QueryResult = $QueryResult; $this->Title = $Title; $this->Zip = new Zip(Misc::file_string($Title)); } /** * Store the results from a DB query in smaller chunks to save memory * * @param string $Key the key to use in the result hash map * @return array with results and torrent group IDs or false if there are no results left */ public function get_downloads($Key) { global $DB; $GroupIDs = $Downloads = array(); $OldQuery = $DB->get_query_id(); $DB->set_query_id($this->QueryResult); if (!isset($this->IDBoundaries)) { if ($Key == 'TorrentID') { $this->IDBoundaries = false; } else { $this->IDBoundaries = $DB->to_pair($Key, 'TorrentID', false); } } $Found = 0; while ($Download = $DB->next_record(MYSQLI_ASSOC, false)) { if (!$this->IDBoundaries || $Download['TorrentID'] == $this->IDBoundaries[$Download[$Key]]) { $Found++; $Downloads[$Download[$Key]] = $Download; $GroupIDs[$Download['TorrentID']] = $Download['GroupID']; if ($Found >= self::ChunkSize) { break; } } } $this->NumFound += $Found; $DB->set_query_id($OldQuery); if (empty($Downloads)) { return false; } return array($Downloads, $GroupIDs); } /** * Add a file to the zip archive * * @param string $Content file content * @param array $FileInfo file info stored as an array with at least the keys * Artist, Name, Year, Media, Format, Encoding and TorrentID * @param string $FolderName folder name */ public function add_file($Content, $FileInfo, $FolderName = '') { $FileName = self::construct_file_name($FileInfo['Artist'], $FileInfo['Name'], $FileInfo['Year'], $FileInfo['Media'], $FileInfo['Format'], $FileInfo['Encoding'], $FileInfo['TorrentID']); $this->Size += $FileInfo['Size']; $this->NumAdded++; $this->Zip->add_file($Content, ($FolderName ? "$FolderName/" : "") . $FileName); usleep(25000); // We don't want to send much faster than the client can receive } /** * Add a file to the list of files that could not be downloaded * * @param array $FileInfo file info stored as an array with at least the keys Artist, Name and Year */ public function fail_file($FileInfo) { $this->FailedFiles[] = $FileInfo['Artist'] . $FileInfo['Name'] . " $FileInfo[Year]"; } /** * Add a file to the list of files that did not match the user's format or quality requirements * * @param array $FileInfo file info stored as an array with at least the keys Artist, Name and Year */ public function skip_file($FileInfo) { $this->SkippedFiles[] = $FileInfo['Artist'] . $FileInfo['Name'] . " $FileInfo[Year]"; } /** * Add a summary to the archive and include a list of files that could not be added. Close the zip archive * * @param int $Analyzed number of files that were analyzed (e.g. number of groups in a collage) * @param int $Skips number of files that did not match any of the user's criteria */ public function finalize($FilterStats = true) { $this->Zip->add_file($this->summary($FilterStats), "Summary.txt"); if (!empty($this->FailedFiles)) { $this->Zip->add_file($this->errors(), "Errors.txt"); } $this->Zip->close_stream(); } /** * Produce a summary text over the collector results * * @param bool $FilterStats whether to include filter stats in the report * @return summary text */ public function summary($FilterStats) { global $LoggedUser, $ScriptStartTime; $Time = number_format(1000 * (microtime(true) - $ScriptStartTime), 2)." ms"; $Used = Format::get_size(memory_get_usage(true)); $Date = date("M d Y, H:i"); $NumSkipped = count($this->SkippedFiles); return "Collector Download Summary for $this->Title - ".SITE_NAME."\r\n" . "\r\n" . "User: $LoggedUser[Username]\r\n" . "Passkey: $LoggedUser[torrent_pass]\r\n" . "\r\n" . "Time: $Time\r\n" . "Used: $Used\r\n" . "Date: $Date\r\n" . "\r\n" . ($FilterStats !== false ? "Torrent groups analyzed: $this->NumFound\r\n" . "Torrent groups filtered: $NumSkipped\r\n" : "") . "Torrents downloaded: $this->NumAdded\r\n" . "\r\n" . "Total size of torrents (ratio hit): ".Format::get_size($this->Size)."\r\n" . ($NumSkipped ? "\r\n" . "Albums unavailable within your criteria (consider making a request for your desired format):\r\n" . implode("\r\n", $this->SkippedFiles) . "\r\n" : ""); } /** * Compile a list of files that could not be added to the archive * * @return list of files */ public function errors() { return "A server error occurred. Please try again at a later time.\r\n" . "\r\n" . "The following torrents could not be downloaded:\r\n" . implode("\r\n", $this->FailedFiles) . "\r\n"; } /** * Combine a bunch of torrent info into a standardized file name * * @params most input variables are mostly self-explanatory * @param int $TorrentID if given, append "-TorrentID" to torrent name * @param bool $TxtExtension whether to use .txt or .torrent as file extension * @return file name with at most 180 characters that is valid on most systems */ public static function construct_file_name($Artist, $Album, $Year, $Media, $Format, $Encoding, $TorrentID = false, $TxtExtension = false) { $TorrentName = Misc::file_string($Album); if ($Year > 0) { $TorrentName .= " - $Year"; } $TorrentInfo = array(); if ($Media != '') { $TorrentInfo[] = $Media; } if ($Format != '') { $TorrentInfo[] = $Format; } if ($Encoding != '') { $TorrentInfo[] = $Encoding; } if (!empty($TorrentInfo)) { $TorrentInfo = " (" . Misc::file_string(implode(" - ", $TorrentInfo)) . ")"; } else { $TorrentInfo = ""; } if (!$TorrentName) { $TorrentName = "No Name"; } else if (strlen($TorrentName . $TorrentInfo) <= 197) { $TorrentName = Misc::file_string($Artist) . $TorrentName; } // Leave some room to the user in case the file system limits the path length $MaxLength = $TxtExtension ? 196 : 192; if ($TorrentID) { $MaxLength -= 8; } $TorrentName = Format::cut_string($TorrentName . $TorrentInfo, $MaxLength, true, false); if ($TorrentID) { $TorrentName .= "-$TorrentID"; } if ($TxtExtension) { return "$TorrentName.txt"; } return "$TorrentName.torrent"; } }