Other reports stats!

query("SELECT um.Username, COUNT(r.ID) AS Reports FROM reports AS r JOIN users_main AS um ON um.ID=r.ResolverID WHERE r.ReportedTime > '2009-08-21 22:39:41' AND r.ReportedTime > NOW() - INTERVAL 24 HOUR GROUP BY r.ResolverID ORDER BY Reports DESC"); $Results = $DB->to_array(); ?> query("SELECT um.Username, COUNT(r.ID) AS Reports FROM reports AS r JOIN users_main AS um ON um.ID=r.ResolverID WHERE r.ReportedTime > '2009-08-21 22:39:41' AND r.ReportedTime > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK GROUP BY r.ResolverID ORDER BY Reports DESC"); $Results = $DB->to_array(); ?> query("SELECT um.Username, COUNT(r.ID) AS Reports FROM reports AS r JOIN users_main AS um ON um.ID=r.ResolverID WHERE r.ReportedTime > '2009-08-21 22:39:41' AND r.ReportedTime > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH GROUP BY r.ResolverID ORDER BY Reports DESC"); $Results = $DB->to_array(); ?> query("SELECT um.Username, COUNT(r.ID) AS Reports FROM reports AS r JOIN users_main AS um ON um.ID=r.ResolverID GROUP BY r.ResolverID ORDER BY Reports DESC"); $Results = $DB->to_array(); ?> query("select u.Username, count(LastPostAuthorID) as Trashed from forums_topics as f left join users_main as u on u.id = LastPostAuthorID where ForumID = 12 group by LastPostAuthorID order by Trashed desc limit 30;"); $Results = $DB->to_array(); ?>
Reports resolved in the last 24 hours
Username Reports
Reports resolved in the last week
Username Reports
Reports resolved in the last month
Username Reports
Reports resolved since 'other' reports (2009-08-21)
Username Reports
Threads trashed since the beginning of time
Place Username Trashed