$Val) { if(strpos($FormatList, $Val) !== false) { $FormatArray[] = $Key; } } } $MediaArray = array(); if($MediaList == "Any") { $MediaArray = array_keys($Media); } else { foreach ($Media as $Key => $Val) { if(strpos($MediaList, $Val) !== false) { $MediaArray[] = $Key; } } } } $Tags = implode(", ", $Request['Tags']); } } if($NewRequest && !empty($_GET['artistid']) && is_number($_GET['artistid'])) { $DB->query("SELECT Name FROM artists_group WHERE artistid = ".$_GET['artistid']." LIMIT 1"); list($ArtistName) = $DB->next_record(); $ArtistForm = array( 1 => array(array('name' => trim($ArtistName))), 2 => array(), 3 => array() ); } elseif($NewRequest && !empty($_GET['groupid']) && is_number($_GET['groupid'])) { $ArtistForm = get_artist($_GET['groupid']); $DB->query("SELECT tg.Name, tg.Year, tg.ReleaseType, tg.WikiImage, GROUP_CONCAT(t.Name SEPARATOR ', ') FROM torrents_group AS tg JOIN torrents_tags AS tt ON tt.GroupID=tg.ID JOIN tags AS t ON t.ID=tt.TagID WHERE tg.ID = ".$_GET['groupid']); list($Title, $Year, $ReleaseType, $Image, $Tags) = $DB->next_record(); } show_header(($NewRequest ? "Create a request" : "Edit a request"), 'requests'); ?>

Please make sure your request follows the request rules!
Artist(s) $ArtistNames) { foreach($ArtistNames as $Artist) { ?> [+] [-]
[+] [-]
Catalogue Number
Tags get_value('genre_tags'); if(!$GenreTags) { $DB->query('SELECT Name FROM tags WHERE TagType=\'genre\' ORDER BY Name'); $GenreTags = $DB->collect('Name'); $Cache->cache_value('genre_tags', $GenreTags, 3600*6); } ?>
Tags should be comma separated, and you should use a period ('.') to separate words inside a tag - eg. 'hip.hop'.

There is a list of official tags to the left of the text box. Please use these tags instead of 'unofficial' tags (eg. use the official 'drum.and.bass' tag, instead of an unofficial 'dnb' tag.)
Release Type
Allowed Formats /> NB: You cannot require a log or cue unless FLAC is an allowed format $Val) { if($Key % 8 == 0) echo "
";?> />
Allowed Bitrates /> $Val) { if($Key % 8 == 0) echo "
";?> onchange="if(!this.checked) { $('#toggle_bitrates').raw().checked = false; }"/>
Allowed Media /> $Val) { if($Key % 8 == 0) echo "
";?> onchange="if(!this.checked) { $('#toggle_media').raw().checked = false; }"/>
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