<? class Artists { /** * Given an array of GroupIDs, return their associated artists. * * @param array $GroupIDs * @return an array of the following form: * GroupID => { * [ArtistType] => { * id, name, aliasid * } * } * ArtistType is an int. It can be: * 1 => Main artist * 2 => Guest artist * 4 => Composer * 5 => Conductor * 6 => DJ */ public static function get_artists($GroupIDs) { $Results = array(); $DBs = array(); foreach ($GroupIDs as $GroupID) { if (!is_number($GroupID)) { continue; } $Artists = G::$Cache->get_value('groups_artists_'.$GroupID); if (is_array($Artists)) { $Results[$GroupID] = $Artists; } else { $DBs[] = $GroupID; } } if (count($DBs) > 0) { $IDs = implode(',', $DBs); if (empty($IDs)) { $IDs = "null"; } $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT ta.GroupID, ta.ArtistID, aa.Name, ta.Importance, ta.AliasID FROM torrents_artists AS ta JOIN artists_alias AS aa ON ta.AliasID = aa.AliasID WHERE ta.GroupID IN ($IDs) ORDER BY ta.GroupID ASC, ta.Importance ASC, aa.Name ASC;"); while (list($GroupID, $ArtistID, $ArtistName, $ArtistImportance, $AliasID) = G::$DB->next_record(MYSQLI_BOTH, false)) { $Results[$GroupID][$ArtistImportance][] = array('id' => $ArtistID, 'name' => $ArtistName, 'aliasid' => $AliasID); $New[$GroupID][$ArtistImportance][] = array('id' => $ArtistID, 'name' => $ArtistName, 'aliasid' => $AliasID); } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); foreach ($DBs as $GroupID) { if (isset($New[$GroupID])) { G::$Cache->cache_value('groups_artists_'.$GroupID, $New[$GroupID]); } else { G::$Cache->cache_value('groups_artists_'.$GroupID, array()); } } $Missing = array_diff($GroupIDs, array_keys($Results)); if (!empty($Missing)) { $Results += array_fill_keys($Missing, array()); } } return $Results; } /** * Convenience function for get_artists, when you just need one group. * * @param int $GroupID * @return array - see get_artists */ public static function get_artist($GroupID) { $Results = Artists::get_artists(array($GroupID)); return $Results[$GroupID]; } /** * Format an array of artists for display. * TODO: Revisit the logic of this, see if we can helper-function the copypasta. * * @param array Artists an array of the form output by get_artists * @param boolean $MakeLink if true, the artists will be links, if false, they will be text. * @param boolean $IncludeHyphen if true, appends " - " to the end. * @param $Escape if true, output will be escaped. Think carefully before setting it false. */ public static function display_artists($Artists, $MakeLink = true, $IncludeHyphen = true, $Escape = true) { if (!empty($Artists)) { $ampersand = ($Escape) ? ' & ' : ' & '; $link = ''; $MainArtists = isset($Artists[1]) ? $Artists[1] : null; $Guests = isset($Artists[2]) ? $Artists[2] : null; $Composers = isset($Artists[4]) ? $Artists[4] : null; $Conductors = isset($Artists[5]) ? $Artists[5] : null; $DJs = isset($Artists[6]) ? $Artists[6] : null; if ((count($MainArtists) + count($Conductors) + count($DJs) == 0) && (count($Composers) == 0)) { return ''; } // Various Composers is not needed and is ugly and should die switch (count($Composers)) { case 0: break; case 1: $link .= Artists::display_artist($Composers[0], $MakeLink, $Escape); break; case 2: $link .= Artists::display_artist($Composers[0], $MakeLink, $Escape).$ampersand.Artists::display_artist($Composers[1], $MakeLink, $Escape); break; } if ((count($Composers) > 0) && (count($Composers) < 3) && (count($MainArtists) > 0)) { $link .= ' performed by '; } $ComposerStr = $link; switch (count($MainArtists)) { case 0: break; case 1: $link .= Artists::display_artist($MainArtists[0], $MakeLink, $Escape); break; case 2: $link .= Artists::display_artist($MainArtists[0], $MakeLink, $Escape).$ampersand.Artists::display_artist($MainArtists[1], $MakeLink, $Escape); break; default: $link .= 'Various Artists'; } /*if (!empty($Guests) && (count($MainArtists) + count($Composers) > 0) && (count($MainArtists) + count($Composers) + count($Conductors) < 3)) { switch (count($Guests)) { case 1: $link .= ' with '.Artists::display_artist($Guests[0], $MakeLink, $Escape); break; case 2: $link .= ' with '.Artists::display_artist($Guests[0], $MakeLink, $Escape).$ampersand.Artists::display_artist($Guests[1], $MakeLink, $Escape); break; } }*/ if ((count($Conductors) > 0) && (count($MainArtists) + count($Composers) > 0) && (count($Composers) < 3 || count($MainArtists) > 0)) { $link .= ' under '; } switch (count($Conductors)) { case 0: break; case 1: $link .= Artists::display_artist($Conductors[0], $MakeLink, $Escape); break; case 2: $link .= Artists::display_artist($Conductors[0], $MakeLink, $Escape).$ampersand.Artists::display_artist($Conductors[1], $MakeLink, $Escape); break; default: $link .= ' Various Conductors'; } if ((count($Composers) > 0) && (count($MainArtists) + count($Conductors) > 3) && (count($MainArtists) > 1) && (count($Conductors) > 1)) { $link = $ComposerStr . 'Various Artists'; } elseif ((count($Composers) > 2) && (count($MainArtists) + count($Conductors) == 0)) { $link = 'Various Composers'; } // DJs override everything else switch (count($DJs)) { case 0: break; case 1: $link = Artists::display_artist($DJs[0], $MakeLink, $Escape); break; case 2: $link = Artists::display_artist($DJs[0], $MakeLink, $Escape).$ampersand.Artists::display_artist($DJs[1], $MakeLink, $Escape); break; default: $link = 'Various DJs'; } return $link.($IncludeHyphen?' - ':''); } else { return ''; } } /** * Formats a single artist name. * * @param array $Artist an array of the form ('id'=>ID, 'name'=>Name) * @param boolean $MakeLink If true, links to the artist page. * @param boolean $Escape If false and $MakeLink is false, returns the unescaped, unadorned artist name. * @return string Formatted artist name. */ public static function display_artist($Artist, $MakeLink = true, $Escape = true) { if ($MakeLink && !$Escape) { error('Invalid parameters to Artists::display_artist()'); } elseif ($MakeLink) { return '<a href="artist.php?id='.$Artist['id'].'">'.display_str($Artist['name']).'</a>'; } elseif ($Escape) { return display_str($Artist['name']); } else { return $Artist['name']; } } /** * Deletes an artist and their requests, wiki, and tags. * Does NOT delete their torrents. * * @param int $ArtistID */ public static function delete_artist($ArtistID) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT Name FROM artists_group WHERE ArtistID = ".$ArtistID); list($Name) = G::$DB->next_record(MYSQLI_NUM, false); // Delete requests G::$DB->query(" SELECT RequestID FROM requests_artists WHERE ArtistID = $ArtistID AND ArtistID != 0"); $Requests = G::$DB->to_array(); foreach ($Requests AS $Request) { list($RequestID) = $Request; G::$DB->query('DELETE FROM requests WHERE ID='.$RequestID); G::$DB->query('DELETE FROM requests_votes WHERE RequestID='.$RequestID); G::$DB->query('DELETE FROM requests_tags WHERE RequestID='.$RequestID); G::$DB->query('DELETE FROM requests_artists WHERE RequestID='.$RequestID); } // Delete artist G::$DB->query('DELETE FROM artists_group WHERE ArtistID='.$ArtistID); G::$DB->query('DELETE FROM artists_alias WHERE ArtistID='.$ArtistID); G::$Cache->decrement('stats_artist_count'); // Delete wiki revisions G::$DB->query('DELETE FROM wiki_artists WHERE PageID='.$ArtistID); // Delete tags G::$DB->query('DELETE FROM artists_tags WHERE ArtistID='.$ArtistID); // Delete artist comments, subscriptions and quote notifications Comments::delete_page('artist', $ArtistID); G::$Cache->delete_value('artist_'.$ArtistID); G::$Cache->delete_value('artist_groups_'.$ArtistID); // Record in log if (!empty(G::$LoggedUser['Username'])) { $Username = G::$LoggedUser['Username']; } else { $Username = 'System'; } Misc::write_log("Artist $ArtistID ($Name) was deleted by $Username"); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } /** * Remove LRM (left-right-marker) and trims, because people copypaste carelessly. * If we don't do this, we get seemingly duplicate artist names. * TODO: make stricter, e.g. on all whitespace characters or Unicode normalisation * * @param string $ArtistName */ public static function normalise_artist_name($ArtistName) { // \u200e is ‎ $ArtistName = trim($ArtistName); $ArtistName = preg_replace('/^(\xE2\x80\x8E)+/', '', $ArtistName); $ArtistName = preg_replace('/(\xE2\x80\x8E)+$/', '', $ArtistName); return trim(preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $ArtistName)); } } ?>