query(" DELETE FROM torrents_artists WHERE GroupID = '$GroupID' AND ArtistID = '$ArtistID' AND Importance = '$Importance'"); $DB->query(" SELECT Name FROM artists_group WHERE ArtistID = $ArtistID"); list($ArtistName) = $DB->next_record(MYSQLI_NUM, false); $DB->query(" SELECT Name FROM torrents_group WHERE ID = $GroupID"); list($GroupName) = $DB->next_record(MYSQLI_NUM, false); // Get a count of how many groups or requests use this artist ID $DB->query(" SELECT ag.ArtistID FROM artists_group as ag LEFT JOIN requests_artists AS ra ON ag.ArtistID = ra.ArtistID WHERE ra.ArtistID IS NOT NULL AND ag.ArtistID = $ArtistID"); $ReqCount = $DB->record_count(); $DB->query(" SELECT ag.ArtistID FROM artists_group as ag LEFT JOIN torrents_artists AS ta ON ag.ArtistID = ta.ArtistID WHERE ta.ArtistID IS NOT NULL AND ag.ArtistID = $ArtistID"); $GroupCount = $DB->record_count(); if (($ReqCount + $GroupCount) == 0) { // The only group to use this artist Artists::delete_artist($ArtistID); } $DB->query(" INSERT INTO torrents_group (ID, NumArtists) SELECT ta.GroupID, COUNT(ta.ArtistID) FROM torrents_artists AS ta WHERE ta.GroupID = '$GroupID' AND ta.Importance = '1' GROUP BY ta.GroupID ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE NumArtists = VALUES (NumArtists);"); $Cache->delete_value("torrents_details_$GroupID"); // Delete torrent group cache $Cache->delete_value("groups_artists_$GroupID"); // Delete group artist cache Misc::write_log('Artist ('.$ArtistTypes[$Importance].") $ArtistID ($ArtistName) was removed from the group $GroupID ($GroupName) by user ".$LoggedUser['ID'].' ('.$LoggedUser['Username'].')'); Torrents::write_group_log($GroupID, 0, $LoggedUser['ID'], "removed artist $ArtistName (".$ArtistTypes[$Importance].')', 0); Torrents::update_hash($GroupID); $Cache->delete_value("artist_groups_$ArtistID"); header('Location: '.$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); ?>