NewTorrent = $NewTorrent; $this->Torrent = $Torrent; $this->Error = $Error; global $Categories, $Formats, $Bitrates, $Media, $TorrentID; $this->Categories = $Categories; $this->Formats = $Formats; $this->Bitrates = $Bitrates; $this->Media = $Media; $this->TorrentID = $TorrentID; if($this->Torrent && $this->Torrent['GroupID']) { $this->Disabled = ' disabled="disabled"'; $this->DisabledFlag = true; } } function head() { global $LoggedUser; ?>
NewTorrent) { ?>

Your personal announce url is:

Error) { echo '


'; } ?>
NewTorrent) { ?> Torrent && $this->Torrent['GroupID']) { ?> Torrent && $this->Torrent['RequestID']) { ?>
NewTorrent) { ?>
Torrent file
Torrent; ?>
NewTorrent) { if(check_perms('torrents_freeleech')) { ?>
Freeleech because

Be sure that your torrent is approved by the rules. Not doing this will result in a warning or worse.

NewTorrent) { ?>

After uploading the torrent, you will have a one hour grace period during which no one other than you can fill requests with this torrent. Make use of this time wisely, and search the requests.

NewTorrent) { echo "value=\"Upload torrent\""; } else { echo "value=\"Edit torrent\"";} ?> />
Torrent; $IsRemaster = !empty($Torrent['Remastered']); $UnknownRelease = !$this->NewTorrent && $IsRemaster && !$Torrent['RemasterYear']; if($Torrent['GroupID']) { global $DB; $DB->query("SELECT ID, RemasterYear, RemasterTitle, RemasterRecordLabel, RemasterCatalogueNumber FROM torrents WHERE GroupID = ".$Torrent['GroupID']." AND Remastered = '1' AND RemasterYear != 0 ORDER BY RemasterYear DESC, RemasterTitle DESC, RemasterRecordLabel DESC, RemasterCatalogueNumber DESC"); if($DB->record_count() > 0) { $GroupRemasters = $DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_BOTH, false); } } global $DB; $HasLog = $Torrent['HasLog']; $HasCue = $Torrent['HasCue']; $BadTags = $Torrent['BadTags']; $BadFolders = $Torrent['BadFolders']; $BadFiles = $Torrent['BadFiles']; $CassetteApproved = $Torrent['CassetteApproved']; $LossymasterApproved = $Torrent['LossymasterApproved']; if (!$this->NewTorrent) { $DB->query("SELECT UserID, Points FROM library_contest WHERE TorrentID = ".$this->TorrentID); list($LibraryUser, $LibraryPoints) = $DB->next_record(); } if ($LibraryUser != "") { $LibraryUpload = '1'; } global $ReleaseTypes; ?> NewTorrent) { ?>

NewTorrent) { ?> NewTorrent) { ?> NewTorrent && check_perms('users_mod')) { ?> NewTorrent && check_perms('users_mod')) {?> NewTorrent) { ?>
Artist(s) $Artists) { foreach($Artists as $Artist) { ?> Disabled?>/> DisabledFlag) { ?> [+] [-]
Disabled?>/> [+] [-]
Album title: Disabled?>/>

Do not include the words remaster, re-issue, MSFL Gold, limited edition, bonus tracks, bonus disc or country specific information in this field. That belongs in the edition information fields below, see this for further information. Also remember to use the correct capitalization for your upload. See the Capitalization Guidelines for more information.

Disabled?> onblur="CheckYear();" /> This is the year of the original release.
Record Label (Optional): Disabled?> />
Catalogue Number (Optional): Disabled?> />
Release Type Please take the time to fill this out properly (try searching MusicBrainz).
Edition Information onclick="Remaster();NewTorrent) {?> CheckYear();" /> Check this box if this torrent is a different release to the original, for example a limited or country specific edition or a release that includes additional bonus tracks or is a bonus disc.
Scene /> Check this only if this is a 'scene release'. If you ripped it yourself, it is not a scene release.
If you are not sure, DO NOT check it, you will be penalized. For information on the scene, visit Wikipedia.
Bit Rate
Vanity House
Log/Cue /> Check this box if the torrent has (or should have) a log file.
/> Check this box if the torrent has (or should have) a cue file.
query("SELECT LogID FROM torrents_logs_new where TorrentID = ".$this->TorrentID." AND Log LIKE 'EAC extraction logfile%' AND (Adjusted = '0' OR Adjusted = '')"); list($LogID) = $DB->next_record(); if ($LogID) { if (!check_perms('users_mod')) { ?>
Trumpable /> Check this box if you want this torrent to be trumpable (subtracts 1 point).
Log Score
Log Adjustment Reason

Contains reason for adjusting a score. This field is displayed on the torrent page.

Bad Tags /> Check this box if the torrent has bad tags.
Bad Folder Names /> Check this box if the torrent has bad folder names.
Bad File Names /> Check this box if the torrent has bad file names.
Cassette Approved /> Check this box if the torrent is an approved cassette rip.
Lossy master Approved /> Check this box if the torrent is an approved lossy master.
Library Contest Upload /> Check this box if the torrent is library contest upload.
Library Contest Points
Tags Disabled?>/>
Tags should be comma separated, and you should use a period ('.') to separate words inside a tag - eg. 'hip.hop'.

There is a list of official tags to the left of the text box. Please use these tags instead of 'unofficial' tags (e.g. use the official 'drum.and.bass' tag, instead of an unofficial 'dnb' tag). Please note that the '2000s' tag refers to music produced between 2000 and 2009.

Avoid abbreviations if at all possible. So instead of tagging an album as 'alt', tag it as 'alternative'. Make sure that you use correct spelling.

Avoid using multiple synonymous tags. Using both 'prog.rock' and 'progressive.rock' is redundant and annoying - just use the official 'progressive.rock' tag.

Don't use 'useless' tags, such as '', 'awesome', 'rap' (is encompassed by 'hip.hop'), etc. If an album is live, you can tag it as 'live'.

Only tag information on the album itself - NOT THE INDIVIDUAL RELEASE. Tags such as 'v0', 'eac', 'vinyl', 'from.oink' etc. are strictly forbidden. Remember that these tags will be used for other versions of the same album.

You should be able to build up a list of tags using only the official tags to the left of the text box. If you are in any doubt about whether or not a tag is acceptable, do not add it.
Image (optional) Disabled?>/>
Album Description

Contains background information such as album history and maybe a review.

Release Description (optional)

Contains information like encoder settings or details of the ripping process. DO NOT PASTE THE RIPPING LOG HERE.

Torrent; if (!$this->NewTorrent) { global $DB; $DB->query("SELECT UserID, Points FROM library_contest WHERE TorrentID = ".$this->TorrentID); list($LibraryUser, $LibraryPoints) = $DB->next_record(); if ($LibraryUser != "") { $LibraryUpload = '1'; } } ?> NewTorrent){ ?> NewTorrent && check_perms('users_mod')) {?> NewTorrent) { ?>
Author - Title

Should only include the author if applicable

Library Contest Upload /> Check this box if the torrent is library contest upload.
Library Contest Points
Image (optional) Disabled?>/>

Contains information like the track listing, and maybe a review.

Release Description (optional)

Contains information like encoder settings, and/or a log of the ripping process.

Torrent; ?> NewTorrent) { if ($this->Categories[$CategoryID] == 'E-Books') { ?>
Author - Title Title
Image (optional) Disabled?>/>