 * This super class is used to manage the ammount of textareas there are and to
 * generate the required JavaScript that enables the previews to work.
	 * @static
	 * @var int $Textareas Total number of textareas created
	protected static $Textareas = 0;

	 * @static
	 * @var array $_ID Array of textarea IDs
	protected static $_ID = array();

	 * @static
	 * @var bool For use in JavaScript method
	private static $Exectuted = false;

	 * This method should only run once with $all as true and should be placed
	 * in the header or footer.
	 * If $all is true, it includes TextareaPreview and jQuery
	 * jQuery is required for this to work, include it in the headers.
	 * @static
	 * @param bool $all Output all required scripts, otherwise just do iterator()
	 * @example <pre><?php TEXT_PREVIEW::JavaScript(); ?></pre>
	 * @return void
	public static function JavaScript ($all = true) {
		if (self::$Textareas === 0) {
		if (self::$Exectuted === false && $all) {

		self::$Exectuted = true;

	 * This iterator generates JavaScript to initialize each JavaScript
	 * TextareaPreview object.
	 * It will generate a numeric or custom ID related to the textarea.
	 * @static
	 * @return void
	private static function iterator() {
		$script = array();
		for ($i = 0; $i < self::$Textareas; $i++) {
			if (isset(self::$_ID[$i]) && is_string(self::$_ID[$i])) {
				$a = sprintf('%d, "%s"', $i, self::$_ID[$i]);
			} else {
				$a = $i;
			$script[] = sprintf('[%s]', $a);
		if (!empty($script)) {
			View::parse('generic/textarea/script_factory.phtml', array('script' => join(', ', $script)));

 * Textarea Preview Class
 * This class generates a textarea that works with the JS preview script.
 * Templates found in design/views/generic/textarea
 * @example <pre><?php
 *  // Create a textarea with a name of content.
 *  // Buttons and preview divs are generated automatically near the textarea.
 *  new TEXTAREA_PREVIEW('content');
 *  // Create a textarea with name and id body_text with default text and
 *  // no buttons or wrap preview divs.
 *  // Buttons and preview divs are generated manually
 *  $text = new TEXTAREA_PREVIEW('body_text', 'body_text', 'default text',
 *					50, 20, false, false, array('disabled="disabled"', 'class="text"'));
 *  $text->buttons(); // output buttons
 *  $text->preview(); // output preview div
 * // Create a textarea with custom preview wrapper around a table
 * // the table will be (in)visible depending on the toggle
 * $text = new TEXTAREA_PREVIEW('body', '', '', 30, 10, false, false);
 * $id = $text->getID();
 * // some template
 * <div id="preview_wrap_<?=$id?>">
 *		<table>
 *			<tr>
 *				<td>
 *					<div id="preview_<?=$id?>"></div>
 *				</td>
 *			</tr>
 *		</table>
 * </div>
 * </pre>
	 * @var int Unique ID
	private $id;

	 * Flag for preview output
	 * @var bool $preview
	private $preview = false;

	 * String table
	 * @var string Buffer
	private $buffer = null;

	 * This method creates a textarea
	 * @param string $Name		name attribute
	 * @param string $ID		id attribute
	 * @param string $Value		default text attribute
	 * @param string $Cols		cols attribute
	 * @param string $Rows		rows attribute
	 * @param bool   $Preview	add the preview divs near the textarea
	 * @param bool   $Buttons	add the edit/preview buttons near the textarea
	 * @param bool   $Buffer	doesn't output the textarea, use getBuffer()
	 * @param array  $ExtraAttributes	array of attribute="value"
	 * If false for $Preview, $Buttons, or $Buffer, use the appropriate
	 * methods to add the those elements manually. Alternatively, use getID
	 * to create your own.
	 * It's important to have the right IDs as they make the JS function properly.
	public function __construct($Name, $ID = '', $Value = '', $Cols = 50, $Rows = 10,
		$Preview = true, $Buttons = true, $Buffer = false,
		array $ExtraAttributes = array()
	) {
		$this->id = parent::$Textareas;
		parent::$Textareas += 1;
		array_push(parent::$_ID, $ID);

		if (empty($ID)) {
			$ID = 'quickpost_' . $this->id;

		if (!empty($ExtraAttributes)) {
			$Attributes = ' ' . implode(' ', $ExtraAttributes);
		} else {
			$Attributes = '';

		if ($Preview === true) {

		$this->buffer = View::parse('generic/textarea/textarea.phtml', array(
			'ID' => $ID,
			'NID' => $this->id,
			'Name' => &$Name,
			'Value' => &$Value,
			'Cols' => &$Cols,
			'Rows' => &$Rows,
			'Attributes' => &$Attributes
		), $Buffer);

		if ($Buttons === true) {

	 * Outputs the divs required for previewing the AJAX content
	 * Will only output once
	public function preview() {
		if (!$this->preview) {
			View::parse('generic/textarea/preview.phtml', array('ID' => $this->id));
		$this->preview = true;

	 * Outputs the preview and edit buttons
	 * Can be called many times to place buttons in different areas
	public function buttons() {
		View::parse('generic/textarea/buttons.phtml', array('ID' => $this->id));

	 * Returns the textarea's numeric ID.
	public function getID() {
		return $this->id;

	 * Returns textarea string when buffer is enabled in the constructor
	 * @return string
	public function getBuffer() {
		return $this->buffer;