'failure')); die(); } if (isset($_GET['pp'])) { $PerPage = $_GET['pp']; } else if (isset($LoggedUser['PostsPerPage'])) { $PerPage = $LoggedUser['PostsPerPage']; } else { $PerPage = POSTS_PER_PAGE; } list($Page,$Limit) = page_limit(TOPICS_PER_PAGE); //---------- Get some data to start processing // Caching anything beyond the first page of any given forum is just wasting ram // users are more likely to search then to browse to page 2 if($Page==1) { list($Forum,,,$Stickies) = $Cache->get_value('forums_'.$ForumID); } if(!isset($Forum) || !is_array($Forum)) { $DB->query("SELECT t.ID, t.Title, t.AuthorID, t.IsLocked, t.IsSticky, t.NumPosts, t.LastPostID, t.LastPostTime, t.LastPostAuthorID, FROM forums_topics AS t WHERE t.ForumID = '$ForumID' ORDER BY t.IsSticky DESC, t.LastPostTime DESC LIMIT $Limit"); // Can be cached until someone makes a new post $Forum = $DB->to_array('ID',MYSQLI_ASSOC); if($Page==1) { $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM forums_topics WHERE ForumID='$ForumID' AND IsSticky='1'"); list($Stickies) = $DB->next_record(); $Cache->cache_value('forums_'.$ForumID, array($Forum,'',0,$Stickies), 0); } } if(!isset($Forums[$ForumID])) { print json_encode(array('status' => 'failure')); die(); } // Make sure they're allowed to look at the page if (!check_perms('site_moderate_forums')) { if (isset($LoggedUser['CustomForums'][$ForumID]) && $LoggedUser['CustomForums'][$ForumID] === 0) { error(403); } } if($LoggedUser['CustomForums'][$ForumID] != 1 && $Forums[$ForumID]['MinClassRead'] > $LoggedUser['Class']) { error(403); } $JsonSpecificRules = array(); foreach ($Forums[$ForumID]['SpecificRules'] as $ThreadIDs) { $Thread = get_thread_info($ThreadIDs); $JsonSpecificRules[] = array( 'threadId' => (int) $ThreadIDs, 'thread' => $Thread['Title'] ); } $Pages=get_pages($Page,$Forums[$ForumID]['NumTopics'],TOPICS_PER_PAGE,9); if (count($Forum) == 0) { print json_encode( array( 'status' => 'success', 'forumName' => $Forums[$ForumID]['Name'], 'threads' => array() ) ); } else { // forums_last_read_topics is a record of the last post a user read in a topic, and what page that was on $DB->query('SELECT l.TopicID, l.PostID, CEIL((SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM forums_posts WHERE forums_posts.TopicID = l.TopicID AND forums_posts.ID<=l.PostID)/'.$PerPage.') AS Page FROM forums_last_read_topics AS l WHERE TopicID IN('.implode(', ', array_keys($Forum)).') AND UserID=\''.$LoggedUser['ID'].'\''); // Turns the result set into a multi-dimensional array, with // forums_last_read_topics.TopicID as the key. // This is done here so we get the benefit of the caching, and we // don't have to make a database query for each topic on the page $LastRead = $DB->to_array('TopicID'); $JsonTopics = array(); foreach ($Forum as $Topic) { list($TopicID, $Title, $AuthorID, $Locked, $Sticky, $PostCount, $LastID, $LastTime, $LastAuthorID) = array_values($Topic); // handle read/unread posts - the reason we can't cache the whole page if((!$Locked || $Sticky) && ((empty($LastRead[$TopicID]) || $LastRead[$TopicID]['PostID']<$LastID) && strtotime($LastTime)>$LoggedUser['CatchupTime'])) { $Read = 'unread'; } else { $Read = 'read'; } $UserInfo = user_info($AuthorID); $AuthorName = $UserInfo['Username']; $UserInfo = user_info($LastAuthorID); $LastAuthorName = $UserInfo['Username']; $JsonTopics[] = array( 'topicId' => (int) $TopicID, 'title' => $Title, 'authorId' => (int) $AuthorID, 'authorName' => $AuthorName, 'locked' => $Locked == 1, 'sticky' => $Sticky == 1, 'postCount' => (int) $PostCount, 'lastID' => $LastID == null ? 0 : (int) $LastID, 'lastTime' => $LastTime, 'lastAuthorId' => $LastAuthorID == null ? 0 : (int) $LastAuthorID, 'lastAuthorName' => $LastAuthorName == null ? "" : $LastAuthorName, 'lastReadPage' => $LastRead[$TopicID]['Page'] == null ? 0 : (int) $LastRead[$TopicID]['Page'], 'lastReadPostId' => $LastRead[$TopicID]['PostID'] == null ? 0 : (int) $LastRead[$TopicID]['PostID'] ); } print json_encode( array( 'status' => 'success', 'response' => array( 'forumName' => $Forums[$ForumID]['Name'], 'specificRules' => $JsonSpecificRules, 'currentPage' => (int) $Page, 'pages' => ceil($Forums[$ForumID]['NumTopics']/TOPICS_PER_PAGE), 'threads' => $JsonTopics ) ) ); } ?>