'ID', 'Name'=>'c.Name', 'Subscribers'=> 'c.Subscribers', 'Torrents'=>'NumTorrents', 'Updated' => 'c.Updated'); $WayTable = array('Ascending'=>'ASC', 'Descending'=>'DESC'); // Are we searching in bodies, or just names? if (!empty($_GET['type'])) { $Type = $_GET['type']; if (!in_array($Type, array('c.name', 'description'))) { $Type = 'c.name'; } } else { $Type = 'c.name'; } if (!empty($_GET['search'])) { // What are we looking for? Let's make sure it isn't dangerous. $Search = db_string(trim($_GET['search'])); // Break search string down into individual words $Words = explode(' ', $Search); } if (!empty($_GET['tags'])) { $Tags = explode(',',db_string(trim($_GET['tags']))); foreach ($Tags as $ID=>$Tag) { $Tags[$ID] = Misc::sanitize_tag($Tag); } } if (!empty($_GET['cats'])) { $Categories = $_GET['cats']; foreach ($Categories as $Cat=>$Accept) { if (empty($CollageCats[$Cat]) || !$Accept) { unset($Categories[$Cat]); } } $Categories = array_keys($Categories); } else { $Categories = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); } // Ordering if (!empty($_GET['order_by']) && !empty($OrderTable[$_GET['order_by']])) { $Order = $OrderTable[$_GET['order_by']]; } else { $Order = 'ID'; } if (!empty($_GET['order_way']) && !empty($WayTable[$_GET['order_way']])) { $Way = $WayTable[$_GET['order_way']]; } else { $Way = 'DESC'; } $BookmarkView = !empty($_GET['bookmarks']); if ($BookmarkView) { $Categories[] = 0; $BookmarkJoin = 'INNER JOIN bookmarks_collages AS bc ON c.ID = bc.CollageID'; } else { $BookmarkJoin = ''; } $BaseSQL = $SQL = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS c.ID, c.Name, c.NumTorrents, c.TagList, c.CategoryID, c.UserID, c.Subscribers, c.Updated FROM collages AS c $BookmarkJoin WHERE Deleted = '0'"; if ($BookmarkView) { $SQL .= " AND bc.UserID = '" . $LoggedUser['ID'] . "'"; } if (!empty($Search)) { $SQL .= " AND $Type LIKE '%"; $SQL .= implode("%' AND $Type LIKE '%", $Words); $SQL .= "%'"; } if (isset($_GET['tags_type']) && $_GET['tags_type'] == 0) { // Any $_GET['tags_type'] = 0; } else { // All $_GET['tags_type'] = 1; } if (!empty($Tags)) { $SQL.= " AND (TagList LIKE '%"; if ($_GET['tags_type'] == 0) { $SQL .= implode("%' OR TagList LIKE '%", $Tags); } else { $SQL .= implode("%' AND TagList LIKE '%", $Tags); } $SQL .= "%')"; } if (!empty($_GET['userid'])) { $UserID = $_GET['userid']; if (!is_number($UserID)) { error(404); } $User = Users::user_info($UserID); $Perms = Permissions::get_permissions($User['PermissionID']); $UserClass = $Perms['Class']; $UserLink = ''.$User['Username'].''; if (!empty($_GET['contrib'])) { if (!check_paranoia('collagecontribs', $User['Paranoia'], $UserClass, $UserID)) { error(403); } $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT CollageID FROM collages_torrents WHERE UserID = $UserID"); $CollageIDs = $DB->collect('CollageID'); if (empty($CollageIDs)) { $SQL .= " AND 0"; } else { $SQL .= " AND c.ID IN(".db_string(implode(',', $CollageIDs)).")"; } } else { if (!check_paranoia('collages', $User['Paranoia'], $UserClass, $UserID)) { error(403); } $SQL .= " AND UserID='".$_GET['userid']."'"; } $Categories[] = 0; } if (!empty($Categories)) { $SQL .= " AND CategoryID IN(".db_string(implode(',', $Categories)).')'; } if ($_GET['action'] == 'mine') { $SQL = $BaseSQL; $SQL .= " AND c.UserID = '".$LoggedUser['ID']."' AND c.CategoryID = 0"; } $SQL .= " ORDER BY $Order $Way LIMIT $Limit"; $DB->query($SQL); $Collages = $DB->to_array(); $DB->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()'); list($NumResults) = $DB->next_record(); View::show_header(($BookmarkView) ? 'Your bookmarked collages' : 'Browse collages'); ?>
Make sure all names are spelled correctly, or try making your search less specific.
} ?>Category | Collage | Torrents | Subscribers | Updated | Author |
=$CollageCats[(int)$CategoryID]?> | =$Name?> if ($BookmarkView) { ?> Remove bookmark } ?> | =number_format((int)$NumTorrents)?> | =number_format((int)$Subscribers)?> | =time_diff($Updated)?> | =Users::format_username($UserID, false, false, false)?> |