addServer($Server['host'], $Server['port'], true, $Server['buckets']); } } //---------- Caching functions ----------// // Allows us to set an expiration on otherwise perminantly cache'd values // Useful for disabled users, locked threads, basically reducing ram usage public function expire_value($Key, $Duration = 2592000) { $StartTime = microtime(true); $this->set($Key, $this->get($Key), $Duration); $this->Time += (microtime(true) - $StartTime) * 1000; } // Wrapper for Memcache::set, with the zlib option removed and default duration of 30 days public function cache_value($Key, $Value, $Duration = 2592000) { $StartTime = microtime(true); if (empty($Key)) { trigger_error("Cache insert failed for empty key"); } if (!$this->set($Key, $Value, 0, $Duration)) { trigger_error("Cache insert failed for key $Key"); } $this->Time += (microtime(true) - $StartTime) * 1000; } // Wrapper for Memcache::add, with the zlib option removed and default duration of 30 days public function add_value($Key, $Value, $Duration = 2592000) { $StartTime = microtime(true); $Added = $this->add($Key, $Value, 0, $Duration); $this->Time += (microtime(true) - $StartTime) * 1000; return $Added; } public function replace_value($Key, $Value, $Duration = 2592000) { $StartTime = microtime(true); $this->replace($Key, $Value, false, $Duration); $this->Time += (microtime(true) - $StartTime) * 1000; } public function get_value($Key, $NoCache = false) { if (!$this->InternalCache) { $NoCache = true; } $StartTime=microtime(true); if (empty($Key)) { trigger_error('Cache retrieval failed for empty key'); } if (isset($_GET['clearcache']) && $this->CanClear && !Misc::in_array_partial($Key, $this->PersistentKeys)) { if ($_GET['clearcache'] === '1') { // Because check_perms() isn't true until LoggedUser is pulled from the cache, we have to remove the entries loaded before the LoggedUser data // Because of this, not user cache data will require a secondary pageload following the clearcache to update if (count($this->CacheHits) > 0) { foreach (array_keys($this->CacheHits) as $HitKey) { if (!isset($this->ClearedKeys[$HitKey]) && !Misc::in_array_partial($HitKey, $this->PersistentKeys)) { $this->delete($HitKey); unset($this->CacheHits[$HitKey]); $this->ClearedKeys[$HitKey] = true; } } } if (!isset($this->ClearedKeys[$Key])) { $this->delete($Key); $this->ClearedKeys[$Key] = true; $this->Time += (microtime(true) - $StartTime) * 1000; return false; } } elseif (!isset($this->ClearedKeys[$Key]) && $_GET['clearcache'] == $Key) { $this->delete($Key); $this->ClearedKeys[$Key] = true; $this->Time += (microtime(true) - $StartTime) * 1000; return false; } elseif ($_GET['clearcache'] == $Key) { $this->delete($Key); $this->Time += (microtime(true) - $StartTime) * 1000; return false; } elseif (substr($_GET['clearcache'], -1) === '*') { $Prefix = substr($_GET['clearcache'], 0, -1); if ($Prefix == substr($Key, 0, strlen($Prefix))) { $this->delete($Key); $this->Time += (microtime(true) - $StartTime) * 1000; return false; } } elseif (!isset($this->ClearedKeys[$_GET['clearcache']]) && isset($this->CacheHits[$_GET['clearcache']])) { unset($this->CacheHits[$_GET['clearcache']]); $this->ClearedKeys[$_GET['clearcache']] = true; $this->delete($_GET['clearcache']); } } // For cases like the forums, if a key is already loaded, grab the existing pointer if (isset($this->CacheHits[$Key]) && !$NoCache) { $this->Time += (microtime(true) - $StartTime) * 1000; return $this->CacheHits[$Key]; } $Return = $this->get($Key); if ($Return !== false) { $this->CacheHits[$Key] = $NoCache ? null : $Return; } $this->Time += (microtime(true) - $StartTime) * 1000; return $Return; } // Wrapper for Memcache::delete. For a reason, see above. public function delete_value($Key) { $StartTime = microtime(true); if (empty($Key)) { trigger_error('Cache deletion failed for empty key'); } if (!$this->delete($Key)) { //trigger_error("Cache delete failed for key $Key"); } $this->Time += (microtime(true) - $StartTime) * 1000; } public function increment_value($Key, $Value = 1) { $StartTime = microtime(true); $this->increment($Key, $Value); $this->Time += (microtime(true) - $StartTime) * 1000; } //---------- memcachedb functions ----------// public function begin_transaction($Key) { $Value = $this->get($Key); if (!is_array($Value)) { $this->InTransaction = false; $this->MemcacheDBKey = array(); $this->MemcacheDBKey = ''; return false; } $this->MemcacheDBArray = $Value; $this->MemcacheDBKey = $Key; $this->InTransaction = true; return true; } public function cancel_transaction() { $this->InTransaction = false; $this->MemcacheDBKey = array(); $this->MemcacheDBKey = ''; } public function commit_transaction($Time = 2592000) { if (!$this->InTransaction) { return false; } $this->cache_value($this->MemcacheDBKey, $this->MemcacheDBArray, $Time); $this->InTransaction = false; } // Updates multiple rows in an array public function update_transaction($Rows, $Values) { if (!$this->InTransaction) { return false; } $Array = $this->MemcacheDBArray; if (is_array($Rows)) { $i = 0; $Keys = $Rows[0]; $Property = $Rows[1]; foreach ($Keys as $Row) { $Array[$Row][$Property] = $Values[$i]; $i++; } } else { $Array[$Rows] = $Values; } $this->MemcacheDBArray = $Array; } // Updates multiple values in a single row in an array // $Values must be an associative array with key:value pairs like in the array we're updating public function update_row($Row, $Values) { if (!$this->InTransaction) { return false; } if ($Row === false) { $UpdateArray = $this->MemcacheDBArray; } else { $UpdateArray = $this->MemcacheDBArray[$Row]; } foreach ($Values as $Key => $Value) { if (!array_key_exists($Key, $UpdateArray)) { trigger_error('Bad transaction key ('.$Key.') for cache '.$this->MemcacheDBKey); } if ($Value === '+1') { if (!is_number($UpdateArray[$Key])) { trigger_error('Tried to increment non-number ('.$Key.') for cache '.$this->MemcacheDBKey); } ++$UpdateArray[$Key]; // Increment value } elseif ($Value === '-1') { if (!is_number($UpdateArray[$Key])) { trigger_error('Tried to decrement non-number ('.$Key.') for cache '.$this->MemcacheDBKey); } --$UpdateArray[$Key]; // Decrement value } else { $UpdateArray[$Key] = $Value; // Otherwise, just alter value } } if ($Row === false) { $this->MemcacheDBArray = $UpdateArray; } else { $this->MemcacheDBArray[$Row] = $UpdateArray; } } // Increments multiple values in a single row in an array // $Values must be an associative array with key:value pairs like in the array we're updating public function increment_row($Row, $Values) { if (!$this->InTransaction) { return false; } if ($Row === false) { $UpdateArray = $this->MemcacheDBArray; } else { $UpdateArray = $this->MemcacheDBArray[$Row]; } foreach ($Values as $Key => $Value) { if (!array_key_exists($Key, $UpdateArray)) { trigger_error("Bad transaction key ($Key) for cache ".$this->MemcacheDBKey); } if (!is_number($Value)) { trigger_error("Tried to increment with non-number ($Key) for cache ".$this->MemcacheDBKey); } $UpdateArray[$Key] += $Value; // Increment value } if ($Row === false) { $this->MemcacheDBArray = $UpdateArray; } else { $this->MemcacheDBArray[$Row] = $UpdateArray; } } // Insert a value at the beginning of the array public function insert_front($Key, $Value) { if (!$this->InTransaction) { return false; } if ($Key === '') { array_unshift($this->MemcacheDBArray, $Value); } else { $this->MemcacheDBArray = array($Key=>$Value) + $this->MemcacheDBArray; } } // Insert a value at the end of the array public function insert_back($Key, $Value) { if (!$this->InTransaction) { return false; } if ($Key === '') { array_push($this->MemcacheDBArray, $Value); } else { $this->MemcacheDBArray = $this->MemcacheDBArray + array($Key=>$Value); } } public function insert($Key, $Value) { if (!$this->InTransaction) { return false; } if ($Key === '') { $this->MemcacheDBArray[] = $Value; } else { $this->MemcacheDBArray[$Key] = $Value; } } public function delete_row($Row) { if (!$this->InTransaction) { return false; } if (!isset($this->MemcacheDBArray[$Row])) { trigger_error("Tried to delete non-existent row ($Row) for cache ".$this->MemcacheDBKey); } unset($this->MemcacheDBArray[$Row]); } public function update($Key, $Rows, $Values, $Time = 2592000) { if (!$this->InTransaction) { $this->begin_transaction($Key); $this->update_transaction($Rows, $Values); $this->commit_transaction($Time); } else { $this->update_transaction($Rows, $Values); } } /** * Tries to set a lock. Expiry time is one hour to avoid indefinite locks * * @param string $LockName name on the lock * @return true if lock was acquired */ public function get_query_lock($LockName) { return $this->add_value('query_lock_'.$LockName, 1, 3600); } /** * Remove lock * * @param string $LockName name on the lock */ public function clear_query_lock($LockName) { $this->delete_value('query_lock_'.$LockName); } }