Fixes a bug showing the Disable Avatars box for users with the "Can disable users' posting rights" permission
Revert "#trying to fix mono"
fix unknown release (try 1)
trying to roll this out with dirty cache support
Go back to memcached's internal incr/decr functions
fixed nextElementSibling()
patappatch g [patapper]
trying to roll this out with dirty cache support
Go back to memcached's internal incr/decr functions
fixed nextElementSibling()
patappatch g [patapper]
another empty change
(empty change)
Swapping buttons round
Fixed escaping on autocomplete pages
Adding debug to all ajax pages
fixed for changes to patappatch_b and styling
removed old .orig files
finished import of patch C
patch C initial import
Revert "improved tracker IRC channel"
Revert "
added warning about sphinx.conf
removing sphinx.conf to make s6 .git/info/exclude work
readding sphinx.conf to make s6 .git/info/exclude work
Allow FLS to assign to staff or forum staff
Allow FLS to unresolve all FLS PMs
empty commit (testing debug site)
empty commit (again)
Permissions can only be created up to your current level
Permissions can only be altered up to your current level
Image proxy should function correctly with SSL now
Forums can only be altered up to your current level
Adding option to delete polls
Remove ghost resolver bug
Fixing autocomplete escpaing
improved .gitignore
Adding debug to all ajax pages
Fixed escaping on autocomplete pages
Finished adding [code] tag
Merging groups no longer wipes comments
Group comments are no longer lost on merge
Fixing incorrect equality
Added the freeleech_torrents() and freeleech_groups() functions, testing on vanity house addition
Implementing new freeleech functions for torrent and group editing
Implementing better.php filter for seeding
Separating staff and forum staff within staff functions
Include empty values in cache debug table
Clear cache when replying to staff pm
Internal cache is useless in get_artists and get_groups
Prevent users from clearing certain cache keys
Allow indexing by column 0 in ->to_array()
Only need numeric indices in 'ip_bans' key
Cache keys were completely broken on the debug pages
Add bbcode missing functions to staffpms
Add border to improve layout of torrent pages with postmod
Fix a bug where users could download anyone's snatch/upload/seedlist regardless of paranoia settings
Don't escape thread titles before caching
Better BBCode URL matching
Fix user search by tracker IP for ocelot data
Fix bug where the same thread would show up twice in the announcements forum
Update tables before sending invite email to prevent sending multiple invites
Fix expression for cleaning up default search URL
Fix typo preventing threads from being cached
Don't include sticky post in reply count
Cast RemasterYear to int because '0' != ''
Don't compare escaped artist name to unescaped