<? /* * This is the AJAX backend for the SendNow() function. */ authorize(); if(!check_perms('admin_reports')){ echo 'HAX on premissions!'; die(); } $Recipient = $_POST['pm_type']; $TorrentID = $_POST['torrentid']; if(isset($_POST['uploader_pm']) && $_POST['uploader_pm'] != "") { $Message = $_POST['uploader_pm']; } else { //No message given die(); } if(!is_number($_POST['categoryid']) || !is_number($TorrentID)) { echo 'HAX on categoryid!'; die(); } else { $CategoryID = $_POST['categoryid']; } if (array_key_exists($_POST['type'], $Types[$CategoryID])) { $ReportType = $Types[$CategoryID][$_POST['type']]; } else if(array_key_exists($_POST['type'],$Types['master'])) { $ReportType = $Types['master'][$_POST['type']]; } else { //There was a type but it wasn't an option! echo 'HAX on section type'; die(); } if(!isset($_POST['from_delete'])) { $Report = true; } else if(!is_number($_POST['from_delete'])) { echo 'Hax occured in from_delete'; } if($Recipient == 'Uploader') { $ToID = $_POST['uploaderid']; if($Report) { $Message = "You uploaded [url=https://".SSL_SITE_URL."/torrents.php?torrentid=".$TorrentID."]the above torrent[/url]. It has been reported for the reason: ".$ReportType['title']."\n\n".$Message; } else { $Message = "I am PMing you as you are the uploader of [url=https://".SSL_SITE_URL."/torrents.php?torrentid=".$TorrentID."]the above torrent[/url].\n\n".$Message; } } else if($Recipient == 'Reporter') { $ToID = $_POST['reporterid']; $Message = "You reported [url=https://".SSL_SITE_URL."/torrents.php?torrentid=".$TorrentID."]the above torrent[/url] for the reason ".$ReportType['title'].":\n[quote]".$_POST['report_reason']."[/quote]\n".$Message; } else { $Err = "Something went horribly wrong"; } $Subject = $_POST['raw_name']; if(!is_number($ToID)) { $Err = "Haxx occuring, non number present"; } if($ToID == $LoggedUser['ID']) { $Err = "That's you!"; } if(isset($Err)) { echo $Err; } else { Misc::send_pm($ToID, $LoggedUser['ID'], $Subject, $Message); }