query(' SELECT tg.ID as GroupID, tg.CategoryID, tg.Name AS Title, tg.Year, tg.RecordLabel, tg.CatalogueNumber, tg.WikiImage AS Image, tg.WikiBody AS GroupDescription, tg.ReleaseType, tg.VanityHouse FROM torrents_group AS tg LEFT JOIN torrents AS t ON t.GroupID = tg.ID WHERE tg.ID = '.$_GET['groupid'].' GROUP BY tg.ID'); if ($DB->has_results()) { list($Properties) = $DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_BOTH); $UploadForm = $Categories[$Properties['CategoryID'] - 1]; $Properties['CategoryName'] = $Categories[$Properties['CategoryID'] - 1]; $Properties['Artists'] = Artists::get_artist($_GET['groupid']); $DB->query(" SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(tags.Name SEPARATOR ', ') AS TagList FROM torrents_tags AS tt JOIN tags ON tags.ID = tt.TagID WHERE tt.GroupID = '$_GET[groupid]'"); list($Properties['TagList']) = $DB->next_record(); } else { unset($_GET['groupid']); } if (!empty($_GET['requestid']) && is_number($_GET['requestid'])) { $Properties['RequestID'] = $_GET['requestid']; } } elseif (empty($Properties) && !empty($_GET['requestid']) && is_number($_GET['requestid'])) { $DB->query(' SELECT r.ID AS RequestID, r.CategoryID, r.Title AS Title, r.Year, r.RecordLabel, r.CatalogueNumber, r.ReleaseType, r.Image FROM requests AS r WHERE r.ID = '.$_GET['requestid']); list($Properties) = $DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_BOTH); $UploadForm = $Categories[$Properties['CategoryID'] - 1]; $Properties['CategoryName'] = $Categories[$Properties['CategoryID'] - 1]; $Properties['Artists'] = Requests::get_artists($_GET['requestid']); $Properties['TagList'] = implode(', ', Requests::get_tags($_GET['requestid'])[$_GET['requestid']]); } if (!empty($ArtistForm)) { $Properties['Artists'] = $ArtistForm; } require(SERVER_ROOT.'/classes/torrent_form.class.php'); $TorrentForm = new TORRENT_FORM($Properties, $Err); if (!isset($Text)) { include(SERVER_ROOT.'/classes/text.class.php'); // Text formatting class $Text = new TEXT; } $GenreTags = $Cache->get_value('genre_tags'); if (!$GenreTags) { $DB->query(" SELECT Name FROM tags WHERE TagType = 'genre' ORDER BY Name"); $GenreTags = $DB->collect('Name'); $Cache->cache_value('genre_tags', $GenreTags, 3600 * 6); } $DB->query(' SELECT d.Name, d.Comment, d.Time FROM do_not_upload as d ORDER BY d.Sequence'); $DNU = $DB->to_array(); list($Name, $Comment, $Updated) = reset($DNU); reset($DNU); $DB->query(" SELECT IF(MAX(t.Time) < '$Updated' OR MAX(t.Time) IS NULL, 1, 0) FROM torrents AS t WHERE UserID = ".$LoggedUser['ID']); list($NewDNU) = $DB->next_record(); $HideDNU = check_perms('torrents_hide_dnu') && !$NewDNU; ?>

Do Not Upload List

' : '' ?>Last updated: ' : '' ?>

The following releases are currently forbidden from being uploaded to the site. Do not upload them unless your torrent meets a condition specified in the comment. Show

Name Comment
full_format($Name) . "\n" ?> (New!) full_format($Comment)?>
' : '')?> head(); switch ($UploadForm) { case 'Music': $TorrentForm->music_form($GenreTags); break; case 'Audiobooks': case 'Comedy': $TorrentForm->audiobook_form(); break; case 'Applications': case 'Comics': case 'E-Books': case 'E-Learning Videos': $TorrentForm->simple_form($Properties['CategoryID']); break; default: $TorrentForm->music_form($GenreTags); } $TorrentForm->foot(); ?>