<? authorize(); if (empty($_POST['id']) || !is_number($_POST['id']) || empty($_POST['type']) || ($_POST['type'] != 'request_update' && empty($_POST['reason']))) { error(404); } include(SERVER_ROOT.'/sections/reports/array.php'); if (!array_key_exists($_POST['type'], $Types)) { error(403); } $Short = $_POST['type']; $Type = $Types[$Short]; $ID = $_POST['id']; if ($Short == 'request_update') { if (empty($_POST['year']) || !is_number($_POST['year'])) { error('Year must be specified.'); header("Location: reports.php?action=report&type=request_update&id=$ID"); die(); } $Reason = '[b]Year[/b]: '.$_POST['year'].".\n\n"; // If the release type is somehow invalid, return "Not given"; otherwise, return the release type. $Reason .= '[b]Release type[/b]: '.((empty($_POST['releasetype']) || !is_number($_POST['releasetype']) || $_POST['releasetype'] == 0) ? 'Not given' : $ReleaseTypes[$_POST['releasetype']]).". \n\n"; $Reason .= '[b]Additional comments[/b]: '.$_POST['comment']; } else { $Reason = $_POST['reason']; } switch ($Short) { case 'request': case 'request_update': $Link = "requests.php?action=view&id=$ID"; break; case 'user': $Link = "user.php?id=$ID"; break; case 'collage': $Link = "collages.php?id=$ID"; break; case 'thread': $Link = "forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=$ID"; break; case 'post': $DB->query(" SELECT p.ID, p.TopicID, ( SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM forums_posts WHERE forums_posts.TopicID = p.TopicID AND forums_posts.ID <= p.ID ) AS PostNum FROM forums_posts AS p WHERE ID = $ID"); list($PostID, $TopicID, $PostNum) = $DB->next_record(); $Link = "forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=$TopicID&post=$PostNum#post$PostID"; break; case 'comment': $Link = "comments.php?action=jump&postid=$ID"; break; } $DB->query(' INSERT INTO reports (UserID, ThingID, Type, ReportedTime, Reason) VALUES ('.db_string($LoggedUser['ID']).", $ID , '$Short', '".sqltime()."', '".db_string($Reason)."')"); $ReportID = $DB->inserted_id(); $Channels = array(); if ($Short == 'request_update') { $Channels[] = '#requestedits'; $Cache->increment('num_update_reports'); } if (in_array($Short, array('comment', 'post', 'thread'))) { $Channels[] = '#forumreports'; } foreach ($Channels as $Channel) { send_irc("PRIVMSG $Channel :$ReportID - ".$LoggedUser['Username']." just reported a $Short: https://".SSL_SITE_URL."/$Link : ".strtr($Reason, "\n", ' ')); } $Cache->delete_value('num_other_reports'); header("Location: $Link"); ?>