<? /*-- Image Start Class ---------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Simplified version of script_start, used for the */ /* sitewide image proxy. */ /*------------------------------------------------------*/ /********************************************************/ if(isset($_SERVER['http_if_modified_since'])) { header("Status: 304 Not Modified"); die(); } header('Expires: '.date('D, d-M-Y H:i:s \U\T\C',time()+3600*24*120)); //120 days header('Last-Modified: '.date('D, d-M-Y H:i:s \U\T\C',time())); require('classes/config.php'); //The config contains all site wide configuration information as well as memcached rules if (!extension_loaded('gd')) { error('nogd'); } require(SERVER_ROOT.'/classes/class_cache.php'); //Require the caching class require(SERVER_ROOT.'/classes/class_encrypt.php'); //Require the encryption class require(SERVER_ROOT.'/classes/regex.php'); $Cache = NEW CACHE; //Load the caching class $Enc = NEW CRYPT; //Load the encryption class if (isset($_COOKIE['session'])) { $LoginCookie=$Enc->decrypt($_COOKIE['session']); } if(isset($LoginCookie)) { list($SessionID, $UserID)=explode("|~|",$Enc->decrypt($LoginCookie)); $UserID = (int)$UserID; $UserInfo = $Cache->get_value('user_info_'.$UserID); $Permissions = $Cache->get_value('perm_'.$UserInfo['PermissionID']); } function check_perms($PermissionName) { global $Permissions; return (isset($Permissions['Permissions'][$PermissionName])) ? true : false; } function error($Type) { header('Content-type: image/gif'); die(file_get_contents(SERVER_ROOT.'/sections/image/'.$Type.'.gif')); } function invisible($Image) { $Count = imagecolorstotal($Image); if ($Count == 0) { return false; } $TotalAlpha = 0; for ($i=0; $i<$Count; ++$i) { $Color = imagecolorsforindex($Image,$i); $TotalAlpha += $Color['alpha']; } return (($TotalAlpha/$Count) == 127) ? true : false; } function is_number($Str) { $Return = true; if ($Str < 0) { $Return = false; } // We're converting input to a int, then string and comparing to original $Return = ($Str == strval(intval($Str)) ? true : false); return $Return; } function verysmall($Image) { return ((imagesx($Image) * imagesy($Image)) < 25) ? true : false; } function image_height($Type, $Data) { $Length = strlen($Data); global $URL, $_GET; switch($Type) { case 'jpeg': // See http://www.obrador.com/essentialjpeg/headerinfo.htm $i = 4; $Data = (substr($Data, $i)); $Block = unpack('nLength', $Data); $Data = substr($Data, $Block['Length']); $i+=$Block['Length']; $Str []= "Started 4, + ".$Block['Length']; while($Data!='') { // iterate through the blocks until we find the start of frame marker (FFC0) $Block = unpack('CBlock/CType/nLength', $Data); // Get info about the block if($Block['Block'] != '255') { break; } // We should be at the start of a new block if($Block['Type'] != '192') { // C0 $Data = substr($Data, $Block['Length']+2); // Next block $Str []= "Started ".$i.", + ".($Block['Length']+2); $i+=($Block['Length']+2); } else { // We're at the FFC0 block $Data = substr($Data, 5); // Skip FF C0 Length(2) precision(1) $i+=5; $Height = unpack('nHeight', $Data); return $Height['Height']; } } break; case 'gif': $Data = substr($Data, 8); $Height = unpack('vHeight', $Data); return $Height['Height']; case 'png': $Data = substr($Data, 20); $Height = unpack('NHeight', $Data); return $Height['Height']; default: return 0; } } function send_pm($ToID,$FromID,$Subject,$Body,$ConvID='') { global $DB, $Cache; if($ToID==0) { // Don't allow users to send messages to the system return; } if($ConvID=='') { $DB->query("INSERT INTO pm_conversations(Subject) VALUES ('".$Subject."')"); $ConvID = $DB->inserted_id(); $DB->query("INSERT INTO pm_conversations_users (UserID, ConvID, InInbox, InSentbox, SentDate, ReceivedDate, UnRead) VALUES ('$ToID', '$ConvID', '1','0','".sqltime()."', '".sqltime()."', '1')"); if ($FromID != 0) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO pm_conversations_users (UserID, ConvID, InInbox, InSentbox, SentDate, ReceivedDate, UnRead) VALUES ('$FromID', '$ConvID', '0','1','".sqltime()."', '".sqltime()."', '0')"); } } else { $DB->query("UPDATE pm_conversations_users SET InInbox='1', UnRead='1', ReceivedDate='".sqltime()."' WHERE UserID='$ToID' AND ConvID='$ConvID'"); $DB->query("UPDATE pm_conversations_users SET InSentbox='1', SentDate='".sqltime()."' WHERE UserID='$FromID' AND ConvID='$ConvID'"); } $DB->query("INSERT INTO pm_messages (SenderID, ConvID, SentDate, Body) VALUES ('$FromID', '$ConvID', '".sqltime()."', '".$Body."')"); // Clear the caches of the inbox and sentbox //$DB->query("SELECT UnRead from pm_conversations_users WHERE ConvID='$ConvID' AND UserID='$ToID'"); $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(ConvID) FROM pm_conversations_users WHERE UnRead = '1' and UserID='$ToID' AND InInbox = '1'"); list($UnRead) = $DB->next_record(MYSQLI_BOTH, FALSE); $Cache->cache_value('inbox_new_'.$ToID, $UnRead); //if ($UnRead == 0) { // $Cache->increment('inbox_new_'.$ToID); //} return $ConvID; } function send_irc($Raw) { $IRCSocket = fsockopen(SOCKET_LISTEN_ADDRESS, SOCKET_LISTEN_PORT); fwrite($IRCSocket, $Raw); fclose($IRCSocket); } require(SERVER_ROOT.'/sections/image/index.php'); ?>