query("SELECT m.ID, p.PushService FROM users_main AS m LEFT JOIN users_info AS i ON i.UserID = m.ID LEFT JOIN users_push_notifications AS p ON p.UserID = m.ID WHERE m.Username IN " . "('" . implode("', '", $Usernames) . "') AND i.NotifyOnQuote = '1' AND i.UserID != $LoggedUser[ID]"); $Results = $DB->to_array(); foreach($Results as $Result) { $UserID = $Result['ID']; $PushService = $Result['PushService']; $QuoterID = db_string($LoggedUser['ID']); $UserID = db_string($UserID); $ForumID = db_string($ForumID); $TopicID = db_string($TopicID); $PostID = db_string($PostID); $DB->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO users_notify_quoted (UserID, QuoterID, Page, PageID, PostID, Date) VALUES ('$UserID', '$QuoterID', 'forums', '$TopicID', '$PostID', '" . sqltime() . "')"); $Cache->delete_value('notify_quoted_' . $UserID); } /* * Validate the username and add it into the $Usernames array */ function add_username($Str) { global $Usernames; $Matches = array(); if (preg_match('/\[quote=(.*)]/', $Str, $Matches)) { $Username = $Matches[1]; $Username = trim($Username); if (strlen($Username) > 0 && !preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9|]/i', $Username)) { $Exploded = explode('|', $Username); $Username = $Exploded[0]; $Username = preg_replace('/(^[.,]*)|([.,]*$)/', '', $Username); $Usernames[] = $Username; } } } ?>