define('FOOTER_FILE', SERVER_ROOT.'/design/privatefooter.php');
$HTTPS = ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? 'ssl_' : '';
$UseTooltipster = !isset(G::$LoggedUser['Tooltipster']) || G::$LoggedUser['Tooltipster'];
if (isset(G::$LoggedUser['Notify'])) {
foreach (G::$LoggedUser['Notify'] as $Filter) {
list($FilterID, $FilterName) = $Filter;
if ($UseTooltipster) { ?>
if ($Mobile) { ?>
} else {
if (empty(G::$LoggedUser['StyleURL'])) {
} else {
$StyleURLInfo = parse_url(G::$LoggedUser['StyleURL']);
if (substr(G::$LoggedUser['StyleURL'], -4) == '.css'
&& $StyleURLInfo['query'].$StyleURLInfo['fragment'] == ''
&& in_array($StyleURLInfo['host'], array(NONSSL_SITE_URL, SSL_SITE_URL))
&& file_exists(SERVER_ROOT.$StyleURLInfo['path'])) {
$StyleURL = G::$LoggedUser['StyleURL'].'?v='.filemtime(SERVER_ROOT.$StyleURLInfo['path']);
} else {
$StyleURL = G::$LoggedUser['StyleURL'];
if (!empty(G::$LoggedUser['UseOpenDyslexic'])) {
// load the OpenDyslexic font
$ExtraCSS = explode(',', $CSSIncludes);
foreach ($ExtraCSS as $CSS) {
if (trim($CSS) == '') {
" />
$Scripts = array_merge(array('jquery', 'script_start', 'ajax.class', 'global', 'jquery.autocomplete', 'autocomplete'), explode(',', $JSIncludes));
if ($UseTooltipster) {
$Scripts[] = 'tooltipster';
$Scripts[] = 'tooltipster_settings';
foreach ($Scripts as $Script) {
if (trim($Script) == '') {
if ($Mobile) { ?>
global $ClassLevels;
// Get notifications early to change menu items if needed
global $NotificationSpans;
$NotificationsManager = new NotificationsManager(G::$LoggedUser['ID']);
$Notifications = $NotificationsManager->get_notifications();
$UseNoty = $NotificationsManager->use_noty();
$NewSubscriptions = false;
$NotificationSpans = array();
foreach ($Notifications as $Type => $Notification) {
if ($Type === NotificationsManager::SUBSCRIPTIONS) {
$NewSubscriptions = true;
if ($UseNoty) {
$NotificationSpans[] = "$Notification[message]";
if ($UseNoty && !empty($NotificationSpans)) {
if ($NotificationsManager->is_skipped(NotificationsManager::SUBSCRIPTIONS)) {
$NewSubscriptions = Subscriptions::has_new_subscriptions();