query("SELECT m.Username, m.Email, m.IRCKey, m.Paranoia, i.Info, i.Avatar, i.Country, i.StyleID, i.StyleURL, i.SiteOptions, i.UnseededAlerts, p.Level AS Class FROM users_main AS m JOIN users_info AS i ON i.UserID = m.ID LEFT JOIN permissions AS p ON p.ID=m.PermissionID WHERE m.ID = '".db_string($UserID)."'"); list($Username,$Email,$IRCKey,$Paranoia,$Info,$Avatar,$Country,$StyleID,$StyleURL,$SiteOptions,$UnseededAlerts,$Class)=$DB->next_record(MYSQLI_NUM, array(3,9)); if($UserID != $LoggedUser['ID'] && !check_perms('users_edit_profiles', $Class)) { error(403); } $Paranoia = unserialize($Paranoia); if(!is_array($Paranoia)) { $Paranoia = array(); } function paranoia_level($Setting) { global $Paranoia; // 0: very paranoid; 1: stats allowed, list disallowed; 2: not paranoid return (in_array($Setting . '+', $Paranoia)) ? 0 : (in_array($Setting, $Paranoia) ? 1 : 2); } function display_paranoia($FieldName) { $Level = paranoia_level($FieldName); print ''."  \n"; print ''; } function checked($Checked) { return $Checked ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; } if ($SiteOptions) { $SiteOptions = unserialize($SiteOptions); } else { $SiteOptions = array(); } View::show_header($Username.' > Settings','user,jquery,jquery-ui,release_sort,password_validate,validate,push_settings'); echo $Val->GenerateJS('userform'); ?>

> Settings

Site preferences
Stylesheet      - Or -      External CSS:
Default search type
Torrent grouping  
Discography view
Show Snatched Torrents checked="checked" />
Forum posts per page
Sort/Hide release types Expand
Collage album covers to show per page
Browse page tag list
Subscription checked="checked" />
Quote Notifications checked="checked" />
Smileys checked="checked" />
Mature Content checked="checked" />
Push Notifications

If set, this field will be used in place of the password in the IRC login.

Note: This value is stored in plaintext and should not be your password.

Note: In order to be accepted as correct, your IRCKey must be between 6 and 32 characters.

Paranoia settings

Note: Paranoia has nothing to do with your security on this site; the only thing affected by this setting is other users' ability to see your site activity and taste in music.

Select the elements you want to show on your profile. For example, if you tick "Show count" for "Snatched", users will be able to see how many torrents you have snatched. If you tick "Show list", they will be able to see the full list of torrents you've snatched.

Some information will still be available in the site log.

Recent activity
Torrent comments
Collages started
Collages contributed to
Requests filled      
Requests voted      
Unique groups
"Perfect" FLACs
Miscellaneous query("SELECT COUNT(UserID) FROM users_info WHERE Inviter='$UserID'"); list($Invited) = $DB->next_record(); ?>
query("SELECT COUNT(ta.ArtistID) FROM torrents_artists AS ta WHERE ta.UserID = ".$UserID); list($ArtistsAdded) = $DB->next_record(); ?>
Reset passkey
Reset passkey
See also this wiki article
Change password

A strong password is between 8 and 40 characters long

Contains at least 1 lowercase and uppercase letter

Contains at least a number or symbol

Current password
New password
Re-type new password