$Length) { if ($Hard == 0) { // Not hard, cut at closest word $CutDesc = mb_substr($Str, 0, $Length, 'UTF-8'); $DescArr = explode(' ', $CutDesc); if (count($DescArr) > 1) { array_pop($DescArr); $CutDesc = implode(' ', $DescArr); } if ($ShowDots) { $CutDesc .= '...'; } } else { $CutDesc = mb_substr($Str, 0, $Length, 'UTF-8'); if ($ShowDots) { $CutDesc .= '...'; } } return $CutDesc; } else { return $Str; } } /** * Gets the CSS class corresponding to a ratio * * @param $Ratio ratio to get the css class for * @return string the CSS class corresponding to the ratio range */ public static function get_ratio_color($Ratio) { if ($Ratio < 0.1) { return 'r00'; } if ($Ratio < 0.2) { return 'r01'; } if ($Ratio < 0.3) { return 'r02'; } if ($Ratio < 0.4) { return 'r03'; } if ($Ratio < 0.5) { return 'r04'; } if ($Ratio < 0.6) { return 'r05'; } if ($Ratio < 0.7) { return 'r06'; } if ($Ratio < 0.8) { return 'r07'; } if ($Ratio < 0.9) { return 'r08'; } if ($Ratio < 1) { return 'r09'; } if ($Ratio < 2) { return 'r10'; } if ($Ratio < 5) { return 'r20'; } return 'r50'; } /** * Calculates and formats a ratio. * * @param int $Dividend AKA numerator * @param int $Divisor * @param boolean $Color if true, ratio will be coloured. * @return string formatted ratio HTML */ public static function get_ratio_html($Dividend, $Divisor, $Color = true) { $Ratio = self::get_ratio($Dividend, $Divisor); if ($Ratio === false) return '--'; if ($Ratio === '∞') return ''; if ($Color) $Ratio = sprintf('%s', self::get_ratio_color($Ratio), self::get_ratio($Dividend, $Divisor, 5), $Ratio ); return $Ratio; } /** * Returns ratio * @param int $Dividend * @param int $Divisor * @param int $Decimal floor to n decimals (eg Subtract .005 to floor to 2 decimals) * @return boolean|string */ public function get_ratio ($Dividend, $Divisor, $Decimal = 2) { if ($Divisor == 0 && $Dividend == 0) return false; if ($Divisor == 0) return '∞'; return number_format(max($Dividend/$Divisor - (0.5/pow(10, $Decimal)), 0), $Decimal); } /** * Gets the query string of the current page, minus the parameters in $Exclude * * @param array $Exclude Query string parameters to leave out, or blank to include all parameters. * @return An HTML sanatized query string */ public static function get_url($Exclude = false) { if ($Exclude !== false) { $QueryItems = array(); parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $QueryItems); foreach ($QueryItems AS $Key => $Val) { if (!in_array(strtolower($Key),$Exclude)) { $Query[$Key] = $Val; } } if (empty($Query)) { return; } return display_str(http_build_query($Query)); } else { return display_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } } /** * Finds what page we're on and gives it to us, as well as the LIMIT clause for SQL * Takes in $_GET['page'] as an additional input * * @param $PerPage Results to show per page * @param $DefaultResult Optional, which result's page we want if no page is specified * If this parameter is not specified, we will default to page 1 * * @return array(int,string) What page we are on, and what to use in the LIMIT section of a query * i.e. "SELECT [...] LIMIT $Limit;" */ public static function page_limit($PerPage, $DefaultResult = 1) { if (!isset($_GET['page'])) { $Page = ceil($DefaultResult/$PerPage); if ($Page == 0) $Page = 1; $Limit=$PerPage; } else { if (!is_number($_GET['page'])) { error(0); } $Page = $_GET['page']; if ($Page <= 0) { $Page = 1; } $Limit=$PerPage*$Page-$PerPage . ', ' . $PerPage; } return array($Page,$Limit); } // A9 magic. Some other poor soul can write the phpdoc. // For data stored in memcached catalogues (giant arrays), eg. forum threads public static function catalogue_limit($Page, $PerPage, $CatalogueSize=500) { $CatalogueID = floor(($PerPage*$Page-$PerPage)/$CatalogueSize);; $CatalogueLimit = ($CatalogueID*$CatalogueSize).', '.$CatalogueSize; return array($CatalogueID, $CatalogueLimit); } public static function catalogue_select($Catalogue, $Page, $PerPage, $CatalogueSize=500) { return array_slice($Catalogue,(($PerPage*$Page-$PerPage)%$CatalogueSize),$PerPage,true); } /* Get pages * Returns a page list, given certain information about the pages. * * @param int $StartPage: The current record the page you're on starts with. * eg. if you're on page 2 of a forum thread with 25 posts per page, $StartPage is 25. * If you're on page 1, $StartPage is 0. * @param int $TotalRecords: The total number of records in the result set. * eg. if you're on a forum thread with 152 posts, $TotalRecords is 152. * @param int $ItemsPerPage: Self-explanatory. The number of records shown on each page * eg. if there are 25 posts per forum page, $ItemsPerPage is 25. * @param int $ShowPages: The number of page links that are shown. * eg. If there are 20 pages that exist, but $ShowPages is only 11, only 11 links will be shown. * @param string $Anchor A URL fragment to attach to the links. * eg. '#comment12' * @return A sanitized HTML page listing. */ public static function get_pages($StartPage,$TotalRecords,$ItemsPerPage,$ShowPages=11,$Anchor='') { global $Document, $Method, $Mobile; $Location = $Document.'.php'; $StartPage = ceil($StartPage); $TotalPages = 0; if ($TotalRecords > 0) { $StartPage = min($StartPage, ceil($TotalRecords/$ItemsPerPage)); $ShowPages--; $TotalPages = ceil($TotalRecords/$ItemsPerPage); if ($TotalPages > $ShowPages) { $StartPosition = $StartPage-round($ShowPages/2); if ($StartPosition <= 0) { $StartPosition = 1; } else { if ($StartPosition >= ($TotalPages-$ShowPages)) { $StartPosition = $TotalPages-$ShowPages; } } $StopPage = $ShowPages+$StartPosition; } else { $StopPage = $TotalPages; $StartPosition = 1; } $StartPosition = max($StartPosition, 1); $QueryString = self::get_url(array('page','post')); if ($QueryString != '') { $QueryString = '&'.$QueryString; } $Pages = ''; if ($StartPage > 1) { $Pages .= '<< First '; $Pages .= '< Prev | '; } //End change if (!$Mobile) { for ($i = $StartPosition; $i <= $StopPage; $i++) { if ($i != $StartPage) { $Pages .= ''; } $Pages .= ""; if ($i*$ItemsPerPage > $TotalRecords) { $Pages .= ((($i-1)*$ItemsPerPage)+1).'-'.($TotalRecords); } else { $Pages .= ((($i-1)*$ItemsPerPage)+1).'-'.($i*$ItemsPerPage); } $Pages .= ""; if ($i != $StartPage) { $Pages.=''; } if ($i < $StopPage) { $Pages.=" | "; } } } else { $Pages .= $StartPage; } if ($StartPage && $StartPage < $TotalPages) { $Pages .= ' | Next > '; $Pages .= ' Last >>'; } } if ($TotalPages > 1) { return $Pages; } } /** * Format a size in bytes as a human readable string in KiB/MiB/... * * @param int $Size * @param int $Levels Number of decimal places. Defaults to 2, unless the size >= 1TB, in which case it defaults to 4. * @return string formatted number. */ public static function get_size($Size, $Levels = 2) { $Units = array(' B',' KB',' MB',' GB',' TB',' PB',' EB',' ZB',' YB'); $Size = (double) $Size; for($Steps = 0; abs($Size) >= 1024; $Size /= 1024, $Steps++) {} if (func_num_args() == 1 && $Steps >= 4) { $Levels++; } return number_format($Size, $Levels) . $Units[$Steps]; } /** * Format a number as a multiple of its highest power of 1000 (eg. 10035 -> '10.04k') * * @param int $Number * @return string formatted number. */ public static function human_format($Number) { $Steps = 0; while($Number>=1000) { $Steps++; $Number=$Number/1000; } switch ($Steps) { case 0: return round($Number); break; case 1: return round($Number,2).'k'; break; case 2: return round($Number,2).'M'; break; case 3: return round($Number,2).'G'; break; case 4: return round($Number,2).'T'; break; case 5: return round($Number,2).'P'; break; default: return round($Number,2).'E + '.$Steps*3; } } /** * Given a formatted string of a size, get the number of bytes it represents. * * @param string $Size formatted size string, eg. 123.45k * @return Number of bytes it represents, eg. (123.45 * 1024) */ public static function get_bytes($Size) { list($Value,$Unit) = sscanf($Size, "%f%s"); $Unit = ltrim($Unit); if (empty($Unit)) { return $Value ? round($Value) : 0; } switch(strtolower($Unit[0])) { case 'k': return round($Value * 1024); case 'm': return round($Value * 1048576); case 'g': return round($Value * 1073741824); case 't': return round($Value * 1099511627776); default: return 0; } } /** * Reverse the effects of display_str - un-sanitize HTML. * Use sparingly. * * @param string $Str the string to unsanitize * @return unsanitized string */ // Use sparingly public static function undisplay_str($Str) { return mb_convert_encoding($Str, 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES'); } /** * Echo data sent in a GET form field, useful for text areas. * * @param string $Index the name of the form field * @param boolean $Return if set to true, value is returned instead of echoed. * @return Sanitized value of field index if $Return == true */ public static function form($Index, $Return = false) { if (!empty($_GET[$Index])) { if ($Return) { return display_str($_GET[$Index]); } else { echo display_str($_GET[$Index]); } } } /** * Convenience function to echo out selected='selected' and checked='checked' so you don't have to. * * @param $Name the name of the option in the select (or field in $Array) * @param $Value the value that the option must be for the option to be marked as selected or checked * @param $Attribute The value returned/echoed is $Attribute="$Attribute" * @param $Array The array the option is in, defaults to GET. * @return */ public static function selected($Name, $Value, $Attribute='selected', $Array = array()) { if (empty($Array)) { $Array = $_GET; } if (isset($Array[$Name]) && $Array[$Name]!=='') { if ($Array[$Name] == $Value) { echo ' '.$Attribute.'="'.$Attribute.'"'; } } } /** * Detect the encoding of a string and transform it to UTF-8. * * @param string $Str * @return UTF-8 encoded version of $Str */ public static function make_utf8($Str) { if ($Str!="") { if (self::is_utf8($Str)) { $Encoding="UTF-8"; } if (empty($Encoding)) { $Encoding=mb_detect_encoding($Str,'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1'); } if (empty($Encoding)) { $Encoding="ISO-8859-1"; } if ($Encoding=="UTF-8") { return $Str; } else { return @mb_convert_encoding($Str,"UTF-8",$Encoding); } } } /** * Magical function. * * @param string $Str function to detect encoding on. * @return true if the string is in UTF-8. */ public static function is_utf8($Str) { return preg_match('%^(?: [\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E] // ASCII | [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF] // non-overlong 2-byte | \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF] // excluding overlongs | [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} // straight 3-byte | \xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF] // excluding surrogates | \xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2} // planes 1-3 | [\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3} // planes 4-15 | \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2} // plane 16 )*$%xs', $Str ); } }