//TODO: Move to somewhere more appropriate, doesn't really belong under users, tools maybe but we don't have that page publicly accessible. if(isset($_GET['ip']) && isset($_GET['port'])){ $Octets = explode(".", $_GET['ip']); if( empty($_GET['ip']) || !preg_match('/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/', $_GET['ip']) || $Octets[0] < 0 || $Octets[0] > 255 || $Octets[1] < 0 || $Octets[1] > 255 || $Octets[2] < 0 || $Octets[2] > 255 || $Octets[3] < 0 || $Octets[3] > 255 || $Octets[0] == 127 || $Octets[0] == 192 ) { die('Invalid IP'); } if (empty($_GET['port']) || !is_number($_GET['port']) || $_GET['port']<1 || $_GET['port']>65535){ die('Invalid Port'); } //Error suppression, ugh. if(@fsockopen($_GET['ip'], $_GET['port'], $Errno, $Errstr, 20)){ die('Port '.$_GET['port'].' on '.$_GET['ip'].' connected successfully.'); } else { die('Port '.$_GET['port'].' on '.$_GET['ip'].' failed to connect.'); } } show_header('Connectability Checker'); ?>