mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 20:29:03 +00:00
Empty commit
This commit is contained in:
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ function show() {
<td class="label">Media:</td>
<select name="media" onchange="Media(); CheckYear();" id="media">
<select name="media" onchange="CheckYear();" id="media">
<? foreach($this->Media as $Media) {
echo '<option value="'.$Media.'"';
@ -499,7 +499,6 @@ function show() {
<span id="cassette_true" class="hidden"><span class="important_text">Do NOT upload a cassette rip without first getting approval from a moderator!</span></span>
<? if(!$this->NewTorrent && check_perms('users_mod')) { ?>
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@
list($PostID, $AuthorID, $AddedTime, $Body, $EditedUserID, $EditedTime, $EditedUsername) = array_values($Post);
list($AuthorID, $Username, $PermissionID, $Paranoia, $Artist, $Donor, $Warned, $Avatar, $Enabled, $UserTitle) = array_values(Users::user_info($AuthorID));
<table class="forum_post box vertical_margin<?
<table class="forum_post wrap_overflow box vertical_margin<?
if (((!$ThreadInfo['IsLocked'] || $ThreadInfo['IsSticky']) && $PostID>$LastRead && strtotime($AddedTime)>$LoggedUser['CatchupTime']) || (isset($RequestKey) && $Key==$RequestKey)) {
echo ' forum_unread';
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
<td class="label">User comment:</td>
<td colspan="3"><?=$Text->full_format($UserComment)?></td>
<td colspan="3" class="wrap_overflow"><?=$Text->full_format($UserComment)?></td>
@ -425,14 +425,14 @@
<li id="r2.6.5"><a href="#h2.6"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.6.5">2.6.5.</a> <strong>Soundboards may not include soundchecks.</strong> Those uploaded with a soundcheck will be deleted.</li>
<li id="r2.6.6"><a href="#h2.6"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.6.6">2.6.6.</a> <strong>One tape generation and one CD-R generation are allowed for each soundboard upload.</strong>
<li id="r2.6.6.1"><a href="#r2.6.6"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.6.6.1"></a> <strong>The tape generation must be the first generation.</strong> For example, there can be a master tape and then a subsequent tape (with no other transfer in between). Any additional tape generations beyond the secondary tape will require staff approval (see <a href="#h2.10">2.10</a>).</li>
<li id="r2.6.6.1"><a href="#r2.6.6"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.6.6.1"></a> <strong>The tape generation must be the first generation.</strong> For example, there can be a master tape and then a subsequent tape (with no other transfer in between). Any additional tape generations beyond the secondary tape will require staff approval.</li>
<li id="r2.6.6.2"><a href="#r2.6.6"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.6.6.2"></a> <strong>If a limited number of tracks (at the discretion of the staff member involved) have been patched with a short amount of tape-sourced data you may still upload the recording but this information must be clearly stated in the lineage and the album description.</strong> </li>
<li id="r2.6.7"><a href="#h2.6"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.6.7">2.6.7.</a> <strong>Include lineage information for each soundboard recording (see <a href="#r2.3.10">2.3.10</a>).</strong>
<li id="r2.6.7.1"><a href="#r2.6.7"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.6.7.1"></a> <strong>Lineage information for a soundboard recording is highly recommended.</strong> </li>
<li id="r2.6.7.2"><a href="#r2.6.7"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.6.7.2"></a> <strong>If a soundboard is uploaded without a lineage, and a lineage is later found that contains an unapproved cassette generation or more than one tape or CD-R generation then the uploader will be warned and the torrent deleted.</strong> </li>
<li id="r2.6.7.2"><a href="#r2.6.7"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.6.7.2"></a> <strong>If a soundboard is uploaded without a lineage, and a lineage is later found that contains or more than one tape or CD-R generation, then the uploader will be warned and the torrent deleted.</strong></li>
<li id="r2.6.7.3"><a href="#r2.6.7"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.6.7.3"></a> <strong>No lineage editing or misrepresentation will be tolerated.</strong> Doing so will result in the loss of upload privileges. If you are unsure of a lineage, then do not provide it. Do NOT guess.</li>
@ -535,15 +535,19 @@
<h5 id="h2.10"><a href="#h2.10k"><strong>↑</strong></a> <a href="#h2.10">2.10.</a> Cassettes</h5>
<div class="box pad" style="padding:10px 10px 10px 20px;">
<li id="r2.10.1"><a href="#h2.10"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.1">2.10.1.</a> <strong>Cassettes are allowed under strict conditions.</strong>
<li id="r2.10.1"><a href="#h2.10"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.1">2.10.1.</a> <strong>Cassettes are allowed under strict conditions.</strong> "Cassettes" include compact cassettes, 8-track tape cartridges, and non-cassette consumer reel-to-reel audio tape recordings.
<li id="r2.10.1.1"><a href="#r2.10.1"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.1.1"></a> <strong>Releases available only on cassette may be uploaded under special strict conditions (see <a href="wiki.php?action=article&id=593">this wiki</a> for information on cassette ripping).</strong> Cassette-sourced uploads must be approved by staff first (see <a href="wiki.php?action=article&id=681">this wiki</a> for details on the approval process). This also applies to soundboard releases where a tape generation can be found in the lineage (either the tape is not in the first generation or there are multiple tape generations). See <a href="#r2.6.6">2.6.6</a> for more information.</li>
<li id="r2.10.1.2"><a href="#r2.10.1"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.1.2"></a> <strong>You must contact a moderator privately for approval before uploading.</strong> Include proof in the form of discography information from a reputable source as well as the spectrals for 2 songs in your message.</li>
<li id="r2.10.1.3"><a href="#r2.10.1"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.1.3"></a> <strong>Be ready to provide the actual audio files via an online file hosting site if requested to by the staff member handling your tape approval.</strong> The staff may reject any poorly-executed cassette rips.</li>
<li id="r2.10.1.1"><a href="#r2.10.1"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.1.1"></a> <strong>Cassette releases may not be uploaded if the release exists on the site in any other format.</strong> A non-cassette release may trump a cassette release. A bonus track which only appears on the cassette release is considered exclusive content for that release, and the full cassette release may be uploaded. A different mastering or a different track order is not sufficient to justify the upload of a cassette rip.</li>
<li id="r2.10.1.2"><a href="#r2.10.1"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.1.2"></a> <strong>Rips must be made from official (e.g., artist- or label-approved) cassette sources;</strong> secondhand copies are prohibited. Bootlegs are often secondhand copies and may be deleted outright if they do not meet high quality audio standards. Please see rule <a href="#r2.10.8">2.10.8</a>.</li>
<li id="r2.10.2"><a href="#h2.10"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.2">2.10.2.</a> <strong>Staff will immediately reject any cassette sources with poor lineage such as audience recordings, bootlegs, or multi-generational rips.</strong> </li>
<li id="r2.10.3"><a href="#h2.10"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.3">2.10.3.</a> <strong>Unapproved cassette torrents may be reported and will be deleted if the torrent is not labeled with the staff approval torrent label.</strong> </li>
<li id="r2.10.2"><a href="#r2.10"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.2">2.10.2.</a> <strong>All cassette rips should include clear information about lineage.</strong> Include a description of the ripping hardware if this is a personal rip or if a rip downloaded elsewhere includes this information. It is strongly recommended that uploaders include a photo of the cassette and artwork in the torrent description. Any torrents that lack lineage information are trumpable by those that have lineage information.</li>
<li id="r2.10.3"><a href="#r2.10"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.3">2.10.3.</a> <strong>Cassette uploads must be ripped at a sample rate of 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz and 88.2 kHz or 96 kHz.</strong> Cassette uploads with sample rates above 96 kHz may be deleted at moderator discretion. Lossy transcodes of cassette FLACs must retain the sample rate of the original FLAC if it is 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz. 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz rips may not exist concurrently; 88.2 kHz and 96 kHz may not exist concurrently; if one is already available, the other is considered a dupe unless a substantial improvement in audio quality is evident (see rule <a href="#r2.10.6">2.10.6</a>).</li>
<li id="r2.10.4"><a href="#r2.10"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.4">2.10.4.</a> <strong>Cassette rips will be trumped by an upload of the same release in any other medium.</strong> A cassette edition with bonus tracks not available in another edition is not subject to trumping.</li>
<li id="r2.10.5"><a href="#r2.10"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.5">2.10.5.</a> <strong>Cassette rips are subject to the duplicates and trumping rules outlined in rule <a href="#h2.2">2.2</a>.</strong></li>
<li id="r2.10.6"><a href="#r2.10"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.6">2.10.6.</a> <strong>Cassette rips can be trumped if a substantially better-sounding version is uploaded.</strong> To trump an old rip with a new torrent that may be a better-sounding version, you need to report it with clear information about how your rip sounds better than the other one, with references to specific tracks and time positions to justify your report. All quality trumps/deletions of this nature are at the discretion of the moderator involved.</li>
<li id="r2.10.7"><a href="#r2.10"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.7">2.10.7.</a> <strong>Cassette rips of extremely poor quality (lossy or lossless) may be deleted outright if reported.</strong> All quality trumps/deletions of this nature are at the discretion of the moderator involved.</li>
<li id="r2.10.8"><a href="#r2.10"><strong>↑_</strong></a> <a href="#r2.10.8">2.10.8.</a> <strong>Exceptions to any of the above rules may be made at a moderator's discretion.</strong> Please contact staff <em>before uploading</em> with detailed reasons why such an exception should be considered. Examples: a higher sample rate for a high quality reel-to-reel recording, a cassette release that was subsequently released on brickwalled CD master, a lower sample rate for a good rip of a Type I cassette, a good rip of a second generation tape with rare content. This is not an exhaustive list of possible reasons to grant an exception.</li>
<h4 id="h3"><a href="#h3k"><strong>↑</strong></a> <a href="#h3">3.</a> Comedy (Audio) & Audiobooks</h4>
@ -563,23 +563,25 @@ function filelist($Str) {
<tr class="releases_<?=$ReleaseType?> groupid_<?=$GroupID?> edition_<?=$EditionID?> torrentdetails pad <? if(!isset($_GET['torrentid']) || $_GET['torrentid']!=$TorrentID) { ?>hidden<? } ?>" id="torrent_<?=$TorrentID; ?>">
<td colspan="5">
Uploaded by <?=Users::format_username($UserID, false, false, false)?> <?=time_diff($TorrentTime);?>
<div id="release_<?=$TorrentID?>" class="no_overflow">
Uploaded by <?=Users::format_username($UserID, false, false, false)?> <?=time_diff($TorrentTime);?>
<? if($Seeders == 0){ ?>
if ($LastActive != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' && time() - strtotime($LastActive) >= 1209600) { ?>
<br /><strong>Last active: <?=time_diff($LastActive);?></strong>
<?} else { ?>
<br />Last active: <?=time_diff($LastActive);?>
<?} ?>
if ($LastActive != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' && time() - strtotime($LastActive) >= 345678 && time()-strtotime($LastReseedRequest)>=864000) { ?>
<br /><a href="torrents.php?action=reseed&torrentid=<?=$TorrentID?>&groupid=<?=$GroupID?>" class="brackets">Request re-seed</a>
<?} ?>
if ($LastActive != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' && time() - strtotime($LastActive) >= 1209600) { ?>
<br /><strong>Last active: <?=time_diff($LastActive);?></strong>
<?} else { ?>
<br />Last active: <?=time_diff($LastActive);?>
<?} ?>
if ($LastActive != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' && time() - strtotime($LastActive) >= 345678 && time()-strtotime($LastReseedRequest)>=864000) { ?>
<br /><a href="torrents.php?action=reseed&torrentid=<?=$TorrentID?>&groupid=<?=$GroupID?>" class="brackets">Request re-seed</a>
<?} ?>
<? } ?>
<? if(check_perms('site_moderate_requests')) { ?>
<div class="linkbox">
<a href="torrents.php?action=masspm&id=<?=$GroupID?>&torrentid=<?=$TorrentID?>" class="brackets">Mass PM snatchers</a>
@ -30,37 +30,37 @@
<div class="head colhead_dark">Community</div>
<ul class="stats nobullet">
<li>Forum posts: <?=number_format($ForumPosts)?> <a href="userhistory.php?action=posts&userid=<?=$UserID?>" class="brackets" title="View">View</a></li>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('torrentcomments+'))) { ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('torrentcomments+'))) { ?>
<li<?= $Override===2 ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Torrent comments: <?=number_format($NumComments)?>
<? if($Override=check_paranoia_here('torrentcomments')) { ?>
<? if ($Override=check_paranoia_here('torrentcomments')) { ?>
<a href="comments.php?id=<?=$UserID?>" class="brackets<?= $Override===2 ? ' paranoia_override' : '' ?>" title="View">View</a>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<li<?= $Override===2 ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Artist comments: <?=number_format($NumArtistComments)?>
<? if($Override=check_paranoia_here('torrentcomments')) { ?>
<? if ($Override=check_paranoia_here('torrentcomments')) { ?>
<a href="comments.php?id=<?=$UserID?>&action=artists" class="brackets<?= $Override===2 ? ' paranoia_override' : '' ?>" title="View">View</a>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<li<?= $Override===2 ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Request comments: <?=number_format($NumRequestComments)?>
<? if($Override=check_paranoia_here('torrentcomments')) { ?>
<? if ($Override=check_paranoia_here('torrentcomments')) { ?>
<a href="comments.php?id=<?=$UserID?>&action=requests" class="brackets<?= $Override===2 ? ' paranoia_override' : '' ?>" title="View">View</a>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('collages+'))) { ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('collages+'))) { ?>
<li<?= $Override===2 ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Collages started: <?=number_format($NumCollages)?>
<? if(($Override=check_paranoia_here('collages'))) { ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('collages'))) { ?>
<a href="collages.php?userid=<?=$UserID?>" class="brackets<?= ($Override===2) ? ' paranoia_override' : '' ?>" title="View">View</a>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('collagecontribs+'))) { ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('collagecontribs+'))) { ?>
<li<?= $Override===2 ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Collages contributed to: <? echo number_format($NumCollageContribs); ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('collagecontribs'))) { ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('collagecontribs'))) { ?>
<a href="collages.php?userid=<?=$UserID?>&contrib=1" class="brackets<?= ($Override===2) ? ' paranoia_override' : '' ?>" title="View">View</a>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
//Let's see if we can view requests because of reasons
$ViewAll = check_paranoia_here('requestsfilled_list');
@ -69,17 +69,17 @@
if ($ViewCount && !$ViewBounty && !$ViewAll) { ?>
<li>Requests filled: <?=number_format($RequestsFilled)?></li>
<? } elseif(!$ViewCount && $ViewBounty && !$ViewAll) { ?>
<? } elseif (!$ViewCount && $ViewBounty && !$ViewAll) { ?>
<li>Requests filled: <?=Format::get_size($TotalBounty)?> collected</li>
<? } elseif($ViewCount && $ViewBounty && !$ViewAll) { ?>
<? } elseif ($ViewCount && $ViewBounty && !$ViewAll) { ?>
<li>Requests filled: <?=number_format($RequestsFilled)?> for <?=Format::get_size($TotalBounty)?></li>
<? } elseif($ViewAll) { ?>
<? } elseif ($ViewAll) { ?>
<span <?= ($ViewCount===2) ? 'class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Requests filled: <?=number_format($RequestsFilled)?> </span>
<span <?= ($ViewBounty===2) ? 'class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>> for <?=Format::get_size($TotalBounty) ?> </span>
<span<?= ($ViewCount===2) ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Requests filled: <?=number_format($RequestsFilled)?></span>
<span<?= ($ViewBounty===2) ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>> for <?=Format::get_size($TotalBounty) ?></span>
<a href="requests.php?type=filled&userid=<?=$UserID?>" class="brackets<?= ($ViewAll===2) ? ' paranoia_override' : '' ?>" title="View">View</a>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
//Let's see if we can view requests because of reasons
$ViewAll = check_paranoia_here('requestsvoted_list');
@ -88,94 +88,98 @@
if ($ViewCount && !$ViewBounty && !$ViewAll) { ?>
<li>Requests voted: <?=number_format($RequestsVoted)?></li>
<? } elseif(!$ViewCount && $ViewBounty && !$ViewAll) { ?>
<? } elseif (!$ViewCount && $ViewBounty && !$ViewAll) { ?>
<li>Requests voted: <?=Format::get_size($TotalSpent)?> spent</li>
<? } elseif($ViewCount && $ViewBounty && !$ViewAll) { ?>
<? } elseif ($ViewCount && $ViewBounty && !$ViewAll) { ?>
<li>Requests voted: <?=number_format($RequestsVoted)?> for <?=Format::get_size($TotalSpent)?></li>
<? } elseif($ViewAll) { ?>
<? } elseif ($ViewAll) { ?>
<span <?= ($ViewCount===2) ? 'class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Requests voted: <?=number_format($RequestsVoted)?> </span>
<span <?= ($ViewBounty===2) ? 'class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>> for <?=Format::get_size($TotalSpent)?> </span>
<span<?= ($ViewCount===2) ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Requests voted: <?=number_format($RequestsVoted)?></span>
<span<?= ($ViewBounty===2) ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>> for <?=Format::get_size($TotalSpent)?></span>
<a href="requests.php?type=voted&userid=<?=$UserID?>" class="brackets<?= ($ViewAll===2) ? ' paranoia_override' : '' ?>" title="View">View</a>
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('uploads+'))) { ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('uploads+'))) { ?>
<li<?= $Override===2 ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Uploaded: <?=number_format($Uploads)?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('uploads'))) { ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('uploads'))) { ?>
<a href="torrents.php?type=uploaded&userid=<?=$UserID?>" class="brackets<?= $Override===2 ? ' paranoia_override' : '' ?>" title="View">View</a>
<? if(check_perms('zip_downloader')) { ?>
<? if (check_perms('zip_downloader')) { ?>
<a href="torrents.php?action=redownload&type=uploads&userid=<?=$UserID?>" onclick="return confirm('If you no longer have the content, your ratio WILL be affected; be sure to check the size of all torrents before redownloading.');" class="brackets<?= $Override===2 ? ' paranoia_override' : '' ?>" title="Download">Download</a>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? }
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('uniquegroups+'))) { ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('uniquegroups+'))) { ?>
<li<?= $Override===2 ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Unique groups: <? echo number_format($UniqueGroups); ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('uniquegroups'))) { ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('uniquegroups'))) { ?>
<a href="torrents.php?type=uploaded&userid=<?=$UserID?>&filter=uniquegroup" class="brackets<?= $Override===2 ? ' paranoia_override' : '' ?>" title="View">View</a>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('perfectflacs+'))) { ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('perfectflacs+'))) { ?>
<li<?= $Override===2 ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>"Perfect" FLACs: <? echo number_format($PerfectFLACs); ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('perfectflacs'))) { ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('perfectflacs'))) { ?>
<a href="torrents.php?type=uploaded&userid=<?=$UserID?>&filter=perfectflac" class="brackets<?= $Override===2 ? ' paranoia_override' : '' ?>" title="View">View</a>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (check_paranoia_here('seeding+') || check_paranoia_here('leeching+')) {
<? } ?>
<? if (check_paranoia_here('seeding+') || check_paranoia_here('leeching+')) {
$DB->query("SELECT IF(remaining=0,'Seeding','Leeching') AS Type, COUNT(x.uid) FROM xbt_files_users AS x INNER JOIN torrents AS t ON t.ID=x.fid WHERE x.uid='$UserID' AND x.active=1 GROUP BY Type");
$PeerCount = $DB->to_array(0, MYSQLI_NUM, false);
$Seeding = isset($PeerCount['Seeding'][1]) ? $PeerCount['Seeding'][1] : 0;
$Leeching = isset($PeerCount['Leeching'][1]) ? $PeerCount['Leeching'][1] : 0;
} ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('seeding+'))) { ?>
} ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('seeding+'))) { ?>
<li<?= $Override===2 ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Seeding: <?=number_format($Seeding)?>
<? if (($AOverride=check_paranoia_here('seeding'))) {
<? if (($AOverride=check_paranoia_here('seeding'))) {
echo ((($Override=check_paranoia_here('snatched')) && $UniqueSnatched > 0 )
? '<span'.($Override===2 ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : '').'>(' . 100*min(1,round($Seeding/$UniqueSnatched,2)).'%)</span>' : ''); ?>
<a href="torrents.php?type=seeding&userid=<?=$UserID?>" class="brackets<?= $AOverride===2 ? ' paranoia_override' :'' ?>" title="View">View</a>
<? if (check_perms('zip_downloader')) { ?>
<a href="torrents.php?action=redownload&type=seeding&userid=<?=$UserID?>" onclick="return confirm('If you no longer have the content, your ratio WILL be affected; be sure to check the size of all torrents before redownloading.');" class="brackets" title="Download">Download</a>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (check_perms('zip_downloader')) { ?>
<a href="torrents.php?action=redownload&type=seeding&userid=<?=$UserID?>" onclick="return confirm('If you no longer have the content, your ratio WILL be affected; be sure to check the size of all torrents before redownloading.');" class="brackets" title="Download">Download</a>
<? }
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('leeching+'))) { ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('leeching+'))) { ?>
<li<?= $Override===2 ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Leeching: <? echo number_format($Leeching); ?>
<? if(($Override=check_paranoia_here('leeching'))) { ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('leeching'))) { ?>
<a href="torrents.php?type=leeching&userid=<?=$UserID?>" class="brackets<?= $Override===2 ? ' paranoia_override' : '' ?>" title="View">View</a>
<? } ?>
<? echo ($DisableLeech == 0 && check_perms('users_view_ips')) ? " <strong>(Disabled)</strong>" : "" ?>
<? }
echo ($DisableLeech == 0 && check_perms('users_view_ips')) ? ' <strong>(Disabled)</strong>' : ''
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('snatched+'))) { ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('snatched+'))) { ?>
<li<?= $Override===2 ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Snatched: <?=number_format($Snatched)?>
<? if(($Override=check_perms('site_view_torrent_snatchlist', $Class))) { ?>
<? if (($Override=check_perms('site_view_torrent_snatchlist', $Class))) { ?>
(<?= $Override === 2 ? '<span class="paranoia_override">'.number_format($UniqueSnatched).'</span>' : number_format($UniqueSnatched) ?>)
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('snatched'))) { ?>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('snatched'))) { ?>
<a href="torrents.php?type=snatched&userid=<?=$UserID?>" class="brackets<?= $Override===2 ? ' paranoia_override' : '' ?>" title="View">View</a>
<? if(check_perms('zip_downloader')) { ?>
<? if (check_perms('zip_downloader')) { ?>
<a href="torrents.php?action=redownload&type=snatches&userid=<?=$UserID?>" onclick="return confirm('If you no longer have the content, your ratio WILL be affected, be sure to check the size of all torrents before redownloading.');" class="brackets" title="Download">Download</a>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? if(($Override=check_perms('site_view_torrent_snatchlist', $Class))) {
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_perms('site_view_torrent_snatchlist', $Class))) {
$DB->query("SELECT COUNT(ud.UserID), COUNT(DISTINCT ud.TorrentID) FROM users_downloads AS ud INNER JOIN torrents AS t ON t.ID=ud.TorrentID WHERE ud.UserID='$UserID'");
list($NumDownloads, $UniqueDownloads) = $DB->next_record();
<li<?= $Override===2 ? ' class="paranoia_override"' : ''?>>Downloaded: <?=number_format($NumDownloads)?> (<?=number_format($UniqueDownloads)?>)
<a href="torrents.php?type=downloaded&userid=<?=$UserID?>" class="brackets" title="View">View</a>
<? } ?>
<? if(($Override=check_paranoia_here('invitedcount'))) {
<? } ?>
<? if (($Override=check_paranoia_here('invitedcount'))) {
$DB->query("SELECT COUNT(UserID) FROM users_info WHERE Inviter='$UserID'");
list($Invited) = $DB->next_record();
<li>Invited: <?=number_format($Invited)?></li>
} ?>
@ -30,13 +30,10 @@ function Format() {
if($('#format').raw().options[$('#format').raw().selectedIndex].value == 'AAC') {
$('#format_warning').raw().innerHTML = 'Lossy AAC torrents may only be uploaded when they represent exclusive content not currently available in any other format. <a href="rules.php?p=upload#r2.1.24">(2.1.24)</a>';
else {
$('#format_warning').raw().innerHTML = '';
$('#format_warning').raw().innerHTML = 'Lossy AAC torrents may only be uploaded when they represent exclusive content not currently available in any other format. <a href="rules.php?p=upload#r2.1.24">(2.1.24)</a>';
} else {
$('#format_warning').raw().innerHTML = '';
function Bitrate() {
@ -69,51 +66,65 @@ function add_tag() {
var LogCount = 1;
function AddLogField() {
if(LogCount >= 200) { return; }
var LogField = document.createElement("input");
LogField.type = "file";
LogField.id = "file";
LogField.name = "logfiles[]";
LogField.size = 50;
var x = $('#logfields').raw();
if(LogCount >= 200) {
var LogField = document.createElement("input");
LogField.type = "file";
LogField.id = "file";
LogField.name = "logfiles[]";
LogField.size = 50;
var x = $('#logfields').raw();
function RemoveLogField() {
if(LogCount == 1) { return; }
var x = $('#logfields').raw();
for (i=0; i<2; i++) { x.removeChild(x.lastChild); }
if(LogCount == 1) {
var x = $('#logfields').raw();
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
var ExtraLogCount = 1;
function AddExtraLogField(id) {
if(LogCount >= 200) { return; }
var LogField = document.createElement("input");
LogField.type = "file";
LogField.id = "file_" + id;
LogField.name = "logfiles_" + id + "[]";
LogField.size = 50;
var x = $('#logfields_' + id).raw();
if(LogCount >= 200) {
var LogField = document.createElement("input");
LogField.type = "file";
LogField.id = "file_" + id;
LogField.name = "logfiles_" + id + "[]";
LogField.size = 50;
var x = $('#logfields_' + id).raw();
function RemoveLogField() {
if(LogCount == 1) { return; }
var x = $('#logfields').raw();
for (i=0; i<2; i++) { x.removeChild(x.lastChild); }
if(LogCount == 1) {
var x = $('#logfields').raw();
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
var FormatCount = 0;
function AddFormat() {
if(FormatCount >= 10) { return; }
if(FormatCount >= 10) {
$('#extras').raw().value = FormatCount;
@ -177,7 +188,9 @@ function AddFormat() {
function RemoveFormat() {
if(FormatCount == 0) { return; }
if(FormatCount == 0) {
$('#extras').raw().value = FormatCount;
var x = $('#new_torrent_row'+FormatCount).raw();
@ -190,22 +203,15 @@ function RemoveFormat() {
function Media() {
if($('#media').raw().options[$('#media').raw().selectedIndex].text == 'Cassette') {
} else {
var ArtistCount = 1;
function AddArtistField() {
if(ArtistCount >= 200) { return; }
if(ArtistCount >= 200) {
var ArtistField = document.createElement("input");
ArtistField.type = "text";
ArtistField.id = "artist";
@ -232,9 +238,13 @@ function AddArtistField() {
function RemoveArtistField() {
if(ArtistCount == 1) { return; }
if(ArtistCount == 1) {
var x = $('#artistfields').raw();
for (i=0; i<4; i++) { x.removeChild(x.lastChild); }
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
@ -304,4 +314,3 @@ function GroupRemaster() {
$('#remaster_catalogue_number').raw().value = remasters[index][4];
@ -435,13 +435,38 @@ tr.torrent .bookmark>a:after {
* Fix long filename tables overflowing (Chrome only).
* Stop various release page containers from overflowing with long input.
* !! Be sure to test all major browsers before changing this section. !!
* Fix report information tables overflowing long reports (all browsers).
* Fix long release descriptions overflowing containers (all browsers).
* Fix flowing issues in the report resolving pages.
.filelist_table td {
.wrap_overflow, .filelist_table td, .reportinfo_table, .torrentdetails blockquote {
word-break: normal;
-ms-word-wrap: break-word;
word-wrap: break-word;
-webkit-hyphens: auto;
-moz-hyphens: auto;
-ms-hyphens: auto;
hyphens: auto;
/* Note that IE will have different behavior on word-break,
* but this is required to keep the layout from breaking. */
-ms-word-break: break-all;
.filelist_table td:first-child, .reportinfo_table, .torrentdetails blockquote {
/* Non-web-standard for webkit */
.torrentdetails blockquote {
word-break: break-word;
/* Fix long filename tables overflowing (Chrome only). */
.filelist_table td:first-child {
word-break: break-all;
/* Fix long overflow for Opera (doesn't support word-break). */
.reportinfo_table {
/* Wrap release info for consistent DOM and to limit table expansion. */
.no_overflow {
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user