if(check_perms('edit_unknowns') || $LoggedUser['ID'] == $Torrent['UserID']) { ?>
onclick="NewTorrent) {?> CheckYear(); } ?>ToggleUnknown();"/> Unknown Release
onclick="NewTorrent) {?> CheckYear(); } ?>ToggleUnknown();" /> Unknown Release
} ?>
if(!empty($GroupRemasters)) { ?>
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ function show() {
Title of the release, eg. 'Deluxe Edition' or 'Remastered'.
Title of the release (e.g. 'Deluxe Edition' or 'Remastered').
- Bit Rate |
+ Bitrate |
diff --git a/sections/user/tc_advancedsearch.php b/sections/user/tc_advancedsearch.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 92d690d5..00000000
--- a/sections/user/tc_advancedsearch.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
- *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> User search <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*
- * Best viewed with a wide screen monitor *
- **********************************************************************/
-if (!empty($_GET['search'])) {
- if (preg_match("/^".IP_REGEX."$/", $_GET['search'])) {
- $_GET['ip'] = $_GET['search'];
- } elseif (preg_match("/^".EMAIL_REGEX."$/i", $_GET['search'])) {
- $_GET['email'] = $_GET['search'];
- } elseif (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_?]{1,20}$/iD',$_GET['search'])) {
- $DB->query("SELECT ID FROM users_main WHERE Username='".db_string($_GET['search'])."'");
- if (list($ID) = $DB->next_record()) {
- header('Location: user.php?id='.$ID);
- die();
- }
- $_GET['username'] = $_GET['search'];
- } else {
- $_GET['comment'] = $_GET['search'];
- }
-define('USERS_PER_PAGE', 30);
-if(!check_perms("tc_advanced_user_search")) { error(403); }
-function wrap($String, $ForceMatch = '', $IPSearch = false){
- if(!$ForceMatch){
- global $Match;
- } else {
- $Match = $ForceMatch;
- }
- if($Match == ' REGEXP '){
- if(strpos($String, '\'') !== false || preg_match('/^.*\\\\$/i', $String)){
- error('Regex contains illegal characters.');
- }
- } else {
- $String = db_string($String);
- }
- if($Match == ' LIKE '){
- // Fuzzy search
- // Stick in wildcards at beginning and end of string unless string starts or ends with |
- if (($String[0] != '|') && !$IPSearch) {
- $String = '%'.$String;
- } elseif ($String[0] == '|') {
- $String = substr($String, 1, strlen($String));
- }
- if(substr($String, -1, 1) != '|'){
- $String = $String.'%';
- } else {
- $String = substr($String, 0, -1);
- }
- }
- $String="'$String'";
- return $String;
-function date_compare($Field, $Operand, $Date1, $Date2 = ''){
- $Date1 = db_string($Date1);
- $Date2 = db_string($Date2);
- $Return = array();
- switch($Operand){
- case 'on':
- $Return []= " $Field>='$Date1 00:00:00' ";
- $Return []= " $Field<='$Date1 23:59:59' ";
- break;
- case 'before':
- $Return []= " $Field<'$Date1 00:00:00' ";
- break;
- case 'after':
- $Return []= " $Field>'$Date1 23:59:59' ";
- break;
- case 'between':
- $Return []= " $Field>='$Date1 00:00:00' ";
- $Return []= " $Field<='$Date2 00:00:00' ";
- break;
- }
- return $Return;
-function num_compare($Field, $Operand, $Num1, $Num2 = ''){
- if($Num1!=0){
- $Num1 = db_string($Num1);
- }
- if($Num2!=0){
- $Num2 = db_string($Num2);
- }
- $Return = array();
- switch($Operand){
- case 'equal':
- $Return []= " $Field='$Num1' ";
- break;
- case 'above':
- $Return []= " $Field>'$Num1' ";
- break;
- case 'below':
- $Return []= " $Field<'$Num1' ";
- break;
- case 'between':
- $Return []= " $Field>'$Num1' ";
- $Return []= " $Field<'$Num2' ";
- break;
- default:
- print_r($Return);
- die();
- }
- return $Return;
-// Arrays, regexes, and all that fun stuff we can use for validation, form generation, etc
-$DateChoices = array('inarray'=>array('on', 'before', 'after', 'between'));
-$SingleDateChoices = array('inarray'=>array('on', 'before', 'after'));
-$NumberChoices = array('inarray'=>array('equal', 'above', 'below', 'between', 'buffer'));
-$YesNo = array('inarray'=>array('any', 'yes', 'no'));
-$OrderVals = array('inarray'=>array('Username', 'Ratio', 'IP', 'Email', 'Joined', 'Last Seen', 'Uploaded', 'Downloaded', 'Invites', 'Snatches'));
-$WayVals = array('inarray'=>array('Ascending', 'Descending'));
- $DateRegex = array('regex'=>'/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/');
- $ClassIDs = array();
- $SecClassIDs = array();
- foreach ($Classes as $ClassID => $Value) {
- if ($Value['Secondary']) {
- $SecClassIDs[]=$ClassID;
- } else {
- $ClassIDs[]=$ClassID;
- }
- }
- $Val->SetFields('comment','0','string','Comment is too long.', array('maxlength'=>512));
- $Val->SetFields('disabled_invites', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid disabled_invites field', $YesNo);
- $Val->SetFields('joined', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid joined field', $DateChoices);
- $Val->SetFields('join1', '0', 'regex', 'Invalid join1 field', $DateRegex);
- $Val->SetFields('join2', '0', 'regex', 'Invalid join2 field', $DateRegex);
- $Val->SetFields('lastactive', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid lastactive field', $DateChoices);
- $Val->SetFields('lastactive1', '0', 'regex', 'Invalid lastactive1 field', $DateRegex);
- $Val->SetFields('lastactive2', '0', 'regex', 'Invalid lastactive2 field', $DateRegex);
- $Val->SetFields('ratio', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid ratio field', $NumberChoices);
- $Val->SetFields('uploaded', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid uploaded field', $NumberChoices);
- $Val->SetFields('downloaded', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid downloaded field', $NumberChoices);
- //$Val->SetFields('snatched', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid snatched field', $NumberChoices);
- $Val->SetFields('matchtype', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid matchtype field', array('inarray'=>array('strict', 'fuzzy', 'regex')));
- $Val->SetFields('enabled', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid enabled field', array('inarray'=>array('', 0, 1, 2)));
- $Val->SetFields('class', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid class', array('inarray'=>$ClassIDs));
- $Val->SetFields('secclass', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid class', array('inarray'=>$SecClassIDs));
- $Val->SetFields('donor', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid donor field', $YesNo);
- $Val->SetFields('warned', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid warned field', $YesNo);
- $Val->SetFields('disabled_uploads', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid disabled_uploads field', $YesNo);
- $Val->SetFields('order', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid ordering', $OrderVals);
- $Val->SetFields('way', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid way', $WayVals);
- $Val->SetFields('passkey', '0', 'string', 'Invalid passkey', array('maxlength'=>32));
- $Val->SetFields('avatar', '0', 'string', 'Avatar URL too long', array('maxlength'=>512));
- $Val->SetFields('stylesheet', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid stylesheet', array_unique(array_keys($Stylesheets)));
- $Val->SetFields('cc', '0', 'inarray', 'Invalid Country Code', array('maxlength'=>2));
- $Err = $Val->ValidateForm($_GET);
- if(!$Err){
- // Passed validation. Let's rock.
- $RunQuery = false; // if we should run the search
- if(isset($_GET['matchtype']) && $_GET['matchtype'] == 'strict'){
- $Match = ' = ';
- } elseif(isset($_GET['matchtype']) && $_GET['matchtype'] == 'regex') {
- $Match = ' REGEXP ';
- } else {
- $Match = ' LIKE ';
- }
- $OrderTable = array('Username'=>'um1.Username', 'Joined'=>'ui1.JoinDate', 'Email'=>'um1.Email', 'IP'=>'um1.IP', 'Last Seen'=>'um1.LastAccess');
- $WayTable = array('Ascending'=>'ASC', 'Descending'=>'DESC');
- $Where = array();
- $Having = array();
- $Join = array();
- $Group = array();
- $Distinct = '';
- $Order = '';
- um1.ID,
- um1.Username,
- um1.Email,
- um1.IP,
- ui1.JoinDate,
- um1.LastAccess
- FROM users_main AS um1 JOIN users_info AS ui1 ON ui1.UserID=um1.ID ';
- if(!empty($_GET['username'])){
- $Where[]='um1.Username'.$Match.wrap($_GET['username']);
- }
- if(!empty($_GET['email'])){
- if(isset($_GET['email_history'])){
- $Distinct = 'DISTINCT ';
- $Join['he']=' JOIN users_history_emails AS he ON he.UserID=um1.ID ';
- $Where[]= ' he.Email '.$Match.wrap($_GET['email']);
- $Where[] = " he.Email NOT LIKE '%what.cd'";
- } else {
- $Where[]='um1.Email'.$Match.wrap($_GET['email']);
- }
- }
- $Where[] = " um1.Email NOT LIKE '%what.cd'";
- if (!empty($_GET['email_cnt'])) {
- $Query = "SELECT UserID FROM users_history_emails GROUP BY UserID HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT Email) ";
- if ($_GET['emails_opt'] === 'equal') {
- $operator = '=';
- }
- if ($_GET['emails_opt'] === 'above') {
- $operator = '>';
- }
- if ($_GET['emails_opt'] === 'below') {
- $operator = '<';
- }
- $Query .= $operator." ".$_GET['email_cnt'];
- $DB->query($Query);
- $Users = implode(',', $DB->collect('UserID'));
- if (!empty($Users)) {
- $Where[] = "um1.ID IN (".$Users.")";
- }
- }
- if(!empty($_GET['ip'])){
- if(isset($_GET['ip_history'])){
- $Distinct = 'DISTINCT ';
- $Join['hi']=' JOIN users_history_ips AS hi ON hi.UserID=um1.ID ';
- $Where[]= ' hi.IP '.$Match.wrap($_GET['ip'], '', true);
- $Where[] = " hi.IP <> ''";
- $Where[] = " hi.IP <> ''";
- } else {
- $Where[]='um1.IP'.$Match.wrap($_GET['ip'], '', true);
- }
- }
- //Search for only user to torrent master classes.
- $Where[] = " um1.IP <> ''";
- $Where[] = " um1.IP <> ''";
- $Where[]=" um1.PermissionID BETWEEN 2 AND 5 OR um1.PermissionID = 7";
- if($OrderTable[$_GET['order']] && $WayTable[$_GET['way']]){
- $Order = ' ORDER BY '.$OrderTable[$_GET['order']].' '.$WayTable[$_GET['way']].' ';
- }
- //---------- Finish generating the search string
- $SQL = 'SELECT '.$Distinct.$SQL;
- $SQL .= implode(' ', $Join);
- if(count($Where)){
- $SQL .= ' WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $Where);
- }
- if(count($Having)){
- $SQL .= ' HAVING '.implode(' AND ', $Having);
- }
- $SQL .= $Order;
- if(count($Where)>0 || count($Join)>0 || count($Having)>0){
- $RunQuery = true;
- }
- list($Page,$Limit) = page_limit(USERS_PER_PAGE);
- $SQL.=" LIMIT $Limit";
- } else { error($Err); }
-show_header('User search');
- $Results = $DB->query($SQL);
- $DB->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS();');
- list($NumResults) = $DB->next_record();
-if ($Pages) { ?>
- } ?>
- Username |
- IP |
- Email |
- Joined |
- Last Seen |
-while(list($UserID, $Username, $Email, $IP, $JoinDate, $LastAccess) = $DB->next_record()){ ?>
- =format_username($UserID, true, true, true, true)?> |
- =display_str($IP)?> (=get_cc($IP)?>) |
- =display_str($Email)?> |
- =time_diff($JoinDate)?> |
- =time_diff($LastAccess)?> |
- if ($Pages) { ?>
- } ?>
diff --git a/sections/userhistory/ip_history.php b/sections/userhistory/ip_history.php
index cc339897..37082af5 100644
--- a/sections/userhistory/ip_history.php
+++ b/sections/userhistory/ip_history.php
@@ -144,8 +144,9 @@ function UnBan(ip, id, elemID) {
diff --git a/sections/wiki/article.php b/sections/wiki/article.php
index 4eb8ede7..3333f343 100644
--- a/sections/wiki/article.php
+++ b/sections/wiki/article.php
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@