Top 10 Users

'". 5*1024*1024*1024 ."' AND Downloaded>'". 5*1024*1024*1024 ."' AND (Paranoia IS NULL OR (Paranoia NOT LIKE '%\"uploaded\"%' AND Paranoia NOT LIKE '%\"downloaded\"%')) GROUP BY u.ID"; if($Details=='all' || $Details=='ul') { if (!$TopUserUploads = $Cache->get_value('topuser_ul_'.$Limit)) { $DB->query("$BaseQuery ORDER BY u.Uploaded DESC LIMIT $Limit;"); $TopUserUploads = $DB->to_array(); $Cache->cache_value('topuser_ul_'.$Limit,$TopUserUploads,3600*12); } generate_user_table('Uploaders', 'ul', $TopUserUploads, $Limit); } if($Details=='all' || $Details=='dl') { if (!$TopUserDownloads = $Cache->get_value('topuser_dl_'.$Limit)) { $DB->query("$BaseQuery ORDER BY u.Downloaded DESC LIMIT $Limit;"); $TopUserDownloads = $DB->to_array(); $Cache->cache_value('topuser_dl_'.$Limit,$TopUserDownloads,3600*12); } generate_user_table('Downloaders', 'dl', $TopUserDownloads, $Limit); } if($Details=='all' || $Details=='numul') { if (!$TopUserNumUploads = $Cache->get_value('topuser_numul_'.$Limit)) { $DB->query("$BaseQuery ORDER BY NumUploads DESC LIMIT $Limit;"); $TopUserNumUploads = $DB->to_array(); $Cache->cache_value('topuser_numul_'.$Limit,$TopUserNumUploads,3600*12); } generate_user_table('Torrents Uploaded', 'numul', $TopUserNumUploads, $Limit); } if($Details=='all' || $Details=='uls') { if (!$TopUserUploadSpeed = $Cache->get_value('topuser_ulspeed_'.$Limit)) { $DB->query("$BaseQuery ORDER BY UpSpeed DESC LIMIT $Limit;"); $TopUserUploadSpeed = $DB->to_array(); $Cache->cache_value('topuser_ulspeed_'.$Limit,$TopUserUploadSpeed,3600*12); } generate_user_table('Fastest Uploaders', 'uls', $TopUserUploadSpeed, $Limit); } if($Details=='all' || $Details=='dls') { if (!$TopUserDownloadSpeed = $Cache->get_value('topuser_dlspeed_'.$Limit)) { $DB->query("$BaseQuery ORDER BY DownSpeed DESC LIMIT $Limit;"); $TopUserDownloadSpeed = $DB->to_array(); $Cache->cache_value('topuser_dlspeed_'.$Limit,$TopUserDownloadSpeed,3600*12); } generate_user_table('Fastest Downloaders', 'dls', $TopUserDownloadSpeed, $Limit); } echo '
'; show_footer(); exit; // generate a table based on data from most recent query to $DB function generate_user_table($Caption, $Tag, $Details, $Limit) { global $Time; ?>

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'; return; } $Rank = 0; foreach($Details as $Detail) { $Rank++; $Highlight = ($Rank%2 ? 'a' : 'b'); ?> /s /s