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Please confirm that you wish to place this large a vote.')) { return false; } } } ajax.get('requests.php?action=takevote&id=' + requestid + '&auth=' + authkey + '&amount=' + amount, function (response) { if (response == 'bankrupt') { error_message("You do not have sufficient upload credit to add " + get_size(amount) + " to this request"); return; } else if (response == 'dupesuccess') { //No increment } else if (response == 'success') { votecount.innerHTML = (parseInt(votecount.innerHTML)) + 1; } if ($('#total_bounty').results() > 0) { totalBounty = parseInt($('#total_bounty').raw().value); totalBounty += (amount * (1 - $('#request_tax').raw().value)); $('#total_bounty').raw().value = totalBounty; $('#formatted_bounty').raw().innerHTML = get_size(totalBounty); save_message("Your vote of " + get_size(amount) + ", adding a " + get_size(amount * (1 - $('#request_tax').raw().value)) + " bounty, has been added"); $('#button').raw().disabled = true; } else { save_message("Your vote of " + get_size(amount) + " has been added"); } } ); } function Calculate() { var mul = (($('#unit').raw().options[$('#unit').raw().selectedIndex].value == 'mb') ? 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