$Source, "Price" => $DonationAmount, "Currency" => $Currency, "Source" => $Source, "Reason" => $Reason, "SendPM" => true)); } public static function donate($UserID, $Args) { $UserID = (int)$UserID; $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT 1 FROM users_main WHERE ID = '$UserID' LIMIT 1"); if (G::$DB->has_results()) { G::$Cache->InternalCache = false; foreach ($Args as &$Arg) { $Arg = db_string($Arg); } extract($Args); // We don't always get a date passed in. if (empty($Date)) { $Date = sqltime(); } // Get the ID of the staff member making the edit $AddedBy = 0; if (!self::$IsSchedule) { $AddedBy = G::$LoggedUser['ID']; } // Legacy donor, should remove at some point G::$DB->query(" UPDATE users_info SET Donor = '1' WHERE UserID = '$UserID'"); // Give them the extra invite $ExtraInvite = G::$DB->affected_rows(); // A staff member is directly manipulating donor points if ($Manipulation == "Direct") { $DonorPoints = $Rank; $AdjustedRank = $Rank >= MAX_EXTRA_RANK ? MAX_EXTRA_RANK : $Rank; G::$DB->query(" INSERT INTO users_donor_ranks (UserID, Rank, TotalRank, DonationTime, RankExpirationTime) VALUES ('$UserID', '$AdjustedRank', '$TotalRank', '$Date', '$Date') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Rank = '$AdjustedRank', TotalRank = '$TotalRank', DonationTime = '$Date', RankExpirationTime = '$Date'"); } else { // Donations from the store get donor points directly, no need to calculate them if ($Source == "Store Parser") { $ConvertedPrice = self::currency_exchange($Amount * $Price, $Currency); } else { $ConvertedPrice = self::currency_exchange($Price, $Currency); $DonorPoints = self::calculate_rank($ConvertedPrice); } $IncreaseRank = $DonorPoints; // Rank is the same thing as DonorPoints $CurrentRank = self::get_rank($UserID); // A user's donor rank can never exceed MAX_EXTRA_RANK // If the amount they donated causes it to overflow, chnage it to MAX_EXTRA_RANK // The total rank isn't affected by this, so their original donor point value is added to it if (($CurrentRank + $DonorPoints) >= MAX_EXTRA_RANK) { $AdjustedRank = MAX_EXTRA_RANK; } else { $AdjustedRank = $CurrentRank + $DonorPoints; } G::$DB->query(" INSERT INTO users_donor_ranks (UserID, Rank, TotalRank, DonationTime, RankExpirationTime) VALUES ('$UserID', '$AdjustedRank', '$DonorPoints', '$Date', '$Date') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Rank = '$AdjustedRank', TotalRank = TotalRank + '$DonorPoints', DonationTime = '$Date', RankExpirationTime = '$Date'"); } // Donor cache key is outdated G::$Cache->delete_value("donor_info_$UserID"); // Get their rank $Rank = self::get_rank($UserID); $TotalRank = self::get_total_rank($UserID); // Now that their rank and total rank has been set, we can calculate their special rank self::calculate_special_rank($UserID); // Hand out invites G::$DB->query(" SELECT InvitesRecievedRank FROM users_donor_ranks WHERE UserID = '$UserID'"); list($InvitesRecievedRank) = G::$DB->next_record(); $AdjustedRank = $Rank >= MAX_RANK ? (MAX_RANK - 1) : $Rank; $InviteRank = $AdjustedRank - $InvitesRecievedRank; if ($InviteRank > 0) { $Invites = $ExtraInvite ? ($InviteRank + 1) : $InviteRank; G::$DB->query(" UPDATE users_main SET Invites = Invites + '$Invites' WHERE ID = $UserID"); G::$DB->query(" UPDATE users_donor_ranks SET InvitesRecievedRank = '$AdjustedRank' WHERE UserID = '$UserID'"); } // Send them a thank you PM if ($SendPM) { $Subject = "Your contribution has been received and credited. Thank you!"; $Body = self::get_pm_body($Source, $Currency, $Price, $IncreaseRank, $Rank); Misc::send_pm($UserID, 0, $Subject, $Body); } // Lastly, add this donation to our history G::$DB->query(" INSERT INTO donations (UserID, Amount, Source, Reason, Currency, Email, Time, AddedBy, Rank, TotalRank) VALUES ('$UserID', '$ConvertedPrice', '$Source', '$Reason', '$Currency', '$Email', '$Date', '$AddedBy', '$DonorPoints', '$TotalRank')"); // Clear their user cache keys because the users_info values has been modified G::$Cache->delete_value("user_info_$UserID"); G::$Cache->delete_value("user_info_heavy_$UserID"); G::$Cache->delete_value("donor_info_$UserID"); } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } private static function calculate_special_rank($UserID) { $UserID = (int)$UserID; $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); // Are they are special? G::$DB->query(" SELECT TotalRank, SpecialRank FROM users_donor_ranks WHERE UserID = '$UserID'"); if (G::$DB->has_results()) { // Adjust their special rank depending on the total rank. list($TotalRank, $SpecialRank) = G::$DB->next_record(); if ($TotalRank < 10) { $SpecialRank = 0; } if ($TotalRank >= 10) { Misc::send_pm($UserID, 0, "You've Reached Special Donor Rank #1! You've Earned: One User Pick. Details Inside.", self::get_special_rank_one_pm()); $SpecialRank = 1; } if ($TotalRank >= 20) { Misc::send_pm($UserID, 0, "You've Reached Special Donor Rank #2! You've Earned: The Double-Avatar. Details Inside.", self::get_special_rank_two_pm()); $SpecialRank = 2; } if ($TotalRank >= 50) { Misc::send_pm($UserID, 0, "You've Reached Special Donor Rank #3! You've Earned: Diamond Rank. Details Inside.", self::get_special_rank_three_pm()); $SpecialRank = 3; } // Make them special G::$DB->query(" UPDATE users_donor_ranks SET SpecialRank = '$SpecialRank' WHERE UserID = '$UserID'"); G::$Cache->delete_value("donor_info_$UserID"); } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } public static function schedule() { self::$IsSchedule = true; DonationsBitcoin::find_new_donations(); self::expire_ranks(); self::get_new_conversion_rates(); } public static function expire_ranks() { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT UserID, Rank FROM users_donor_ranks WHERE Rank > 1 AND SpecialRank != 3 AND RankExpirationTime < NOW() - INTERVAL 32 DAY"); if (G::$DB->record_count() > 0) { $UserIDs = array(); while (list($UserID, $Rank) = G::$DB->next_record()) { G::$Cache->delete_value("donor_info_$UserID"); G::$Cache->delete_value("donor_title_$UserID"); G::$Cache->delete_value("donor_profile_rewards_$UserID"); $UserIDs[] = $UserID; } $In = implode(',', $UserIDs); G::$DB->query(" UPDATE users_donor_ranks SET Rank = Rank - IF(Rank = " . MAX_RANK . ", 2, 1), RankExpirationTime = NOW() WHERE UserID IN ($In)"); } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } private static function calculate_rank($Amount) { return floor($Amount / 5); } public static function update_rank($UserID, $Rank, $TotalRank, $Reason) { $Rank = (int)$Rank; $TotalRank = (int)$TotalRank; self::donate($UserID, array( "Manipulation" => "Direct", "Rank" => $Rank, "TotalRank" => $TotalRank, "Reason" => $Reason, "Source" => "Modify Values", "Currency" => "EUR")); } public static function hide_stats($UserID) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" INSERT INTO users_donor_ranks (UserID, Hidden) VALUES ('$UserID', '1') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Hidden = '1'"); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } public static function show_stats($UserID) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" INSERT INTO users_donor_ranks (UserID, Hidden) VALUES ('$UserID', '0') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Hidden = '0'"); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } public static function is_visible($UserID) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT Hidden FROM users_donor_ranks WHERE Hidden = '0' AND UserID = '$UserID'"); $HasResults = G::$DB->has_results(); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); return $HasResults; } public static function has_donor_forum($UserID) { return self::get_rank($UserID) >= DONOR_FORUM_RANK || self::get_special_rank($UserID) >= MAX_SPECIAL_RANK; } /** * Put all the common donor info in the same cache key to save some cache calls */ public static function get_donor_info($UserID) { // Our cache class should prevent identical memcached requests $DonorInfo = G::$Cache->get_value("donor_info_$UserID"); if ($DonorInfo === false) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT Rank, SpecialRank, TotalRank, DonationTime FROM users_donor_ranks WHERE UserID = '$UserID'"); if (G::$DB->has_results()) { list($Rank, $SpecialRank, $TotalRank, $DonationTime) = G::$DB->next_record(MYSQLI_NUM, false); } else { $Rank = $SpecialRank = $TotalRank = $DonationTime = 0; } if (Permissions::is_mod($UserID)) { $Rank = MAX_EXTRA_RANK; $SpecialRank = MAX_SPECIAL_RANK; } G::$DB->query(" SELECT IconMouseOverText, AvatarMouseOverText, CustomIcon, CustomIconLink, SecondAvatar FROM donor_rewards WHERE UserID = '$UserID'"); $Rewards = G::$DB->next_record(MYSQLI_ASSOC); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); $DonorInfo = array( 'Rank' => (int)$Rank, 'SRank' => (int)$SpecialRank, 'TotRank' => (int)$TotalRank, 'Time' => $DonationTime, 'Rewards' => $Rewards); G::$Cache->cache_value("donor_info_$UserID", $DonorInfo, 0); } return $DonorInfo; } public static function get_rank($UserID) { return self::get_donor_info($UserID)['Rank']; } public static function get_special_rank($UserID) { return self::get_donor_info($UserID)['SRank']; } public static function get_total_rank($UserID) { return self::get_donor_info($UserID)['TotRank']; } public static function get_donation_time($UserID) { return self::get_donor_info($UserID)['Time']; } public static function get_personal_collages($UserID) { $DonorInfo = self::get_donor_info($UserID); if ($DonorInfo['SRank'] == MAX_SPECIAL_RANK) { $Collages = 5; } else { $Collages = min($DonorInfo['Rank'], 5); // One extra collage per donor rank up to 5 } return $Collages; } public static function get_titles($UserID) { $Results = G::$Cache->get_value("donor_title_$UserID"); if ($Results === false) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT Prefix, Suffix, UseComma FROM donor_forum_usernames WHERE UserID = '$UserID'"); $Results = G::$DB->next_record(); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); G::$Cache->cache_value("donor_title_$UserID", $Results, 0); } return $Results; } public static function get_enabled_rewards($UserID) { $Rewards = array(); $Rank = self::get_rank($UserID); $SpecialRank = self::get_special_rank($UserID); $HasAll = $SpecialRank == 3; $Rewards = array( 'HasAvatarMouseOverText' => false, 'HasCustomDonorIcon' => false, 'HasDonorForum' => false, 'HasDonorIconLink' => false, 'HasDonorIconMouseOverText' => false, 'HasProfileInfo1' => false, 'HasProfileInfo2' => false, 'HasProfileInfo3' => false, 'HasProfileInfo4' => false, 'HasSecondAvatar' => false); // if ($Rank >= 1 || $HasAll) { // // } if ($Rank >= 2 || $HasAll) { $Rewards["HasDonorIconMouseOverText"] = true; $Rewards["HasProfileInfo1"] = true; } if ($Rank >= 3 || $HasAll) { $Rewards["HasAvatarMouseOverText"] = true; $Rewards["HasProfileInfo2"] = true; } if ($Rank >= 4 || $HasAll) { $Rewards["HasDonorIconLink"] = true; $Rewards["HasProfileInfo3"] = true; } if ($Rank >= MAX_RANK || $HasAll) { $Rewards["HasCustomDonorIcon"] = true; $Rewards["HasDonorForum"] = true; $Rewards["HasProfileInfo4"] = true; } if ($SpecialRank >= 2) { $Rewards["HasSecondAvatar"] = true; } return $Rewards; } public static function get_rewards($UserID) { return self::get_donor_info($UserID)['Rewards']; } public static function get_profile_rewards($UserID) { $Results = G::$Cache->get_value("donor_profile_rewards_$UserID"); if ($Results === false) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT ProfileInfo1, ProfileInfoTitle1, ProfileInfo2, ProfileInfoTitle2, ProfileInfo3, ProfileInfoTitle3, ProfileInfo4, ProfileInfoTitle4 FROM donor_rewards WHERE UserID = '$UserID'"); $Results = G::$DB->next_record(); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); G::$Cache->cache_value("donor_profile_rewards_$UserID", $Results, 0); } return $Results; } private static function add_profile_info_reward($Counter, &$Insert, &$Values, &$Update) { if (isset($_POST["profile_title_" . $Counter]) && isset($_POST["profile_info_" . $Counter])) { $ProfileTitle = db_string($_POST["profile_title_" . $Counter]); $ProfileInfo = db_string($_POST["profile_info_" . $Counter]); $ProfileInfoTitleSQL = "ProfileInfoTitle" . $Counter; $ProfileInfoSQL = "ProfileInfo" . $Counter; $Insert[] = "$ProfileInfoTitleSQL"; $Values[] = "'$ProfileInfoTitle'"; $Update[] = "$ProfileInfoTitleSQL = '$ProfileTitle'"; $Insert[] = "$ProfileInfoSQL"; $Values[] = "'$ProfileInfo'"; $Update[] = "$ProfileInfoSQL = '$ProfileInfo'"; } } public static function update_rewards($UserID) { $Rank = self::get_rank($UserID); $SpecialRank = self::get_special_rank($UserID); $HasAll = $SpecialRank == 3; $Counter = 0; $Insert = array(); $Values = array(); $Update = array(); $Insert[] = "UserID"; $Values[] = "'$UserID'"; if ($Rank >= 1 || $HasAll) { } if ($Rank >= 2 || $HasAll) { if (isset($_POST['donor_icon_mouse_over_text'])) { $IconMouseOverText = db_string($_POST['donor_icon_mouse_over_text']); $Insert[] = "IconMouseOverText"; $Values[] = "'$IconMouseOverText'"; $Update[] = "IconMouseOverText = '$IconMouseOverText'"; } $Counter++; } if ($Rank >= 3 || $HasAll) { if (isset($_POST['avatar_mouse_over_text'])) { $AvatarMouseOverText = db_string($_POST['avatar_mouse_over_text']); $Insert[] = "AvatarMouseOverText"; $Values[] = "'$AvatarMouseOverText'"; $Update[] = "AvatarMouseOverText = '$AvatarMouseOverText'"; } $Counter++; } if ($Rank >= 4 || $HasAll) { if (isset($_POST['donor_icon_link'])) { $CustomIconLink = db_string($_POST['donor_icon_link']); if (!Misc::is_valid_url($CustomIconLink)) { $CustomIconLink = ''; } $Insert[] = "CustomIconLink"; $Values[] = "'$CustomIconLink'"; $Update[] = "CustomIconLink = '$CustomIconLink'"; } $Counter++; } if ($Rank >= MAX_RANK || $HasAll) { if (isset($_POST['donor_icon_custom_url'])) { $CustomIcon = db_string($_POST['donor_icon_custom_url']); if (!Misc::is_valid_url($CustomIcon)) { $CustomIcon = ''; } $Insert[] = "CustomIcon"; $Values[] = "'$CustomIcon'"; $Update[] = "CustomIcon = '$CustomIcon'"; } self::update_titles($UserID, $_POST['donor_title_prefix'], $_POST['donor_title_suffix'], $_POST['donor_title_comma']); $Counter++; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $Counter; $i++) { self::add_profile_info_reward($i, $Insert, $Values, $Update); } if ($SpecialRank >= 2) { if (isset($_POST['second_avatar'])) { $SecondAvatar = db_string($_POST['second_avatar']); if (!Misc::is_valid_url($SecondAvatar)) { $SecondAvatar = ''; } $Insert[] = "SecondAvatar"; $Values[] = "'$SecondAvatar'"; $Update[] = "SecondAvatar = '$SecondAvatar'"; } } $Insert = implode(', ', $Insert); $Values = implode(', ', $Values); $Update = implode(', ', $Update); if ($Counter > 0) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" INSERT INTO donor_rewards ($Insert) VALUES ($Values) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE $Update"); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } G::$Cache->delete_value("donor_profile_rewards_$UserID"); G::$Cache->delete_value("donor_info_$UserID"); } public static function update_titles($UserID, $Prefix, $Suffix, $UseComma) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); $Prefix = trim(db_string($Prefix)); $Suffix = trim(db_string($Suffix)); $UseComma = empty($UseComma) ? true : false; G::$DB->query(" INSERT INTO donor_forum_usernames (UserID, Prefix, Suffix, UseComma) VALUES ('$UserID', '$Prefix', '$Suffix', '$UseComma') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Prefix = '$Prefix', Suffix = '$Suffix', UseComma = '$UseComma'"); G::$Cache->delete_value("donor_title_$UserID"); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } public static function get_donation_history($UserID) { $UserID = (int)$UserID; if (empty($UserID)) { error(404); } $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT Amount, Email, Time, Currency, Reason, Source, AddedBy, Rank, TotalRank FROM donations WHERE UserID = '$UserID' ORDER BY Time DESC"); $DonationHistory = G::$DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_ASSOC, false); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); return $DonationHistory; } public static function get_rank_expiration($UserID) { $DonorInfo = self::get_donor_info($UserID); if ($DonorInfo['SRank'] == MAX_SPECIAL_RANK || $DonorInfo['Rank'] == 1) { $Return = 'Never'; } elseif ($DonorInfo['Time']) { $ExpireTime = strtotime($DonorInfo['Time']) + 2764800; if ($ExpireTime - time() < 60) { $Return = 'Soon'; } else { $Expiration = time_diff($ExpireTime); // 32 days $Return = "in $Expiration"; } } else { $Return = ''; } return $Return; } public static function get_leaderboard_position($UserID) { $UserID = (int)$UserID; $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query("SET @RowNum := 0"); G::$DB->query(" SELECT Position FROM ( SELECT d.UserID, @RowNum := @RowNum + 1 AS Position FROM users_donor_ranks AS d ORDER BY TotalRank DESC ) l WHERE UserID = '$UserID'"); if (G::$DB->has_results()) { list($Position) = G::$DB->next_record(); } else { $Position = 0; } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); return $Position; } public static function is_donor($UserID) { return self::get_rank($UserID) > 0; } public static function currency_exchange($Amount, $Currency) { if (!self::is_valid_currency($Currency)) { error("$Currency is not valid currency"); } switch ($Currency) { case 'USD': $Amount = self::usd_to_euro($Amount); break; case 'BTC': $Amount = self::btc_to_euro($Amount); break; default: break; } return round($Amount, 2); } public static function is_valid_currency($Currency) { return $Currency == 'EUR' || $Currency == 'BTC' || $Currency == 'USD'; } public static function btc_to_euro($Amount) { $Rate = G::$Cache->get_value('btc_rate'); if (empty($Rate)) { $Rate = self::get_stored_conversion_rate('BTC'); G::$Cache->cache_value('btc_rate', $Rate, 86400); } return $Rate * $Amount; } public static function usd_to_euro($Amount) { $Rate = G::$Cache->get_value('usd_rate'); if (empty($Rate)) { $Rate = self::get_stored_conversion_rate('USD'); G::$Cache->cache_value('usd_rate', $Rate, 86400); } return $Rate * $Amount; } public static function get_stored_conversion_rate($Currency) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" SELECT Rate FROM currency_conversion_rates WHERE Currency = '$Currency'"); list($Rate) = G::$DB->next_record(MYSQLI_NUM, false); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); return $Rate; } private static function set_stored_conversion_rate($Currency, $Rate) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); G::$DB->query(" REPLACE INTO currency_conversion_rates (Currency, Rate, Time) VALUES ('$Currency', $Rate, NOW())"); if ($Currency == 'USD') { $KeyName = 'usd_rate'; } elseif ($Currency == 'BTC') { $KeyName = 'btc_rate'; } G::$Cache->cache_value($KeyName, $Rate, 86400); G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } private static function get_new_conversion_rates() { if ($BTC = file_get_contents(BTC_API_URL)) { $BTC = json_decode($BTC, true); if (isset($BTC['24h_avg'])) { if ($Rate = round($BTC['24h_avg'], 4)) { // We don't need good precision self::set_stored_conversion_rate('BTC', $Rate); } } } if ($USD = file_get_contents(USD_API_URL)) { // Valid JSON isn't returned so we make it valid. $Replace = array( 'lhs' => '"lhs"', 'rhs' => '"rhs"', 'error' => '"error"', 'icc' => '"icc"' ); $USD = str_replace(array_keys($Replace), array_values($Replace), $USD); $USD = json_decode($USD, true); if (isset($USD['rhs'])) { // The response is in format "# Euroes", extracts the numbers. $Rate = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $USD['rhs']); if ($Rate = round($Rate[0], 4)) { // We don't need good precision self::set_stored_conversion_rate('USD', $Rate); } } } } public static function get_forum_description() { return self::$ForumDescriptions[rand(0, count(self::$ForumDescriptions) - 1)]; } private static function get_pm_body($Source, $Currency, $DonationAmount, $ReceivedRank, $CurrentRank) { $DonationAmount = number_format($DonationAmount, 2); if ($Source == 'Store Parser') { $String = "[*][b]You Contributed:[/b] $DonationAmount $Currency"; } else { $String = "[*][b]You Contributed:[/b] $DonationAmount $Currency"; } return 'Thank you for your generosity and support. It\'s users like you who make all of this possible. What follows is a brief description of your transaction: ' . $String . ' [*][b]You Received:[/b] ' . $ReceivedRank . ' Donor Point' . ($ReceivedRank == 1 ? '' : 's') . ' [*][b]Your Donor Rank:[/b] Donor Rank # ' . $CurrentRank . ' Once again, thank you for your continued support of the site. Sincerely, '.SITE_NAME.' Staff [align=center][If you have any questions or concerns, please [url=https://'.SSL_SITE_URL.'/staffpm.php]send a Staff PM[/url].]'; } private static function get_special_rank_one_pm() { return 'Congratulations on reaching [url=https://'.SSL_SITE_URL.'/forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=178640&postid=4839790#post4839790]Special Rank #1[/url]! You\'ve been awarded [b]one user pick[/b]! This user pick will be featured on the '.SITE_NAME.' front page during an upcoming event. After you submit your pick, there is no guarantee as to how long it will take before your pick is featured. Picks will be featured on a first-submitted, first-served basis. Please abide by the following guidelines when making your selection: [*]Pick something that hasn\'t been chosen. You can tell if a pick has been used previously by looking at the collages it\'s in. [*]Complete the enclosed form carefully and completely. [*]Reply to this PM with the completed form. [important][align=center]**The following form must be used. Do not edit the BBCode. Reply to this message with the completed form.**[/align][/important] [quote][align=center][size=10]SUBMISSION FORM[/size] [size=4]COPY & PASTE THE BBCODE INTO YOUR REPLY. FILL FORM WITH YOUR INFO. SUBMIT.[/size][/align] [code][align=center][size=10][u]FRONT PAGE[/u][/size][/align] [b][size=5][user][/user]\'s Special Donor Pick[/size][/b] [b]Artist Name - Album Title[/b] [b]Genre:[/b] Alternative, Rock, Grunge, ... [b]Torrents:[/b] Torrent Group Link Here [b]Review:[/b] [quote]Put your front page review here. The review should be a maximum of two small(ish) paragraphs or one medium-sized paragraph. Do not include a huge review for the front page portion of your post, as it will be truncated per the wishes of the Staff Team.[/quote] [align=center][size=10][u]FORUM POST[/u][/size][/align] [b][size=5][user][/user]\'s Special Donor Pick[/size][/b] [img=Album Cover URL] [b]Artist Name - Album Title[/b] [b]Genre:[/b] Alternative, Rock, Grunge, ... [b]Torrents:[/b] Torrent Group Link Here [b]Release Info:[/b] [*][u]Release Date[/u]: Release Date Here [*][u]Tracks[/u]: Track Count Here [*][u]Length[/u]: Release Length Here [*][u]Label[/u]: Release Label Here [b]Credits:[/b] [*][b]Member Name 1:[/b] Role / Instruments Played [*][b]Member Name 2:[/b] Role / Instruments Played [*][b]Member Name 3:[/b] Role / Instruments Played [b]Track Listing:[/b] [#]Remove or add to this list... [#]...as is necessary. [#]Track 03 [#]Track 04 [#]Track 05 [#]Track 06 [#]Track 07 [#]Track 08 [#]Track 09 [#]Track 10 [b]Website:[/b] Artist Website / Info Page / Fan Site Link Here [b]Review:[/b] [quote]Put your forum post review here. This review can be any length. You can write it yourself or source it from the net. Please try to include a source if you don\'t write your own review. If your review is too long, it will be included, but put into hide tags by the Staff Team formatting the thread.[/quote][/code][/quote] [hide=Completed Submission Form (Example)][align=center][size=10][u]FRONT PAGE[/u][/size][/align] [b][size=5][user]DixieFlatline[/user]\'s Special Donor Pick[/size][/b] [b]The Door and The Window - Detailed Twang[/b] [b]Genre:[/b] Post-Punk, Rock, Experimental [b]Torrents:[/b] http://what.cd/torrents.php?id=649629 [b]Review:[/b] [quote=Mutant Sounds]Stumblebum idiot savant songform fragmentation that vacillates between moments of delirious jerry-rigged inspiration and passages that border on the insufferably sophomoric, brought to you by this batch of DIY rabble rousers whose stance and attitude (complete with DIY manifestos on the back cover) aligned them strongly at the time with the likes of The Desperate Bicycles. Loosely yoked to a whole network of willfully rinky dink art damage, Nag and Bendle (2/3 of The Door And The Window) also participated in The 49 Americans, a group with a similar propensity for inspired faux naif art brut whimsy and Mark Perry (the other 1/3) was of course the leader of Alternative TV, whose NWW list included group The Good Missionaries also traffic in much the same sort of abstruse fuckery.[/quote][/code][/quote] [align=center][size=10][u]FORUM POST[/u][/size][/align] [b][size=5][user]DixieFlatline[/user]\'s Special Donor Pick[/size][/b] [img=http://i.imgur.com/wXdQd.jpg] [b]The Door and The Window - Detailed Twang[/b] [b]Genre:[/b] Post-Punk, Rock, Experimental [b]Torrents:[/b] http://what.cd/torrents.php?id=649629 [b]Release Info[/b] [*][u]Release Date[/u]: 1980 (Reissue: 2003) [*][u]Tracks[/u]: 12 (Reissue: 23) [*][u]Length[/u]: 1:09:11 [*][u]Label[/u]: Overground Records [b]Credits:[/b] [*][b]Bendle:[/b] Guitar, Percussion, Vocals [*][b]Nag:[/b] Percussion, Synthesizer, Vocals [*][b]Mark Perry:[/b] Drums, Saxophone, Vocals (tracks: 1 to 12, 22, 23) [b]Track Listing:[/b] [#]Dads (4:41) [#]Habits (2:14) [#]We Do Scare Each Other (2:23) [#]Order And Obey (3:20) [#]He Feels Like A Doris (4:47) [#]Part-Time Punks (3:50) [#]In The Car (0:43) [#]Subculture Fashion Slaves (3:51) [#]Sticks And Stones (3:56) [#]Positive (4:24) [#]Why Must You Build Walls Around Us? (2:17) [#]Detailed Twang (1:50) [#]Subculture Fashion Slaves (Early Version) (3:26) [#]Nostradomus (1:38) [#]Don\'t Kill Colin (3:33) [#]Wurst Band (1:38) [#]Dig (2:10) [#]Production Line (4:05) [#]He Feels Like A Doris (Early Version) (3:25) [#]I Like Sound (1:25) [#]Innocent (1:38) [#]The Number One Entertainer (3:38) [#]C.C.H. (4:19) [b]Website:[/b] http://www.wikipedia.org [b]Review:[/b] [quote=Mutant Sounds]Stumblebum idiot savant songform fragmentation that vacillates between moments of delirious jerry-rigged inspiration and passages that border on the insufferably sophomoric, brought to you by this batch of DIY rabble rousers whose stance and attitude (complete with DIY manifestos on the back cover) aligned them strongly at the time with the likes of The Desperate Bicycles. Loosely yoked to a whole network of willfully rinky dink art damage, Nag and Bendle (2/3 of The Door And The Window) also participated in The 49 Americans, a group with a similar propensity for inspired faux naif art brut whimsy and Mark Perry (the other 1/3) was of course the leader of Alternative TV, whose NWW list included group The Good Missionaries also traffic in much the same sort of abstruse fuckery.[/quote][/hide] At this time, we\'d like to thank you for your continued support of the site. The fact that you\'ve reached this milestone is testament to your belief in '.SITE_NAME.' as a project. It\'s dedicated users like you that keep us alive. We look forward to featuring your pick in an upcoming announcement. Sincerely, '.SITE_NAME.' Staff'; } private static function get_special_rank_two_pm() { return 'Congratulations on reaching [url=https://'.SSL_SITE_URL.'/forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=178640&postid=4839790#post4839790]Special Rank #2[/url]! 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Diamond Rank grants you the benefits associated with every Donor Rank up to and including Gold ([url=https://'.SSL_SITE_URL.'/forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=178640&postid=4839789#post4839789]Donor Rank #5[/url]). But unlike Donor Rank #5 - because Diamond Rank is a Special Rank - it will never expire. At this time, we\'d like to thank you for your continued support of the site. The fact that you\'ve reached this milestone is testament to your belief in '.SITE_NAME.' as a project. It\'s dedicated users like you that keep us alive. Consider yourself one of our top supporters! Sincerely, '.SITE_NAME.' Staff'; } }