/**********|| Page to show individual threads || ********************************\

Things to expect in $_GET:
	ThreadID: ID of the forum curently being browsed
	page:	The page the user's on. 
	page = 1 is the same as no page


//---------- Things to sort out before it can start printing/generating content

include(SERVER_ROOT.'/classes/class_text.php'); // Text formatting class
$Text = new TEXT;

// Check for lame SQL injection attempts
$CollageID = $_GET['collageid'];
if(!is_number($CollageID)) { 

list($Page,$Limit) = Format::page_limit(POSTS_PER_PAGE);

//Get the cache catalogue
$CatalogueLimit=$CatalogueID*THREAD_CATALOGUE . ', ' . THREAD_CATALOGUE;

//---------- Get some data to start processing

// Cache catalogue from which the page is selected, allows block caches and future ability to specify posts per page
if(!list($Catalogue,$Posts) = $Cache->get_value('collage_'.$CollageID.'_catalogue_'.$CatalogueID)) {
		FROM collages_comments
		WHERE CollageID = '$CollageID'
		LIMIT $CatalogueLimit");
	$Catalogue = $DB->to_array();
	$DB->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
	list($Posts) = $DB->next_record();
	$Cache->cache_value('collage_'.$CollageID.'_catalogue_'.$CatalogueID, array($Catalogue,$Posts), 0);

//This is a hybrid to reduce the catalogue down to the page elements: We use the page limit % catalogue
$Thread = array_slice($Catalogue,((POSTS_PER_PAGE*$Page-POSTS_PER_PAGE)%THREAD_CATALOGUE),POSTS_PER_PAGE,true);

$DB->query("SELECT Name FROM collages WHERE ID='$CollageID'");
list($Name) = $DB->next_record();

// Start printing
View::show_header('Comments for collage '.$Name, 'comments,bbcode,jquery');
<div class="thin">
	<div class="header">
			<a href="collages.php">Collages</a> &gt;
			<a href="collages.php?id=<?=$CollageID?>"><?=$Name?></a>
		<div class="linkbox">
echo $Pages;

//---------- Begin printing
foreach($Thread as $Post){
	list($PostID, $AuthorID, $AddedTime, $Body) = $Post;
	list($AuthorID, $Username, $PermissionID, $Paranoia, $Artist, $Donor, $Warned, $Avatar, $Enabled, $UserTitle) = array_values(Users::user_info($AuthorID));
<table class="forum_post box vertical_margin<?=!Users::has_avatars_enabled() ? ' noavatar' : ''?>" id="post<?=$PostID?>">
<?	if(Users::has_avatars_enabled()) { ?>
		<col class="col_avatar" />
<? 	} ?>
		<col class="col_post_body" />
	<tr class="colhead_dark">
		<td colspan="<?=Users::has_avatars_enabled() ? 2 : 1?>">
			<span style="float:left;"><a href='#post<?=$PostID?>'>#<?=$PostID?></a>
				by <?=Users::format_username($AuthorID, true, true, true, true, true)?> <?=time_diff($AddedTime)?> <a href="reports.php?action=report&amp;type=collages_comment&amp;id=<?=$PostID?>" class="brackets">Report Comment</a>
<? if (!$ThreadInfo['IsLocked']){ ?>				- <a href="#quickpost" onclick="Quote('<?=$PostID?>','<?=$Username?>');" class="brackets">Quote</a><? }
if ($AuthorID == $LoggedUser['ID'] || check_perms('site_moderate_forums')){ ?>				- <a href="#post<?=$PostID?>" onclick="Edit_Form('<?=$PostID?>');" class="brackets">Edit</a><? }
if (check_perms('site_moderate_forums')){ ?>				- <a href="#post<?=$PostID?>" onclick="Delete('<?=$PostID?>');" class="brackets">Delete</a> <? } ?>
			<span id="bar<?=$PostID?>" style="float:right;">
				<a href="#">&uarr;</a>
<?	if (Users::has_avatars_enabled()) { ?>
		<td class="avatar" valign="top">
		<?=Users::show_avatar($Avatar, $Username, $HeavyInfo['DisableAvatars'])?>
<?	} ?>
		<td class="body" valign="top">
			<div id="content<?=$PostID?>">
<?	} 
if(!$ThreadInfo['IsLocked'] || check_perms('site_moderate_forums')) {
	if($ThreadInfo['MinClassWrite'] <= $LoggedUser['Class'] && !$LoggedUser['DisablePosting']) {

	View::parse('generic/reply/quickreply.php', array(
			'InputName' => 'collageid',
			'InputID' => $CollageID,
			'InputAction' => 'add_comment',
			'TextareaCols' => 90));
	<div class="linkbox">
<? View::show_footer(); ?>