<? class NotificationsManager { // Option types const OPT_DISABLED = 0; const OPT_POPUP = 1; const OPT_TRADITIONAL = 2; const OPT_PUSH = 3; const OPT_POPUP_PUSH = 4; const OPT_TRADITIONAL_PUSH = 5; // Importances const IMPORTANT = 'information'; const CRITICAL = 'error'; const WARNING = 'warning'; const INFO = 'confirmation'; public static $Importances = array( 'important' => self::IMPORTANT, 'critical' => self::CRITICAL, 'warning' => self::WARNING, 'info' => self::INFO); // Types. These names must correspond to column names in users_notifications_settings const NEWS = 'News'; const BLOG = 'Blog'; const STAFFBLOG = 'StaffBlog'; const STAFFPM = 'StaffPM'; const INBOX = 'Inbox'; const QUOTES = 'Quotes'; const SUBSCRIPTIONS = 'Subscriptions'; const TORRENTS = 'Torrents'; const COLLAGES = 'Collages'; const SITEALERTS = 'SiteAlerts'; const FORUMALERTS = 'ForumAlerts'; const REQUESTALERTS = 'RequestAlerts'; const COLLAGEALERTS = 'CollageAlerts'; const TORRENTALERTS = 'TorrentAlerts'; const GLOBALNOTICE = 'Global'; public static $Types = array( 'News', 'Blog', 'StaffPM', 'Inbox', 'Quotes', 'Subscriptions', 'Torrents', 'Collages', 'SiteAlerts', 'ForumAlerts', 'RequestAlerts', 'CollageAlerts', 'TorrentAlerts'); private $UserID; private $Notifications; private $Settings; private $Skipped; function __construct($UserID, $Skip = array(), $Load = true, $AutoSkip = true) { $this->UserID = $UserID; $this->Notifications = array(); $this->Settings = self::get_settings($UserID); $this->Skipped = $Skip; if ($AutoSkip) { foreach ($this->Settings as $Key => $Value) { // Skip disabled and traditional settings if ($Value == self::OPT_DISABLED || $this->is_traditional($Key)) { $this->Skipped[$Key] = true; } } } if ($Load) { $this->load_global_notification(); if (!isset($this->Skipped[self::NEWS])) { $this->load_news(); } if (!isset($this->Skipped[self::BLOG])) { $this->load_blog(); } // if (!isset($this->Skipped[self::STAFFBLOG])) { // $this->load_staff_blog(); // } if (!isset($this->Skipped[self::STAFFPM])) { $this->load_staff_pms(); } if (!isset($this->Skipped[self::INBOX])) { $this->load_inbox(); } if (!isset($this->Skipped[self::TORRENTS])) { $this->load_torrent_notifications(); } if (!isset($this->Skipped[self::COLLAGES])) { $this->load_collage_subscriptions(); } if (!isset($this->Skipped[self::QUOTES])) { $this->load_quote_notifications(); } if (!isset($this->Skipped[self::SUBSCRIPTIONS])) { $this->load_subscriptions(); } // $this->load_one_reads(); // The code that sets these notices is commented out. } } public function get_notifications() { return $this->Notifications; } public function clear_notifications_array() { unset($this->Notifications); $this->Notifications = array(); } private function create_notification($Type, $ID, $Message, $URL, $Importance) { $this->Notifications[$Type] = array( 'id' => (int)$ID, 'message' => $Message, 'url' => $URL, 'importance' => $Importance); } public static function notify_user($UserID, $Type, $Message, $URL, $Importance) { self::notify_users(array($UserID), $Type, $Message, $URL, $Importance); } public static function notify_users($UserIDs, $Type, $Message, $URL, $Importance) { /** if (!isset($Importance)) { $Importance = self::INFO; } $Type = db_string($Type); if (!empty($UserIDs)) { $UserIDs = implode(',', $UserIDs); $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT UserID FROM users_notifications_settings WHERE $Type != 0 AND UserID IN ($UserIDs)"); $UserIDs = array(); while (list($ID) = G::$DB->next_record()) { $UserIDs[] = $ID; } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); foreach ($UserIDs as $UserID) { $OneReads = G::$Cache->get_value("notifications_one_reads_$UserID"); if (!$OneReads) { $OneReads = array(); } array_unshift($OneReads, $this->create_notification($OneReads, "oneread_" . uniqid(), null, $Message, $URL, $Importance)); $OneReads = array_filter($OneReads); G::$Cache->cache_value("notifications_one_reads_$UserID", $OneReads, 0); } } **/ } public static function get_notification_enabled_users($Type, $UserID) { $Type = db_string($Type); $UserWhere = ''; if (isset($UserID)) { $UserID = (int)$UserID; $UserWhere = " AND UserID = '$UserID'"; } $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT UserID FROM users_notifications_settings WHERE $Type != 0 $UserWhere"); $IDs = array(); while (list($ID) = G::$DB->next_record()) { $IDs[] = $ID; } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); return $IDs; } public function load_one_reads() { $OneReads = G::$Cache->get_value('notifications_one_reads_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); if (is_array($OneReads)) { $this->Notifications = $this->Notifications + $OneReads; } } public static function clear_one_read($ID) { $OneReads = G::$Cache->get_value('notifications_one_reads_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); if ($OneReads) { unset($OneReads[$ID]); if (count($OneReads) > 0) { G::$Cache->cache_value('notifications_one_reads_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID'], $OneReads, 0); } else { G::$Cache->delete_value('notifications_one_reads_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); } } } public function load_global_notification() { $GlobalNotification = G::$Cache->get_value('global_notification'); if ($GlobalNotification) { $Read = G::$Cache->get_value('user_read_global_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); if (!$Read) { $this->create_notification(self::GLOBALNOTICE, 0, $GlobalNotification['Message'], $GlobalNotification['URL'], $GlobalNotification['Importance']); } } } public static function get_global_notification() { return G::$Cache->get_value('global_notification'); } public static function set_global_notification($Message, $URL, $Importance, $Expiration) { if (empty($Message) || empty($Expiration)) { error('Error setting notification'); } G::$Cache->cache_value('global_notification', array("Message" => $Message, "URL" => $URL, "Importance" => $Importance, "Expiration" => $Expiration), $Expiration); } public static function delete_global_notification() { G::$Cache->delete_value('global_notification'); } public static function clear_global_notification() { $GlobalNotification = G::$Cache->get_value('global_notification'); if ($GlobalNotification) { // This is some trickery // since we can't know which users have the read cache key set // we set the expiration time of their cache key to that of the length of the notification // this gaurantees that their cache key will expire after the notification expires G::$Cache->cache_value('user_read_global_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID'], true, $GlobalNotification['Expiration']); } } public function load_news() { $MyNews = G::$LoggedUser['LastReadNews']; $CurrentNews = G::$Cache->get_value('news_latest_id'); $Title = G::$Cache->get_value('news_latest_title'); if ($CurrentNews === false || $Title === false) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(' SELECT ID, Title FROM news ORDER BY Time DESC LIMIT 1'); if (G::$DB->has_results()) { list($CurrentNews, $Title) = G::$DB->next_record(); } else { $CurrentNews = -1; } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); G::$Cache->cache_value('news_latest_id', $CurrentNews, 0); G::$Cache->cache_value('news_latest_title', $Title, 0); } if ($MyNews < $CurrentNews) { $this->create_notification(self::NEWS, $CurrentNews, "Announcement: $Title", "index.php#news$CurrentNews", self::IMPORTANT); } } public function load_blog() { $MyBlog = G::$LoggedUser['LastReadBlog']; $CurrentBlog = G::$Cache->get_value('blog_latest_id'); $Title = G::$Cache->get_value('blog_latest_title'); if ($CurrentBlog === false) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(' SELECT ID, Title FROM blog WHERE Important = 1 ORDER BY Time DESC LIMIT 1'); if (G::$DB->has_results()) { list($CurrentBlog, $Title) = G::$DB->next_record(); } else { $CurrentBlog = -1; } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); G::$Cache->cache_value('blog_latest_id', $CurrentBlog, 0); G::$Cache->cache_value('blog_latest_title', $Title, 0); } if ($MyBlog < $CurrentBlog) { $this->create_notification(self::BLOG, $CurrentBlog, "Blog: $Title", "blog.php#blog$CurrentBlog", self::IMPORTANT); } } public function load_staff_blog() { if (check_perms('users_mod')) { global $SBlogReadTime, $LatestSBlogTime; if (!$SBlogReadTime && ($SBlogReadTime = G::$Cache->get_value('staff_blog_read_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID'])) === false) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT Time FROM staff_blog_visits WHERE UserID = " . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); if (list($SBlogReadTime) = G::$DB->next_record()) { $SBlogReadTime = strtotime($SBlogReadTime); } else { $SBlogReadTime = 0; } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); G::$Cache->cache_value('staff_blog_read_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID'], $SBlogReadTime, 1209600); } if (!$LatestSBlogTime && ($LatestSBlogTime = G::$Cache->get_value('staff_blog_latest_time')) === false) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(' SELECT MAX(Time) FROM staff_blog'); if (list($LatestSBlogTime) = G::$DB->next_record()) { $LatestSBlogTime = strtotime($LatestSBlogTime); } else { $LatestSBlogTime = 0; } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); G::$Cache->cache_value('staff_blog_latest_time', $LatestSBlogTime, 1209600); } if ($SBlogReadTime < $LatestSBlogTime) { $this->create_notification(self::STAFFBLOG, 0, 'New Staff Blog Post!', 'staffblog.php', self::IMPORTANT); } } } public function load_staff_pms() { $NewStaffPMs = G::$Cache->get_value('staff_pm_new_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); if ($NewStaffPMs === false) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM staff_pm_conversations WHERE UserID = '" . G::$LoggedUser['ID'] . "' AND Unread = '1'"); list($NewStaffPMs) = G::$DB->next_record(); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); G::$Cache->cache_value('staff_pm_new_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID'], $NewStaffPMs, 0); } if ($NewStaffPMs > 0) { $Title = 'You have ' . ($NewStaffPMs == 1 ? 'a' : $NewStaffPMs) . ' new Staff PM' . ($NewStaffPMs > 1 ? 's' : ''); $this->create_notification(self::STAFFPM, 0, $Title, 'staffpm.php', self::INFO); } } public function load_inbox() { $NewMessages = G::$Cache->get_value('inbox_new_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); if ($NewMessages === false) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT COUNT(UnRead) FROM pm_conversations_users WHERE UserID = '" . G::$LoggedUser['ID'] . "' AND UnRead = '1' AND InInbox = '1'"); list($NewMessages) = G::$DB->next_record(); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); G::$Cache->cache_value('inbox_new_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID'], $NewMessages, 0); } if ($NewMessages > 0) { $Title = 'You have ' . ($NewMessages == 1 ? 'a' : $NewMessages) . ' new message' . ($NewMessages > 1 ? 's' : ''); $this->create_notification(self::INBOX, 0, $Title, Inbox::get_inbox_link(), self::INFO); } } public function load_torrent_notifications() { if (check_perms('site_torrents_notify')) { $NewNotifications = G::$Cache->get_value('notifications_new_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); if ($NewNotifications === false) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT COUNT(UserID) FROM users_notify_torrents WHERE UserID = ' " . G::$LoggedUser['ID'] . "' AND UnRead = '1'"); list($NewNotifications) = G::$DB->next_record(); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); G::$Cache->cache_value('notifications_new_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID'], $NewNotifications, 0); } } if ($NewNotifications > 0) { $Title = 'You have ' . ($NewNotifications == 1 ? 'a' : $NewNotifications) . ' new torrent notification' . ($NewNotifications > 1 ? 's' : ''); $this->create_notification(self::TORRENTS, 0, $Title, 'torrents.php?action=notify', self::INFO); } } public function load_collage_subscriptions() { if (check_perms('site_collages_subscribe')) { $NewCollages = G::$Cache->get_value('collage_subs_user_new_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); if ($NewCollages === false) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s.CollageID) FROM users_collage_subs AS s JOIN collages AS c ON s.CollageID = c.ID JOIN collages_torrents AS ct ON ct.CollageID = c.ID WHERE s.UserID = " . G::$LoggedUser['ID'] . " AND ct.AddedOn > s.LastVisit AND c.Deleted = '0'"); list($NewCollages) = G::$DB->next_record(); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); G::$Cache->cache_value('collage_subs_user_new_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID'], $NewCollages, 0); } if ($NewCollages > 0) { $Title = 'You have ' . ($NewCollages == 1 ? 'a' : $NewCollages) . ' new collage update' . ($NewCollages > 1 ? 's' : ''); $this->create_notification(self::COLLAGES, 0, $Title, 'userhistory.php?action=subscribed_collages', self::INFO); } } } public function load_quote_notifications() { if (G::$LoggedUser['NotifyOnQuote']) { $QuoteNotificationsCount = Subscriptions::has_new_quote_notifications(); if ($QuoteNotificationsCount > 0) { $Title = 'New quote' . ($QuoteNotificationsCount > 1 ? 's' : ''); $this->create_notification(self::QUOTES, 0, $Title, 'userhistory.php?action=quote_notifications', self::INFO); } } } public function load_subscriptions() { $SubscriptionsCount = Subscriptions::has_new_subscriptions(); if ($SubscriptionsCount > 0) { $Title = 'New subscription' . ($SubscriptionsCount > 1 ? 's' : ''); $this->create_notification(self::SUBSCRIPTIONS, 0, $Title, 'userhistory.php?action=subscriptions', self::INFO); } } public static function clear_news($News) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); if (!$News) { if (!$News = G::$Cache->get_value('news')) { G::$DB->query(' SELECT ID, Title, Body, Time FROM news ORDER BY Time DESC LIMIT 1'); $News = G::$DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_NUM, false); G::$Cache->cache_value('news_latest_id', $News[0][0], 0); } } if (G::$LoggedUser['LastReadNews'] != $News[0][0]) { G::$Cache->begin_transaction('user_info_heavy_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); G::$Cache->update_row(false, array('LastReadNews' => $News[0][0])); G::$Cache->commit_transaction(0); G::$DB->query(" UPDATE users_info SET LastReadNews = '".$News[0][0]."' WHERE UserID = " . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); G::$LoggedUser['LastReadNews'] = $News[0][0]; } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } public static function clear_blog($Blog) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); if (!$Blog) { if (!$Blog = G::$Cache->get_value('blog')) { G::$DB->query(" SELECT b.ID, um.Username, b.Title, b.Body, b.Time, b.ThreadID FROM blog AS b LEFT JOIN users_main AS um ON b.UserID = um.ID ORDER BY Time DESC LIMIT 1"); $Blog = G::$DB->to_array(); } } if (G::$LoggedUser['LastReadBlog'] < $Blog[0][0]) { G::$Cache->begin_transaction('user_info_heavy_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); G::$Cache->update_row(false, array('LastReadBlog' => $Blog[0][0])); G::$Cache->commit_transaction(0); G::$DB->query(" UPDATE users_info SET LastReadBlog = '". $Blog[0][0]."' WHERE UserID = " . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); G::$LoggedUser['LastReadBlog'] = $Blog[0][0]; } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } public static function clear_staff_pms() { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT ID FROM staff_pm_conversations WHERE Unread = true AND UserID = " . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); $IDs = array(); while (list($ID) = G::$DB->next_record()) { $IDs[] = $ID; } $IDs = implode(',', $IDs); if (!empty($IDs)) { G::$DB->query(" UPDATE staff_pm_conversations SET Unread = false WHERE ID IN ($IDs)"); } G::$Cache->delete_value('staff_pm_new_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } public static function clear_inbox() { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT ConvID FROM pm_conversations_users WHERE Unread = '1' AND UserID = " . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); $IDs = array(); while (list($ID) = G::$DB->next_record()) { $IDs[] = $ID; } $IDs = implode(',', $IDs); if (!empty($IDs)) { G::$DB->query(" UPDATE pm_conversations_users SET Unread = '0' WHERE ConvID IN ($IDs) AND UserID = " . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); } G::$Cache->delete_value('inbox_new_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } public static function clear_torrents() { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT TorrentID FROM users_notify_torrents WHERE UserID = ' " . G::$LoggedUser['ID'] . "' AND UnRead = '1'"); $IDs = array(); while (list($ID) = G::$DB->next_record()) { $IDs[] = $ID; } $IDs = implode(',', $IDs); if (!empty($IDs)) { G::$DB->query(" UPDATE users_notify_torrents SET Unread = '0' WHERE TorrentID IN ($IDs) AND UserID = " . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); } G::$Cache->delete_value('notifications_new_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } public static function clear_collages() { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" UPDATE users_collage_subs SET LastVisit = NOW() WHERE UserID = " . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); G::$Cache->delete_value('collage_subs_user_new_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } public static function clear_quotes() { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" UPDATE users_notify_quoted SET UnRead = '0' WHERE UserID = " . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); G::$Cache->delete_value('notify_quoted_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } public static function clear_subscriptions() { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); if (($UserSubscriptions = G::$Cache->get_value('subscriptions_user_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID'])) === false) { G::$DB->query(" SELECT TopicID FROM users_subscriptions WHERE UserID = " . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); if ($UserSubscriptions = G::$DB->collect(0)) { G::$Cache->cache_value('subscriptions_user_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID'], $UserSubscriptions, 0); } } if (!empty($UserSubscriptions)) { G::$DB->query(" INSERT INTO forums_last_read_topics (UserID, TopicID, PostID) SELECT '" . G::$LoggedUser['ID'] . "', ID, LastPostID FROM forums_topics WHERE ID IN (".implode(',', $UserSubscriptions).') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE PostID = LastPostID'); } G::$Cache->delete_value('subscriptions_user_new_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } /* // TODO: Figure out what these functions are supposed to do and fix them public static function send_notification($UserID, $ID, $Type, $Message, $URL, $Importance = 'alert', $AutoExpire = false) { $Notifications = G::$Cache->get_value("user_cache_notifications_$UserID"); if (empty($Notifications)) { $Notifications = array(); } array_unshift($Notifications, $this->create_notification($Type, $ID, $Message, $URL, $Importance, $AutoExpire)); G::$Cache->cache_value("user_cache_notifications_$UserID", $Notifications, 0); } public static function clear_notification($UserID, $Index) { $Notifications = G::$Cache->get_value("user_cache_notifications_$UserID"); if (count($Notifications)) { unset($Notifications[$Index]); $Notifications = array_values($Notifications); G::$Cache->cache_value("user_cache_notifications_$UserID", $Notifications, 0); } } */ public static function get_settings($UserID) { $Results = G::$Cache->get_value("users_notifications_settings_$UserID"); if (!$Results) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT * FROM users_notifications_settings AS n LEFT JOIN users_push_notifications AS p ON p.UserID = n.UserID WHERE n.UserID = '$UserID'"); $Results = G::$DB->next_record(MYSQLI_ASSOC, false); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); G::$Cache->cache_value("users_notifications_settings_$UserID", $Results, 0); } return $Results; } public static function save_settings($UserID, $Settings) { if (!is_array($Settings)) { // A little cheat technique, gets all keys in the $_POST array starting with 'notifications_' $Settings = array_intersect_key($_POST, array_flip(preg_grep('/^notifications_/', array_keys($_POST)))); } $Update = array(); foreach (self::$Types as $Type) { $Popup = array_key_exists("notifications_{$Type}_popup", $Settings); $Traditional = array_key_exists("notifications_{$Type}_traditional", $Settings); $Push = array_key_exists("notifications_{$Type}_push", $Settings); $Result = self::OPT_DISABLED; if ($Popup) { $Result = $Push ? self::OPT_POPUP_PUSH : self::OPT_POPUP; } elseif ($Traditional) { $Result = $Push ? self::OPT_TRADITIONAL_PUSH : self::OPT_TRADITIONAL; } elseif ($Push) { $Result = self::OPT_PUSH; } $Update[] = "$Type = $Result"; } $Update = implode(',', $Update); $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" UPDATE users_notifications_settings SET $Update WHERE UserID = '$UserID'"); $PushService = (int) $_POST['pushservice']; $PushOptionsArray = array("PushKey" => $_POST['pushkey']); if ($PushService === 6) { //pushbullet $PushOptionsArray['PushDevice'] = $_POST['pushdevice']; } $PushOptions = db_string(serialize($PushOptionsArray)); if ($PushService != 0) { G::$DB->query(" INSERT INTO users_push_notifications (UserID, PushService, PushOptions) VALUES ('$UserID', '$PushService', '$PushOptions') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE PushService = '$PushService', PushOptions = '$PushOptions'"); } else { G::$DB->query("UPDATE users_push_notifications SET PushService = 0 WHERE UserID = '$UserID'"); } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); G::$Cache->delete_value("users_notifications_settings_$UserID"); } public function is_traditional($Type) { return $this->Settings[$Type] == self::OPT_TRADITIONAL || $this->Settings[$Type] == self::OPT_TRADITIONAL_PUSH; } public function is_skipped($Type) { return isset($this->Skipped[$Type]); } public function use_noty() { return in_array(self::OPT_POPUP, $this->Settings) || in_array(self::OPT_POPUP_PUSH, $this->Settings); } /** * Send a push notification to a user * * @param array $UserIDs integer or array of integers of UserIDs to push * @param string $Title the title to be displayed in the push * @param string $Body the body of the push * @param string $URL url for the push notification to contain * @param string $Type what sort of push is it? PM, Rippy, News, etc */ public static function send_push($UserIDs, $Title, $Body, $URL = '', $Type = self::GLOBALNOTICE) { if (!is_array($UserIDs)) { $UserIDs = array($UserIDs); } foreach($UserIDs as $UserID) { $UserID = (int) $UserID; $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); $SQL = " SELECT p.PushService, p.PushOptions FROM users_notifications_settings AS n JOIN users_push_notifications AS p ON n.UserID = p.UserID WHERE n.UserID = '$UserID' AND p.PushService != 0"; if ($Type != self::GLOBALNOTICE) { $SQL .= " AND n.$Type IN (" . self::OPT_PUSH . "," . self::OPT_POPUP_PUSH . "," . self::OPT_TRADITIONAL_PUSH . ")"; } G::$DB->query($SQL); if (G::$DB->has_results()) { list($PushService, $PushOptions) = G::$DB->next_record(MYSQLI_NUM, false); $PushOptions = unserialize($PushOptions); switch ($PushService) { case '1': $Service = "NMA"; break; case '2': $Service = "Prowl"; break; // Case 3 is missing because notifo is dead. case '4': $Service = "Toasty"; break; case '5': $Service = "Pushover"; break; case '6': $Service = "PushBullet"; break; default: break; } if (!empty($Service) && !empty($PushOptions['PushKey'])) { $Options = array("service" => strtolower($Service), "user" => array("key" => $PushOptions['PushKey']), "message" => array("title" => $Title, "body" => $Body, "url" => $URL)); if ($Service === 'PushBullet') { $Options["user"]["device"] = $PushOptions['PushDevice']; } $JSON = json_encode($Options); G::$DB->query(" INSERT INTO push_notifications_usage (PushService, TimesUsed) VALUES ('$Service', 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE TimesUsed = TimesUsed + 1"); $PushServerSocket = fsockopen("", 6789); fwrite($PushServerSocket, $JSON); fclose($PushServerSocket); } } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } } /** * Gets users who have push notifications enabled * */ public static function get_push_enabled_users() { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT UserID FROM users_push_notifications WHERE PushService != 0 AND UserID != '" . G::$LoggedUser['ID']. "'"); $PushUsers = G::$DB->collect("UserID"); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); return $PushUsers; } }