query(" SELECT ID, GroupID FROM torrents WHERE info_hash = '$InfoHash'"); if ($DB->has_results()) { list($ID, $GroupID) = $DB->next_record(); header("Location: torrents.php?id=$GroupID&torrentid=$ID"); die(); } } } // Setting default search options if (!empty($_GET['setdefault'])) { $UnsetList = array('page', 'setdefault'); $UnsetRegexp = '/(&|^)('.implode('|', $UnsetList).')=.*?(&|$)/i'; $DB->query(" SELECT SiteOptions FROM users_info WHERE UserID = '".db_string($LoggedUser['ID'])."'"); list($SiteOptions) = $DB->next_record(MYSQLI_NUM, false); if (!empty($SiteOptions)) { $SiteOptions = unserialize($SiteOptions); } else { $SiteOptions = array(); } $SiteOptions['DefaultSearch'] = preg_replace($UnsetRegexp, '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $DB->query(" UPDATE users_info SET SiteOptions = '".db_string(serialize($SiteOptions))."' WHERE UserID = '".db_string($LoggedUser['ID'])."'"); $Cache->begin_transaction("user_info_heavy_$UserID"); $Cache->update_row(false, array('DefaultSearch' => $SiteOptions['DefaultSearch'])); $Cache->commit_transaction(0); // Clearing default search options } elseif (!empty($_GET['cleardefault'])) { $DB->query(" SELECT SiteOptions FROM users_info WHERE UserID = '".db_string($LoggedUser['ID'])."'"); list($SiteOptions) = $DB->next_record(MYSQLI_NUM, false); $SiteOptions = unserialize($SiteOptions); $SiteOptions['DefaultSearch'] = ''; $DB->query(" UPDATE users_info SET SiteOptions = '".db_string(serialize($SiteOptions))."' WHERE UserID = '".db_string($LoggedUser['ID'])."'"); $Cache->begin_transaction("user_info_heavy_$UserID"); $Cache->update_row(false, array('DefaultSearch' => '')); $Cache->commit_transaction(0); // Use default search options } elseif (empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) || (count($_GET) === 1 && isset($_GET['page']))) { if (!empty($LoggedUser['DefaultSearch'])) { if (!empty($_GET['page'])) { $Page = $_GET['page']; parse_str($LoggedUser['DefaultSearch'], $_GET); $_GET['page'] = $Page; } else { parse_str($LoggedUser['DefaultSearch'], $_GET); } } } // Terms were not submitted via the search form if (isset($_GET['searchsubmit'])) { $GroupResults = !empty($_GET['group_results']); } else { $GroupResults = !$LoggedUser['DisableGrouping2']; } if (!empty($_GET['order_way']) && $_GET['order_way'] == 'asc') { $OrderWay = 'asc'; } else { $OrderWay = 'desc'; } if (empty($_GET['order_by']) || !isset(TorrentSearch::$SortOrders[$_GET['order_by']])) { $OrderBy = 'time'; // For header links } else { $OrderBy = $_GET['order_by']; } $Page = !empty($_GET['page']) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : 1; $Search = new TorrentSearch($GroupResults, $OrderBy, $OrderWay, $Page, TORRENTS_PER_PAGE); $Results = $Search->query($_GET); $Groups = $Search->get_groups(); $NumResults = $Search->record_count(); $HideFilter = isset($LoggedUser['ShowTorFilter']) && $LoggedUser['ShowTorFilter'] == 0; // This is kinda ugly, but the enormous if paragraph was really hard to read $AdvancedSearch = !empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'advanced'; $AdvancedSearch |= !empty($LoggedUser['SearchType']) && (empty($_GET['action']) || $_GET['action'] == 'advanced'); $AdvancedSearch &= check_perms('site_advanced_search'); if ($AdvancedSearch) { $Action = 'action=advanced'; $HideBasic = ' hidden'; $HideAdvanced = ''; } else { $Action = 'action=basic'; $HideBasic = ''; $HideAdvanced = ' hidden'; } View::show_header('Browse Torrents', 'browse'); ?>


Basic / Basic / Advanced Advanced Search
Artist name:
Album/Torrent name:
Record label:
Catalogue number: Year:
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File list:
Torrent description:
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Tags (comma-separated): />  />   />
Order by:
$CatName) { if ($x % 7 == 0) { if ($x > 0) { ?>
checked="checked" />
get_value('genre_tags'); if (!$GenreTags) { $DB->query(' SELECT Name FROM tags WHERE TagType = \'genre\' ORDER BY Name'); $GenreTags = $DB->collect('Name'); $Cache->cache_value('genre_tags', $GenreTags, 3600 * 6); } $x = 0; foreach ($GenreTags as $Tag) { ?>
Results    has_filters()) { ?>
query(" SELECT tags.Name, ((COUNT(tags.Name) - 2) * (SUM(tt.PositiveVotes) - SUM(tt.NegativeVotes))) / (tags.Uses * 0.8) AS Score FROM xbt_snatched AS s INNER JOIN torrents AS t ON t.ID = s.fid INNER JOIN torrents_group AS g ON t.GroupID = g.ID INNER JOIN torrents_tags AS tt ON tt.GroupID = g.ID INNER JOIN tags ON tags.ID = tt.TagID WHERE s.uid = '$LoggedUser[ID]' AND tt.TagID != '13679' AND tt.TagID != '4820' AND tt.TagID != '2838' AND g.CategoryID = '1' AND tags.Uses > '10' GROUP BY tt.TagID ORDER BY Score DESC LIMIT 8"); ?>

Your search did not match anything.

Make sure all names are spelled correctly, or try making your search less specific.

You might like (beta): next_record()) { ?>

The requested page contains no matches.

You are requesting page , but the search returned only pages.

$GroupID) { $GroupInfo = $Groups[$GroupID]; if (empty($GroupInfo['Torrents'])) { continue; } $CategoryID = $GroupInfo['CategoryID']; $GroupYear = $GroupInfo['Year']; $ExtendedArtists = $GroupInfo['ExtendedArtists']; $GroupCatalogueNumber = $GroupInfo['CatalogueNumber']; $GroupName = $GroupInfo['Name']; $GroupRecordLabel = $GroupInfo['RecordLabel']; $ReleaseType = $GroupInfo['ReleaseType']; if ($GroupResults) { $Torrents = $GroupInfo['Torrents']; $GroupTime = $MaxSize = $TotalLeechers = $TotalSeeders = $TotalSnatched = 0; foreach ($Torrents as $T) { $GroupTime = max($GroupTime, strtotime($T['Time'])); $MaxSize = max($MaxSize, $T['Size']); $TotalLeechers += $T['Leechers']; $TotalSeeders += $T['Seeders']; $TotalSnatched += $T['Snatched']; } } else { $TorrentID = $Key; $Torrents = array($TorrentID => $GroupInfo['Torrents'][$TorrentID]); } $TorrentTags = new Tags($GroupInfo['TagList']); if (!empty($ExtendedArtists[1]) || !empty($ExtendedArtists[4]) || !empty($ExtendedArtists[5]) || !empty($ExtendedArtists[6]) ) { unset($ExtendedArtists[2]); unset($ExtendedArtists[3]); $DisplayName = Artists::display_artists($ExtendedArtists); } else { $DisplayName = ''; } $SnatchedGroupClass = $GroupInfo['Flags']['IsSnatched'] ? ' snatched_group' : ''; if ($GroupResults && (count($Torrents) > 1 || isset($GroupedCategories[$CategoryID - 1]))) { // These torrents are in a group $DisplayName .= "$GroupName"; if ($GroupYear > 0) { $DisplayName .= " [$GroupYear]"; } if ($GroupInfo['VanityHouse']) { $DisplayName .= ' [VH]'; } $DisplayName .= ' ['.$ReleaseTypes[$ReleaseType].']'; ?> $Data) { // All of the individual torrents in the group //Get report info for each torrent, use the cache if available, if not, add to it. $Reported = false; $Reports = Torrents::get_reports($TorrentID); if (count($Reports) > 0) { $Reported = true; } if ($Data['Remastered'] && !$Data['RemasterYear']) { $FirstUnknown = !isset($FirstUnknown); } $SnatchedTorrentClass = $Data['IsSnatched'] ? ' snatched_torrent' : ''; if (isset($GroupedCategories[$CategoryID - 1]) && ($Data['RemasterTitle'] != $LastRemasterTitle || $Data['RemasterYear'] != $LastRemasterYear || $Data['RemasterRecordLabel'] != $LastRemasterRecordLabel || $Data['RemasterCatalogueNumber'] != $LastRemasterCatalogueNumber) || $FirstUnknown || $Data['Media'] != $LastMedia ) { $EditionID++; ?> $GroupName"; if (isset($GroupedCategories[$CategoryID - 1])) { if ($GroupYear) { $DisplayName .= " [$GroupYear]"; } if ($CategoryID == 1 && $ReleaseType > 0) { $DisplayName .= ' ['.$ReleaseTypes[$ReleaseType].']'; } $ExtraInfo = Torrents::torrent_info($Data, true, true); } elseif ($Data['IsSnatched']) { $ExtraInfo = Format::torrent_label('Snatched!'); } else { $ExtraInfo = ''; } $SnatchedTorrentClass = $Data['IsSnatched'] ? ' snatched_torrent' : ''; ?>
Name / Year Files Time Size Snatches Seeders Leechers
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