mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 20:59:02 +00:00
Empty commit
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
class Votes {
* Generate voting links for torrent pages, etc.
@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ public static function vote_link($GroupID, $Vote = '') {
if (!$LoggedUser['NoVoteLinks'] && check_perms('site_album_votes')) { ?>
<span class="votespan" style="white-space: nowrap">
( Vote:
<a href="#" onclick="UpVoteGroup(<?=$GroupID?>, '<?=$LoggedUser['AuthKey']?>'); return false;" class="small_upvote vote_link_<?=$GroupID?><?=(!empty($Vote)?' hidden':'')?>">Up</a>
<span class="voted_type small_upvoted voted_up_<?=$GroupID?><?=(($Vote == 'Down' || empty($Vote))?' hidden':'')?>">Up</span>
<a href="#" onclick="DownVoteGroup(<?=$GroupID?>, '<?=$LoggedUser['AuthKey']?>'); return false;" class="small_downvote vote_link_<?=$GroupID?><?=(!empty($Vote)?' hidden':'')?>">Down</a>
<span class="voted_type small_downvoted voted_down_<?=$GroupID?><?=(($Vote == 'Up'|| empty($Vote))?' hidden':'')?>">Down</span>
<a href="#" onclick="UpVoteGroup(<?=$GroupID?>, '<?=$LoggedUser['AuthKey']?>'); return false;" class="small_upvote vote_link_<?=$GroupID?><?=(!empty($Vote)?' hidden':'')?>">↑</a>
<span class="voted_type small_upvoted voted_up_<?=$GroupID?><?=(($Vote == 'Down' || empty($Vote))?' hidden':'')?>">↑</span>
<a href="#" onclick="DownVoteGroup(<?=$GroupID?>, '<?=$LoggedUser['AuthKey']?>'); return false;" class="small_downvote vote_link_<?=$GroupID?><?=(!empty($Vote)?' hidden':'')?>">↓</a>
<span class="voted_type small_downvoted voted_down_<?=$GroupID?><?=(($Vote == 'Up'|| empty($Vote))?' hidden':'')?>">↓</span>
<a href="#" onclick="UnvoteGroup(<?=$GroupID?>, '<?=$LoggedUser['AuthKey']?>'); return false;" class="small_clearvote vote_clear_<?=$GroupID?><?=(empty($Vote)?' hidden':'')?>">x</a>
@ -160,7 +160,9 @@ private function inverse_ncdf($p) {
public static function binomial_score($Ups, $Total) {
// Confidence level for binomial scoring (p-value .95)
define(Z_VAL, 1.645211440143815);
//define(Z_VAL, 1.645211440143815);
// Confidence level for binomial scoring (p-value .90)
define(Z_VAL, 1.281728756502709);
if (($Total <= 0) || ($Ups < 0)) {
return 0;
@ -168,5 +170,127 @@ public static function binomial_score($Ups, $Total) {
$phat = $Ups/$Total;
return ($phat + Z_VAL*Z_VAL/(2*$Total) - Z_VAL*sqrt(($phat*(1-$phat)+Z_VAL*Z_VAL/(4*$Total))/$Total))/(1+Z_VAL*Z_VAL/$Total);
* Gets where this album ranks overall, for its year, and for its decade. This is really just a wrapper.
* @param int $GroupID GroupID of the album
* @param int $Year Year it was released
* @return array ('overall'=><overall rank>, 'year'=><rank for its year>, 'decade'=><rank for its decade>)
public static function get_ranking($GroupID, $Year) {
$GroupID = (int)$GroupID;
$Year = (int)$Year;
if ($GroupID <= 0 || $Year <= 0) {
return false;
return array('overall'=>Votes::get_rank_all($GroupID),
'year' =>Votes::get_rank_year($GroupID, $Year),
'decade' =>Votes::get_rank_decade($GroupID, $Year));
* Gets where this album ranks overall.
* @global CACHE $Cache
* @global DB_MYSQL $DB
* @param int $GroupID GroupID of the album
* @return int Rank
public static function get_rank_all($GroupID) {
global $Cache, $DB;
$GroupID = (int)$GroupID;
if ($GroupID <= 0) {
return false;
$Rankings = $Cache->get_value('voting_ranks_overall');
if ($Rankings === FALSE) {
$Rankings = array();
$i = 0;
$DB->query("SELECT GroupID FROM torrents_votes ORDER BY Score DESC LIMIT 100");
while (list($GID) = $DB->next_record()) {
$Rankings[$GID] = ++$i;
$Cache->cache_value('voting_ranks_overall', $Rankings);
return isset($Rankings[$GroupID])?$Rankings[$GroupID]:false;
* Gets where this album ranks in its year.
* @global CACHE $Cache
* @global DB_MYSQL $DB
* @param int $GroupID GroupID of the album
* @param int $Year Year it was released
* @return int Rank for its year
public static function get_rank_year($GroupID, $Year) {
global $Cache, $DB;
$GroupID = (int)$GroupID;
$Year = (int)$Year;
if ($GroupID <= 0 || $Year <= 0) {
return false;
$Rankings = $Cache->get_value('voting_ranks_year_'.$Year);
if ($Rankings === FALSE) {
$Rankings = array();
$i = 0;
$DB->query("SELECT GroupID
FROM torrents_votes AS v
JOIN torrents_group AS g ON g.ID = v.GroupID
WHERE g.Year = $Year
while (list($GID) = $DB->next_record()) {
$Rankings[$GID] = ++$i;
$Cache->cache_value('voting_ranks_year_'.$Year , $Rankings);
return isset($Rankings[$GroupID])?$Rankings[$GroupID]:false;
* Gets where this album ranks in its decade.
* @global CACHE $Cache
* @global DB_MYSQL $DB
* @param int $GroupID GroupID of the album
* @param int $Year Year it was released
* @return int Rank for its year
public static function get_rank_decade($GroupID, $Year) {
global $Cache, $DB;
$GroupID = (int)$GroupID;
$Year = (int)$Year;
$Year = (int)$Year;
if ((int)$GroupID <= 0 || (int)$Year <= 0) {
return false;
// First year of the decade
$Year = $Year - ($Year % 10);
$Rankings = $Cache->get_value('voting_ranks_decade_'.$Year);
if ($Rankings === FALSE) {
$Rankings = array();
$i = 0;
$DB->query("SELECT GroupID
FROM torrents_votes AS v
JOIN torrents_group AS g ON g.ID = v.GroupID
WHERE g.Year BETWEEN $Year AND ".($Year+9)."
AND g.CategoryID = 1
while (list($GID) = $DB->next_record()) {
$Rankings[$GID] = ++$i;
$Cache->cache_value('voting_ranks_decade_'.$Year , $Rankings);
return isset($Rankings[$GroupID])?$Rankings[$GroupID]:false;
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
if(!isset($_GET['type']) || !is_number($_GET['type']) || $_GET['type'] > 3) { error(0); }
if(!isset($_GET['type']) || !is_number($_GET['type']) || $_GET['type'] > 3) {
$Options = array('v0','v2','320');
$Encodings = array('V0 (VBR)', 'V2 (VBR)', '320');
$EncodingKeys = array_fill_keys($Encodings, true);
if ($_GET['type'] == 3) {
$List = "!(v0 | v2 | 320)";
@ -13,94 +17,113 @@
$_GET['type'] = display_str($_GET['type']);
$Query = '@format FLAC @encoding '.$List;
$SphQL = new SphinxQL_Query();
$SphQL->select('id, groupid')
->where('logscore', 100)
->where_match('FLAC', 'format')
->where_match($List, 'encoding', false)
if(!empty($_GET['search'])) {
$Query.=' @(groupname,artistname,yearfulltext) '.$SS->escape_string($_GET['search']);
$SphQL->where_match($_GET['search'], '(groupname,artistname,year,taglist)');
$SS->SetFilter('logscore', array(100));
$SS->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, "@random");
$SphQLResult = $SphQL->query();
$TorrentCount = $SphQLResult->get_meta('total');
$SS->set_index(SPHINX_INDEX.' delta');
$Results = $SS->search($Query, '', 0, array(), '', '');
if(count($Results) == 0) { error('No results found!'); }
// If some were fetched from memcached, get their artists
if(!empty($Results['matches'])) { // Fetch the artists for groups
$GroupIDs = array_keys($Results['matches']);
$Artists = Artists::get_artists($GroupIDs);
foreach($Artists as $GroupID=>$Data) {
if(!empty($Data[1])) {
$Results['matches'][$GroupID]['Artists']=$Data[1]; // Only use main artists
// These ones were not found in the cache, run SQL
if(!empty($Results['notfound'])) {
$SQLResults = Torrents::get_groups($Results['notfound']);
if(is_array($SQLResults['notfound'])) { // Something wasn't found in the db, remove it from results
foreach($SQLResults['notfound'] as $ID) {
// Merge SQL results with memcached results
foreach($SQLResults['matches'] as $ID=>$SQLResult) {
$Results['matches'][$ID] = array_merge($Results['matches'][$ID], $SQLResult);
if ($TorrentCount == 0) {
error('No results found!');
$Results = $Results['matches'];
$Results = $SphQLResult->to_array('groupid');
$Groups = Torrents::get_groups(array_keys($Results));
$Groups = $Groups['matches'];
$JsonResults = array();
foreach($Results as $GroupID=>$Data) {
list($Artists, $GroupCatalogueNumber, $ExtendedArtists, $GroupID2, $GroupName, $GroupRecordLabel, $ReleaseType, $TagList, $Torrents, $GroupVanityHouse, $GroupYear, $CategoryID, $FreeTorrent, $HasCue, $HasLog, $TotalLeechers, $LogScore, $ReleaseType, $ReleaseType, $TotalSeeders, $MaxSize, $TotalSnatched, $GroupTime) = array_values($Data);
$DisplayName = '';
if(count($Artists)>0) {
$DisplayName = Artists::display_artists(array('1'=>$Artists));
$DisplayName.='<a href="torrents.php?id='.$GroupID.'" title="View Torrent">'.$GroupName.'</a>';
if($GroupYear>0) { $DisplayName.=" [".$GroupYear."]"; }
$MissingEncodings = array('V0 (VBR)'=>1, 'V2 (VBR)'=>1, '320'=>1);
$FlacID = 0;
foreach($Torrents as $Torrent) {
if(!empty($MissingEncodings[$Torrent['Encoding']])) {
$MissingEncodings[$Torrent['Encoding']] = 0;
} elseif($Torrent['Format'] == 'FLAC' && $FlacID == 0) {
$FlacID = $Torrent['ID'];
if($_GET['type'] == '3' && in_array(0, $MissingEncodings)) {
$TorrentGroups = array();
foreach ($Groups as $GroupID => $Group) {
if (empty($Group['Torrents'])) {
foreach ($Group['Torrents'] as $Torrent) {
$TorRemIdent = "$Torrent[Media] $Torrent[RemasterYear] $Torrent[RemasterTitle] $Torrent[RemasterRecordLabel] $Torrent[RemasterCatalogueNumber]";
if (!isset($TorrentGroups[$Group['ID']])) {
$TorrentGroups[$Group['ID']] = array(
$TorRemIdent => array(
'FlacID' => 0,
'Formats' => array(),
'RemasterTitle' => $Torrent['RemasterTitle'],
'RemasterYear' => $Torrent['RemasterYear'],
'RemasterRecordLabel' => $Torrent['RemasterRecordLabel'],
'RemasterCatalogueNumber' => $Torrent['RemasterCatalogueNumber'],
'IsSnatched' => false
} elseif (!isset($TorrentGroups[$Group['ID']][$TorRemIdent])) {
$TorrentGroups[$Group['ID']][$TorRemIdent] = array(
'FlacID' => 0,
'Formats' => array(),
'RemasterTitle' => $Torrent['RemasterTitle'],
'RemasterYear' => $Torrent['RemasterYear'],
'RemasterRecordLabel' => $Torrent['RemasterRecordLabel'],
'RemasterCatalogueNumber' => $Torrent['RemasterCatalogueNumber'],
'IsSnatched' => false
if (isset($EncodingKeys[$Torrent['Encoding']])) {
$TorrentGroups[$Group['ID']][$TorRemIdent]['Formats'][$Torrent['Encoding']] = true;
} elseif ($TorrentGroups[$Group['ID']][$TorRemIdent]['FlacID'] == 0 && $Torrent['Format'] == 'FLAC' && $Torrent['LogScore'] == 100) {
$TorrentGroups[$Group['ID']][$TorRemIdent]['FlacID'] = $Torrent['ID'];
$TorrentGroups[$Group['ID']][$TorRemIdent]['IsSnatched'] = $Torrent['IsSnatched'];
$JsonResults[] = array(
'torrentId' => (int) $TorrentID,
'groupId' => (int) $GroupID,
'artist' => $DisplayName,
'groupName' => $GroupName,
'groupYear' => (int) $GroupYear,
'missingV2' => $MissingEncodings['V2 (VBR)'] == 0,
'missingV0' => $MissingEncodings['V0 (VBR)'] == 0,
'missing320' => $MissingEncodings['320'] == 0,
'downloadUrl' => 'torrents.php?action=download&id='.$FlacID.'&authkey='.$LoggedUser['AuthKey'].'&torrent_pass='.$LoggedUser['torrent_pass']
$JsonResults = array();
foreach ($TorrentGroups as $GroupID => $Editions) {
$GroupInfo = $Groups[$GroupID];
$GroupYear = $GroupInfo['Year'];
$ExtendedArtists = $GroupInfo['ExtendedArtists'];
$GroupCatalogueNumber = $GroupInfo['CatalogueNumber'];
$GroupName = $GroupInfo['Name'];
$GroupRecordLabel = $GroupInfo['RecordLabel'];
$ReleaseType = $GroupInfo['ReleaseType'];
if (!empty($ExtendedArtists[1]) || !empty($ExtendedArtists[4]) || !empty($ExtendedArtists[5]) || !empty($ExtendedArtists[6])) {
$ArtistNames = Artists::display_artists($ExtendedArtists, false, false, false);
} else {
$ArtistNames = '';
$TagList = array();
$TagList = explode(' ',str_replace('_','.',$GroupInfo['TagList']));
$TorrentTags = array();
foreach ($TagList as $Tag) {
$TorrentTags[] = '<a href="torrents.php?taglist='.$Tag.'">'.$Tag.'</a>';
$TorrentTags = implode(', ', $TorrentTags);
foreach ($Editions as $RemIdent => $Edition) {
if (!$Edition['FlacID']
|| !empty($Edition['Formats']) && $_GET['type'] == 3
|| $Edition['Formats'][$Encodings[$_GET['type']]] == true) {
$JsonResults[] = array(
'torrentId' => (int) $Edition['FlacID'],
'groupId' => (int) $GroupID,
'artist' => $ArtistNames,
'groupName' => $GroupName,
'groupYear' => (int) $GroupYear,
'missingV2' => !isset($Edition['Formats']['V2 (VBR)']),
'missingV0' => !isset($Edition['Formats']['V0 (VBR)']),
'missing320' => !isset($Encodings['Formats']['320']),
'downloadUrl' => 'torrents.php?action=download&id='.$Edition['FlacID'].'&authkey='.$LoggedUser['AuthKey'].'&torrent_pass='.$LoggedUser['torrent_pass']
print json_encode(
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
<td class="label">
Image(s)<?=($ReportType['report_fields']['image'] == '1' ? ' <strong class="important_text">(Required)</strong>' : '')?>
Image(s)<?=($ReportType['report_fields']['image'] == '1' ? ' <strong class="important_text">(Required)</strong>:' : '')?>
<input id="image" type="text" name="image" size="50" value="<?=(!empty($_POST['image']) ? display_str($_POST['image']) : '')?>" />
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<td class="label">
Track Number(s)<?=($ReportType['report_fields']['track'] == '1' || $ReportType['report_fields']['track'] == '2' ? ' <strong class="important_text">(Required)</strong>' : '')?>
Track Number(s)<?=($ReportType['report_fields']['track'] == '1' || $ReportType['report_fields']['track'] == '2' ? ' <strong class="important_text">(Required)</strong>:' : '')?>
<input id="track" type="text" name="track" size="8" value="<?=(!empty($_POST['track']) ? display_str($_POST['track']) : '')?>" /><?=($ReportType['report_fields']['track'] == '1' ? '<input id="all_tracks" type="checkbox" onclick="AllTracks()" /> All' : '')?>
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
<td class="label">
Link(s) to external source<?=($ReportType['report_fields']['link'] == '1' ? ' <strong class="important_text">(Required)</strong>' : '')?>
Link(s) to external source<?=($ReportType['report_fields']['link'] == '1' ? ' <strong class="important_text">(Required)</strong>:' : '')?>
<input id="link" type="text" name="link" size="50" value="<?=(!empty($_POST['link']) ? display_str($_POST['link']) : '')?>" />
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
<td class="label">
Permalink to <strong>relevant other</strong> torrent(s)<?=($ReportType['report_fields']['sitelink'] == '1' ? ' <strong class="important_text">(Required)</strong>' : '')?>
Permalink to <strong>other relevant</strong> torrent(s)<?=($ReportType['report_fields']['sitelink'] == '1' ? ' <strong class="important_text">(Required)</strong>:' : '')?>
<input id="sitelink" type="text" name="sitelink" size="50" value="<?=(!empty($_POST['sitelink']) ? display_str($_POST['sitelink']) : '')?>" />
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<td class="label">
Comments <strong class="important_text">(Required)</strong>
Comments <strong class="important_text">(Required)</strong>:
<textarea id="extra" rows="5" cols="60" name="extra"><?=display_str($_POST['extra'])?></textarea>
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
'title' => 'Urgent',
'report_messages' => array(
'This report type is only for the very urgent reports, usually for personal information being found within a torrent.',
'Abusing the Urgent reports could result in a warning or worse',
'Abusing the Urgent reports could result in a warning or worse.',
'As this report type gives the staff absolutely no information about the problem, please be as clear as possible in your comments about what the problem is.'
'report_fields' => array(
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
'reason' => '-1',
'title' => 'Other',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report'
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report.'
'report_fields' => array(
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
'title' => 'Trump',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please list the specific reason(s) the newer torrent trumps the older one.',
'Please make sure you are reporting the torrent <strong>which has been trumped</strong> and should be deleted, not the torrent that you think should remain on site.'
'Please make sure you are reporting the torrent <strong class="important_text">which has been trumped</strong> and should be deleted, not the torrent that you think should remain on site.'
'report_fields' => array(
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
'title' => 'Tag Trump',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please list the specific tag(s) the newer torrent trumps the older one.',
'Please make sure you are reporting the torrent <strong>which has been trumped</strong> and should be deleted, not the torrent that you think should remain on site.'
'Please make sure you are reporting the torrent <strong class="important_text">which has been trumped</strong> and should be deleted, not the torrent that you think should remain on site.'
'report_fields' => array(
'sitelink' => '1'
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
'title' => 'Vinyl Trump',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please list the specific reason(s) the newer torrent trumps the older one.',
'Please make sure you are reporting the torrent <strong>which has been trumped</strong> and should be deleted, not the torrent that you think should remain on site.'
'Please make sure you are reporting the torrent <strong class="important_text">which has been trumped</strong> and should be deleted, not the torrent that you think should remain on site.'
'report_fields' => array(
@ -155,8 +155,8 @@
'reason' => '3',
'title' => 'Bad Folder Name Trump',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please list the folder name and what is wrong with it',
'Please make sure you are reporting the torrent <strong>which has been trumped</strong> and should be deleted, not the torrent that you think should remain on site.'
'Please list the folder name and what is wrong with it.',
'Please make sure you are reporting the torrent <strong class="important_text">which has been trumped</strong> and should be deleted, not the torrent that you think should remain on site.'
'report_fields' => array(
'sitelink' => '1'
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
'title' => 'Bad File Names Trump',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please describe what is wrong with the file names.',
'Please make sure you are reporting the torrent <strong>which has been trumped</strong> and should be deleted, not the torrent that you think should remain on site.'
'Please make sure you are reporting the torrent <strong class="important_text">which has been trumped</strong> and should be deleted, not the torrent that you think should remain on site.'
'report_fields' => array(
'sitelink' => '1'
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
'reason' => '15',
'title' => 'Track(s) Missing',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please list the track number and title of the missing track',
'Please list the track number and title of the missing track.',
'If possible, please provide a link to Amazon.com or another source showing the proper track listing.'
'report_fields' => array(
@ -312,8 +312,8 @@
'title' => 'Unsplit Album Rip',
'report_messages' => array(
"If possible, please provide a link to Amazon.com or another source showing the proper track listing.",
"This option is for uploads of CDs ripped as a single track when it should be split as on the CD",
"This option is not to be confused with uploads of a single track, taken from a CD with multiple tracks (Tracks Missing)"
"This option is for uploads of CDs ripped as a single track when it should be split as on the CD.",
"This option is not to be confused with uploads of a single track, taken from a CD with multiple tracks (Tracks Missing)."
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
'reason' => '5',
'title' => 'Disallowed Format',
'report_messages' => array(
"If applicable, list the relevant tracks"
"If applicable, list the relevant tracks."
'report_fields' => array(
'track' => '0'
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@
'reason' => '12',
'title' => 'Radio/TV/FM/WEB Rip',
'report_messages' => array(
"Please include as much information as possible to verify the report"
"Please include as much information as possible to verify the report."
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
'reason' => '7',
'title' => 'Discography',
'report_messages' => array(
"Please include as much information as possible to verify the report"
"Please include as much information as possible to verify the report."
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@
'reason' => '19',
'title' => 'User Compilation',
'report_messages' => array(
"Please include as much information as possible to verify the report"
"Please include as much information as possible to verify the report."
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
'reason' => '-1',
'title' => 'No Lineage Info',
'report_messages' => array(
"Please list the specific information missing from the torrent (hardware, software, etc.)"
"Please list the specific information missing from the torrent (hardware, software, etc.)."
'report_fields' => array(
@ -534,7 +534,7 @@
'reason' => '22',
'title' => 'Audience Recording',
'report_messages' => array(
"Please include as much information as possible to verify the report"
"Please include as much information as possible to verify the report."
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -611,7 +611,7 @@
'title' => 'Log Rescore Request',
'report_messages' => array(
"It could help us if you say exactly why you believe this log requires rescoring.",
"For example, if it's a foreign log which needs scoring, or if the log wasn't uploaded at all"
"For example, if it's a foreign log which needs scoring, or if the log wasn't uploaded at all."
'report_fields' => array(
@ -633,7 +633,7 @@
'reason' => '-1',
'title' => 'No Crack/Keygen/Patch',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report',
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report.',
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -651,7 +651,7 @@
'reason' => '-1',
'title' => 'Game',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report',
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report.',
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -688,7 +688,7 @@
'reason' => '-1',
'title' => 'No Description',
'report_messages' => array(
'If possible, please provide a link to an accurate description',
'If possible, please provide a link to an accurate description.',
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -706,7 +706,7 @@
'reason' => '-1',
'title' => 'Archived Pack',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report'
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report.'
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@
'reason' => '-1',
'title' => 'Collection of Cracks',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report'
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report.'
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -743,7 +743,7 @@
'reason' => '-1',
'title' => 'Hacking Tool',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report',
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report.',
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -801,7 +801,7 @@
'reason' => '-1',
'title' => 'Unrelated Ebooks',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report'
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report.'
'report_fields' => array(
@ -841,7 +841,7 @@
'reason' => '-1',
'title' => 'Disallowed Topic',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report'
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report.'
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -861,7 +861,7 @@
'reason' => '-1',
'title' => 'Talkshow/Podcast',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report'
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report.'
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -881,7 +881,7 @@
'reason' => '-1',
'title' => 'Multiple Comic Titles',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report'
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report.'
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -899,7 +899,7 @@
'reason' => '-1',
'title' => 'Multiple Volumes',
'report_messages' => array(
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report'
'Please include as much information as possible to verify the report.'
'report_fields' => array(
'link' => '0'
@ -9,17 +9,17 @@
<div class="box pad rule_summary" style="padding:10px 10px 10px 20px;">
<li>Tags should be comma separated, and you should use a period ('.') to separate words inside a tag - eg. '<strong style="color:green;">hip.hop</strong>'.
<li>Tags should be comma separated, and you should use a period ('.') to separate words inside a tag - eg. '<strong class="important_text_alt">hip.hop</strong>'.
There is a list of official tags on upload.php. Please use these tags instead of 'unofficial' tags (eg. use the official '<strong style="color:green;">drum.and.bass</strong>' tag, instead of an unofficial '<strong style="color:red;">dnb</strong>' tag.)
There is a list of official tags on upload.php. Please use these tags instead of 'unofficial' tags (eg. use the official '<strong class="important_text_alt">drum.and.bass</strong>' tag, instead of an unofficial '<strong class="important_text">dnb</strong>' tag.)
Avoid abbreviations if at all possible. So instead of tagging an album as '<strong style="color:red;">alt</strong>', tag it as '<strong style="color:green;">alternative</strong>'. Make sure that you use correct spelling.
Avoid abbreviations if at all possible. So instead of tagging an album as '<strong class="important_text">alt</strong>', tag it as '<strong class="important_text_alt">alternative</strong>'. Make sure that you use correct spelling.
Avoid using multiple synonymous tags. Using both '<strong style="color:red;">prog.rock</strong>' and '<strong style="color:green;">progressive.rock</strong>' is redundant and annoying - just use the official '<strong style="color:green;">progressive.rock</strong>' tag.
Avoid using multiple synonymous tags. Using both '<strong class="important_text">prog.rock</strong>' and '<strong class="important_text_alt">progressive.rock</strong>' is redundant and annoying - just use the official '<strong class="important_text_alt">progressive.rock</strong>' tag.
Don't use 'useless' tags, such as '<strong style="color:red;">seen.live</strong>', '<strong style="color:red;">awesome</strong>', '<strong style="color:red;">rap</strong>' (is encompassed by '<strong style="color:green;">hip.hop</strong>'), etc. If an album is live, you can tag it as '<strong style="color:green;">live</strong>'.
Don't use 'useless' tags, such as '<strong class="important_text">seen.live</strong>', '<strong class="important_text">awesome</strong>', '<strong class="important_text">rap</strong>' (is encompassed by '<strong class="important_text_alt">hip.hop</strong>'), etc. If an album is live, you can tag it as '<strong class="important_text_alt">live</strong>'.
Only tag information on the album itself - NOT THE INDIVIDUAL RELEASE. Tags such as '<strong style="color:red;">v0</strong>', '<strong style="color:red;">eac</strong>', '<strong style="color:red;">vinyl</strong>', '<strong style="color:red;">from.oink</strong>' etc are strictly forbidden. Remember that these tags will be used for other versions of the same album.
Only tag information on the album itself - NOT THE INDIVIDUAL RELEASE. Tags such as '<strong class="important_text">v0</strong>', '<strong class="important_text">eac</strong>', '<strong class="important_text">vinyl</strong>', '<strong class="important_text">from.oink</strong>' etc are strictly forbidden. Remember that these tags will be used for other versions of the same album.
@ -306,6 +306,7 @@ function compare($X, $Y){
<? }
<div class="box box_tags">
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
//Show the "This album is number x overall, etc. box for music only
if ($GroupCategoryID == 1) {
$Rankings = Votes::get_ranking($GroupID, $GroupYear);
$LIs = '';
// Display information for the return categories of get_ranking()
$names = array('overall'=>'overall',
'decade'=>'for the '.($GroupYear-($GroupYear%10)).'s',
'year'=>"for $GroupYear");
foreach ($names as $key => $text) {
if ($Rank = $Rankings[$key]) {
if ($Rank <= 10) {
$Class = "vr_top_10";
} elseif ($Rank <= 25) {
$Class = "vr_top_25";
} elseif ($Rank <= 50) {
$Class = "vr_top_50";
$LIs .= '<li id="vote_rank_'.$key.'" class="'.$Class.'">No. '.$Rank.' '.$text.'</li>';
if ($LIs != '') {
<div class="box" id="votes_ranks">
<div class="head"><strong><?=SITE_NAME?> Favorites</strong></div>
<div class="vote_charts body">
<ul class="stats nobullet" id="vote_rankings">
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