query(" SELECT m.Username, m.Email, m.IRCKey, m.Paranoia, i.Info, i.Avatar, i.StyleID, i.StyleURL, i.SiteOptions, i.UnseededAlerts, i.DownloadAlt, p.Level AS Class, i.InfoTitle FROM users_main AS m JOIN users_info AS i ON i.UserID = m.ID LEFT JOIN permissions AS p ON p.ID = m.PermissionID WHERE m.ID = '".db_string($UserID)."'"); list($Username, $Email, $IRCKey, $Paranoia, $Info, $Avatar, $StyleID, $StyleURL, $SiteOptions, $UnseededAlerts, $DownloadAlt, $Class, $InfoTitle) = $DB->next_record(MYSQLI_NUM, array(3, 8)); if ($UserID != $LoggedUser['ID'] && !check_perms('users_edit_profiles', $Class)) { error(403); } $Paranoia = unserialize($Paranoia); if (!is_array($Paranoia)) { $Paranoia = array(); } function paranoia_level($Setting) { global $Paranoia; // 0: very paranoid; 1: stats allowed, list disallowed; 2: not paranoid return (in_array($Setting . '+', $Paranoia)) ? 0 : (in_array($Setting, $Paranoia) ? 1 : 2); } function display_paranoia($FieldName) { $Level = paranoia_level($FieldName); print "\t\t\t\t\t'."  \n"; print "\t\t\t\t\t'."\n"; } function checked($Checked) { return ($Checked ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); } if ($SiteOptions) { $SiteOptions = unserialize($SiteOptions); } else { $SiteOptions = array(); } View::show_header("$Username > Settings", 'user,jquery-ui,release_sort,password_validate,validate,push_settings,cssgallery,preview_paranoia,bbcode,user_settings,donor_titles'); $DonorRank = Donations::get_rank($UserID); $DonorIsVisible = Donations::is_visible($UserID); if ($DonorIsVisible === null) { $DonorIsVisible = true; } extract(Donations::get_enabled_rewards($UserID)); $Rewards = Donations::get_rewards($UserID); $ProfileRewards = Donations::get_profile_rewards($UserID); $DonorTitles = Donations::get_titles($UserID); $DB->query(" SELECT username FROM lastfm_users WHERE ID = '$UserID'"); $LastFMUsername = ''; list($LastFMUsername) = $DB->next_record(); echo $Val->GenerateJS('userform'); ?>

> Settings

Site Appearance Settings
Stylesheet    Show gallery
External stylesheet URL

This is an experimental feature, and some stylesheets will have display issues.

Styled tooltips />
Profile stats
Torrent Settings
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  • />
  • />
Torrent grouping
Torrent group display (search)
  • />
  • />
Torrent group display (artist pages)
  • />
  • />
Snatched torrents indicator />
Release type display (artist pages) Expand
Cover art (torrents)
  • />
  • />
Cover art (collages) covers per page
Torrent search filters
  • />
  • />
Voting links />
Text file downloads />
Community Settings
Posts per page (forums) posts per page
Inbox sorting />
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Mature content (forums, comments, profiles) />
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Custom donor icon URL
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Last.fm username
Profile title 1
Profile info 1
Profile title 2
Profile info 2
Profile title 3
Profile info 3
Profile title 4
Profile info 4
Profile title 5
Profile info 5
query(" SELECT COUNT(UserID) FROM users_info WHERE Inviter = '$UserID'"); list($Invited) = $DB->next_record(); ?> query(" SELECT COUNT(ta.ArtistID) FROM torrents_artists AS ta WHERE ta.UserID = $UserID"); list($ArtistsAdded) = $DB->next_record(); ?>
Paranoia Settings

Select the profile elements you wish to display to other users.

For example, if you select "Show count" for "Requests (filled)", the number of requests you have filled will be visible. If you select "Show bounty", the amount of request bounty you have received will be visible. If you select "Show list", the full list of requests you have filled will be visible.

Note: Paranoia has nothing to do with your security on this site. These settings only determine if others can view your site activity. Some information will remain available in the site log.

Recent activity
Donations /> />
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Collages (started)
Collages (contributed to)
Requests (filled)      
Requests (voted for)      
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Uploaded torrents ("perfect" FLACs)
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Torrents (leeching)
Torrents (snatched)
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Any active torrents must be downloaded again to continue leeching/seeding.

IRC key

If set, this key will be used instead of your site password when authenticating with on the site's IRC network. Please note:

  • This value is stored in plaintext and should not be your password.
  • IRC keys must be between 6 and 32 characters.
Email address

When changing your email address, you must enter your current password in the "Current password" field before saving your changes.

Change password
A strong password:
  • is between 8 and 40 characters long
  • contains at least 1 lowercase and uppercase letter
  • contains at least a number or symbol