This document contains the coding standards for Gazelle. This document is a work-in-progress and is subject to change. NOTE: The standards defined in this document will likely differ from what is actually seen in the Gazelle code. This document is the first step in properly enforcing coding standards throughout the project. == TABLE OF CONTENTS == 1. FILE FORMATTING 2. CODE STYLING 2.1 Code styling for PHP and JavaScript 2.2 Code styling for CSS 2.3 Code styling for SQL 3. NAMING CONVENTIONS 3.1 Function names 3.2 Variable names 3.3 Class names 3.4 SQL names 3.5 Miscellaneous names 4. COMMENTS 5. USER INTERFACE 6. EXAMPLES 6.1 PHP examples 6.2 CSS examples 6.3 SQL examples 1. FILE FORMATTING Tabs shall always be used for indentation. Files shall be encoded in ASCII. Files shall always use Unix-style line endings (LF). The program dos2unix will take care of this for you if you have files that use Windows-style line endings (CR+LF) or old Mac-style line endings (CR). File names for PHP, CSS, and JavaScript files shall be all lowercase and use underscores instead of spaces. 2. CODE STYLING 2.1 Code styling for PHP and JavaScript All statement blocks, including functions, shall have the opening brace at the end of the same line with a space before the brace. The astute reader will note that this is K&R style with the exception of functions. There shall be a space between a control structure statement (e.g. if, elseif, for) and the following parenthesis. There shall be a space around conditional operators. When using ternary operators, spaces shall be used around the operators. For conditional blocks, "elseif" is to be used instead of "else if". In loops and conditional blocks, there shall be braces even if there is only one statement. In loops and conditional blocks, the statement(s) shall be placed on the following lines. When opening a PHP statement, "". 3. NAMING CONVENTIONS Function, variable, and class names shall always be descriptive. 3.1 Function names PHP function names shall be written in lowercase_with_underscores. JavaScript function names shall be written in camelCase with a leading lowercase letter. 3.2 Variable names PHP variable names shall be written in CamelCase with a leading uppercase letter. JavaScript global-scope variables shall be written in camelCase with a leading lowercase letter. JavaScript local-scope variables shall be written in lowercase_with_underscores. 3.3 Class names PHP class names shall be written in CamelCase with a leading uppercase letter. PHP class constants shall be written in CamelCase with a leading uppercase letter. 3.4 SQL names All SQL keywords shall be written in all UPPERCASE. All SQL table names shall be written in lowercase_with_underscores. All SQL column names shall be written in CamelCase with a leading uppercase letter. All automatically-incremented ID columns shall be named "ID", while the other columns for ID numbers shall have names like RequestID, TorrentID, etc. 3.5 Miscellaneous names PHP global constants shall be written in ALL_CAPS. PHP constants true, false, and null shall be written in all lowercase. 4. COMMENTS Use C89-style "/* ... */" comments for multi-line comments. Use C99-style "// ..." comments for single-line comments. 5. USER INTERFACE All buttons shall use sentence case. All table headings shall use sentence case. All text-based buttons shall use the "brackets" CSS class 6. EXAMPLES 6.1 PHP examples if ($Foo >= 0) { $SomeString = "this is a string $DiffString with more text"; } elseif ($Foo == 0) { // other things happen } else { // more magic } function works_magic($Foo, $Bar) { return $Foo; } echo ($Foo == true ? 'foo is true' : 'foo is false'); if ($Foo == true) { // magic happens } /* * This is a good, multi-line comment. * * Please comment your code! */ // This is a good, single-line comment. 6.2 CSS examples link text .spellcheck { margin: 10px 0; font-size: 1.25em; font-weight: bold; } .linkbox .brackets:before, .linkbox .brackets:after, .top10_quantity_links .brackets:before, .top10_quantity_links .brackets:after { color: #757575; } 6.3 SQL examples SELECT r.ID, e.EditionID, r.Title, r.Year, r.CatalogueNumber, l.Name AS Label, r.LabelID, r.Image, r.MusicBrainzID FROM releases AS r JOIN editions AS e ON e.ReleaseID = r.ID LEFT JOIN labels AS l ON l.ID = r.LabelID WHERE r.ID IN ($ReleaseIDsSQL) ORDER BY e.EditionID, r.Year ASC SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS c.ID, c.Subject, cu.Unread, cu.Sticky, cu.ForwardedTo, cu2.UserID, cu.ReceivedDate AS Date FROM pm_conversations AS c LEFT JOIN pm_conversations_users AS cu ON cu.ConvID = c.ID AND cu.UserID = '1' LEFT JOIN pm_conversations_users AS cu2 ON cu2.ConvID = c.ID AND cu2.UserID != '1' AND cu2.ForwardedTo = 0 LEFT JOIN users_main AS um ON um.ID = cu2.UserID WHERE um.Username LIKE 'test' AND cu.InInbox = '1' GROUP BY c.ID ORDER BY cu.Sticky, Date DESC LIMIT 25 SELECT RequestID AS ID, UserID FROM bookmarks_requests EOF