ( $TorrentID , $TokenTorrents ) && empty ( $Torrent [ 'FreeTorrent' ])) {
$Torrent [ 'PersonalFL' ] = 1 ;
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
if ( $Torrent [ 'RemasterTitle' ] != $LastRemasterTitle || $Torrent [ 'RemasterYear' ] != $LastRemasterYear ||
2011-09-05 08:00:07 +00:00
$Torrent [ 'RemasterRecordLabel' ] != $LastRemasterRecordLabel || $Torrent [ 'RemasterCatalogueNumber' ] != $LastRemasterCatalogueNumber || $FirstUnknown || $Torrent [ 'Media' ] != $LastMedia ) {
2011-10-18 08:00:10 +00:00
$EditionID ++ ;
2011-09-05 08:00:07 +00:00
if ( $Torrent [ 'Remastered' ] && $Torrent [ 'RemasterYear' ] != 0 ) {
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$RemasterName = $Torrent [ 'RemasterYear' ];
$AddExtra = " - " ;
if ( $Torrent [ 'RemasterRecordLabel' ]) { $RemasterName .= $AddExtra . display_str ( $Torrent [ 'RemasterRecordLabel' ]); $AddExtra = ' / ' ; }
if ( $Torrent [ 'RemasterCatalogueNumber' ]) { $RemasterName .= $AddExtra . display_str ( $Torrent [ 'RemasterCatalogueNumber' ]); $AddExtra = ' / ' ; }
if ( $Torrent [ 'RemasterTitle' ]) { $RemasterName .= $AddExtra . display_str ( $Torrent [ 'RemasterTitle' ]); $AddExtra = ' / ' ; }
2011-09-04 08:00:07 +00:00
$RemasterName .= $AddExtra . display_str ( $Torrent [ 'Media' ]);
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
2011-09-04 08:00:07 +00:00
< tr class = " group_torrent groupid_<?= $GroupID ?> edition<? if(!empty( $LoggedUser['TorrentGrouping'] ) && $LoggedUser['TorrentGrouping'] ==1) { echo ' hidden'; } ?> " >
< td colspan = " 7 " class = " edition_info " >< strong >< a href = " # " onclick = " toggle_edition(<?= $GroupID ?>, <?= $EditionID ?>, this, event) " title = " Collapse this edition " >& minus ; </ a > < ? = $RemasterName ?> </strong></td>
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
</ tr >
< ?
} else {
$AddExtra = " / " ;
2011-09-05 08:00:07 +00:00
if ( ! $Torrent [ 'Remastered' ]) {
$MasterName = " Original Release " ;
if ( $GroupRecordLabel ) { $MasterName .= $AddExtra . $GroupRecordLabel ; $AddExtra = ' / ' ; }
if ( $GroupCatalogueNumber ) { $MasterName .= $AddExtra . $GroupCatalogueNumber ; $AddExtra = ' / ' ; }
} else {
$MasterName = " Unknown Release(s) " ;
2011-09-04 08:00:07 +00:00
$MasterName .= $AddExtra . display_str ( $Torrent [ 'Media' ]);
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
2011-09-04 08:00:07 +00:00
< tr class = " group_torrent groupid_<?= $GroupID ?> edition<? if (!empty( $LoggedUser['TorrentGrouping'] ) && $LoggedUser['TorrentGrouping'] ==1) { echo ' hidden'; }?> " >
< td colspan = " 7 " class = " edition_info " >< strong >< a href = " # " onclick = " toggle_edition(<?= $GroupID ?>, <?= $EditionID ?>, this, event) " title = " Collapse this edition " >& minus ; </ a > < ? = $MasterName ?> </strong></td>
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
</ tr >
< ?
$LastRemasterTitle = $Torrent [ 'RemasterTitle' ];
$LastRemasterYear = $Torrent [ 'RemasterYear' ];
$LastRemasterRecordLabel = $Torrent [ 'RemasterRecordLabel' ];
$LastRemasterCatalogueNumber = $Torrent [ 'RemasterCatalogueNumber' ];
2011-09-04 08:00:07 +00:00
$LastMedia = $Torrent [ 'Media' ];
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
2011-09-04 08:00:07 +00:00
< tr class = " group_torrent groupid_<?= $GroupID ?> edition_<?= $EditionID ?><? if(!empty( $LoggedUser['TorrentGrouping'] ) && $LoggedUser['TorrentGrouping'] ==1) { echo ' hidden'; } ?> " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< td colspan = " 3 " >
< span >
2011-10-29 08:00:15 +00:00
[ < a href = " torrents.php?action=download&id=<?= $TorrentID ?>&authkey=<?= $LoggedUser['AuthKey'] ?>&torrent_pass=<?= $LoggedUser['torrent_pass'] ?> " title = " Download " > DL </ a >
2011-10-27 08:00:15 +00:00
< ? if (( $LoggedUser [ 'FLTokens' ] > 0 ) && ( $Torrent [ 'Size' ] < 1073741824 )
&& ! in_array ( $TorrentID , $TokenTorrents ) && empty ( $Torrent [ 'FreeTorrent' ]) && ( $LoggedUser [ 'CanLeech' ] == '1' )) { ?>
2012-09-09 08:00:26 +00:00
| < a href = " torrents.php?action=download&id=<?= $TorrentID ?>&authkey=<?= $LoggedUser['AuthKey'] ?>&torrent_pass=<?= $LoggedUser['torrent_pass'] ?>&usetoken=1 " title = " Use a FL Token " onclick = " return confirm('Are you sure you want to use a freeleech token here?'); " > FL </ a >
2011-10-29 08:00:15 +00:00
< ? } ?>
| < a href = " reportsv2.php?action=report&id=<?= $TorrentID ?> " title = " Report " > RP </ a > ]
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
</ span >
& nbsp ; & nbsp ; & raquo ; & nbsp ; < a href = " torrents.php?id=<?= $GroupID ?>&torrentid=<?= $TorrentID ?> " >< ? = torrent_info ( $Torrent ) ?> </a>
</ td >
< td class = " nobr " >< ? = get_size ( $Torrent [ 'Size' ]) ?> </td>
< td >< ? = number_format ( $Torrent [ 'Snatched' ]) ?> </td>
< td < ? = ( $Torrent [ 'Seeders' ] == 0 ) ? ' class="r00"' : '' ?> ><?=number_format($Torrent['Seeders'])?></td>
< td >< ? = number_format ( $Torrent [ 'Leechers' ]) ?> </td>
</ tr >
< ?
} else {
// Viewing a type that does not require grouping
list ( $TorrentID , $Torrent ) = each ( $Torrents );
$DisplayName = '<a href="torrents.php?id=' . $GroupID . '" title="View Torrent">' . $GroupName . '</a>' ;
if ( ! empty ( $Torrent [ 'FreeTorrent' ])) {
$DisplayName .= ' <strong>Freeleech!</strong>' ;
2011-10-27 08:00:15 +00:00
} elseif ( in_array ( $TorrentID , $TokenTorrents )) {
$DisplayName .= $AddExtra . '<strong>Personal Freeleech!</strong>' ;
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< tr class = " torrent " id = " group_<?= $GroupID ?> " >
< td ></ td >
< td class = " center " >
< div title = " <?=ucfirst(str_replace('_',' ', $PrimaryTag ))?> " class = " cats_<?=strtolower(str_replace(array('-',' '),array('',''), $Categories[$GroupCategoryID-1] ))?> tags_<?=str_replace('.','_', $PrimaryTag )?> " >
</ div >
</ td >
< td >
< span >
2011-10-29 08:00:15 +00:00
[ < a href = " torrents.php?action=download&id=<?= $TorrentID ?>&authkey=<?= $LoggedUser['AuthKey'] ?>&torrent_pass=<?= $LoggedUser['torrent_pass'] ?> " title = " Download " > DL </ a >
2011-10-27 08:00:15 +00:00
< ? if (( $LoggedUser [ 'FLTokens' ] > 0 ) && ( $Torrent [ 'Size' ] < 1073741824 )
&& ! in_array ( $TorrentID , $TokenTorrents ) && empty ( $Torrent [ 'FreeTorrent' ]) && ( $LoggedUser [ 'CanLeech' ] == '1' )) { ?>
2012-09-09 08:00:26 +00:00
| < a href = " torrents.php?action=download&id=<?= $TorrentID ?>&authkey=<?= $LoggedUser['AuthKey'] ?>&torrent_pass=<?= $LoggedUser['torrent_pass'] ?>&usetoken=1 " title = " Use a FL Token " onclick = " return confirm('Are you sure you want to use a freeleech token here?'); " > FL </ a >
2011-10-29 08:00:15 +00:00
< ? } ?>
2012-08-14 08:00:18 +00:00
| < a href = " reportsv2.php?action=report&id=<?= $TorrentID ?> " title = " Report " > RP </ a > ]
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
</ span >
< strong >< ? = $DisplayName ?> </strong>
< ? = $TorrentTags ?>
</ td >
< td class = " nobr " >< ? = get_size ( $Torrent [ 'Size' ]) ?> </td>
< td >< ? = number_format ( $Torrent [ 'Snatched' ]) ?> </td>
< td < ? = ( $Torrent [ 'Seeders' ] == 0 ) ? ' class="r00"' : '' ?> ><?=number_format($Torrent['Seeders'])?></td>
< td >< ? = number_format ( $Torrent [ 'Leechers' ]) ?> </td>
</ tr >
< ?
$TorrentTable .= ob_get_clean ();
// Album art
ob_start ();
$DisplayName = '' ;
2011-11-21 08:00:23 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $ExtendedArtists [ 1 ]) || ! empty ( $ExtendedArtists [ 4 ]) || ! empty ( $ExtendedArtists [ 5 ]) || ! empty ( $ExtendedArtists [ 6 ])) {
unset ( $ExtendedArtists [ 2 ]);
unset ( $ExtendedArtists [ 3 ]);
$DisplayName .= display_artists ( $ExtendedArtists , false );
} elseif ( count ( $GroupArtists ) > 0 ) {
$DisplayName .= display_artists ( array ( '1' => $GroupArtists ), false );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
$DisplayName .= $GroupName ;
if ( $GroupYear > 0 ) { $DisplayName = $DisplayName . ' [' . $GroupYear . ']' ;}
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
< li class = " image_group_<?= $GroupID ?> " >
2012-06-21 08:00:14 +00:00
< a href = " torrents.php?id=<?= $GroupID ?> " >
2012-02-07 08:00:20 +00:00
< ? if ( $Image ) {
if ( check_perms ( 'site_proxy_images' )) {
$Image = 'http' . ( $SSL ? 's' : '' ) . '://' . SITE_URL . '/image.php?i=' . urlencode ( $Image );
2012-06-22 08:00:10 +00:00
< img src = " <?=to_thumbnail( $Image )?> " alt = " <?= $DisplayName ?> " title = " <?= $DisplayName ?> " width = " 118 " />
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ? } else { ?>
< div style = " width:107px;padding:5px " >< ? = $DisplayName ?> </div>
< ? } ?>
</ a >
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
</ li >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ?
$Collage [] = ob_get_clean ();
if (( $MaxGroups > 0 && $NumGroups >= $MaxGroups ) || ( $MaxGroupsPerUser > 0 && $NumGroupsByUser >= $MaxGroupsPerUser )) {
$Locked = true ;
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
// Silly hack for people who are on the old setting
$CollageCovers = isset ( $LoggedUser [ 'CollageCovers' ]) ? $LoggedUser [ 'CollageCovers' ] : 25 * ( abs ( $LoggedUser [ 'HideCollage' ] - 1 ));
$CollagePages = array ();
// Pad it out
if ( $NumGroups > $CollageCovers ) {
for ( $i = $NumGroups + 1 ; $i <= ceil ( $NumGroups / $CollageCovers ) * $CollageCovers ; $i ++ ) {
$Collage [] = '<li></li>' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $NumGroups / $CollageCovers ; $i ++ ) {
$Groups = array_slice ( $Collage , $i * $CollageCovers , $CollageCovers );
$CollagePage = '' ;
foreach ( $Groups as $Group ) {
$CollagePage .= $Group ;
$CollagePages [] = $CollagePage ;
show_header ( $Name , 'browse,collage,bbcode' );
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< div class = " thin " >
2012-08-19 08:00:19 +00:00
< div class = " header " >
< h2 >< ? = $Name ?> </h2>
< div class = " linkbox " >
< a href = " collages.php " > [ List of collages ] </ a >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ? if ( check_perms ( 'site_collages_create' )) { ?>
2012-08-19 08:00:19 +00:00
< a href = " collages.php?action=new " > [ New collage ] </ a >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ? } ?>
2012-08-19 08:00:19 +00:00
< br />< br />
2011-10-27 08:00:15 +00:00
< ? if ( check_perms ( 'site_collages_subscribe' )) { ?>
2012-08-19 08:00:19 +00:00
< a href = " # " onclick = " CollageSubscribe(<?= $CollageID ?>);return false; " id = " subscribelink<?= $CollageID ?> " > [ < ? = ( in_array ( $CollageID , $CollageSubscriptions ) ? 'Unsubscribe' : 'Subscribe' ) ?> ]</a>
2011-10-27 08:00:15 +00:00
< ? }
if ( check_perms ( 'site_edit_wiki' ) && ! $Locked ) { ?>
2012-08-19 08:00:19 +00:00
< a href = " collages.php?action=edit&collageid=<?= $CollageID ?> " > [ Edit description ] </ a >
2011-08-09 21:03:28 +00:00
< ? }
if ( has_bookmarked ( 'collage' , $CollageID )) {
2012-08-19 08:00:19 +00:00
< a href = " # " id = " bookmarklink_collage_<?= $CollageID ?> " onclick = " Unbookmark('collage', <?= $CollageID ?>,'[Bookmark]');return false; " > [ Remove bookmark ] </ a >
2011-08-09 21:03:28 +00:00
< ? } else { ?>
2012-08-19 08:00:19 +00:00
< a href = " # " id = " bookmarklink_collage_<?= $CollageID ?> " onclick = " Bookmark('collage', <?= $CollageID ?>,'[Remove bookmark]');return false; " > [ Bookmark ] </ a >
2011-08-09 21:03:28 +00:00
< ? }
if ( check_perms ( 'site_collages_manage' ) && ! $Locked ) { ?>
2012-08-19 08:00:19 +00:00
< a href = " collages.php?action=manage&collageid=<?= $CollageID ?> " > [ Manage torrents ] </ a >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ? } ?>
2012-08-19 08:00:19 +00:00
< a href = " reports.php?action=report&type=collage&id=<?= $CollageID ?> " > [ Report Collage ] </ a >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ? if ( check_perms ( 'site_collages_delete' ) || $CreatorID == $LoggedUser [ 'ID' ]) { ?>
2012-08-19 08:00:19 +00:00
< a href = " collages.php?action=delete&collageid=<?= $CollageID ?>&auth=<?= $LoggedUser['AuthKey'] ?> " onclick = " return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this collage?.'); " > [ Delete ] </ a >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ? } ?>
2012-08-19 08:00:19 +00:00
</ div >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
</ div >
< div class = " sidebar " >
2012-08-17 08:00:13 +00:00
< div class = " box box_category " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< div class = " head " >< strong > Category </ strong ></ div >
< div class = " pad " >< a href = " collages.php?action=search&cats[<?=(int) $CollageCategoryID ?>]=1 " >< ? = $CollageCats [( int ) $CollageCategoryID ] ?> </a></div>
</ div >
2012-08-17 08:00:13 +00:00
< div class = " box box_description " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< div class = " head " >< strong > Description </ strong ></ div >
< div class = " pad " >< ? = $Text -> full_format ( $Description ) ?> </div>
</ div >
< ?
if ( check_perms ( 'zip_downloader' )){
if ( isset ( $LoggedUser [ 'Collector' ])) {
list ( $ZIPList , $ZIPPrefs ) = $LoggedUser [ 'Collector' ];
$ZIPList = explode ( ':' , $ZIPList );
} else {
$ZIPList = array ( '00' , '11' );
$ZIPPrefs = 1 ;
2012-08-17 08:00:13 +00:00
< div class = " box box_zipdownload " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< div class = " head colhead_dark " >< strong > Collector </ strong ></ div >
< div class = " pad " >
2012-09-15 08:00:25 +00:00
< form class = " download_form " name = " zip " action = " collages.php " method = " post " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " action " value = " download " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " auth " value = " <?= $LoggedUser['AuthKey'] ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " collageid " value = " <?= $CollageID ?> " />
< ul id = " list " class = " nobullet " >
< ? foreach ( $ZIPList as $ListItem ) { ?>
< li id = " list<?= $ListItem ?> " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " list[] " value = " <?= $ListItem ?> " />
< span style = " float:left; " >< ? = $ZIPOptions [ $ListItem ][ '2' ] ?> </span>
< a href = " # " onclick = " remove_selection('<?= $ListItem ?>');return false; " style = " float:right; " > [ X ] </ a >
< br style = " clear:all; " />
</ li >
< ? } ?>
</ ul >
< select id = " formats " style = " width:180px " >
< ?
$OpenGroup = false ;
$LastGroupID =- 1 ;
foreach ( $ZIPOptions as $Option ) {
list ( $GroupID , $OptionID , $OptName ) = $Option ;
if ( $GroupID != $LastGroupID ) {
$LastGroupID = $GroupID ;
if ( $OpenGroup ) { ?>
</ optgroup >
< ? } ?>
< optgroup label = " <?= $ZIPGroups[$GroupID] ?> " >
< ? $OpenGroup = true ;
< option id = " opt<?= $GroupID . $OptionID ?> " value = " <?= $GroupID . $OptionID ?> " < ? if ( in_array ( $GroupID . $OptionID , $ZIPList )){ echo ' disabled="disabled"' ; } ?> ><?=$OptName?></option>
< ?
</ optgroup >
</ select >
< button type = " button " onclick = " add_selection() " >+</ button >
< select name = " preference " style = " width:210px " >
< option value = " 0 " < ? if ( $ZIPPrefs == 0 ){ echo ' selected="selected"' ; } ?> >Prefer Original</option>
< option value = " 1 " < ? if ( $ZIPPrefs == 1 ){ echo ' selected="selected"' ; } ?> >Prefer Best Seeded</option>
< option value = " 2 " < ? if ( $ZIPPrefs == 2 ){ echo ' selected="selected"' ; } ?> >Prefer Bonus Tracks</option>
</ select >
< input type = " submit " style = " width:210px " value = " Download " />
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? } ?>
2012-08-17 08:00:13 +00:00
< div class = " box box_info box_statistics_collage_torrents " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< div class = " head " >< strong > Stats </ strong ></ div >
< ul class = " stats nobullet " >
< li > Torrents : < ? = $NumGroups ?> </li>
< ? if ( count ( $Artists ) > 0 ) { ?> <li>Artists: <?=count($Artists)?></li> <? } ?>
< li > Built by < ? = count ( $Users ) ?> user<?=(count($Users)>1) ? 's' : ''?></li>
</ ul >
</ div >
2012-08-17 08:00:13 +00:00
< div class = " box box_tags " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< div class = " head " >< strong > Top tags </ strong ></ div >
< div class = " pad " >
< ol style = " padding-left:5px; " >
< ?
uasort ( $Tags , 'compare' );
$i = 0 ;
foreach ( $Tags as $TagName => $Tag ) {
$i ++ ;
if ( $i > 5 ) { break ; }
< li >< a href = " collages.php?action=search&tags=<?= $TagName ?> " >< ? = $TagName ?> </a> (<?=$Tag['count']?>)</li>
< ?
</ ol >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? if ( ! empty ( $Artists )) { ?>
2012-08-17 08:00:13 +00:00
< div class = " box box_artists " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< div class = " head " >< strong > Top artists </ strong ></ div >
< div class = " pad " >
< ol style = " padding-left:5px; " >
< ?
uasort ( $Artists , 'compare' );
$i = 0 ;
foreach ( $Artists as $ID => $Artist ) {
$i ++ ;
if ( $i > 10 ) { break ; }
< li >< a href = " artist.php?id=<?= $ID ?> " >< ? = $Artist [ 'name' ] ?> </a> (<?=$Artist['count']?>)</li>
< ?
</ ol >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? } ?>
2012-08-17 08:00:13 +00:00
< div class = " box box_contributors " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< div class = " head " >< strong > Top contributors </ strong ></ div >
< div class = " pad " >
< ol style = " padding-left:5px; " >
< ?
uasort ( $Users , 'compare' );
$i = 0 ;
foreach ( $Users as $ID => $User ) {
$i ++ ;
if ( $i > 5 ) { break ; }
2012-03-28 08:00:20 +00:00
< li >< ? = format_username ( $ID , false , false , false ) ?> (<?=$User['count']?>)</li>
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ?
</ ol >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? if ( check_perms ( 'site_collages_manage' ) && ! $Locked ) { ?>
2012-08-17 08:00:13 +00:00
< div class = " box box_addtorrent " >
2012-09-15 08:00:25 +00:00
< div class = " head " >< strong > Add torrent </ strong >< span style = " float: right " >< a href = " # " onclick = " $ ('.add_torrent_container').toggle_class('hidden'); this.innerHTML = (this.innerHTML == '[Batch Add]'?'[Individual Add]':'[Batch Add]'); return false; " > [ Batch Add ] </ a ></ span ></ div >
< div class = " pad add_torrent_container " >
< form class = " add_form " name = " torrent " action = " collages.php " method = " post " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " action " value = " add_torrent " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " auth " value = " <?= $LoggedUser['AuthKey'] ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " collageid " value = " <?= $CollageID ?> " />
< input type = " text " size = " 20 " name = " url " />
< input type = " submit " value = " + " />
< br />
2012-09-23 08:00:25 +00:00
< span style = " font-style: italic; " > Enter the URL of a torrent on the site .</ span >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
</ form >
</ div >
2012-09-15 08:00:25 +00:00
< div class = " pad hidden add_torrent_container " >
< form class = " add_form " name = " torrents " action = " collages.php " method = " post " >
2012-02-07 08:00:20 +00:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " action " value = " add_torrent_batch " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " auth " value = " <?= $LoggedUser['AuthKey'] ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " collageid " value = " <?= $CollageID ?> " />
< textarea name = " urls " rows = " 5 " cols = " 25 " wrap = " off " ></ textarea >< br />
< input type = " submit " value = " Add " />
< br />
2012-09-23 08:00:25 +00:00
< span style = " font-style: italic; " > Enter the URLs of torrents on the site , one per line .</ span >
2012-02-07 08:00:20 +00:00
</ form >
</ div >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
</ div >
< ? } ?>
< h3 > Comments </ h3 >
< ?
if ( empty ( $CommentList )) {
$DB -> query ( " SELECT
cc . ID ,
cc . Body ,
cc . UserID ,
um . Username ,
cc . Time
FROM collages_comments AS cc
LEFT JOIN users_main AS um ON um . ID = cc . UserID
WHERE CollageID = '$CollageID'
$CommentList = $DB -> to_array ();
foreach ( $CommentList as $Comment ) {
list ( $CommentID , $Body , $UserID , $Username , $CommentTime ) = $Comment ;
2012-08-17 08:00:13 +00:00
< div class = " box comment " >
2012-03-28 08:00:20 +00:00
< div class = " head " > By < ? = format_username ( $UserID , false , false , false ) ?> <?=time_diff($CommentTime) ?> <a href="reports.php?action=report&type=collages_comment&id=<?=$CommentID?>">[Report Comment]</a></div>
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< div class = " pad " >< ? = $Text -> full_format ( $Body ) ?> </div>
</ div >
< ?
< div class = " box pad " >
< a href = " collages.php?action=comments&collageid=<?= $CollageID ?> " > All comments </ a >
</ div >
< ?
if ( ! $LoggedUser [ 'DisablePosting' ]) {
2012-08-17 08:00:13 +00:00
< div class = " box box_addcomment " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< div class = " head " >< strong > Add comment </ strong ></ div >
2012-09-15 08:00:25 +00:00
< form class = " send_form " name = " comment " id = " quickpostform " onsubmit = " quickpostform.submit_button.disabled=true; " action = " collages.php " method = " post " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " action " value = " add_comment " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " auth " value = " <?= $LoggedUser['AuthKey'] ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " collageid " value = " <?= $CollageID ?> " />
< div class = " pad " >
< textarea name = " body " cols = " 24 " rows = " 5 " ></ textarea >
< br />
2012-04-08 08:00:25 +00:00
< input type = " submit " id = " submit_button " value = " Add comment " />
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
</ div >
</ form >
</ div >
< ?
</ div >
< div class = " main_column " >
< ?
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
if ( $CollageCovers != 0 ) { ?>
< div id = " coverart " class = " box " >
< div class = " head " id = " coverhead " >< strong > Cover Art </ strong ></ div >
< ul class = " collage_images " id = " collage_page0 " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< ?
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
$Page1 = array_slice ( $Collage , 0 , $CollageCovers );
foreach ( $Page1 as $Group ) {
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
echo $Group ;
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
} ?>
</ ul >
</ div >
< ? if ( $NumGroups > $CollageCovers ) { ?>
< div class = " linkbox pager " style = " clear: left; " id = " pageslinksdiv " >
2012-09-09 08:00:26 +00:00
< span id = " firstpage " class = " invisible " >< a href = " # " class = " pageslink " onclick = " collageShow.page(0, this); return false; " >& lt ; & lt ; First </ a > | </ span >
< span id = " prevpage " class = " invisible " >< a href = " # " id = " prevpage " class = " pageslink " onclick = " collageShow.prevPage(); return false; " >& lt ; Prev </ a > | </ span >
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
< ? for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $NumGroups / $CollageCovers ; $i ++ ) { ?>
2012-09-09 08:00:26 +00:00
< span id = " pagelink<?= $i ?> " class = " <?=(( $i >4)?'hidden':'')?><?=(( $i ==0)?' selected':'')?> " >< a href = " # " class = " pageslink " onclick = " collageShow.page(<?= $i ?>, this); return false; " >< ? = $CollageCovers * $i + 1 ?> -<?=min($NumGroups,$CollageCovers*($i+1))?></a><?=($i != ceil($NumGroups/$CollageCovers)-1)?' | ':''?></span>
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
< ? } ?>
< span id = " nextbar " class = " <?=( $NumGroups / $CollageCovers > 5)?'hidden':''?> " > | </ span >
2012-09-09 08:00:26 +00:00
< span id = " nextpage " >< a href = " # " class = " pageslink " onclick = " collageShow.nextPage(); return false; " > Next & gt ; </ a ></ span >
< span id = " lastpage " class = " <?=ceil( $NumGroups / $CollageCovers )==2?'invisible':''?> " > | < a href = " # " id = " lastpage " class = " pageslink " onclick = " collageShow.page(<?=ceil( $NumGroups / $CollageCovers )-1?>, this); return false; " > Last & gt ; & gt ; </ a ></ span >
2011-11-20 08:00:18 +00:00
</ div >
< script type = " text/javascript " >
collageShow . init ( < ? = json_encode ( $CollagePages ) ?> );
</ script >
< ? }
} ?>
2012-09-01 08:00:24 +00:00
< table class = " torrent_table grouping cats " id = " discog_table " >
2011-03-28 14:21:28 +00:00
< tr class = " colhead_dark " >
< td ><!-- expand / collapse --></ td >
< td ><!-- Category --></ td >
< td width = " 70% " >< strong > Torrents </ strong ></ td >
< td > Size </ td >
< td class = " sign " >< img src = " static/styles/<?= $LoggedUser['StyleName'] ?>/images/snatched.png " alt = " Snatches " title = " Snatches " /></ td >
< td class = " sign " >< img src = " static/styles/<?= $LoggedUser['StyleName'] ?>/images/seeders.png " alt = " Seeders " title = " Seeders " /></ td >
< td class = " sign " >< img src = " static/styles/<?= $LoggedUser['StyleName'] ?>/images/leechers.png " alt = " Leechers " title = " Leechers " /></ td >
</ tr >
< ? = $TorrentTable ?>
</ table >
</ div >
</ div >
< ?
show_footer ();
$Cache -> cache_value ( 'collage_' . $CollageID , serialize ( array ( array ( $Name , $Description , $CollageDataList , $TorrentList , $CommentList , $Deleted , $CollageCategoryID , $CreatorID , $Locked , $MaxGroups , $MaxGroupsPerUser ))), 3600 );