NewTorrent = $NewTorrent; $this->Torrent = $Torrent; $this->Error = $Error; global $UploadForm, $Categories, $Formats, $Bitrates, $Media, $TorrentID; $this->UploadForm = $UploadForm; $this->Categories = $Categories; $this->Formats = $Formats; $this->Bitrates = $Bitrates; $this->Media = $Media; $this->TorrentID = $TorrentID; if ($this->Torrent && $this->Torrent['GroupID']) { $this->Disabled = ' disabled="disabled"'; $this->DisabledFlag = true; } } function head() { ?>
NewTorrent) { ?>

Your personal announce URL is:

Error) { echo "\t".'


\n"; } ?>
NewTorrent) { ?> Torrent && $this->Torrent['GroupID']) { ?> Torrent && $this->Torrent['RequestID']) { ?>
NewTorrent) { ?>
Torrent file:
Torrent; ?>
NewTorrent) { if (check_perms('torrents_freeleech')) { ?>
Freeleech because

Be sure that your torrent is approved by the rules. Not doing this will result in a warning or worse.

NewTorrent) { ?>

After uploading the torrent, you will have a one hour grace period during which no one other than you can fill requests with this torrent. Make use of this time wisely, and search the list of requests.

NewTorrent) { echo ' value="Upload torrent"'; } else { echo ' value="Edit torrent"';} ?> />
get_query_id(); $Torrent = $this->Torrent; $IsRemaster = !empty($Torrent['Remastered']); $UnknownRelease = !$this->NewTorrent && $IsRemaster && !$Torrent['RemasterYear']; if ($Torrent['GroupID']) { G::$DB->query(' SELECT ID, RemasterYear, RemasterTitle, RemasterRecordLabel, RemasterCatalogueNumber FROM torrents WHERE GroupID = '.$Torrent['GroupID']." AND Remastered = '1' AND RemasterYear != 0 ORDER BY RemasterYear DESC, RemasterTitle DESC, RemasterRecordLabel DESC, RemasterCatalogueNumber DESC"); if (G::$DB->has_results()) { $GroupRemasters = G::$DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_BOTH, false); } } $HasLog = $Torrent['HasLog']; $HasCue = $Torrent['HasCue']; $BadTags = $Torrent['BadTags']; $BadFolders = $Torrent['BadFolders']; $BadFiles = $Torrent['BadFiles']; $CassetteApproved = $Torrent['CassetteApproved']; $LossymasterApproved = $Torrent['LossymasterApproved']; $LossywebApproved = $Torrent['LossywebApproved']; global $ReleaseTypes; ?> NewTorrent) { ?>

NewTorrent) { ?> NewTorrent) { ?> NewTorrent) { ?> NewTorrent && check_perms('users_mod')) { ?> NewTorrent && check_perms('users_mod')) { ?> NewTorrent) { ?>
Artist(s): $Artists) { foreach ($Artists as $Artist) { ?> Disabled?> /> DisabledFlag) { ?> +
Disabled?> /> +
Album title: Disabled?> />

Do not include the words remaster, re-issue, MFSL Gold, limited edition, bonus tracks, bonus disc or country-specific information in this field. That belongs in the edition information fields below; see this for further information. Also remember to use the correct capitalization for your upload. See the Capitalization Guidelines for more information.

Disabled?> onblur="CheckYear();" /> This is the year of the original release.
Record label (optional): Disabled?> />
Catalogue number (optional): Disabled?> />
Please double-check the record label and catalogue number when using MusicBrainz. See this guide for more details.
Release type: Please take the time to fill this out properly. Need help? Try reading this wiki article or searching MusicBrainz.
Edition information: onclick="Remaster();NewTorrent) { ?> CheckYear();" />
Scene: />
Multi-format uploader:
Vanity House:
Log/cue: />
query(' SELECT LogID FROM torrents_logs_new WHERE TorrentID = '.$this->TorrentID." AND Log LIKE 'EAC extraction logfile%' AND (Adjusted = '0' OR Adjusted = '')"); list($LogID) = G::$DB->next_record(); if ($LogID) { if (!check_perms('users_mod')) { ?>
Trumpable: />
Log score
Log adjustment reason

Contains reason for adjusting a score. This field is displayed on the torrent page.

Bad tags: />
Bad folder names: />
Bad file names: />
Cassette approved: />
Lossy master approved: />
Lossy web approved: />
Tags: Disabled?> />
Image (optional): Disabled?> />
Album description: Disabled)); ?>

Contains background information such as album history and maybe a review.

Release description (optional):

Contains information like encoder settings or details of the ripping process. Do not paste the ripping log here.

set_query_id($QueryID); }//function music_form function audiobook_form() { $Torrent = $this->Torrent; ?> NewTorrent) { ?> NewTorrent) { ?>
Author - Title:

Should only include the author if applicable.

Tags: />
Image (optional): Disabled?> />

Contains information like the track listing, a review, a link to Discogs or MusicBrainz, etc.

Release description (optional):

Contains information like encoder settings. For analog rips, this frequently contains lineage information.

Torrent; ?> NewTorrent) { if ($this->Categories[$CategoryID] == 'E-Books') { ?>
Author - Title: Title:
Tags: />
Image (optional): Disabled?> />