<? class Forums { /** * Get information on a thread. * * @param int $ThreadID * the thread ID. * @param boolean $Return * indicates whether thread info should be returned. * @param Boolean $SelectiveCache * cache thread info/ * @return array holding thread information. */ public static function get_thread_info($ThreadID, $Return = true, $SelectiveCache = false) { if ((!$ThreadInfo = G::$Cache->get_value('thread_' . $ThreadID . '_info')) || !isset($ThreadInfo['Ranking'])) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT t.Title, t.ForumID, t.IsLocked, t.IsSticky, COUNT(fp.id) AS Posts, t.LastPostAuthorID, ISNULL(p.TopicID) AS NoPoll, t.StickyPostID, t.AuthorID as OP, t.Ranking FROM forums_topics AS t JOIN forums_posts AS fp ON fp.TopicID = t.ID LEFT JOIN forums_polls AS p ON p.TopicID = t.ID WHERE t.ID = '$ThreadID' GROUP BY fp.TopicID"); if (!G::$DB->has_results()) { G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); return null; } $ThreadInfo = G::$DB->next_record(MYSQLI_ASSOC, false); if ($ThreadInfo['StickyPostID']) { $ThreadInfo['Posts']--; G::$DB->query( "SELECT p.ID, p.AuthorID, p.AddedTime, p.Body, p.EditedUserID, p.EditedTime, ed.Username FROM forums_posts AS p LEFT JOIN users_main AS ed ON ed.ID = p.EditedUserID WHERE p.TopicID = '$ThreadID' AND p.ID = '" . $ThreadInfo['StickyPostID'] . "'"); list ($ThreadInfo['StickyPost']) = G::$DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_ASSOC); } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); if (!$SelectiveCache || !$ThreadInfo['IsLocked'] || $ThreadInfo['IsSticky']) { G::$Cache->cache_value('thread_' . $ThreadID . '_info', $ThreadInfo, 0); } } if ($Return) { return $ThreadInfo; } } /** * Checks whether user has permissions on a forum. * * @param int $ForumID * the forum ID. * @param string $Perm * the permissision to check, defaults to 'Read' * @return boolean true if user has permission */ public static function check_forumperm($ForumID, $Perm = 'Read') { $Forums = self::get_forums(); if (isset(G::$LoggedUser['CustomForums'][$ForumID]) && G::$LoggedUser['CustomForums'][$ForumID] == 1) { return true; } if ($ForumID == DONOR_FORUM && Donations::has_donor_forum(G::$LoggedUser['ID'])) { return true; } if ($Forums[$ForumID]['MinClass' . $Perm] > G::$LoggedUser['Class'] && (!isset(G::$LoggedUser['CustomForums'][$ForumID]) || G::$LoggedUser['CustomForums'][$ForumID] == 0)) { return false; } if (isset(G::$LoggedUser['CustomForums'][$ForumID]) && G::$LoggedUser['CustomForums'][$ForumID] == 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * Gets basic info on a forum. * * @param int $ForumID * the forum ID. */ public static function get_forum_info($ForumID) { $Forum = G::$Cache->get_value("ForumInfo_$ForumID"); if (!$Forum) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT Name, MinClassRead, MinClassWrite, MinClassCreate, COUNT(forums_topics.ID) AS Topics FROM forums LEFT JOIN forums_topics ON forums_topics.ForumID = forums.ID WHERE forums.ID = '$ForumID' GROUP BY ForumID"); if (!G::$DB->has_results()) { return false; } // Makes an array, with $Forum['Name'], etc. $Forum = G::$DB->next_record(MYSQLI_ASSOC); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); G::$Cache->cache_value("ForumInfo_$ForumID", $Forum, 86400); } return $Forum; } /** * Get the forum categories * @return array ForumCategoryID => Name */ public static function get_forum_categories() { $ForumCats = G::$Cache->get_value('forums_categories'); if ($ForumCats === false) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT ID, Name FROM forums_categories"); $ForumCats = array(); while (list ($ID, $Name) = G::$DB->next_record()) { $ForumCats[$ID] = $Name; } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); G::$Cache->cache_value('forums_categories', $ForumCats, 0); } return $ForumCats; } /** * Get the forums * @return array ForumID => (various information about the forum) */ public static function get_forums() { if (!$Forums = G::$Cache->get_value('forums_list')) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT f.ID, f.CategoryID, f.Name, f.Description, f.MinClassRead AS MinClassRead, f.MinClassWrite AS MinClassWrite, f.MinClassCreate AS MinClassCreate, f.NumTopics, f.NumPosts, f.LastPostID, f.LastPostAuthorID, f.LastPostTopicID, f.LastPostTime, 0 AS SpecificRules, t.Title, t.IsLocked AS Locked, t.IsSticky AS Sticky FROM forums AS f JOIN forums_categories AS fc ON fc.ID = f.CategoryID LEFT JOIN forums_topics AS t ON t.ID = f.LastPostTopicID GROUP BY f.ID ORDER BY fc.Sort, fc.Name, f.CategoryID, f.Sort"); $Forums = G::$DB->to_array('ID', MYSQLI_ASSOC, false); G::$DB->query(" SELECT ForumID, ThreadID FROM forums_specific_rules"); $SpecificRules = array(); while (list($ForumID, $ThreadID) = G::$DB->next_record(MYSQLI_NUM, false)) { $SpecificRules[$ForumID][] = $ThreadID; } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); foreach ($Forums as $ForumID => &$Forum) { if (isset($SpecificRules[$ForumID])) { $Forum['SpecificRules'] = $SpecificRules[$ForumID]; } else { $Forum['SpecificRules'] = array(); } } G::$Cache->cache_value('forums_list', $Forums, 0); } return $Forums; } /** * Get all forums that the current user has special access to ("Extra forums" in the profile) * @return array Array of ForumIDs */ public static function get_permitted_forums() { return (array)array_keys(G::$LoggedUser['CustomForums'], 1); } /** * Get all forums that the current user does not have access to ("Restricted forums" in the profile) * @return array Array of ForumIDs */ public static function get_restricted_forums() { return (array)array_keys(G::$LoggedUser['CustomForums'], 0); } /** * Get the last read posts for the current user * @param array $Forums Array of forums as returned by self::get_forums() * @return array TopicID => array(TopicID, PostID, Page) where PostID is the ID of the last read post and Page is the page on which that post is */ public static function get_last_read($Forums) { if (isset(G::$LoggedUser['PostsPerPage'])) { $PerPage = G::$LoggedUser['PostsPerPage']; } else { $PerPage = POSTS_PER_PAGE; } $TopicIDs = array(); foreach ($Forums as $Forum) { if (!empty($Forum['LastPostTopicID'])) { $TopicIDs[] = $Forum['LastPostTopicID']; } } if (!empty($TopicIDs)) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT l.TopicID, l.PostID, CEIL( ( SELECT COUNT(p.ID) FROM forums_posts AS p WHERE p.TopicID = l.TopicID AND p.ID <= l.PostID ) / $PerPage ) AS Page FROM forums_last_read_topics AS l WHERE l.TopicID IN(" . implode(',', $TopicIDs) . ") AND l.UserID = '" . G::$LoggedUser['ID'] . "'"); $LastRead = G::$DB->to_array('TopicID', MYSQLI_ASSOC); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } else { $LastRead = array(); } return $LastRead; } /** * Add a note to a topic. * @param int $TopicID * @param string $Note * @param int|null $UserID * @return boolean */ public static function add_topic_note($TopicID, $Note, $UserID = null) { if ($UserID === null) { $UserID = G::$LoggedUser['ID']; } $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" INSERT INTO forums_topic_notes (TopicID, AuthorID, AddedTime, Body) VALUES ($TopicID, $UserID, '" . sqltime() . "', '" . db_string($Note) . "')"); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); return (bool)G::$DB->affected_rows(); } /** * Determine if a thread is unread * @param bool $Locked * @param bool $Sticky * @param int $LastPostID * @param array $LastRead An array as returned by self::get_last_read * @param int $LastTopicID TopicID of the thread where the most recent post was made * @param string $LastTime Datetime of the last post * @return bool */ public static function is_unread($Locked, $Sticky, $LastPostID, $LastRead, $LastTopicID, $LastTime) { return (!$Locked || $Sticky) && $LastPostID != 0 && ((empty($LastRead[$LastTopicID]) || $LastRead[$LastTopicID]['PostID'] < $LastPostID) && strtotime($LastTime) > G::$LoggedUser['CatchupTime']); } /** * Create the part of WHERE in the sql queries used to filter forums for a * specific user (MinClassRead, restricted and permitted forums). * @return string */ public static function user_forums_sql() { // I couldn't come up with a good name, please rename this if you can. -- Y $RestrictedForums = self::get_restricted_forums(); $PermittedForums = self::get_permitted_forums(); if (Donations::has_donor_forum(G::$LoggedUser['ID']) && !in_array(DONOR_FORUM, $PermittedForums)) { $PermittedForums[] = DONOR_FORUM; } $SQL = "((f.MinClassRead <= '" . G::$LoggedUser['Class'] . "'"; if (count($RestrictedForums)) { $SQL .= " AND f.ID NOT IN ('" . implode("', '", $RestrictedForums) . "')"; } $SQL .= ')'; if (count($PermittedForums)) { $SQL .= " OR f.ID IN ('" . implode("', '", $PermittedForums) . "')"; } $SQL .= ')'; return $SQL; } }