query("SELECT Username FROM users_main WHERE ID='$ToID'"); list($ComposeToUsername) = $DB->next_record(); if(!$ComposeToUsername) { error(404); } show_header('Compose', 'inbox,bbcode'); switch($Type) { case "user" : $DB->query("SELECT Username FROM users_main WHERE ID=".$ThingID); if($DB->record_count() < 1) { $Error = "No user with the reported ID found"; } else { list($Username) = $DB->next_record(); $TypeLink = "[user]".$Username."[/user]"; $Subject = "User Report: ". display_str($Username); } break; case "request" : case "request_update" : $DB->query("SELECT Title FROM requests WHERE ID=".$ThingID); if($DB->record_count() < 1) { $Error = "No request with the reported ID found"; } else { list($Name) = $DB->next_record(); $TypeLink = "[url=https://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."requests.php?action=view&id=".$ThingID."]".display_str($Name)."[/url]"; $Subject = "Request Report: ". display_str($Name); } break; case "collage" : $DB->query("SELECT Name FROM collages WHERE ID=".$ThingID); if($DB->record_count() < 1) { $Error = "No collage with the reported ID found"; } else { list($Name) = $DB->next_record(); $TypeLink = "[url=https://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."collage.php?id=".$ThingID."]".display_str($Name)."[/url]"; $Subject = "Collage Report: ". display_str($Name); } break; case "thread" : $DB->query("SELECT Title FROM forums_topics WHERE ID=".$ThingID); if($DB->record_count() < 1) { $Error = "No forum thread with the reported ID found"; } else { list($Title) = $DB->next_record(); $TypeLink = "[url=https://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=".$ThingID."]".display_str($Title)."[/url]"; $Subject = "Thread Report: ". display_str($Title); } break; case "post" : if (isset($LoggedUser['PostsPerPage'])) { $PerPage = $LoggedUser['PostsPerPage']; } else { $PerPage = POSTS_PER_PAGE; } $DB->query("SELECT p.ID, p.Body, p.TopicID, (SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM forums_posts WHERE forums_posts.TopicID = p.TopicID AND forums_posts.ID<=p.ID) AS PostNum FROM forums_posts AS p WHERE ID=".$ThingID); if($DB->record_count() < 1) { $Error = "No forum post with the reported ID found"; } else { list($PostID,$Body,$TopicID,$PostNum) = $DB->next_record(); $TypeLink = "[url=https://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=".$TopicID."&post=".$PostNum."#post".$PostID."]FORUM POST[/url]"; $Subject = "Post Report"; } break; case "requests_comment" : $DB->query("SELECT rc.RequestID, rc.Body, (SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM requests_comments WHERE ID <= ".$ThingID." AND requests_comments.RequestID = rc.RequestID) AS CommentNum FROM requests_comments AS rc WHERE ID=".$ThingID); if($DB->record_count() < 1) { $Error = "No request comment with the reported ID found"; } else { list($RequestID, $Body, $PostNum) = $DB->next_record(); $PageNum = ceil($PostNum / TORRENT_COMMENTS_PER_PAGE); $TypeLink = "[url=https://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."requests.php?action=view&id=".$RequestID."&page=".$PageNum."#post".$ThingID."]REQUEST COMMENT[/url]"; $Subject = "Request Comment Report"; } break; case "torrents_comment" : $DB->query("SELECT tc.GroupID, tc.Body, (SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM torrents_comments WHERE ID <= ".$ThingID." AND torrents_comments.GroupID = tc.GroupID) AS CommentNum FROM torrents_comments AS tc WHERE ID=".$ThingID); if($DB->record_count() < 1) { $Error = "No torrent comment with the reported ID found"; } else { list($GroupID, $Body, $PostNum) = $DB->next_record(); $PageNum = ceil($PostNum / TORRENT_COMMENTS_PER_PAGE); $TypeLink = "[url=https://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."torrents.php?id=".$GroupID."&page=".$PageNum."#post".$ThingID."]TORRENT COMMENT[/url]"; $Subject = "Torrent Comment Report"; } break; case "collages_comment" : $DB->query("SELECT cc.CollageID, cc.Body, (SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM collages_comments WHERE ID <= ".$ThingID." AND collages_comments.CollageID = cc.CollageID) AS CommentNum FROM collages_comments AS cc WHERE ID=".$ThingID); if($DB->record_count() < 1) { $Error = "No collage comment with the reported ID found"; } else { list($CollageID, $Body, $PostNum) = $DB->next_record(); $PerPage = POSTS_PER_PAGE; $PageNum = ceil($PostNum / $PerPage); $TypeLink = "[url=https://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."collage.php?action=comments&collageid=".$CollageID."&page=".$PageNum."#post".$ThingID."]COLLAGE COMMENT[/url]"; $Subject = "Collage Comment Report"; } break; default: error("Incorrect type"); break; } if(isset($Error)) { error($Error); } $DB->query("SELECT r.Reason FROM reports AS r WHERE r.ID = $ReportID"); list($Reason) = $DB->next_record(); $Body = "You reported this $TypeLink for the reason:\n[quote]".$Reason."[/quote]"; ?>

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