query(" REPLACE INTO sphinx_requests_delta ( ID, UserID, TimeAdded, LastVote, CategoryID, Title, Year, ReleaseType, CatalogueNumber, BitrateList, FormatList, MediaList, LogCue, FillerID, TorrentID, TimeFilled, Visible, Votes, Bounty) SELECT ID, r.UserID, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(TimeAdded) AS TimeAdded, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(LastVote) AS LastVote, CategoryID, Title, Year, ReleaseType, CatalogueNumber, BitrateList, FormatList, MediaList, LogCue, FillerID, TorrentID, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(TimeFilled) AS TimeFilled, Visible, COUNT(rv.UserID) AS Votes, SUM(rv.Bounty) >> 10 AS Bounty FROM requests AS r LEFT JOIN requests_votes AS rv ON rv.RequestID = r.ID WHERE ID = $RequestID GROUP BY r.ID"); $DB->query(" UPDATE sphinx_requests_delta SET ArtistList = ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(aa.Name SEPARATOR ' ') FROM requests_artists AS ra JOIN artists_alias AS aa ON aa.AliasID = ra.AliasID WHERE ra.RequestID = $RequestID GROUP BY NULL ) WHERE ID = $RequestID"); $Cache->delete_value("requests_$RequestID"); } /** * Function to get data from an array of $RequestIDs. * In places where the output from this is merged with sphinx filters, it will be in a different order. * * @param array $RequestIDs * @param boolean $Return if set to false, data won't be returned (ie. if we just want to prime the cache.) * @return The array of requests. * Format: array(RequestID => Associative array) * To see what's exactly inside each associate array, peek inside the function. It won't bite. */ // //In places where the output from this is merged with sphinx filters, it will be in a different order. public static function get_requests($RequestIDs, $Return = true) { global $DB, $Cache; // Try to fetch the requests from the cache first. $Found = array_flip($RequestIDs); $NotFound = array_flip($RequestIDs); foreach ($RequestIDs as $RequestID) { $Data = $Cache->get_value("request_$RequestID"); if (!empty($Data)) { unset($NotFound[$RequestID]); $Found[$RequestID] = $Data; } } $IDs = implode(',', array_flip($NotFound)); /* Don't change without ensuring you change everything else that uses get_requests() */ if (count($NotFound) > 0) { $DB->query(" SELECT r.ID AS ID, r.UserID, u.Username, r.TimeAdded, r.LastVote, r.CategoryID, r.Title, r.Year, r.Image, r.Description, r.CatalogueNumber, r.RecordLabel, r.ReleaseType, r.BitrateList, r.FormatList, r.MediaList, r.LogCue, r.FillerID, filler.Username, r.TorrentID, r.TimeFilled, r.GroupID, r.OCLC FROM requests AS r LEFT JOIN users_main AS u ON u.ID = r.UserID LEFT JOIN users_main AS filler ON filler.ID = FillerID AND FillerID != 0 WHERE r.ID IN ($IDs) ORDER BY ID"); $Requests = $DB->to_array(); foreach ($Requests as $Request) { unset($NotFound[$Request['ID']]); $Request['Tags'] = self::get_tags($Request['ID']); $Found[$Request['ID']] = $Request; $Cache->cache_value('request_'.$Request['ID'], $Request, 0); } } if ($Return) { // If we're interested in the data, and not just caching it $Matches = array('matches' => $Found, 'notfound' => array_flip($NotFound)); return $Matches; } } public static function get_comment_count($RequestID) { global $Cache, $DB; $NumComments = $Cache->get_value("request_comments_$RequestID"); if ($NumComments === false) { $DB->query(" SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM requests_comments WHERE RequestID = '$RequestID'"); list($NumComments) = $DB->next_record(); $Cache->cache_value("request_comments_$RequestID", $NumComments, 0); } return $NumComments; } public static function get_comment_catalogue($RequestID, $CatalogueID) { global $Cache, $DB; $Catalogue = $Cache->get_value("request_comments_$RequestID"."_catalogue_$CatalogueID"); if ($Catalogue === false) { $CatalogueLimit = $CatalogueID * THREAD_CATALOGUE . ', ' . THREAD_CATALOGUE; $DB->query(" SELECT c.ID, c.AuthorID, c.AddedTime, c.Body, c.EditedUserID, c.EditedTime, u.Username FROM requests_comments as c LEFT JOIN users_main AS u ON u.ID = c.EditedUserID WHERE c.RequestID = '$RequestID' ORDER BY c.ID LIMIT $CatalogueLimit"); $Catalogue = $DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $Cache->cache_value("request_comments_$RequestID"."_catalogue_$CatalogueID", $Catalogue, 0); } return $Catalogue; } public static function get_artists($RequestID) { global $Cache, $DB; $Artists = $Cache->get_value("request_artists_$RequestID"); if (is_array($Artists)) { $Results = $Artists; } else { $Results = array(); $DB->query(" SELECT ra.ArtistID, aa.Name, ra.Importance FROM requests_artists AS ra JOIN artists_alias AS aa ON ra.AliasID = aa.AliasID WHERE ra.RequestID = $RequestID ORDER BY ra.Importance ASC, aa.Name ASC;"); $ArtistRaw = $DB->to_array(); foreach ($ArtistRaw as $ArtistRow) { list($ArtistID, $ArtistName, $ArtistImportance) = $ArtistRow; $Results[$ArtistImportance][] = array('id' => $ArtistID, 'name' => $ArtistName); } $Cache->cache_value("request_artists_$RequestID", $Results); } return $Results; } public static function get_tags($RequestID) { global $DB; $DB->query(" SELECT rt.TagID, t.Name FROM requests_tags AS rt JOIN tags AS t ON rt.TagID = t.ID WHERE rt.RequestID = $RequestID ORDER BY rt.TagID ASC"); $Tags = $DB->to_array(); $Results = array(); foreach ($Tags as $TagsRow) { list($TagID, $TagName) = $TagsRow; $Results[$TagID] = $TagName; } return $Results; } public static function get_votes_array($RequestID) { global $Cache, $DB; $RequestVotes = $Cache->get_value("request_votes_$RequestID"); if (!is_array($RequestVotes)) { $DB->query(" SELECT rv.UserID, rv.Bounty, u.Username FROM requests_votes as rv LEFT JOIN users_main AS u ON u.ID = rv.UserID WHERE rv.RequestID = $RequestID ORDER BY rv.Bounty DESC"); if (!$DB->has_results()) { error(0); } else { $Votes = $DB->to_array(); $RequestVotes = array(); $RequestVotes['TotalBounty'] = array_sum($DB->collect('Bounty')); foreach ($Votes as $Vote) { list($UserID, $Bounty, $Username) = $Vote; $VoteArray = array(); $VotesArray[] = array('UserID' => $UserID, 'Username' => $Username, 'Bounty' => $Bounty); } $RequestVotes['Voters'] = $VotesArray; $Cache->cache_value("request_votes_$RequestID", $RequestVotes); } } return $RequestVotes; } } ?>