class Format {
	 * Torrent Labels
	 * Map a common display string to a CSS class
	 * Indexes are lower case
	 * Note the "tl_" prefix for "torrent label"
	 * There are five basic types:
	 * * tl_free (leech status)
	 * * tl_snatched
	 * * tl_reported
	 * * tl_approved
	 * * tl_notice (default)
	 * @var array Strings
	private static $TorrentLabels = array(
		'default'  => 'tl_notice',
		'snatched' => 'tl_snatched',

		'freeleech'			=> 'tl_free',
		'neutral leech'		=> 'tl_free tl_neutral',
		'personal freeleech'=> 'tl_free tl_personal',

		'reported'		=> 'tl_reported',
		'bad tags'		=> 'tl_reported tl_bad_tags',
		'bad folders'	=> 'tl_reported tl_bad_folders',
		'bad file names'=> 'tl_reported tl_bad_file_names',

		'cassette approved'		=> 'tl_approved tl_cassete',
		'lossy master approved'	=> 'tl_approved tl_lossy_master',
		'lossy web approved'	=> 'tl_approved tl_lossy_web'

	 * Shorten a string
	 * @param $Str string to cut
	 * @param $Length cut at length
	 * @param $Hard force cut at length instead of at closest word
	 * @param $ShowDots Show dots at the end
	 * @return string formatted string
	public static function cut_string($Str, $Length, $Hard = false, $ShowDots = true) {
		if (mb_strlen($Str, 'UTF-8') > $Length) {
			if ($Hard == 0) {
				// Not hard, cut at closest word
				$CutDesc = mb_substr($Str, 0, $Length, 'UTF-8');
				$DescArr = explode(' ', $CutDesc);
				if (count($DescArr) > 1) {
					$CutDesc = implode(' ', $DescArr);
				if ($ShowDots) {
					//TODO: should we replace the three dots with an ellipsis character?
					$CutDesc .= '...';
			} else {
				$CutDesc = mb_substr($Str, 0, $Length, 'UTF-8');
				if ($ShowDots) {
					$CutDesc .= '...';
			return $CutDesc;
		} else {
			return $Str;

	 * Gets the CSS class corresponding to a ratio
	 * @param $Ratio ratio to get the css class for
	 * @return string the CSS class corresponding to the ratio range
	public static function get_ratio_color($Ratio) {
		if ($Ratio < 0.1) { return 'r00'; }
		if ($Ratio < 0.2) { return 'r01'; }
		if ($Ratio < 0.3) { return 'r02'; }
		if ($Ratio < 0.4) { return 'r03'; }
		if ($Ratio < 0.5) { return 'r04'; }
		if ($Ratio < 0.6) { return 'r05'; }
		if ($Ratio < 0.7) { return 'r06'; }
		if ($Ratio < 0.8) { return 'r07'; }
		if ($Ratio < 0.9) { return 'r08'; }
		if ($Ratio < 1) { return 'r09'; }
		if ($Ratio < 2) { return 'r10'; }
		if ($Ratio < 5) { return 'r20'; }
		return 'r50';

	 * Calculates and formats a ratio.
	 * @param int $Dividend AKA numerator
	 * @param int $Divisor
	 * @param boolean $Color if true, ratio will be coloured.
	 * @return string formatted ratio HTML
	public static function get_ratio_html($Dividend, $Divisor, $Color = true) {
		$Ratio = self::get_ratio($Dividend, $Divisor);

		if ($Ratio === false) {
			return '--';
		if ($Ratio === '∞') {
			return '<span class="tooltip r99" title="Infinite">∞</span>';
		if ($Color) {
			$Ratio = sprintf('<span class="tooltip %s" title="%s">%s</span>',
				self::get_ratio($Dividend, $Divisor, 5),

		return $Ratio;

	 * Returns ratio
	 * @param int $Dividend
	 * @param int $Divisor
	 * @param int $Decimal floor to n decimals (e.g. subtract .005 to floor to 2 decimals)
	 * @return boolean|string
	public static function get_ratio($Dividend, $Divisor, $Decimal = 2) {
		if ($Divisor == 0 && $Dividend == 0) {
			return false;
		if ($Divisor == 0) {
			return '∞';
		return number_format(max($Dividend / $Divisor - (0.5 / pow(10, $Decimal)), 0), $Decimal);

	 * Gets the query string of the current page, minus the parameters in $Exclude
	 * @param array $Exclude Query string parameters to leave out, or blank to include all parameters.
	 * @param bool $Escape Whether to return a string prepared for HTML output
	 * @param bool $Sort Whether to sort the parameters by key
	 * @return An optionally HTML sanatized query string
	public static function get_url($Exclude = false, $Escape = true, $Sort = false) {
		if ($Exclude !== false) {
			$Separator = $Escape ? '&amp;' : '&';
			$QueryItems = NULL;
			parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $QueryItems);
			foreach ($Exclude as $Key) {
			if ($Sort) {
			return http_build_query($QueryItems, '', $Separator);
		} else {
			return $Escape ? display_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) : $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];

	 * Finds what page we're on and gives it to us, as well as the LIMIT clause for SQL
	 * Takes in $_GET['page'] as an additional input
	 * @param $PerPage Results to show per page
	 * @param $DefaultResult Optional, which result's page we want if no page is specified
	 * If this parameter is not specified, we will default to page 1
	 * @return array(int, string) What page we are on, and what to use in the LIMIT section of a query
	 * e.g. "SELECT [...] LIMIT $Limit;"
	public static function page_limit($PerPage, $DefaultResult = 1) {
		if (!isset($_GET['page'])) {
			$Page = ceil($DefaultResult / $PerPage);
			if ($Page == 0) {
				$Page = 1;
			$Limit = $PerPage;
		} else {
			if (!is_number($_GET['page'])) {
			$Page = $_GET['page'];
			if ($Page <= 0) {
				$Page = 1;
			$Limit = $PerPage * $Page - $PerPage . ", $PerPage";
		return array($Page, $Limit);

	// A9 magic. Some other poor soul can write the phpdoc.
	// For data stored in memcached catalogues (giant arrays), e.g. forum threads
	public static function catalogue_limit($Page, $PerPage, $CatalogueSize = 500) {
		$CatalogueID = floor(($PerPage * $Page - $PerPage) / $CatalogueSize);
		$CatalogueLimit = ($CatalogueID * $CatalogueSize).", $CatalogueSize";
		return array($CatalogueID, $CatalogueLimit);

	public static function catalogue_select($Catalogue, $Page, $PerPage, $CatalogueSize = 500) {
		return array_slice($Catalogue, (($PerPage * $Page - $PerPage) % $CatalogueSize), $PerPage, true);

	/* Get pages
	 * Returns a page list, given certain information about the pages.
	 * @param int $StartPage: The current record the page you're on starts with.
	 *		e.g. if you're on page 2 of a forum thread with 25 posts per page, $StartPage is 25.
	 *		If you're on page 1, $StartPage is 0.
	 * @param int $TotalRecords: The total number of records in the result set.
	 *		e.g. if you're on a forum thread with 152 posts, $TotalRecords is 152.
	 * @param int $ItemsPerPage: Self-explanatory. The number of records shown on each page
	 *		e.g. if there are 25 posts per forum page, $ItemsPerPage is 25.
	 * @param int $ShowPages: The number of page links that are shown.
	 *		e.g. If there are 20 pages that exist, but $ShowPages is only 11, only 11 links will be shown.
	 * @param string $Anchor A URL fragment to attach to the links.
	 *		e.g. '#comment12'
	 * @return A sanitized HTML page listing.
	public static function get_pages($StartPage, $TotalRecords, $ItemsPerPage, $ShowPages = 11, $Anchor = '') {
		global $Document, $Method, $Mobile;
		$Location = "$Document.php";
		$StartPage = ceil($StartPage);
		$TotalPages = 0;
		if ($TotalRecords > 0) {
			$StartPage = min($StartPage, ceil($TotalRecords / $ItemsPerPage));

			$TotalPages = ceil($TotalRecords / $ItemsPerPage);

			if ($TotalPages > $ShowPages) {
				$StartPosition = $StartPage - round($ShowPages / 2);

				if ($StartPosition <= 0) {
					$StartPosition = 1;
				} else {
					if ($StartPosition >= ($TotalPages - $ShowPages)) {
						$StartPosition = $TotalPages - $ShowPages;

				$StopPage = $ShowPages + $StartPosition;

			} else {
				$StopPage = $TotalPages;
				$StartPosition = 1;

			$StartPosition = max($StartPosition, 1);

			$QueryString = self::get_url(array('page', 'post'));
			if ($QueryString != '') {
				$QueryString = "&amp;$QueryString";

			$Pages = '';

			if ($StartPage > 1) {
				$Pages .= "<a href=\"$Location?page=1$QueryString$Anchor\"><strong>&lt;&lt; First</strong></a> ";
				$Pages .= "<a href=\"$Location?page=".($StartPage - 1).$QueryString.$Anchor.'" class="pager_prev"><strong>&lt; Prev</strong></a> | ';
			//End change

			if (!$Mobile) {
				for ($i = $StartPosition; $i <= $StopPage; $i++) {
					if ($i != $StartPage) {
						$Pages .= "<a href=\"$Location?page=$i$QueryString$Anchor\">";
					$Pages .= '<strong>';
					if ($i * $ItemsPerPage > $TotalRecords) {
						$Pages .= ((($i - 1) * $ItemsPerPage) + 1)."-$TotalRecords";
					} else {
						$Pages .= ((($i - 1) * $ItemsPerPage) + 1).'-'.($i * $ItemsPerPage);

					$Pages .= '</strong>';
					if ($i != $StartPage) {
						$Pages .= '</a>';
					if ($i < $StopPage) {
						$Pages .= ' | ';
			} else {
				$Pages .= $StartPage;

			if ($StartPage && $StartPage < $TotalPages) {
				$Pages .= " | <a href=\"$Location?page=".($StartPage + 1).$QueryString.$Anchor.'" class="pager_next"><strong>Next &gt;</strong></a> ';
				$Pages .= "<a href=\"$Location?page=$TotalPages$QueryString$Anchor\"><strong> Last &gt;&gt;</strong></a>";
		if ($TotalPages > 1) {
			return $Pages;

	 * Format a size in bytes as a human readable string in KiB/MiB/...
	 *		Note: KiB, MiB, etc. are the IEC units, which are in base 2.
	 *			KB, MB are the SI units, which are in base 10.
	 * @param int $Size
	 * @param int $Levels Number of decimal places. Defaults to 2, unless the size >= 1TB, in which case it defaults to 4.
	 * @return string formatted number.
	public static function get_size($Size, $Levels = 2) {
		$Units = array(' B', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB', ' PB', ' EB', ' ZB', ' YB');
		$Size = (double)$Size;
		for ($Steps = 0; abs($Size) >= 1024; $Size /= 1024, $Steps++) {
		if (func_num_args() == 1 && $Steps >= 4) {
		return number_format($Size, $Levels) . $Units[$Steps];

	 * Format a number as a multiple of its highest power of 1000 (e.g. 10035 -> '10.04k')
	 * @param int $Number
	 * @return string formatted number.
	public static function human_format($Number) {
		$Steps = 0;
		while ($Number >= 1000) {
			$Number = $Number / 1000;
		switch ($Steps) {
			case 0: return round($Number); break;
			case 1: return round($Number, 2).'k'; break;
			case 2: return round($Number, 2).'M'; break;
			case 3: return round($Number, 2).'G'; break;
			case 4: return round($Number, 2).'T'; break;
			case 5: return round($Number, 2).'P'; break;
				return round($Number, 2).'E + '.$Steps * 3;

	 * Given a formatted string of a size, get the number of bytes it represents.
	 * @param string $Size formatted size string, e.g. 123.45k
	 * @return Number of bytes it represents, e.g. (123.45 * 1024)
	public static function get_bytes($Size) {
		list($Value, $Unit) = sscanf($Size, "%f%s");
		$Unit = ltrim($Unit);
		if (empty($Unit)) {
			return $Value ? round($Value) : 0;
		switch (strtolower($Unit[0])) {
			case 'k': return round($Value * 1024);
			case 'm': return round($Value * 1048576);
			case 'g': return round($Value * 1073741824);
			case 't': return round($Value * 1099511627776);
			default: return 0;

	 * Reverse the effects of display_str - un-sanitize HTML.
	 * Use sparingly.
	 * @param string $Str the string to unsanitize
	 * @return unsanitized string
	// Use sparingly
	public static function undisplay_str($Str) {
		return mb_convert_encoding($Str, 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES');

	 * Echo data sent in a GET form field, useful for text areas.
	 * @param string $Index the name of the form field
	 * @param boolean $Return if set to true, value is returned instead of echoed.
	 * @return Sanitized value of field index if $Return == true
	public static function form($Index, $Return = false) {
		if (!empty($_GET[$Index])) {
			if ($Return) {
				return display_str($_GET[$Index]);
			} else {
				echo display_str($_GET[$Index]);

	 * Convenience function to echo out selected="selected" and checked="checked" so you don't have to.
	 * @param string $Name the name of the option in the select (or field in $Array)
	 * @param mixed $Value the value that the option must be for the option to be marked as selected or checked
	 * @param string $Attribute The value returned/echoed is $Attribute="$Attribute" with a leading space
	 * @param array $Array The array the option is in, defaults to GET.
	 * @return void
	public static function selected($Name, $Value, $Attribute = 'selected', $Array = array()) {
		if (empty($Array)) {
			$Array = $_GET;
		if (isset($Array[$Name]) && $Array[$Name] !== '') {
			if ($Array[$Name] == $Value) {
				echo " $Attribute=\"$Attribute\"";

	 * Return a CSS class name if certain conditions are met. Mainly useful to mark links as 'active'
	 * @param mixed $Target The variable to compare all values against
	 * @param mixed $Tests The condition values. Type and dimension determines test type
	 *                 Scalar: $Tests must be equal to $Target for a match
	 *                 Vector: All elements in $Tests must correspond to equal values in $Target
	 *                 2-dimensional array: At least one array must be identical to $Target
	 * @param string $ClassName CSS class name to return
	 * @param bool $AddAttribute Whether to include the "class" attribute in the output
	 * @param string $UserIDKey Key in _REQUEST for a user ID parameter, which if given will be compared to G::$LoggedUser[ID]
	 * @return class name on match, otherwise an empty string
	public static function add_class($Target, $Tests, $ClassName, $AddAttribute, $UserIDKey = false) {
		if ($UserIDKey && isset($_REQUEST[$UserIDKey]) && G::$LoggedUser['ID'] != $_REQUEST[$UserIDKey]) {
			return '';
		$Pass = true;
		if (!is_array($Tests)) {
			// Scalars are nice and easy
			$Pass = $Tests === $Target;
		} elseif (!is_array($Tests[0])) {
			// Test all values in vectors
			foreach ($Tests as $Type => $Part) {
				if (!isset($Target[$Type]) || $Target[$Type] !== $Part) {
					$Pass = false;
		} else {
			// Loop to the end of the array or until we find a matching test
			foreach ($Tests as $Test) {
				$Pass = true;
				// If $Pass remains true after this test, it's a match
				foreach ($Test as $Type => $Part) {
					if (!isset($Target[$Type]) || $Target[$Type] !== $Part) {
						$Pass = false;
				if ($Pass) {
		if (!$Pass) {
			return '';
		if ($AddAttribute) {
			return " class=\"$ClassName\"";
		return " $ClassName";

	 * Detect the encoding of a string and transform it to UTF-8.
	 * @param string $Str
	 * @return UTF-8 encoded version of $Str
	public static function make_utf8($Str) {
		if ($Str != '') {
			if (self::is_utf8($Str)) {
				$Encoding = 'UTF-8';
			if (empty($Encoding)) {
				$Encoding = mb_detect_encoding($Str, 'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1');
			if (empty($Encoding)) {
				$Encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
			if ($Encoding == 'UTF-8') {
				return $Str;
			} else {
				return @mb_convert_encoding($Str, 'UTF-8', $Encoding);

	 * Magical function.
	 * @param string $Str function to detect encoding on.
	 * @return true if the string is in UTF-8.
	public static function is_utf8($Str) {
		return preg_match('%^(?:
			[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E]              // ASCII
			| [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]             // non-overlong 2-byte
			| \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]         // excluding overlongs
			| [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}  // straight 3-byte
			| \xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]         // excluding surrogates
			| \xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2}      // planes 1-3
			| [\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}          // planes 4-15
			| \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2}      // plane 16
			)*$%xs', $Str

	 * Modified accessor for the $TorrentLabels array
	 * Converts $Text to lowercase and strips non-word characters
	 * @param string $Text Search string
	 * @return string CSS class(es)
	public static function find_torrent_label_class($Text) {
		$Index = mb_eregi_replace('(?:[^\w\d\s]+)', '', strtolower($Text));
		if (isset(self::$TorrentLabels[$Index])) {
			return self::$TorrentLabels[$Index];
		} else {
			return self::$TorrentLabels['default'];

	 * Creates a strong element that notes the torrent's state.
	 * E.g.: snatched/freeleech/neutral leech/reported
	 * The CSS class is inferred using find_torrent_label_class($Text)
	 * @param string $Text Display text
	 * @param string $Class Custom CSS class
	 * @return string <strong> element
	public static function torrent_label($Text, $Class = '') {
		if (empty($Class)) {
			$Class = self::find_torrent_label_class($Text);
		return sprintf('<strong class="torrent_label tooltip %1$s" title="%2$s" style="white-space: nowrap;">%2$s</strong>',
				display_str($Class), display_str($Text));

	 * Formats a CSS class name from a Category ID
	 * @global array $Categories
	 * @param int|string $CategoryID This number will be subtracted by one
	 * @return string
	public static function css_category($CategoryID = 1) {
		global $Categories;
		return 'cats_' . strtolower(str_replace(array('-', ' '), '',
				$Categories[$CategoryID - 1]));