var username; var postid; function QuoteJump(event, post) { var button = event.button; var hash = "#post" + post; if (button == 0) { if ($(hash).raw() != null) { window.location.hash = hash; } else {"forums.php?action=viewthread&postid="+post, '_self'); } } else if (button == 1) {"forums.php?action=viewthread&postid="+post, '_window'); } } function Quote(post, user) { Quote(post, user, false) } function Quote(post, user, link) { username = user; postid = post; ajax.get("?action=get_post&post=" + postid, function(response) { if ($('#quickpost').raw().value !== '') { $('#quickpost').raw().value = $('#quickpost').raw().value + "\n\n"; } $('#quickpost').raw().value = $('#quickpost').raw().value + "[quote="+username + (link == true ? "|" + post : "") + "]" + //response.replace(/(img|aud)(\]|=)/ig,'url$2').replace(/\[url\=(https?:\/\/[^\s\[\]<>"\'()]+?)\]\[url\](.+?)\[\/url\]\[\/url\]/gi, "[url]$1[/url]") html_entity_decode(response) + "[/quote]"; resize('quickpost'); }); } function Edit_Form(post,key) { postid = post; //If no edit is already going underway or a previous edit was finished, make the necessary dom changes. if (!$('#editbox' + postid).objects[0] || $('#editbox' + postid + '.hidden').objects[0]) { $('#reply_box').hide(); if (location.href.match(/torrents\.php/) || location.href.match(/artist\.php/)) { boxWidth="50"; } else { boxWidth="80"; } postuserid = $('#post' + postid + ' strong a').raw().getAttribute('href').split('=')[1] /* jQuery isnt enabled on comments, artist comments, or basically anywhere but thread.php Re-enable this clause as soon as hateradio's "bye sizzle" changes go into effect, changing the jQuery object to $ (which will, then, be jQuery rather than sizzle) postuserid = jQuery('#post' + postid + ' strong a').attr('href').split('=')[1]; */ if (postuserid != userid) { pmbox = 'PM user on edit? '; } else { pmbox = ''; }; $('#bar' + postid).raw().cancel = $('#content' + postid).raw().innerHTML; $('#bar' + postid).raw().oldbar = $('#bar' + postid).raw().innerHTML; $('#content' + postid).raw().innerHTML = "
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$('#preview' + postid).raw().innerHTML = ""; $('#editbox' + postid).show(); } function Save_Edit(postid) { $('#reply_box').show(); if (location.href.match(/forums\.php/)) {"forums.php?action=takeedit","form" + postid, function (response) { $('#bar' + postid).raw().innerHTML = "Report ↑"; $('#preview' + postid).raw().innerHTML = response; $('#editbox' + postid).hide(); $('#pmbox' + postid).hide(); }); } else if (location.href.match(/collages?\.php/)) {"collages.php?action=takeedit_comment","form" + postid, function (response) { $('#bar' + postid).raw().innerHTML = ""; $('#preview' + postid).raw().innerHTML = response; $('#editbox' + postid).hide(); }); } else if (location.href.match(/requests\.php/)) {"requests.php?action=takeedit_comment","form" + postid, function (response) { $('#bar' + postid).raw().innerHTML = ""; $('#preview' + postid).raw().innerHTML = response; $('#editbox' + postid).hide(); }); } else if (location.href.match(/artist\.php/)) {"artist.php?action=takeedit_post","form" + postid, function (response) { $('#bar' + postid).raw().innerHTML = ""; $('#preview' + postid).raw().innerHTML = response; $('#editbox' + postid).hide(); }); } else {"torrents.php?action=takeedit_post","form" + postid, function (response) { $('#bar' + postid).raw().innerHTML = ""; $('#preview' + postid).raw().innerHTML = response; $('#editbox' + postid).hide(); }); } } function Delete(post) { postid = post; if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete this post?') == true) { if (location.href.match(/forums\.php/)) { ajax.get("forums.php?action=delete&auth=" + authkey + "&postid=" + postid, function () { $('#post' + postid).hide(); }); } else if (location.href.match(/collages?\.php/)) { ajax.get("collages.php?action=delete_comment&auth=" + authkey + "&postid=" + postid, function () { $('#post' + postid).hide(); }); } else if (location.href.match(/requests\.php/)) { ajax.get("requests.php?action=delete_comment&auth=" + authkey + "&postid=" + postid, function () { $('#post' + postid).hide(); }); } else if (location.href.match(/artist\.php/)) { ajax.get("artist.php?action=delete_comment&auth="+authkey+ "&postid=" + postid, function () { $('#post' + postid).hide(); }); } else { ajax.get("torrents.php?action=delete_post&auth=" + authkey + "&postid=" + postid, function () { $('#post' + postid).hide(); }); } } } function Quick_Preview() { var quickreplybuttons; $('#post_preview').raw().value = "Make changes"; $('#post_preview').raw().preview = true;"ajax.php?action=preview","quickpostform", function(response) { $('#quickreplypreview').show(); $('#contentpreview').raw().innerHTML = response; $('#quickreplytext').hide(); }); } function Quick_Edit() { var quickreplybuttons; $('#post_preview').raw().value = "Preview"; $('#post_preview').raw().preview = false; $('#quickreplypreview').hide(); $('#quickreplytext').show(); } function Newthread_Preview(mode) { $('#newthreadpreviewbutton').toggle(); $('#newthreadeditbutton').toggle(); if (mode) { // Preview"ajax.php?action=preview","newthreadform", function(response) { $('#contentpreview').raw().innerHTML = response; }); $('#newthreadtitle').raw().innerHTML = $('#title').raw().value; var pollanswers = $('#answer_block').raw(); if (pollanswers && pollanswers.children.length > 4) { pollanswers = pollanswers.children; $('#pollquestion').raw().innerHTML = $('#pollquestionfield').raw().value; for (var i = 0; i < pollanswers.length; i += 2) { if (!pollanswers[i].value) { continue; } var el = document.createElement('input'); = 'answer_' + (i + 1); el.type = 'radio'; = 'vote'; $('#pollanswers').raw().appendChild(el); $('#pollanswers').raw().appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); el = document.createElement('label'); el.htmlFor = 'answer_' + (i + 1); el.innerHTML = pollanswers[i].value; $('#pollanswers').raw().appendChild(el); $('#pollanswers').raw().appendChild(document.createElement('br')); } if ($('#pollanswers').raw().children.length > 4) { $('#pollpreview').show(); } } } else { // Back to editor $('#pollpreview').hide(); $('#newthreadtitle').raw().innerHTML = 'New Topic'; var pollanswers = $('#pollanswers').raw(); if (pollanswers) { var el = document.createElement('div'); = 'pollanswers'; pollanswers.parentNode.replaceChild(el, pollanswers); } } $('#newthreadtext').toggle(); $('#newthreadpreview').toggle(); $('#subscribediv').toggle(); } function LoadEdit(type, post, depth) { ajax.get("forums.php?action=ajax_get_edit&postid=" + post + "&depth=" + depth + "&type=" + type, function(response) { $('#content' + post).raw().innerHTML = response; } ); } function AddPollOption(id) { var list = $('#poll_options').raw(); var item = document.createElement("li"); var form = document.createElement("form"); form.method = "POST"; var auth = document.createElement("input"); auth.type = "hidden"; = "auth"; auth.value = authkey; form.appendChild(auth); var action = document.createElement("input"); action.type = "hidden"; = "action"; action.value = "add_poll_option"; form.appendChild(action); var threadid = document.createElement("input"); threadid.type = "hidden"; = "threadid"; threadid.value = id; form.appendChild(threadid); var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "text"; = "new_option"; input.size = "50"; form.appendChild(input); var submit = document.createElement("input"); submit.type = "submit"; = "new_submit"; submit.value = "Add"; form.appendChild(submit); item.appendChild(form); list.appendChild(item); } /** * HTML5-compatible storage system * Tries to use 'oninput' event to detect text changes and sessionStorage to save it. * * new StoreText('some_textarea_id', 'some_form_id', 'some_topic_id') * The form is required to remove the stored text once it is submitted. * * Topic ID is required to retrieve the right text on the right topic **/ function StoreText (field, form, topic) { this.field = document.getElementById(field); this.form = document.getElementById(form); this.key = 'auto_save_temp'; this.keyID = 'auto_save_temp_id'; this.topic = +topic; this.load(); } StoreText.prototype = { constructor : StoreText, load : function () { if (this.enabled() && this.valid()) { this.retrieve(); this.autosave(); this.clearForm(); } }, valid : function () { return this.field && this.form && !isNaN(this.topic); }, enabled : function () { return window.sessionStorage && typeof window.sessionStorage === 'object'; }, retrieve : function () { var r = sessionStorage.getItem(this.key); if (this.topic === +sessionStorage.getItem(this.keyID) && r) { this.field.value = r; } }, remove : function () { sessionStorage.removeItem(this.keyID); sessionStorage.removeItem(this.key); }, save : function () { sessionStorage.setItem(this.keyID, this.topic); sessionStorage.setItem(this.key, this.field.value); }, autosave : function () { jQuery(this.field).on(this.getInputEvent(), jQuery.proxy(, this)); }, getInputEvent : function () { var e; if ('oninput' in this.field) { e = 'input'; } else if (document.body.addEventListener) { e = 'change keyup paste cut'; } else { e = 'propertychange'; } return e; }, clearForm : function () { jQuery(this.form).submit(jQuery.proxy(this.remove, this)); } };