'; $CountryIDs = array(); foreach ($Locations as $Location) { $Parts = explode(',', $Location); //CountryIDs[1] = "AP"; $CountryIDs[trim($Parts[0], '"')] = trim($Parts[1], '"'); } echo 'There are '.count($CountryIDs).' CountryIDs'; echo '
'; if (($Blocks = file("GeoLiteCity_".date('Ym')."02/GeoLiteCity-Blocks.csv", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES)) === false) { echo 'Error'; } array_shift($Blocks); array_shift($Blocks); echo 'There are '.count($Blocks).' blocks'; echo '
'; //Because 4,000,000 rows is a lot for any server to handle, we split it into manageable groups of 10,000 $SplitOn = 10000; $DB->query("TRUNCATE TABLE geoip_country"); $Values = array(); foreach ($Blocks as $Index => $Block) { list($StartIP, $EndIP, $CountryID) = explode(",", $Block); $StartIP = trim($StartIP, '"'); $EndIP = trim($EndIP, '"'); $CountryID = trim($CountryID, '"'); $Values[] = "('$StartIP', '$EndIP', '".$CountryIDs[$CountryID]."')"; if ($Index % $SplitOn == 0) { $DB->query(' INSERT INTO geoip_country (StartIP, EndIP, Code) VALUES '.implode(', ', $Values)); $Values = array(); } } if (count($Values) > 0) { $DB->query(" INSERT INTO geoip_country (StartIP, EndIP, Code) VALUES ".implode(', ', $Values)); } View::show_footer(); /* The following way works perfectly fine, we just foung the APNIC data to be to outdated for us. */ /* if (!check_perms('admin_update_geoip')) { die(); } enforce_login(); ini_set('memory_limit', 1024 * 1024 * 1024); ini_set('max_execution_time', 3600); header('Content-type: text/plain'); ob_end_clean(); restore_error_handler(); $Registries[] = 'http://ftp.apnic.net/stats/afrinic/delegated-afrinic-latest'; //Africa $Registries[] = 'http://ftp.apnic.net/stats/apnic/delegated-apnic-latest'; //Asia & Pacific $Registries[] = 'http://ftp.apnic.net/stats/arin/delegated-arin-latest'; //North America $Registries[] = 'http://ftp.apnic.net/stats/lacnic/delegated-lacnic-latest'; //South America $Registries[] = 'http://ftp.apnic.net/stats/ripe-ncc/delegated-ripencc-latest'; //Europe $Registries[] = 'ftp://ftp.afrinic.net/pub/stats/afrinic/delegated-afrinic-latest'; //Africa $Registries[] = 'ftp://ftp.apnic.net/pub/stats/apnic/delegated-apnic-latest'; //Asia & Pacific $Registries[] = 'ftp://ftp.arin.net/pub/stats/arin/delegated-arin-latest'; //North America $Registries[] = 'ftp://ftp.lacnic.net/pub/stats/lacnic/delegated-lacnic-latest'; //South America $Registries[] = 'ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/stats/delegated-ripencc-latest'; //Europe $Query = array(); foreach ($Registries as $Registry) { $CountryData = explode("\n",file_get_contents($Registry)); foreach ($CountryData as $Country) { if (preg_match('/\|([A-Z]{2})\|ipv4\|(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\|(\d+)\|/', $Country, $Matches)) { $Start = Tools::ip_to_unsigned($Matches[2]); if ($Start == 2147483647) { continue; } if (!isset($Current)) { $Current = array('StartIP' => $Start, 'EndIP' => $Start + $Matches[3],'Code' => $Matches[1]); } elseif ($Current['Code'] == $Matches[1] && $Current['EndIP'] == $Start) { $Current['EndIP'] = $Current['EndIP'] + $Matches[3]; } else { $Query[] = "('".$Current['StartIP']."','".$Current['EndIP']."','".$Current['Code']."')"; $Current = array('StartIP' => $Start, 'EndIP' => $Start + $Matches[3],'Code' => $Matches[1]); } } } } $Query[] = "('".$Current['StartIP']."','".$Current['EndIP']."','".$Current['Code']."')"; $DB->query("TRUNCATE TABLE geoip_country"); $DB->query("INSERT INTO geoip_country (StartIP, EndIP, Code) VALUES ".implode(',', $Query)); echo $DB->affected_rows(); */